
Mob in a fantasy novel

Sorin, a seemingly ordinary teenager, finds himself thrust into a new world after an unexpected death. Given a second chance at life, he seizes the opportunity to break free from his mundane existence. Sorin, armed with his scheming and cunning mind, faces off against otherworldly monsters, beasts, and demons in the dark world of Arcanists. Sorin's unyielding determination knows no bounds, and he's willing to employ any ruthless tactic to shape his fate and seize his destiny! Follow his journey through a vast world of danger and mystery as Sorin pursues an unrestrained life, unmatched and with no equal! --------------- A/n A very big world where power is the law! If you like novels where ruthless MC gets stronger and schemes against his enemies, this novel is for you! MC is in a novel world and knows the future, however I will note that the plot won't revolve around my MC face-slapping the protagonist nor steal his women... Well, only if he benefits out of it. Please come into this novel expecting a vast and unique world!

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36 Chs


Emerging from the crevice, Sorin had gotten himself seven bottles of the rejuvenating water as well as an affinity towards the Cerulean Cube.

While he only needed five of those bottles for his immediate requirements, he retained an additional two as a precautionary measure. Who knows what troubles lay ahead of him.

Sorin was a cautious individual, he would envision the worst outcome before creating his plans. Sorin had even made a firm decision that he wouldn't sell even a single bottle of the rejuvenating water.

The allure of wealth, unimaginable though it may be, was overshadowed by the inherent dangers of possessing and selling a Tier 4 treasure. He knew all too well that once the Arcanists of Tier 3 or higher got wind of such an item, they would become relentless in their pursuit to unveil its origins.

Common sense, as Sorin understood it, didn't apply to individuals of their caliber. No matter how well he crafted a plan to conceal the water's origins, he was certain that someone among them possessed an ability or magic instrument capable of finding out the truth.

The risks far outweighed the potential rewards, leaving Sorin resolute in his decision to keep his newfound treasures closely guarded secrets.

Sorin had only touched the surface with the power system of this world. How else could a novel go on for more than a thousand chapters if it was so simple?

As he ventured back into the open, the brilliant sunlight bathed him in its warmth and radiance, momentarily causing him to squint and shield his eyes.

Temporal distortion had left him somewhat disoriented, rendering it difficult to ascertain how much time had passed during his trance-like state. The sun's zenith suggested it might have been as short as 30 minutes or perhaps an hour, or it could have extended into several days, though that was highly unlikely considering Sorin's body doesn't seem to be malnourished.

Sorin commenced his descent from the mountain, a journey that was much easier when compared to him climbing up.

As he reached a point where the height no longer posed a significant risk, he made a calculated leap, his impact with the ground producing a resonant thump that lightly echoed in the vicinity.

'Whew, I managed to get what I wanted in this field training with only a few obstacles. I should probably make my way back to the place the instructor had left us to go hunt the beasts. Two days had past, and the academy should be in chaos. They have probably now realised that they had been attacked and sent people to come and eliminate the Dark Arcanists whilst searching for survivng students.' Sorin thought.

Sorin had realised he was extremely deep inside the forest. He had already went quite far into it when hunting the Mana Beasts. In addition to this, Sorin had been chased even further into the forest by the Dark Arcanist, then he had to go look for the treasures.

It was a good thing he purchased a map or he might be completely loss. Even with the map, Sorin had a few difficulties navigating the forest.


As Sorin was slowly making his way out of the forest with the assistance of his map, Sorin heard the sounds of rustling leaves and light sounds of chatter. Sorin quickly deduced that they probably weren't Dark Arcanists, they would be highly unprofessional if they were.

Sorin thought a little before the group emerged, giving him a clear view on them. Sorin had quickly put on a fascade of vulnerability.

After the recent events and what had happend to him, people would find it strange how Sorin could keep so calm. As the group noticed Sorin's presence, all their chatter had immediately turned silent causing an air of tension to rise.

They had vigilant expressions, trying to discern if Sorin was an enemy. However, after briefly looking at his young appearance and casual clothes that he was wearing, all of them breathed an air of relief not having to engage in combat.

"Thank goodness. It's just another student." A woman with brown hair and green eyes spoke.

"The kid has some luck in him," remarked a man with a rugged appearance, short black hair, and a prominent scar crossing his eye. His voice resonated with a weighty tone as he contemplated Sorin's survival.

"It seems he's the only survivor, poor kid." Another man with green hair and glasses spoke.

The group was talking amongst themselves deciding what they would do with Sorin.

Among the group, a familiar face emerged, casting a hushed silence over everyone present. A formidable pressure seemed to bear down on Sorin, making him acutely aware of the tension in the air.

His gaze fell upon the person responsible for this imposing presence. The same silver hair that flowed elegantly like a river, and her sharp red eyes, which held a chilling apathy within their beautiful ruby depths. 

After a moment of mutual contemplation, their eyes locked in a silent exchange. The woman's sharp red eyes seemed to scrutinize Sorin as she spoke in a tone devoid of enthusiasm or emotion.

"What's your name?" The woman coldly asked.

Sorin's facade of vulnerability showed as he replied, "My name is Sorin, I'm a student of Millith."

"Why are you by yourself? Where is your group and upperclassmen?" The woman continued her inquiry.

Sorin feigned hesitation, his voice quivering subtly as he replied, "We were ambushed by mysterious people, and it was... it was terrible. Th- they killed most of our group. Vilas, our upperclassman, had sensed a Tier 2 Arcanist among them and... and he ordered us to run, as we'd only be a hindrance. We panicked and split up, going in different directions." Sorin carefully crafted his response, mixing truth and deceit to make his story more convincing.

Sorin had removed a few bits of information like how he had first tried escaping with Freya before initiating the split up plan. Sorin had quickly realised how any individual with a little bit of intelligence could figure out he had used Freya as bait. It was well known within the academy that Freya had a blessed affinity. 

"I see. Then what about the blood stains on your clothes? Who does it belong to?" The woman once again questioned the pitiful boy.

'Tch. This woman asks too many questions.' Sorin thought to himself, growing somewhat irritated by her relentless inquiries. Despite his annoyance, he maintained a composed exterior.

Dealing with someone who seemed almost emotionless made manipulating her with pity and human nature much more challenging.

Most people would have bought into his story, but she continued probing for any inconsistencies or weaknesses in his words.

Sorin hesitated for a moment, glancing at his slightly blood-stained clothes. He knew this was a crucial moment, and he had to make his story believable.

"Oh, these?" Sorin spoke softly, feigning distress. "I was... injured by one of the attackers when they chased me. I had to use one of my healing potions to treat my wounds." He hesitated, adding a somewhat shaky tone to his voice, "I managed to escape my pursuer when I found a narrow crevice in the mountain. I hid there until I was sure they were gone." he explained, trying to act like how the average victim of an attack would.

In his mind, Sorin knew he had to maintain this facade, he had lied as naturally as he breathed.

The blood stain on his clothes were definitely from the now dead Dark Arcanist. The only serious injury that resulted from the fight was a caved in stomach and him coughing blood.

Sorin had said the blood was his, however who could rebuke him? 'Dead men tell no tales.'

The less she knew about him, the better.

He also talked about the crevice, however he wasn't worried about the Tier 4 treasure being discovered. It took a Tier 5 Arcanist with a space affinity that enhanced his mana senses to barely find the location.

Furthermore, there were many such crevices all over the mountain. Even if it were to somehow be discovered, Sorin already took what he needed.

Sorin carried a pouch containing the seven bottles, along with various other items. He knew that if someone discovered the bottles, he could easily pass them off as an odorless poison used for dealing with Mana Beasts.

It had similar properties to poison, not something you'd want to consume. In fact, ingesting the rejuvenating water would likely lead to your body tearing itself apart, unable to handle the surging energy within.

Sorin intended to dilute it and use it as a bath to gradually absorb its benefits, avoiding any potential disastrous consequences.

The woman continued to scrutinize Sorin, her ruby eyes unwavering. After a tense moment, she finally nodded, seemingly convinced by his story.

Her voice, though still devoid of emotion, held a hint of acceptance. "I see. You've been through quite an ordeal. I apologize for the probing questions, however the methods these Dark Arcanists use are very strange. It's best to be cautious."

After saying that, the woman began moving through the forest once again, as the group seemed to follow her.

Sorin watched as the woman and the group moved away through the forest, her silver hair disappearing among the trees. The tension that had gripped him moments ago began to dissipate. 

"Don't mind her, kid," the man with the scar remarked casually. "She's not great at the whole social thing. Feel free to tag along with us for safety, alright?"

Sorin simply nodded at the man's words before following the group.