
Mob in a fantasy novel

Sorin, a seemingly ordinary teenager, finds himself thrust into a new world after an unexpected death. Given a second chance at life, he seizes the opportunity to break free from his mundane existence. Sorin, armed with his scheming and cunning mind, faces off against otherworldly monsters, beasts, and demons in the dark world of Arcanists. Sorin's unyielding determination knows no bounds, and he's willing to employ any ruthless tactic to shape his fate and seize his destiny! Follow his journey through a vast world of danger and mystery as Sorin pursues an unrestrained life, unmatched and with no equal! --------------- A/n A very big world where power is the law! If you like novels where ruthless MC gets stronger and schemes against his enemies, this novel is for you! MC is in a novel world and knows the future, however I will note that the plot won't revolve around my MC face-slapping the protagonist nor steal his women... Well, only if he benefits out of it. Please come into this novel expecting a vast and unique world!

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36 Chs

Core Library 2

"Senior?" Sorin's voice gently broke the stunned silence, and Vivian, still lost in thought, was flustered and surprised.

She struggled to break free from her stupor, her words stuttering as she attempted to respond. "Uh, hi, Sorin. I— I didn't expect to see you here," she replied, her voice trembling with a mix of nervousness and a hint of anticipation.

Sorin maintained his charismatic facade, offering a reassuring smile. "Sorry for startling you, Senior. You seemed to be in a bit of a daze, so I thought I'd tap your shoulder to get your attention."

Vivian felt her cheeks flush with embarrassment, and she was still slightly flustered. "Oh, no problem, I... I was just lost in thought."

Sorin engaged in some small talk with Vivian, making her feel more at ease with each passing moment. "I know what you mean. This library has that effect on people. Have you found any interesting books today?"

Vivian slowly relaxed, encouraged by Sorin's friendly and easygoing demeanor. "Well, I was reading about some Mana beasts," she admitted, her voice steadier now. "It's fascinating how there were so many powerful and mysterious Mana Beasts that once existed in the past."

Sorin's smile was warm and 'genuine'. "Ah, Mana beasts, you say? They're quite a captivating subject. I've read some fascinating stories about them in various books. Did you come across any interesting Mana Beasts?"

Vivian, feeling more at ease now, hesitated for a moment before responding, "Well, there was this one story about a Mana Beast that could create illusions. It was called the Somnium Butterfly... It was said to possess the power to create vivid illusions and memories in people's minds."

Sorin's eyes showed interest as he encouraged Vivian to share more. "The Somnium Butterfly, you say? That sounds interesting. Having the ability to change someone's perception of reality sounds very fascinating. Could you share more information about this butterfly? I'd like to know more about it." Sorin asked, adding a touch of enthusiasm.

Vivian's heart raced at the enthusiasm in Sorin's voice. It was the first time someone had shown such interest in her words.

Encouraged, she continued, "Certainly, the Somnium Butterfly was known to be a creature on par with Tier 5 Arcanists, an illusion butterfly of immense power. There's a famous story about how it once came to rest near a kingdom. Its presence was so overwhelming that the entire kingdom fell into a deep slumber. People started having vivid dreams that seemed to last for days."

Vivian paused, lost in the memory of the story before she continued, "It was a somewhat peaceful encounter, the only problem was that it wouldn't leave. The kingdom was paralysed by its dreams, and days turned into weeks. It wasn't until a powerful Arcanist came forward to negotiate with the butterfly that it left. He managed to communicate with it, and the Somnium Butterfly finally agreed to move on, ending the dream that had held the kingdom captive."

As she reached the end of her explanation, Vivian realised that Sorin had remained standing the entire time. Her cheeks flushed again with embarrassment, and she quickly offered him a seat, "Oh, I'm so sorry, Sorin. I didn't even realise you were standing. Would... would you like to take a seat?" She asked, nervousness evident in her voice.

Vivian's thoughts raced as she mentally reviewed their conversation. 'Am I talking too much? Did Sorin find my story boring?'

Sorin, with a warm smile, accepted her offer, "Thank you, Senior. Your story about the Somnium Butterfly was truly captivating. It's not often you hear such intriguing tales."

Vivian felt relieved that Sorin found her story interesting. She barely talked to anyone. This was her first time in the Academy that she actually spoke to someone so eagerly.

'What do I say next? I really don't want him to get the wrong idea that I'm not interested in talking to him. I've never been good at talking to others.' Vivian thought.

She didn't want to make things awkward, but she didn't know how to hold a conversation. Encountering someone who displayed genuine interest in her words was a new experience.

As she hesitated, Sorin guided the conversation by asking about more Mana Beasts.

"Is there any other Mana Beasts that you're interested in?" Sorin asked.

Vivian couldn't help but feel enthusiastic as she continued, "Oh, I have a few more examples! There's the Sylphid Butterfly that can control wind currents, the Jade Butterfly that can increase the vitality of its surrounding, and the Aquarid Butterfly, which can purify water. They're all fascinating creatures, each with unique abilities."

Vivian felt a sense of warmth in the way Sorin listened and encouraged her to share. For the first time, she felt like her passion was being appreciated, and her nervousness slowly started to fade away.

Sorin felt slightly curious about Vivian, intrigued by her connection to butterflies. "You seem to have a deep appreciation for butterflies. Is there something special that draws you to them?" He asked.

Vivian smiled, her eyes bright with an initial happiness as she began to speak. "I find them incredibly beautiful. The way they flutter around, their delicate patterns and colours... it's mesmerising. Butterflies are like nature's art, and I can't help but admire their grace." She spoke, enthusiasm etched into her voice.

However, as she continued, Sorin noticed that there was a subtle shift in her body language. Her shoulders slightly dropped, and her gaze turned thoughtful, almost melancholic as she shifted her eyes to her hand.

"But, you know... butterflies represent more than just their physical beauty. They also symbolise hope and rebirth... The idea of transformation and change. To come out of the cocoon and spread one's wings... Is the true reason why I like them..."

As she spoke, her voice held a hint of sadness, and Sorin could tell that this topic was more than just a casual interest for Vivian.

It had a deeper, more personal meaning in her life. He leaned back slightly, giving her space to share as much or as little as she wanted.

'Rebirth... Huh?' Sorin contemplated. 'Someone that yearns for change, but powerless against this cruel world.'

"Sorin..?" Vivian uttered.

"Hm, yes?"

"What drives you forward in life?" She asked, her eyes locking onto his.

Sorin placed his attention on Vivian, somewhat surprised by her question, thinking about how he should respond. Truth be told, he doesn't fully know that answer himself.

However, Sorin feels as if he shouldn't say that.

He was aware of Vivian's fragile emotional state and understood that any response he provided would leave a lasting impression on her.

After contemplating a little, Sorin replied.

"Well, life can be quite challenging... And there are moments when it feels like everything's engulfed in darkness," Sorin began.

He glanced up at the ceiling for a brief moment before returning his gaze to Vivian.

"But what keeps me moving forward is the belief that there's always a light, even in the darkest of times. It could be a goal, a dream, or even something as simple as the desire to explore the unknown. Finding that light, something to chase, is what gives life its purpose and keeps us moving, don't you think?"

Vivian listened intently, gently nodding her head. "A light..." she murmured, contemplating Sorin's words.

Vivian, feeling a bit guilty for the serious tone of their conversation, spoke, "I'm sorry if I brought the mood down. This must be very awkward for you..."

Sorin reassured her. "Not at all. In fact, I found our conversation so far to be very enjoyable, senior."

Vivian felt relieved, as a subtle smile formed.

As they continued to talk, Vivian couldn't help but feel that calling Sorin by his first name and him calling her senior felt a little uncomfortable.

She hadn't quite adjusted to her new status as an upperclassman, making her feel that it was somewhat unfair. She hesitated to continue addressing him casually without him responding in a similar casual way.

In a shy and timid manner, she made a small, hesitant gesture, her cheeks colouring slightly, as she spoke in a low voice, "If, um, you want to... you could maybe call me Vivian." It felt rather awkward, but she hoped to somehow bridge the gap between formality and familiarity, despite Sorin being a first-year while she was a second-year.

Sorin paused for a moment, as if considering the offer, a subtle and warm smile playing on his lips. "Well, if you're comfortable with it, Vivian, I'd be happy to call you by your first name," he said in a friendly tone. 

Vivian felt a sense of accomplishment and a tinge of happiness. She didn't think this small gesture would have such a big impact on her.

Sorin continued their conversation, discussing various academic interests and sharing their thoughts on the subjects they were passionate about. As they talked, he slowly leaned into the topic of the core library.

"You know, Vivian," Sorin began, "I've heard quite a bit about the core library lately. It seems like a treasure trove of knowledge. I've always been eager to delve into its depths and explore the vast information it holds. Do you think it's as fascinating as they say?"

Vivian considered his question, her curiosity piqued by his enthusiasm for knowledge. She leaned forward slightly, her expression thoughtful, and replied, "The core library is indeed remarkable. It's a place where you can lose yourself in the vast sea of wisdom. Some of the books there are extremely ancient being hundreds of years old. I've spent countless hours there, and it never ceases to amaze me. Why do you ask?"

Sorin smiled, appreciating the chance to engage in a friendly discussion. He slowly revealed his purpose, "I've always had a deep desire to attain more knowledge, and I'd love the opportunity to explore the core library. However, I simply don't have the funds for it. That's why I was wondering if it's possible for me to borrow your badge temporarily."

Vivian, though initially surprised by the request, felt comfortable enough to agree. She replied, "Sure, Sorin. If you need it for your studies, feel free to borrow my badge whenever you want." She smiled warmly, happy to assist Sorin with his academic needs.

Vivian retrieved her blue badge and handed it to Sorin, her fingers steady and filled with trust.

Sorin took the badge with gratitude and said, "Thank you, Vivian. I promise I'll take good care of it."

Their conversation continued for a while longer, and Vivian was filled with a sense of contentment she rarely experienced. Sorin was such an interesting person to talk to, and it was evident that he had a way of making those around him feel at ease.

However, Sorin eventually mentioned that he should be on his way.

Vivian's heart sank a little, but she couldn't help but smile as she replied, "It was really nice talking with you, Sorin. If you ever need anything or want to chat again, you can always find me. When I'm not busy, I'm mostly here in the lower library."

With those words, Sorin departed from the lower library, leaving Vivian with a warm sense of connection and the hope that they might cross paths again.

Sorin exited the library, stretching his arms as he let out a soft yawn. The conversation with Vivian had been interesting and he also obtained the badge, so he was in a good mood.

His steps were steady as he casually played with the badge, tossing it into the air and catching it with a nonchalant ease. The silver emblem glinted in the ambient light as he continued his journey, thoughts of the knowledge he would uncover in the core library filling his mind.