
Mob-Character Monogatari!

As a reincarnator, he got the system that many dreamed of. But there was a single limitation that was put up on him to continue to have the advantage of the system. Yes! One drawback was that, in a world full of main characters and gorgeous heroines, he had to settle for being a mob figure. And he will never show off his capability in front of the main character and other female leads around the globe as the only condition binding him in this world. [Quest: Don't help the female lead, since main character is on the way in 10 minutes!] [Reward: $50,000 + A new bank account and Credit Card issued with your name] [Failure: System will terminate + erectile dysfunction (permanent)!] Binded by the system, Brumen Kai felt a bittersweet feeling of happiness and bitterness.

Shubham_gosai · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
34 Chs

Rules and Regulation!

"You see, I don't have the habit of making it show—our private affair, that is." Kai's stern voice made his stand very clear to them.

Ella was also impressed by how Kai was being very straight to his point. His eyes looked rather straight as he looked at Ella with the clear determination of making sure that, after this, his affair would have its own privacy.

"Yeah right! I will make sure of it, plus I will apologize to Mai for today's case too." While saying that, Ella gave Mai a wink, leaving Kai no choice but to accept since it was Mai who was in a bad position in this.

"Well, then, is there something we have to know about this club?" Since both of them are now members of this club, Kai assumed Mai's silence was acceptable and asked Ella more questions about it.

Clearly, Mai was also interested in it. Her eyes shone as he gave Ella a look.