
Mob Boss Wife

Lilith_Barbora · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs

One night

It was 4 pm and the day that I had to get married to a man I didn't like and my mother looked like she was in love with him. Of course, my mom thought that she was responsible for my life untill I am 30 years old, but that's not how it works. I had a lover, a man who I loved and he loved me, my mom didn't know about him. So when I secretly heard my mom talking to my dad about the arranged marriage I made a plan with my boyfriend that on my wedding day, he would come in and break the marriage. He was a part of the mafia he was the mafia's boss and had a lot of other men there.

When the day came he knew what to do and I just needed to act dumb. The plan was, they come in, take me and start a "shooting" it will be like a band robbery but instead of robbing the bank for money, they will rob my parent of taking me and it was amazing to plan.

I got dressed in my wedding dress and got my makeup done, I played dumb like it will be fine, I will get married to a guy that she wants me to marry. My dad walked me to the altar and then they come in. The music stops, they are wearing black masks and you only could see their eyes, I was happy but I knew I had to make my facial expression like it was the worst day ever in my life. They start shooting at the windows and everybody gets on the ground and that time was the perfect time for me to run, but I had to wait until they grab me by my arms and act like I was against them for taking me. The plan worked and I was in my boyfriend's car. He started to drive and I asked :

"Hey, Rowan, where are we going now?"

"Now we are going to my house, I got ready for you some clothes for you to change into, after that, we are going to get married and we will fly to Italy,"

"Oh, okay,"

"Is everything okay?"


"Are you okay?"


"Did you eat today?"

"No, you know my mom didn't let me eat today because she said that " I was not going to fit into my wedding dress","

"Oh, okay, then our first stop is a restaurant to pick you up some food,"

"No, there is no need,"

"Yes and do not argue with me,"


"Okay, Elizabeth,"

He drove to the most expensive restaurant and one of his mens went inside, took the food and brought it to us. I opened the bad and he said:

"I didn't know what you wanted so I got you a caesar salad, sweet and spicy chicken and some spicy soup,"

"I was craving all of it,"

"When you better start eating,"

"I will, thank you, babe,"

"Your welcome,"

He smiled. He was driving and he was looking so hot that I could keep my eyes off him. I finished eating by the time we got to his house. I quickly went inside and got changed and asked:

"To which airport are we going?"

"Oh baby no, we are flying in my private jet,"

"Oh, I didn't know you had one,"

"Well, now you know,"

"Yes, I know,"

"By the way, I got you a bag full of stuff I think you will need. There is shampoo, conditioner, face wash, body wash, soap, the perfume that you like and all the other things that you might need,"

"Oh thank you,"

He smiled and we went to a different car and it was a black Lamborghini. We got in and his driver started to drive. I was wearing sweatpants and a hoodie, I got close to him and fell asleep. I woke up in his private jet and I felt really bad cramps. I quietly whispered to him:

"Hey, I think I just got my period,"

"Oh, there is pads, tampons and some medicine for the pain in the red backpack,"

"Oh, okay, thank you,"

I went to check the back and it was full of period stuff. I got into the bathroom and took what I need with me, after I came back I asked:

"Maybe you have a blanked?"

"Yes, here you go,"

"Thank you. When we will there?"

"In about 4 hours,"

"Could you wake me up before we land?"


The private jet he had was with the sofas and they turned into a spacious bed. I covered myself with a blanket and tried to fall asleep in the seat, but he woke me up and said:

"Sorry for waking you up but I have this sofa bed come and sleep here,"

"Okay. Can we cuddle?"


We laid on the bed and he was holding me tight, I didn't even felt when I fell asleep.