
The Art of Alchemy

"…Huh? Me?" Hearing the question that came out of Mystia's mouth, it took a while for Valyr to register the question in his mind, causing him to point at himself as he looked back at her in confusion. "Are you looking for a specific answer or something?"

"Not really," said Mystia in response to Valyr's words. "I just wanted to find out if you had any idea beforehand of what alchemy is."

"There is no right or wrong answer to the question," continued the woman, hoping to ease Valyr. "There is only your interpretation of the matter."

At those words, Valyr took in a few deep breaths to compose himself before nodding at her words.

Letting the gears in his mind turn freely as they wanted, he then began to rummage through his treasure trove of memories while keeping Mystia's question in mind.