
MMORPG: Isekai World Online

It was the year 2030, in the modern era of humanity. A virtual game was released to the mass public known as Isekai World Online, It blew up in sales and its marketing campaign was extremely successful. People went into the game and enjoyed its play style, even the graphics were realistic. People questioned who made the game, as the company that supposedly created it has never been heard of by anyone, and their location is anonymous, but despite that, people continued to play it. Millions across the world enjoyed it, and its fan base continued to grow. The main character, Haruto Akechi, was one of the first people to play in the game’s beta before it released. He and a handful of players would grind the game and level up the highest they could go. However, everything changed for everyone once they logged back into the game, to realize the true intentions behind this game. For so long, people questioned why it was called Isekai World Online, but now they were bestowed with the truth. Their souls were trapped in the game, abiding by the laws of this new world. ____________________________________ Warning: Novel has LGBT stuff inside of it, extremely dark scenes, NTR for side characters, and other horrible aspects. If you don’t want a dark story full of evil, crimes, and needs to survive, I wouldn’t recommend it. ____________________________________ Claimer: Novel cover is the official cover for MMORPG: Isekai World Online, no claiming as yours.

HouseOfLee · Fantasi
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74 Chs

Three Kings of Unity

There were millions in the sky, perhaps billions of them. They stretched as far as the eye could see, spreading themselves out across the Snowlands, laughing in unison. Their demonic laughter irked me to my core, making me frown.

"This doesn't look good…" Mumbled Angelica.

"There's too many to handle. One was bad enough, so how are we gonna deal with billions of them?!" Lucifer balled his fists, feeling despair for the first time in his life. Even Angelica couldn't make him feel so defeated, "Emperor, we have to escape this realm, now!"

"Then what? Have them chase after us?"

"Chase after us? They're bound to the festival, there's no way in hell they can travel across realms!"

I snickered, tilting my head down, "Kuhuhu… Lucifer, can't you see? She's already made up her mind. The Frost Queen is determined to kill us. Her decision is adamant, there's no turning back."

"If only… we had our King Grades…" Mumbled Lucifer under his breath.

"Yeah, if only." Said Angelica.

"Maverick." Emerald flew next to me, staring me dead in the eyes, "Have you accepted defeat already? Tell me, are you willing to give up so easily? That's not the man I know, it has to be a way to win, and you always find the source of victory."

"We won't lose, Emerald." I gazed at my sister, reassuring her with a pat on the shoulder, "I promise you."

"It's in your hands then, Maverick." Emerald smiled at me, holding out her hand towards the others, "Inflict Magic, Spatial Warp!" Everyone was teleported far away from the fight alongside Equinox. It only left me, Angelica, and Lucifer.

"Bwahahahaha!! Running away so early, Phantom Mutiny?!" They all laughed together, some loud, and some quiet.

"What's the plan, Emperor?" Lucifer asked before teleporting next to me with Angelica doing the same, "I have no plan."

"Yeah, I figured as much," said the blissful Angel, "But hey, if we die… then we die as a team, right?"

"Naturally," I replied.

"You damn fools… willing to risk your lives over some stupid Ego." Lucifer chuckled, "Well, I can't say I don't blame ya!" He punched his palm with his fists, grinning wide as ever, "I feel the same way! My pride has already been shattered by Angelica, but my ego remains infallible!"

"I'm not doing this cause of some ego, I just want to prevent more deaths in this festival!" Said Angelica as she readied herself.

"I merely want to teach this Primordial a lesson. I'm no one to take lightly." I grinned at the laughing figures in the sky, preparing for our possible annihilation.

If we die, then so be it.

"Let's do it again."

"Right behind you, Maverick."

"Heck yeah!"

We extended our palms to the sky, conjuring forth our Primeval Techniques.

"Primeval Red!

"Primeval Blue!

"Primeval Green!"

Merging them together, it formed a condensed sphere of whiteness, launching it towards the sky.

"Primeval Technique: Absolute Zero!" (All)

Every single Frost Queen above us used their Primeval Techniques, merging them together which sent all of us into its Aspiration Domain. It was colder here… and more dangerous than before.

Though, it didn't stop Primeval White from exploding!

"…It's not frozen?!" Muttered the Primordial.

That's right, Primeval White was frozen last time by the Frost Queen, but now it was immune to its Ice.


They all shouted in terror once Primeval White exploded in the sky, creating a countrywide detonation. The Aspiration Domain it trapped us in had been reduced to nothingness.

Millions of them were killed in the attack, but it didn't stop the others from performing an assault. Hundreds of ice spears rained from the sky, topped with waves of snow.

Angelica and Lucifer moved out of the way, but I merely stood there with my arms crossed.

"Expose Magic." I muttered under my breath, exposing ten rings on my fingers, "I'll take you seriously, Frost Queen." This whole time I wasn't fighting at my full power, I was hiding my level-infinity items to make this festival more fair, but now, I knew that playing fair would be the death of me.

My level-infinity items are Clotho, Lachesis, Atropos, Nyarlathotep, Gluttonous Beelzebub, Left Eye of Odin, Ring of Astraues, Ring of Karma, Dark King Satanel, and Abolisher God Shiva. Most of them had passive abilities to save me from complete destruction.

Their attacks collided with my body, creating a massive explosion that nearly caught Angelica and Lucifer, but I was merely laughing.

"Kuhahaha! Your attacks remain futile. Allow me to show you how to cause real damage, Primordial!"

"How is he unaffected?"

"It's like our attacks didn't hit him. That can't be right!"

I stretched my arm to the side, gathering immense mana into my palm, "Supreme Grade Weapon, Excalibur." Materializing the weapon inside my hand, the blade appeared black and white, representing good and evil.

"He had… Excalibur this whole time?!" Shouted Lucifer.

"I never knew…" Said Angelica, snickering at my secrets, "Emperor has been hiding his true power from the very start! I wouldn't be surprised if he has more tricks up his sleeves!"

I grasped the blade with both hands, lifting it above my head. A shimmering black and white mana swirled around its exterior as the sky split apart. Cracks ran through the very air, the ground crumbled, and a beacon of energy launched into the sky.

The Primordials attempted to freeze me again with their Ice, but it couldn't touch me. Everything they used was futile.

"!!!" The mana would expand from my blade as I swung it forward, releasing a wave of chaotic energy that engulfed a large portion of the sky. They all screamed in agony, having their bodies erased from the law of causality itself. The chaotic energy destroyed their origins, alongside their history. All were annihilated, leaving no traces of their existence.

The Primordials that were killed had been forgotten. Excalibur erased their origins from 4th-dimensional space, excluding them from the timeline.

Excalibur was the symbol of protection and a weapon for the fairies. It's the sword of leadership and courage, perfect for someone like me.

"Damnit!!" The original Frost Queen had lifted their hands above their head, bringing forth more of their Datasets to create a powerful sphere of ice above them, "I'll destroy you, Emperor!!"

"Divination Spear." Angelica summoned her Supreme Grade spear, chucking it through the sky. It pierced through multiple Frost Queens until it hit the original in the stomach.

"Ghhh!! Aaaghhhh!" She yelled in pain, but still held her attack above her head.

"Muramasa!" Lucifer teleported behind the Primordial, stabbing her through the back.

"Gaaaaah!" The Frost Queen was overwhelmed, but a hundred versions of herself attacked Lucifer with their spells, bombarding him with absolute zero temperatures.

Lucifer slashed away most of the attacks but was eventually flooded with their spells, feeling his body freeze into solid ice.

"Abolisher God Shiva." Using my level-infinity ring located on my left thumb, all attacks, passives, and spells that reach me will have their actions reverted, tampering with cause and effect.

I was completely invulnerable, using Omni Warp to teleport behind Lucifer, "Don't get ahead of yourself, Demon King." The ring also allowed me to erase all that it touches by summoning purplish flames around my body, or my weapon.

Excalibur emerged into these flames as I sliced apart the ice, freeing him from its confines.

"So you have Abolisher God Shiva as well," Lucifer smirked, turning around to kick the Primordial in her back, "You sneaky bastard, Maverick!"

"Taking out your jealousy on the Frost Queen, Lucifer?"

"Guaaa!" She stumbled forward, but turned around in haste to throw her massive sphere of ice our way, "Perish!!"

The attack she threw our way was powerful. I analyzed what it could do via Eyes of the Emperor. It functioned similarly to Primeval Red, annihilating all that it touches, and converting them into datasets. If we were hit by this attack, we wouldn't live to see another day.

"Reason of the Emperor!" I held my arms to the side, standing in front of the attack, Lucifer called me a maniac as I merely smirked, watching it speed towards my body.

"It's your funeral, Emperor!" The Frost Queen shouted in prevail once her attack collided with my figure.

"Maverick!" Lucifer shouted in dread, watching as I was converted into Datasets, and wiped away from existence.

My body was deconstructed, and absorbed into the Primordial.

"Bwahahahaah! Your ego got the best of you, Emperor! It caused your downfall!! Returning is impossible!"

"Is that so?" They blinked once, and my body reappeared in the same spot as if it had never been hit to begin with.

"…But… I just absorbed you… you were… killed."

"Reasons before me will be justified, explained, and caused by me, even if such things weren't true. That is the Reason of the Emperor."

A logical contradiction was created.

The Frost Queen attacked me with her own technique to annihilate me, but I changed its reason.

"You attacked me to kill me, but I changed your reason, and you decided to only attack me to injure me. You showed no malice from the start."

"…How is something like that possible? I aimed to destroy you! I wanted you dead!! You were supposed to die!!"

She conjured a sword made of ice, swinging at me, however it broke apart, unable to connect, "How?! How is this happening?"

The reason they couldn't injure me was caused by the Ring of Astraeus. A level-infinity item on the left side of my middle finger.

Space passively separates to benefit me. If an enemy attacks me, space will separate me and my enemy, preventing them from ever reaching my body.

The separation occurs from cardinal numbers overlapping each other, constantly expanding to prevent anyone from ever touching me.

It was impossible to break through, unless I allowed it.

"These other variants of you won't be enough to save you, Frost Queen." I stabbed my sword deep into her chest, emerging Icy blood from her body, she groaned in pain, saying, "I won't let you… destroy me… Maverick Lionheart!"

Despite me stabbing her Data Core to eradicate her, the other variants of herself started merging into her body, pushing me back.

A large gathering of mana and datasets were being accumulated.

She surpassed her limits, growing in size.

She was tall enough to eclipse the mountains, and heavy enough to cause global earthquakes from her footsteps alone.

She was a true monster.

"Fuhaaaahaaahaa! The variants you saw before you were versions of myself from other universes! They all came to help me defeat you! We are all one, and together we share the same goal, and that is to defeat the Phantom Mutiny."

"You were desperate enough to even summon other versions of yourself? You really are some coward." Angelica flew into the sky, holding her spear inside her hand.

"We'll finish you off, Primordial." I conjured Excalibur back into my hand.

This was the final battle, eliminating the Frost Queen.