
MMORPG: Crowd Control

Do check out my WSA novel, Reboot: Mechanic =============== I only need one hand to render you useless. The year is 2089. The World's first 100% immersive VRMMORPG, Magnolia, went live. Everyone and their moms were hype for the review, except the genius Lei Zhen. Years after the release, when everyone was hundreds of levels above him, Lei Zhen stepped into the ring. And it took this newbie only one spell to render everyone useless--Crowd Control. =========== Warning: Not a fast paced novel! Read at your own discretion.

Idczhen · Game
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299 Chs


Lei Zhen felt as if multiple knives had appeared out of nowhere and stabbed his heart numerous times.

How was it possible that all of them would throw him under the bus without hesitation?

And even Candice- someone that referred to him as Master had thrown him under the bus as well.

"What is this blasphemy?" Lei Zhen exclaimed in shock.

However, while he was in a daze, all of the women were already near the exit door as they waved goodbye to him.

"Good luck, Lei Zhen. Make sure to assist Smither Gary in every way. Otherwise, you're going to be responsible if there are any mishaps." The women collectively said and seemingly threatened Lei Zhen of what would happen if he failed to please Smither Gary.

As all the women left, Lei Zhen was in complete disbelief that he was straight-up abandoned in such a manner.

Though he barely had the time to wonder why he was abandoned when he felt a cold chill emitting from behind.