
MMORPG: An Overpowered Party

Moneki Lawrence was just your above average boy, he would get Higher salary than average people, a little more fit than average people and he loved playing games at home. Luckily for him, there was a groundbreaking VR game called Gaia's Fighters that came with a VR capsule from a company called V.O.E.(Virtual Outer Experience) He Really wanted to play it, so he saved up enough money to buy one of the capsules

Ants_n_MMORPGs · Game
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3 Chs

2. 100 of What?!

"Finally I got the Vr capsule."

Moneki was now calmed down and a little tired from his jumps of excitement

"Alright, so uh... how does this work again?"

Moneki looked for the manual to read the instructions.

"Where is it..."

He looked in the box and found it.

"Found it, aha!"

He found the manual and began to read it. It said you need to plug the machine into a wall.

"Of course."

Then go inside the capsule and put the headset on, close the capsule, and press the power button inside the capsule. Once pressed, you wait for around 5 seconds and it should bring your mind to what seems like a medieval village, or it should say "Welcome to Gaia's Fighters."and that's it.

Moneki did what the manual said, he got inside, headset on, capsule closed, and pressed the power button.

"Alright, I'm so ready."

After about 5 seconds passed his vision went black, then a screen showed up and it said

[Welcome, to Gaia's Fighters.]

He was above the town, flying above it, as if he was the camera.

"W-Whoa, I'm a little scared of heights, I should have at least got a warning. However, everything looks real."

Moneki was a little shocked and surprised, but he got used to it after a little while. Then a voice of a woman, and text, showed up Infront of him.

[You can be anything you want here in Gaia's Fighters. A hero who can stop criminals and protect the world, a civilian who can be nice or mean but live a kind life, or a villain that kills heroes and civilians alike. Be anything you want to be, here in Gaia's Fighters.]

"Wow... cool... that last part took a 180 though."

After he said that, the text faded away and another window faded in.

[Create character?]

"Oh, yes please."


So everything faded into black, then a blue shine reflected off the ground, he looked up but didn't find the source of light.

"Huh, casual complimentary night vision."

Then a person started appear in the distance and there was a bluish window beside him with text above the bluish window.

[Customize your character]

"Oh, alright then."

So Moneki started working on this character and made him slightly wide, slightly tall but fit, and made his skin color be brown. He made his hair red and spiky, and he also put a trimmed beard on him. He also put a scar on his eye and face so he looked cool.

"Hmm, this looks good enough."

There was another window that appeared under the bluish window that had a square button that said,

[Finish Character?]

He pressed the button and his vision faded to black once again.

"Can't see nothing again."

His vision faded in after a few seconds

"There we ar-, woah..."

He was in a town, full with players.

Every player looked different in some way, some were a few inches taller than other people, some made themselves very short, some were wide, some were skinny. Some had armor and some just had fancy clothing's.

"So many different people to team up with. And the town..."

There were alot of buildings and some shops and some inns. Moneki looked at himself and saw he was wearing basic, peasant clothes.

"Not fancy or shiny, but at least it looks real."

But Moneki didn't have time to admire graphics and shops and inn's because he got interrupted by a blue window.

[Tutorial Quest]

[Go to the training grounds to talk with Sir Agamin to choose multiple different weapons to train with]

Moneki Got shocked for a second because of the window suddenly appearing in front of him, but he read after.

"Oh, well atleast give me some time to admire the graphics and everything first, come on."

Still, Moneki was still amazed by it's graphics and the feel. He started walking, it felt like he was actually walking. He started running, he felt like he was running. He jumped, and once again, he felt like he was jumping.

"It all feels so real...maybe I should find a party. get it together, Moneki. I'll get my weapon first then find a party." Said Moneki

So Moneki went to... wait which direction does he go to? Moneki looked for some signs or something. After a while, he found a sign pointing two ways.

"Training Grounds" Pointing to his right.

"Gate entrance/exit" Pointing to the left.

He was running and jumping the opposite way so he had to go that way instead, but now Moneki knows where the training grounds are.

"Ok, it's time to do this, let's complete this quest now."

Moneki wanted to quickly finish this quest of his and find a party to play with. Once he found a party, he wants the party to stay a party forever. He wants them to stay and battle boss monsters, or world bosses as a party, a close party.

Moneki started running to the training grounds with excitement. So much excitement he started getting tired, and a blue window appeared

+1 AGI

"Ah! What the hell... oh."

Moneki got scared for a second but realized it was just a stat. So he kept on walking to the training grounds.

"Scared me, but it was just the game. Oh, I haven't checked my stats have I?"

Moneki would check his stats, but how?

"Uh... status."

Nothing would pop up.

"Hmm, stats!"

Still nothing. Instead he asked the nearest person that was passing by. it was a girl, she was walking the same way Moneki was going. She had long hair, hazel color, she seemed Asian, also had peasant clothes just like Moneki, and she was just a little short compared to Moneki.

"Excuse me, do you know how to check your own status?" Said Moneki

The girl turned to him and said

"Huh, O-Oh, um... Yeah."

She seemed shocked and caught off guard, it was difficult to recognize but Moneki realized. English isn't her first language.

"Nice! Can you tell me how to do it please?" Moneki Asked.

"Sure, just say menu and a few options should appear." Said the girl.

Moneki then said menu.


Once he said that, 6 options appeared. From top to bottom it was,

[Status], [Skills], [Quests], [Map], [Settings], and [Log out].

Since it worked, Moneki wanted to say thank you.

"It worked. Thank you uh... what's your name?"

The girl responded and said


Moneki now knowing her name, said thank you once again.

"Thank you Miosha."

Miosha responded and said

"Your welcome"

Then Moneki went and left to go to the training grounds.

After a minute or so, Moneki reached the training grounds and it looked like a castle itself but smaller, with sand, training dummies, and some targets for archers. There were also not a lot of people there.

"Hey, you there." A mysterious voice said.

Moneki looked over to his left and saw a man with grayish hair, tied up. However, he looked strong and had muscles, he also had armor. He had text above him too.

[Sir Agamin (Lvl 30) Friendly]

Seems like he won't die easy.

"Uh, yes Sir Agamin?" Moneki responded

Sir Agamin scoffed.

"Atleast you know your manners unlike the other fools that came across, had to teach them a quick lesson. Anyways, I don't know how you know my name, but..."

Sir Agamin got up and went to Moneki. Compared to Moneki, he was tall. The steps sounded heavy, but it looked like he wasn't forcing them to sound heavy. It felt so realistic, his fight or flight response was activating.

"I'll have you know that training grounds are for training, not for talking. So are you here to train or not?"

Moneki was kinda frozen, he felt like if he said "no" he'd be knocked out.

"U-Uh, yes Sir." Said Moneki.

"SIR WHO YOU BASTARD?!" Yelled Sir Agamin.

"Y-YES SIR AGAMIN!" Yelled Moneki.

Sir Agamin smirked, as if he knew he had power and was scaring Moneki, but that smirk disappeared soon after.

"Hmph, if you are here to train, then are you thinking of wielding a sword?"

Moneki, while pressured by Sir Agamin, was thinking of what weapon he wanted.

"Y-Yes Sir Agamin."

Sir Agamin then looked angry and looked like he pitied him a bit.

"You want to wield a sword?"

Sir Agamin scoffed once again.

"You look like you won't even last that long out there in war. If you really want to wield a sword, then give me 100 pushups."

Moneki was shocked by this amount he asked for.

"100 PU-"

Before he could even finish his sentence, he got slapped. He didn't even know he got slapped until he saw Agamin's hand, it looked like he slapped someone, and that someone was him.

"You heard me you bastard..." Sir Agamin said.

Moneki was shocked once again, this pain he felt, it felt real but to a reduced amount. Nevertheless, it hurt.

"S-Sorry Sir Agamin."

Then Moneki started doing his pushups.