

What will you do if a new door just open up for you, a door that only open for few people in this world and only be open by those who are chosen. Have you ever wonder that there is a world out there, another world that full of things that you can only imagine, a place where time works differently compare to our world. Margarette Lewis, a girl from Kendallville Indiana living with her fathe turns eighteen on the 30th day of july, she lost her mom on the day she was born, unexpected things happen on the day of her birthday, aside from the guy who appears on her dream whenever her birthday comes the tribunal from another realm is on the move to take her back to the realm she trully belong.

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5 Chs


Two days had passed, Margarette who lock herself in her room to avoid her father is still processing what happened recently. Isaac on the other hand understand the silent treatment he's receiving from his daughter. The Lewis house was never been that quiet.

Mr. Lewis decided to talk to Margarette, it's eight in the evening when he knocked on his daughter room.

"Honey..open the door i know you're there..please let's settle this for once." he begge. He knock again, still no response.

"I know, you're hurt and I'm here to clarify things. All i want is to give me a chance.." the door open up slightly..

He saw his daugther face once again, her swollen eyes and red nose confirms him that she's been crying all day.

"Hey.." he sadly greeted

"what now"

"let's talk" her father said

"alright, come in." she widely open her door.

Her dad, sat on the chair beside her bed. Margarette lean her back on the wall while sitting on her bed..

"So?" rolling her eyes

"I'm sorry. Your mom, she don't want you to get involve in her world,all she want is for you to live where i live, to have a beautiful and peaceful life. And i want you to have that too. We're your parent, all we want is to make sure you're safe. I don't meant to conceal the truth from you." he explained carefully

"I don't know what's happening anymore.." she look at her dad's eyes . "What i'm gonna do now?" her tears flow again

"I decided to send you off to Agatha, you're safe as long as you show yourself to the tribunal. It's the best option." he took her hands

"I don't want you to go honey, but i don't want to risk your life, you're too important to me.

"I dont want to leave you dad,you have no one else.." she begged

"I need you to be strong Margarette, for your mother, for us.I have you, don't say that i have no one else.."

She hugged him, they're both downhearted at the time , he knows she forgive him at last and that's enough for Isaac.

Margarette join her dad at dinner where they recall the happy memories they have shared together as father and daughter. They cherish every moment they can have before the tribunal took Margarette.


It was a fine afternoon the next day when Agatha resort to Lewis house,the time has come for her to get Isaac daughter. She knows that it was not easy for them to separate ways so all she can do is to give them more time to said goodbyes.

The Lewis get the chance to prepare dinner together, they're laughing and chuckling around. Agatha saw the hapiness in Margarette's face that made her to feel bad about bringing her back to Altiodinem. But at that time there's nothing else she can do but to deliver her back to her rightful place.

The table was filled with delicious food that the Lewis prepare, it's like a farewell party for Margarette. There's a moment of silence that made everybody to feel the akwardness between each other. Margarette, who don't enjoy the seriousness in everybody's faces speak fearless.

"I'm sorry for the misunderstanding last time i saw you maam.."

"Agatha, just call me Agatha"

"Oh, alright, i'm angry that time..i hope you understand..So..I'm sorry.." she added

"That's okay darling, it is what it is, and i do understand, it's not simple for you.." Agatha softly replied

"My dad said that I'm attending school staff there?Is that right..I'm wondering how much it will cost my dad?" she asked

"Oh yes! I never had the chance to tell you both last time, But I did mention the train ground..The Sage Castle..and your training will start 3days from now that's why i'm getting you today..I suggest you pack lightly..And don't worry it's not necessary for you to pay.Absolutely No. As the matter of fact, all you need to do is to be there..and that's it..they'll provide everything for you." she exclaimed

"Oh..I packed my whole wardrobe.." Margarette simply replied

"Agatha, please take good care of her, and Margarette i'm strictly prohibiting you to interact with boys out there. You hear me? NO BOYS ALLOWED!" he seriously ordered

"Ha Ha No Magus for you dear.." Agatha joked

"Ma what?" Margarette replied

"Magus, male caster and we're called Maga the female one. And Isaac, don't you worry, My eyes are looking at Margarette.." she said furiously while looking at Isaac daughter..When their eyes interlock suddenly Agatha winked at her.

"What that wink supposed to mean Agatha?" Isaac uproar..

"What this?" she winked multiple times again but this time she's now facing Isaac.

They're laughing so much and once again the whole house was filled with glee..


Saying goodbye from someone you love so much is hard. Margarette took her things and headed downstair, she saw her dad is waiting for her.

"Hey dad.." she spoke

"You're ready?" her father asked

"Yeah dad, i think i'm sll set" she lift her baggage showing she's ready yo go..

"Before you go, I have something for you honey." her father took something in the couch beside him.

"This one is for you..Your mother and I, well your mother do most of the job, but we made this, this blanket ,see this symbols of states and cities here? We've been there, her idea was to give this to our first bort and it's you..But i hid it in case your mother comes back, she wanted to gave this to you personally..But i know she wanted me to give this to you Margarette" he handed the blanket to his daughter. She hugged him tight and thank him..

"I love you so much Margarette..Keep safe in your journey,I'm going to miss you little donkey" he kissed her forehead as a sign of love

"I love you too daddy, I'll be fine. Pleade take care of yourself.." she replied.

"It's time Isaac" Agatha reminded them

Isaac nod and for the last time he hugged her daughter. Tears flows down on his daughter, but it's time for them to go. Agatha ordered Margarette to wait outside because of the important thing she'll going to discuss to her father..

Minute later Agatha come out from the Lewis house and closed the main door. They walk towars the street and Margarette send her final glance on their beloved home.

It's eight thirty in the evening, it's cold and silent. She's following Agatha'd steps,where it's leading to Kendallville nearest forest, a hundred meter away from the park. It's dark in the forest, Margarette's thinking where she's going to take her.

"Why are we in the forest Agatha" she stopped from walking.

"Darling, it's the safest place we can transport from this dimension back to Altiodinem. Please trust me" Agatha explained

Margarette nod and start to walk again, minutes had passed they're now in the middle of the forest where they can only hear the cricket sings. The moonlight guide their way towards the destination.

"We're here" Agatha smiled

"What do you mean by here?"she asked

Agatha start to speak using different language, Margarette was astonish on the ways she speak, she notice Agatha's eyes turn into a bluish color. She steps away from her.

"What's happening, why your eyes are blue?" she's afraid

Agatha dosen't hear a thing she continue to whisper, Margarette suddenly realized that she's reciting something, like an enchantment, perhaps a spell.. She notice a wave of light comes from Agatha is now circling them, it's forming an orb made of blue light. The vibration coming from the light made her to fall down, she starts covering her ears. She saw that the orb is getting closer to her body, it's shrinking. It's moving towards them..

"Margarette hold on to me.." Agatha ordered while as she offer his hand

Margarette took Agatha's hand, she's frightened and anxious, having the thought it might be her last day. She closed her eyes and wait until it's over..

"We're here darling, open your eyes now" Agatha warmly said

Margarette open her eyes, she still feels the vibration on her bodies, the unclearness of her sight slowly disappear. Her eyes grows with fascination which made her to blinked twice thinking she might be dreaming.

"Welcome to Altiodinem Margarette"