
Chapter 1479 to Chapter 1486

Chapter 1479: Protector King Scourcloud's Identity

Scourcloud was uninterested in Devourcloud's attempts to coax information out of him. This depressed the latter a little.

In fact, the entire Order was sensitive about the protector king's former identity. There were some internal rumors about it, but nobody could say anything for sure. The only prevailing sentiment was that this protector king was very mysterious indeed.

Devourcloud was mildly upset. His colleague wasn't giving him a lot of respect. They were both protector kings, weren't they? They were equal in status and position. Scourcloud should have been much more polite rather than distant.

"Daoist Scourcloud, you have a lot on your mind. Where do you think the supreme lord is taking us?" Not entirely satisfied, Devourcloud tried once more.

"The supreme lord's thoughts are beyond our knowledge. I'm not sure either. Listening to his orders is good enough." Scourcloud finally replied with a longish sentence.

Devourcloud sighed softly. "The supreme lord is unreadable indeed. I'm curious… I wonder if the supreme lord spoke true in his promise about empyrean opportunities?"

Scourcloud smiled, but didn't pick up the conversation.

Another order came from the back as they walked onwards. "Protector Kings, the Supreme Lord commands you to take to the southeast."

Devourcloud blinked. "Southeast again? This… we're heading toward…"

His tone and expression both froze. The objective was almost immediately obvious once he thought about it! "Daoist Scourcloud, we… we're going to Veluriyam Capital, huh?"

Veluriyam Capital was the only major city to the southeast.

"Whatever the supreme lord says," Scourcloud retorted coolly.

Devourcloud took a deep breath, a glimmer of keenness appearing in his eyes. Finally, he nodded. "Yes, as the supreme lord commands."

He'd actually been observing Scourcloud all this time. The latter had maintained undisturbed calmness throughout. Though Devourcloud was a bit angry, he also found reason enough to respect the man. The other protector king's composure was first-rate. Every protector king had his own personality, but most were impulsive and tooted their own horn far more than Protector King Scourcloud.

There was mutual competition between the eight protector kings for the sake of gaining the supreme lord's favor. More favor meant more of a chance at the empyrean opportunity promised.

This rivalry for approval meant that there was plenty of unseen strife between the protector kings. This was the main reason for Devourcloud's endless questioning along the way.

Scourcloud's composure was unrivaled, however. Was he really this calm or was he pretending? Devourcloud found the other man's indifference to power and glory incredible.

"Daoist Scourcloud…" he made to speak once more.

"Daoist Devourcloud, we are leading the vanguard. We have a lot of responsibility to prepare the way for the supreme lord. It would be very bad if we miss any scouting details due to idle conversation." Scourcloud evidently had no interest in chit chat.

Devourcloud laughed dryly despite the curt response he received. "Yes, yes, fellow daoist. You're absolutely right."

Scourcloud actually wanted to propose that they split up, but he was concerned about the possibility of suspicion from his colleague. The supreme lord was far more paranoid about such things as well. He could only restrain himself and slowly press on.

What a pity that the two brothers aren't in the vanguard. Otherwise, I could have sent them to scout ahead and deliver a message. Protector King Scourcloud was bothered and irritated.

He was none other than Emperor Peerless who'd been waiting for Jiang Chen at Agarwood Valley's entrance.

The young man's trip had involved the emperor and the Jiao brothers waiting outside, disguised as wandering cultivators. Alas, Jiang Chen and company had lingered inside for a long time. Emperor Peerless and the Jiao brothers couldn't follow despite their worries.

While they tensely awaited his return, there had been a strange smell near Agarwood's entrance that'd put everyone waiting there to sleep. The supreme lord of the Order had brought a group of diehard loyalists from Myriad Abyss Island, capturing all of them in one fell swoop.

Because Emperor Peerless had once fallen victim to the Moon God Sect's Seven Emotions Poison, Jiang Chen had given the great emperor a little bit of his own blood essence way back when as part of the antidote.

The young man's blood had an antitoxin attribute from his golden cicada bloodline, allowing Emperor Peerless to stay conscious despite the poison. Initially, there had been a chance for the great emperor to flee. However, before he did so, he'd noticed the absurd strength of their captors.

Even if he had taken that chance, he would've had twenty percent success at most. Moreover, since the Jiao brothers had already been taken, he found it more prudent to pretend to be poisoned instead.

Thankfully, there had been no immediate probe into their identities before and during their trip back to the Order of the Wind and Cloud's headquarters.

While everyone was still unconscious, Emperor Peerless had been decisive enough to destroy his facial appearance utterly, disintegrating his former identity. Because he had refined the kunpeng blood Jiang Chen had given him, his abilities concerning that bloodline had been gradually strengthening all the while.

This gave him the necessary preconditions to hide his former martial style and make his identity undetectable.

When the Order began to investigate their identities in more detail, he styled himself as the Wandering Kunpeng Master. No one in the wandering cultivator world had heard of that name.

Emperor Everviolet hadn't managed to provide much of a clue either. Because of Emperor Peerless's unrecognizable face and strange aura provided by his kunpeng blood, the other great emperor wasn't able to figure anything out. Though the two emperors had fought many times in the past, Everviolet had experienced only the original Peerless, rather than the one enhanced by kunpeng blood.

Because of the lack of flaws in Peerless' disguise, Everviolet had never even considered his real identity as the remotest of possibilities. Using his new identity as the Wandering Kunpeng Master, Peerless had leveraged his bloodline and martial strength to become one of the eight protector kings.

As for the Jiao brothers, they'd received hints from Emperor Peerless after awakening to hide their strengths. As a result, the Order only knew them as emperor realm experts.

Because of the number of prisoners they had taken and the relative normality of the brothers, they had only been able to become Earthly Fiends – three levels below the supreme lord. Not many people paid attention to individuals at that rank.

All three were able to survive uneventfully, with no one the wiser about the true relationship between the three. Nevertheless, Emperor Peerless and the Jiao brothers had taken the Exultation Pill as well. Because of this layer of insurance, the supreme lord was unafraid of trickery or betrayal from anyone.

At the bottom of his heart, the seventh master treated the human domain with derision. He felt that everyone who lived here was disgraceful and cowardly. There was the stick of the Exultation Pill and the carrot of the empyrean opportunity, wasn't there? There was no way anyone could possibly be disloyal given these two incentives. Therefore, he'd never seriously considered the likelihood of anyone betraying him.

The only reason he was exercising caution this time was because of how important the offensive on Veluriyam was.

After realizing the supreme lord's conspiracy, Peerless was very anxious. Though they were very distant from Veluriyam Capital presently, Jiang Chen wouldn't make it back to the city in time after being pulled to Ninesuns territory.

Moreover, doing so carried the possibility of being ambushed in itself.

No, I must think of a way to deliver a message to the city. They need time to prepare! Since first meeting Jiang Chen, Emperor Peerless had formed a deep friendship with the youth. Veluriyam Capital was where he felt he belonged. Plus, his dao partner Madame Yun was still in the city.

He had more than enough reason to protect it with his life, both professional and personal.

Emperor Peerless was someone who cared a lot about relationships. Though he hadn't known the Jiao brothers as a wandering cultivator, they were colleagues and peers under the same Sacred Peafowl Mountain banner. Emperor Peerless couldn't just leave them to rot.

This desire to take care of his peers and investigate the mysterious individuals had kept him from leaving when he could. Still, his attention to detail hadn't helped him find out the supreme lord's identity and origins yet.

The lack of a way to send a message to Veluriyam made him suspect that Devourcloud's incessant questions had been for the sake of watching his behavior. He could very well be planted by the supreme lord.

Peerless had no intention of revealing any flaws in his disguise right now.

The army neared Veluriyam Capital with the passage of time. It finally arrived within the city's demesne one day, which meant that the walls were within another day's travel. Thankfully, the supreme lord ordered a rest and break.

"Seventh Master, why not press the attack? We're already very close, aren't we?" Elder Peng asked.

"We're not in a hurry. I'm waiting for news from the Ninesuns Sky Sect. When it is verified that Jiang Chen is indeed over there, I will give the order to besiege the city!" The supreme lord had a specific plan in mind.

He knew well that Jiang Chen's presence gave Veluriyam Capital a spine. It would be much more difficult to take the city then. Without its young lord, a leaderless city was liable to fall into chaos. There was no way it would stand against his attacks.

Elder Peng nodded. "Very wise, Seventh Master. That kid is a pillar of the city; Veluriyam Capital is nothing without him."

They weren't wary of Jiang Chen's cultivation level, but of his effect on Veluriyam Capital as a whole. Furthermore, the eight stone golem brothers and the Vermilion Bird were very dangerous as well. Though they weren't scared, the eight stone golem brothers were clearly tough opponents. It was better to avoid them if possible!

Chapter 1480: Utmost Urgency

Currently, Jiang Chen was indeed on his way to the Ninesuns Sky Sect. The information he'd been given was nebulous as to the Order of Wind and Cloud's intentions, but he still had to try to counteract them as best he could.

According to his analysis, there was clearly a bigger force over at Ninesuns. It seemed reasonable enough to assume that there was a full-out offensive planned there. As for the Celestial Cicada Court, Jiang Chen had sent Emperor Wellspring, the Skysword Sect's Han Qianzhan, and company there to defend it.

Aside from that, he had left half of his troops as well as the Vermilion Bird back at Veluriyam Capital. Four of the eight stone golem brothers were stationed there as well to assist the bird in defense.

Jiang Chen himself led the alliance's forces upon the path to the Ninesuns Sky Sect. He was ready for a decisive battle in their territory.


As part of the vanguard, Devourcloud was a bit anxious. "What is the supreme lord waiting for? If we're going to attack Veluriyam Capital, we should just go for it. Hanging around aimlessly is burning a hole in my chest."

Though he couldn't show it on his face, Emperor Peerless was even more anxious than he. Suddenly, the emperor's ears moved. His consciousness detected something familiar. Judging by his reaction, Devourcloud had picked up something as well.

With a flash of movement, Peerless shot outward, grabbing towards the earth. A single motion was enough to retrieve what he was looking for.

It was a golden rat.

A Goldbiter Rat, to be precise!

The emperor was no stranger to these rats in particular. He was quite happy to see one around here as expected. Devourcloud strode over as well, curious at the commotion.

Truthfully, Emperor Peerless had had an idea when he sensed the rat's aura at the outset. He took the initiative after perceiving that Devourcloud had also noticed the beast. If the other man were to have captured the rat, it would be dead by now.

"Haha, my luck's not bad today. I caught a spirit creature." Emperor Peerless waved the rat about nonchalantly before putting it in his sleeves.

Devourcloud laughed. "What a dumb beast, running into our sights like that. What do you plan on doing with it?"

"Doing with it?" Emperor Peerless played dumb. "What do you mean? I've been a bit bored in the Unbounded Mid Region. A spirit creature should spice up my life a little. Daoist Devourcloud, you're not planning on fighting over it with me, are you?" The emperor's tone was half-joking.

Devourcloud was verbally backed into a corner. "Ah, no, you got it first," he smiled embarrassedly. "How could I take your prize from you? Still, we're in Veluriyam territory now. We must be wary about whether they were sent by Veluriyam Capital."

"Haha, it doesn't matter even if they are. Now that I have it, it only has one choice: become my contracted beast, or else!" Emperor Peerless said forcefully.

Devourcloud had nothing else to say. His investigations yielded no further movements from the surroundings.

Both men went back to their camps. Sitting down cross-legged, Emperor Peerless took out the rat and proceeded to play with it.

Devourcloud shook his head to himself. Emperor Peerless looked like he was actually making the spirit beast as his own. "Daoist Scourcloud sure has a lot of free time on his hands. That's a pretty average spirit beast on all counts. What's the point of taking it as a contracted beast?" Clearly, Devourcloud didn't hold the emperor's actions in high regard.

Emperor Peerless, on the other hand, had just begun communication with his consciousness. "Little rat, I know you're a Goldbiter Rat. Your leader is Old Gold. Remember carefully that I'm Mo Wushuang, young lord Jiang Chen's sworn brother. Right now, the supreme lord of the Order of Wind and Cloud is preparing to attack Veluriyam Capital. You have to get the news back to the city and the young lord. Otherwise, the city will be in grave danger!

"Don't fret, I'll pretend to take you as my contracted beast. If you have friends nearby, tell them immediately and then come back to me. They will suspect something is afoot if you just leave outright."

Emperor Peerless was very attentive to detail. He knew that if he let the rat go now, Devourcloud would assuredly inform others of his irregular behavior. There would then be unnecessary attention and suspicion on him.

As one of the rats designated for scouting duty, this rat in particular was quite clever and keen. It immediately expressed that it did in fact have companions nearby.

Emperor Peerless remained impassive. He secretly let the rat go when Devourcloud wasn't paying attention. Every second was precious right now. A small differential in time potentially meant the difference between life and death.

The rat was very smart. It knew to be even more cautious in the face of danger. In no time at all, it had informed its nearby peers of the looming danger. The other rats passed the message onto their king.

The rat king panicked when it heard what was currently transpiring. The Goldbiter Rats had remained in Veluriyam Capital to safeguard it. It immediately contacted the Vermilion Bird.

As they were both members of ancient bloodlines in a sense, this made communication easier. After getting wind of this, the bird's first idea was to contact Jiang Chen.

Because Veluriyam Capital was very far away from the Ninesuns Sky Sect, a remote messaging ability was required to send the message as quickly as possible.

This kind of ability was very difficult to use and control. The Vermilion Bird knew about it and was capable of using abilities of that kind, but it had insufficient vitality to do so. Instead, one of the stone golem brothers was delegated the execution.


Faraway at the Ninesuns Sky Sect, Jiang Chen was still painstakingly poring over the battle plans with the Order of Wind and Cloud. Near him, Big Stone's consciousness twitched. His expression moved with the thoughts in his mind.

"Savior, things aren't good!"

"What isn't?" Jiang Chen raised an eyebrow.

"I just got Third Stone's message. He says the Goldbiter Rats have found Emperor Peerless. The emperor told them the Order's main force is already at Veluriyam. They can attack any time! Ninesuns and Cicada Court are both tricks. The Order wants Veluriyam Capital for real!"

Big Stone's words sounded in Jiang Chen's ears like a thunderclap. He was stunned and stupefied. It took a few moments for him to recover himself. "Anything else?" the young man asked.

"No, that's it." Big Stone was quite honest.

"Emperor Peerless?" Jiang Chen muttered to himself. "Old Brother Mo's disappeared for four years… so he was at the Order of Wind and Cloud during this time?"

He'd implicitly trusted that both Emperors Peerless and Peafowl were too fortunate to have died so casually. He was overjoyed to hear news of the former, though that was swiftly accompanied by doubt. Why had Emperor Peerless made contact right now, of all the possible timing?

However, he quickly pushed that out of mind. The news was unlikely to be false. The Goldbiter Rats were no stranger to the emperor. There was no way a fake's aura would fool them.

Given that the rats found the man trustworthy, Emperor Peerless was probably the real deal.

The message was most likely out of extended inconvenience. It was the soonest Emperor Peerless was able to get the message out.

Jiang Chen stood up suddenly at this conclusion, his eyes filled with determination.

"Old Brother Mo, it doesn't matter why you're sending me the message right now. You wouldn't lie to me. It seems that I've underestimated the Order. I thought it was a simple kind of misdirection, but the deception is double-layered. The real goal is my Veluriyam Capital, huh?" Jiang Chen drew a sharp breath when he came to this point. He had to admit that the supreme lord was especially wily. The stratagem was more complicated than one might have expected, which meant it was difficult to defend against. Who would've thought that Veluriyam was his real goal?

Jiang Chen certainly hadn't expected such a ravenous appetite.

"The Order's army is at our borders, ready to attack at any time. If I go back the way we came at the fastest speed possible, the trip would still take one or two days. More concerningly, I'd probably be walking straight into an ambush. If the Order is smart enough, they'll set up an expert-fueled ambush on my return route. To return like this would only leave me unprepared!"

Now that Jiang Chen knew of the Order's conspiracy, he had to peruse what the enemy's future plans were as well. He himself was scared by the possibilities.

If things proceeded as they currently were, wouldn't going back be falling right into his opponent's trap?

"No, I can't lead the army back without alerting the Order's spies. It would be trivial for them to lay an ambush then."

Jiang Chen knew that speed and time were both a problem if he were to lead the alliance's army back. The biggest problem of all was the potential ambushes lying in wait for them.

After plenty of consideration, he settled on sending the army onward to the Ninesuns Sky Sect. There was no reason for them to delay.

He would split off from the group with the four stone golem brothers, his spacetime seal allowing him to instantly return. Only the spacetime seal could send him back to the city in a flash!

Because the stone golem brothers were inhuman, they could separate their bodies and consciousnesses with a secret method and thereby be brought along.

The Veluriyam Pagoda didn't allow illegal entry, but inanimate stone golems weren't banned.

Back in Agarwood Valley, Jiang Chen had studied the necessary secret method in the Primosanct Sect's sacred place. It was quite viable for him to make use of it now! There was minimal effect if the duration of separation was short.

Chapter 1481: Borrowing the Third Palace of Heritage

The golems had served Jiang Chen with unswerving loyalty since their reawakening. They never complained, no matter his plans. But this time, the prospect of separating soul from body again worried Big Stone.

"Savior, is it gonna be dangerous? This time, we don't want to…"

"Don't worry, it'll be for less than a day at most. We simply need to get back to Veluriyam in a flash. We'd need a couple days at least otherwise and we don't have such luxury."

Convinced by the young lord's sincerity, Big Stone glanced at his brothers, then tightened his jaw. "Alright, let's do this, Savior. You know best!"

The golems were as simple and straightforward as they came. Jiang Chen naturally wouldn't deceive them. Without further ado, he took the four brothers' souls from their bodies and sealed them inside the four stone carvings while their bodies turned back into giant statues.

Putting away the carvings, he silently vowed, "Big Stone, don't worry. I'll repay you tenfold for today's debt. If I can, I'll help you restore your tribe to its past glory. Even if I can't, I'll reunite you with your kin in the heavenly planes!"

Stone Golems were rare existences, but despite that, the Divine Abyss Continent wasn't their only home. More of them existed on various planes.

Jiang Chen then summoned the allied leaders and told them he had to return immediately to handle trouble arising in Veluriyam. He exhorted them to continue forward as if nothing had changed.

The news gladdened the men. It was surprising the Ninesuns Sect wasn't the enemy's true target, but at least they no longer had to risk their lives. Only, they couldn't make their relief too obvious.

"Young lord, wouldn't it be too arduous to withstand the order all by yourself? Why don't we go back as well and lend you a hand?"

"No need. They might have an ambush prepared just in case. Just charge towards the Ninesuns Sky Sect and make them believe I'm still with you. Let's see who'll have the last laugh!"

The young lord wasn't looking down on them. It would simply be impossible for them to return in time, even without an ambush on the way. So they might as well play along and lull the enemy into a false sense of security while he returned in secret.

In a battle of this scale, numbers weren't all that mattered. Strategy was also vital. Jiang Chen firmly believed there was a chance if he played his cards right!

Woosh! The spacetime seal vanished in the air, melting into nothingness. In the next moment, his figure reappeared inside Veluriyam's Third Palace of Heritage.

"Hm? You came to challenge my palace sooner than expected." A lazy voice rose languidly from the depths of the palace.

Pressed for time as he was, Jiang Chen went straight to the point. "Senior, I'm allowed two chances, correct? I'm merely borrowing the palace for quick transit this time. Please show me the exit, for I must return to Veluriyam posthaste. Otherwise, the city's very foundations will be in peril!"

After a long, stupefied silence, the voice finally responded, a little sullen, "Kid, are you joking?"

"Senior, please be lenient. I wouldn't be so impetuous if I had any other choice." He was indeed in no mood to challenge the third palace at such a time.

And also, back in the second palace, the Crimson Heaven Palace, Venerated Skysoarer had told him it would be best to wait until advanced emperor realm before attempting the third. Otherwise, his odds of success would be almost nil.

Each palace only allowed for two attempts and here he was, recklessly squandering one of them. Naturally, he wouldn't waste such a precious opportunity if not forced to.

"Hmph, peril? What peril could there be? Are the demons back to haunt us?" Indignation still colored the indolent voice.

"I'm not certain either. The enemy is extraordinary, but I don't know if he's a demon. What I do know is that he's no less of a threat." He could only confess the truth. Despite his sense of urgency, there was no exit to be found without guidance.

The voice humphed. "It doesn't matter. Kid, remember this. Whatever the reason, you're committing a grave offense against the third palace! I'll think hard on whether I need to increase the difficulty for you next time!"

Jiang Chen complained silently, but he could only offer a cupped fist salute. "Senior, please punish me as you fit. You won't hear a complaint from me. But right now, I would be grateful if you could show me the way."

Even if still angry, the palace guardian didn't continue making things difficult for him in the face of his earnestness. "Get lost then!"

As if by magic, a beam of light drew an exit in front of Jiang Chen.

"Many thanks for your help, senior!" Delighted, Jiang Chen immediately threw himself inside the gate. The exterior of the pagoda immediately appeared in his sight.

He took in a deep breath. There was a heavy weight on his chest, as if he'd lived through ten years in a flash, yet he was strangely exhilarated.

I'm back. He'd returned in less than an hour!

Even the Vermillion Bird stared in stupefaction when he reappeared inside the young lord residence.

"Kid, did you learn the art of travelling through spacetime?" That would be a shocking feat, out of reach even for all of the ancient powerhouses.

Many of them had a rudimentary understanding of such arts, but to directly cross space and time was beyond an empyrean powerhouse's ability. Even higher existences would find it beyond difficult.

Jiang Chen smiled. "Of course not. It's just some ancient art. Do you think I'm an existence above empyrean masters? Why would I worry about a trivial Order of Wind and Cloud if so? Senior, what is the enemy up to now?" he asked, changing the subject.

"Nothing for now. Perhaps they're waiting to hear about your arrival in the Ninesuns Sky Sect before launching a full-on assault. They're very slippery. You must be very careful this time."

Jiang Chen nodded gravely. The divine creature wasn't being overly cautious. The Order must have made ample preparations to dare attack Veluriyam, while he had little time to plan. This was a thorny problem indeed.

It was fortunate the Order hadn't attacked yet. There was time yet for everything.

"I'll get ready first." He immediately secluded himself.

The first order of business was to reawaken Big Stone and his brothers. It hadn't been long since he'd used the secret art on them. They weren't entirely asleep yet, making his task much easier.

The four stone golems quickly revived safe and sound. Inspecting himself from head to toe, Big Stone was relieved to see he hadn't lost what little strength he'd previously recovered.

"Savior, we back in Veluriyam yet?"

"We are. Big Stone, I had no choice but to use the secret art. I need you the four of you against the Order's overwhelming strength."

Big Stone thumped his chest in excitement. "Don't worry, what's a small Windy Order? Brave warriors of the Stone Golems fear no one!"

"Right, don't worry. We'll charge at the front and flatten everyone in our path!"

Jiang Chen didn't doubt their fighting spirit. They were born for war.

"Great, this young lord likes to see your enthusiasm. Don't worry, ample opportunities await you in the coming fight!"

There would be no steamrolling his enemy like he'd done against Pillzenith. A fierce, bitter battle would take place this time. His current opponent far exceeded the former Pillfire in strength and cunning, while he had fewer men than against the northern alliance.

In Bluesky, at least the Skysword Sect and the Celestial Cicada Court had been at his side. They hadn't fought, but their mere presence had been intimidating enough.

But he felt no fear. The worst would be for the Order to shy away from confrontation. On the contrary, he would welcome a head-on clash with open arms. He could understand his enemy's hidden aces then. To know thyself and know thine enemy, and thou shall win a hundred battles without a loss.

In Veluriyam, Jiang Chen wasn't without his own cards.

First, the advantage of terrain. This was his homeground.

Second, he was aware of the enemy's plans, but they were still in the dark about his. They were in for a rude awakening.

Third, with the golems and the Goldbiter Rats at his side, he wouldn't be hurting for manpower!

Even if he couldn't eradicate his enemies outright, he was confident he could teach them a profound lesson.

Of course, he had on clear goal above all else: to get rid of the so-called supreme lord. This man was the core reason why the Order had risen so high so fast.

To think he'd brainwashed so many human cultivators to his side in a mere few years, even titans like Sabledeep and Everviolet! The young lord couldn't but admire the man's skills. The supreme lord was a formidable adversary!

Chapter 1482: Encirclement to Attack Reinforcements

Protector King Devourcloud was quite the snitch. He quickly reported that Scourcloud had obtained a spirit beast, despite how trivial it was.

Unhappiness clouded the supreme lord's paranoid mind at the news. He soon visited their area and found Peerless.

"Lord Scourcloud, I hear you've obtained a spirit creature?" Despite his calm tone, his manners radiated superiority.

Peerless had anticipated everything and instantly feigned astonishment.

"That's true, my lord. It's merely an impudent, common beast. I've already fused it with my consciousness and made it my contracted beast." He brought forth the Goldbiter Rat.

The supreme lord took a glance. "You shouldn't fool around with a creature of unknown origin. Be more careful next time."

"I will," Peerless replied with a bow.

"Then we're done here. Since you've already tamed it, keep a close eye on it. Don't let it run around and expose our whereabouts." There was little else the supreme lord could say, since nothing seemed untoward.

"Understood," Peerless agreed respectfully. A vulgar rat wasn't enough to raise the supreme lord's suspicions, no matter how distrustful he was.


"Jiang Chen should have arrived in the Ninesuns Sky Sect by now. Ready yourselves, we'll attack in a day or two!"

"We hear and obey," the crowd replied deferentially, Devourcloud included.

Back in the camp, Elder Peng asked, "Seventh Master, what happened?"

"A spirit creature, nothing important. Devourcloud is too eager for petty achievement." The supreme lord had his own opinion about the protector king's enthusiasm. Among the eight lords, the man was prone to making a fuss out of nothing. He was also quick to flatter and take credit for himself.

Elder Peng smiled. "That's precisely the type of men we can use. At least, he isn't likely to stab us in the back."

That was quite true. The supreme lord agreed with a sigh. "Sadly, what I need is genuine skill, not flattery. Devourcloud is too crafty for his own good. If only he had the strength to match!"

Elder Peng nodded. "Seventh Master, we should beware of Veluriyam's defenses. I've learned of a Vermilion Bird defending the place."

The supreme lord turned grave. "It was torpid and about to die the last time I saw it. Why is it still alive?"

"Ancient divine beasts have tenacious vitality. I'm afraid we won't be rid of it so easily." Elder Peng exclaimed.

"Elder Peng, what should we do? That's not an easy foe to handle." The supreme lord seemed to fear nothing in the world, yet he tensed at the mention of the ancient creature. Thankfully, it was already at death's doorstep. Otherwise, what he knew of the divine bird was enough to make him turn tail and leave without a second thought.

Even with the two elders' assistance, an ancient, divine beast was too difficult an adversary. They didn't lack for strength, but ancient creatures were simply on an entirely other level. Even among them, Vermillion Birds, as one of the four divine beasts, were peerless existences. His forebearers would have had no choice but to retreat against a Vermillion Bird at full strength.

"In its condition, the bird's fighting potential must be at less than ten percent. It failed to kill a mere human in Agarwood Valley, although it was one who'd borrowed the celestial demon lord's arts and treasures," Elder Peng advised.

Elder Mo nodded. "There's nothing to fear. It's a spent arrow at the end of its flight."

"As to the golem warriors, they're simple minded. They're no threat to us without Jiang Chen by their side," Elder Peng added with a smile. "Ultimately, everything depends on Jiang Chen. Seventh Master, I have an idea. Once he learns Veluriyam's under attack, he'll rush back no matter the cost. If we set up an ambush…"

A delighted grin appeared on the supreme lord's face. "You must have read my mind. I was considering this very idea. Elders, do you think it's feasible?"

"It should be, as long as we're prepared." As ever, Elder Mo stayed curt and concise.

Elder Peng stayed silent for a moment. "It won't be so easy. Jiang Chen will definitely take the golems with him. Then again, what's our House Xiahou good at, if not surprise attacks? Do you remember how we caught those men at Agarwood Valley with the Soulless Powder of Wind and Cloud?"

The Exultation Pill was a specialty of their house, used to control other cultivators, while the Soulless Powder was a medicine specifically in mental attacks. It was invisible once scattered in the air, tasteless and formless, but as soon as someone breathed it in, his consciousness would sink into a coma and be captive to its poison.

"Elder Peng, do you perhaps mean...?" The supreme lord's eyes shone bright.

"In war, one ought to pit one's strength against the enemy's weakness. If Jiang Chen is willing to risk his golems' lives and orders them to charge straight at us, we'll be the ones to suffer!" Elder Peng's opinioned.

They couldn't afford casualties, while golems didn't fear harm or injury.

The elders and protector kings were disposable. They were more than enough to cope with human sects and cultivators, but even if they were to swarm the golems, they'd stand little chance against the empyrean warriors.

The golems hadn't recovered fully, but no matter how weakened, they would prove too tall an order. Only the supreme lord and his two retainers, Elder Mo and Elder Peng, could withstand them.

It seemed that the three descendants of Myriad Abyss Island would need personally go into action against the exotic creatures.

However, a dangerous frontal clash against the rugged stone warriors was definitely not in their best interest. Their strategy had always first and foremost to play dirty.

The supreme lord mumbled to himself for a long while, then cackled eerily. "Alright, let's do so then. We'll surround Veluriyam and bait out our real prey. What do you think?"

What did he mean by that?

Simply encircle Veluriyam, but rather than a no holds barred offensive, they would lie in ambush for their genuine prey: Jiang Chen.

"The seventh master is wise. All the other dominos will fall by themselves once we capture him!" Elder Peng snickered.

"Elder Mo, what do you think?" The supreme lord turned to the other elder.

The later stayed silent for a long moment. "It can work, but we need to arrange for everything properly. We can't let word leak out."

"Of course. Secrecy is key. Our plan would be for naught if exposed. Alright, it's so decided. Tomorrow morning, I'll order an assault on Veluriyam and have them surrounded!"


Early the next morning, he summoned all of the elders and protector kings. "Gentlemen, our time has come. The army is to set off and besiege Veluriyam."

"Simply besiege?" Someone immediately reacted.

"Encircle first, fight later! I have my own plans. Don't be too anxious, just comply with my commands." The supreme lord naturally wouldn't expose his intentions at this stage, or it would be the death of his plan.

Be good tools and surround the city. You're of no use against Jiang Chen himself in any case.

In fact, his distrustful nature wouldn't let him use them either. A Jiang Chen admirer might be mixed in the crowd and disrupt the plan at a crucial time, thereby alerting the enemy.

"I trust I don't need to state Veluriyam's importance? With the city in our hands, we'd be in control of the entire human domain. Our Order will become the one true ruler of mankind!

"Before joining me, have any of you stood at such a height and looked down on the mass of all the heroes in the world? What authority did you have among your kind?

"None! Because Veluriyam and Pillfire have always been the ones to dictate everything. If not them, then the eight first rank sects! You are mere wandering cultivators, pawns, and second-rate characters in their eyes! But are they truly stronger than you? What right do they have to occupy such a lofty position and treat you with disdain? Don't you want to stand above them? Don't you want to look down at them and repay them in kind for all the humiliation you've suffered under their yoke?"

One had to say, the supreme lord was truly gifted when it came to riling up a crowd. Each of his men felt their blood boil. Whether a protector king or an elder, no one had ever attained the status of humanity's top figures.

They had been either wandering cultivators or led mediocre lives in their sects. In brief, none of them had ever wielded absolute authority. No matter how high their cultivation, they had to defer to their superiors. But today would be the prelude to a new dawn. How could they not rejoice?

Even Peerless couldn't but secretly praise the supreme lord's eloquence. The man was indeed extraordinary to inflame the crowd in so few words.

"Jiang Chen, I hope you can come back in time. The supreme lord is much more fearsome an opponent than Pillzenith ever was." He could only endure in silence for now. Before a critical opportunity presented itself, he couldn't discard his current identity!

Chapter 1483: Swaggering And Bravado

The Order's army finally tore away the clothes they'd hiding in, baring their fangs and unleashing their lofty aura. The frightening momentum dimmed the celestial bodies and eclipsed the land, aweing Veluriyam into shock and trepidation.

The Order had launched its attack!

The dreadful news spread like wildfire throughout the city.

Perhaps this force's numbers didn't rival the former northern alliance, but the quality was far and beyond. Each soldier was an elite with absolute strength. Peak great emperors like Pillzenith had been the highest level in the northern alliance, but the empyrean rank supreme lord was personally leading the charge this time!

A genuine empyrean master had finally arrived. The dawn of a new era had arrived! After ten thousand years, great emperors no longer reigned supreme in the human domain!

With his cultivation, the supreme lord rivaled the entire northern alliance all by himself. Moreover, he'd brought along a pack of tigers and wolves. More importantly, Veluriyam was weaker than during the previous war, because events were all too sudden!

As everyone knew, the young lord was currently traveling to the distant Ninesuns Sky Sect. The city was currently without clear leadership. Jiang Chen was the city's backbone. Without him, who was to lead the resistance? Who could contend with the matchless supreme lord? Shock spread throughout Veluriyam.

In the young lord residence on Sacred Peafowl Mountain, many had yet to learn of Jiang Chen's return. He'd ordered a lockdown on the news to avoid letting the enemy get wind of his presence. The element of surprise was the key to victory in this war.

"Ole Gold, I haven't forgotten your clan's contribution in the previous battles. You'll be my surprise force this time. When all's said and done, I'll give you your just reward." Jiang Chen took care to summon the rat king and warn him ahead of time.

After so many years at the human's side, the rat king was keenly aware following the young lord had been the smartest choice of his life.

He'd enhanced the rat tribe's bloodline through various methods, increasing their strength at least tenfold. Thanks to resources provided by the young lord, the rat king's own power had soared to the point it could now easily match an advanced emperor cultivator.

But of course, personal strength had never been the tribe's forte. Rather, they relied on their fertility and numbers. This was a peerless asset in large-scale battles, whether offensive or defensive, and also the greatest reason why the young lord so valued the tribe.

Ole Gold was confident its tribe was even more useful in war than the true dragon clan or the white tiger clan, at least for now.

After all, Long Xiaoxuan and Little White were alone, while the Goldbiter Rats were legion. Before the two matured, they couldn't display their innate superiority in battle.

Now is the most crucial time for establishing our importance in the young lord's mind. When Long Xiaoxuan and Whitey mature, our tribe might have fewer opportunities to contribute.

Indeed, this was the best time window for his kin.

"Young master, don't worry. Just like with the northern alliance, our hard teeth will make quick work of the Order! It'll be a sumptuous meal!" The rat king made a bloodthirsty gesture, its face set in a fierce scowl.

Jiang Chen laughed in spite of himself. The rat tribe usually cowered inside its nest. It was rare to see Ole Gold strike such a ferocious pose. The string of victories and the tribe's continued growth must have increased the rat king's confidence.

But he still warned, "Ole Gold, don't take our enemies too lightly. They're nothing like the northern alliance, so stay sharp."

"Don't worry, young lord. They must be arrogant because they're backed by empyrean cultivators, but it means nothing to our numbers. We'll teach them the meaning of a rat tide!"

The formerly timid rat king had become surprisingly bold of late.

Jiang Chen smiled appreciatively at the change. "Ole Gold, have your descendants keep their eyes open and report anything suspicious!"


As the tribe matured, it had also become increasingly flexible. Many outstanding geniuses had emerged, growing into strong and skilled rat captains. They couldn't match Ole Gold yet in strength or seniority, but the speed and momentum of their growth was a delightful trend.

"Order our allies to take their men and retreat to the core area. There's no need for them to stick to an impossible defense." His command reached all the other factions.

Everyone believed him absent, but an order from Sacred Peafowl Mountain still represented his will. Many allies had been ready for a fight to the death, but immediately sounded the retreat once they received the word.

They were too weak to contend with the enemy. Any resistance, no matter how brave or unyielding, would be hurling an egg against a rock. So no matter how fiercely resolute they were, they naturally wouldn't choose suicide given the choice.

"Defend the inner city, protect the pagodas!"

The army quickly understood the intention behind the command. They were to gather and safeguard the city's most crucial assets. The pagodas, in particular, were Veluriyam's sacred totems. As long as they stood tall, Veluriyam's legacy forever survived!

The Order of Wind and Cloud pressed on, showing little interest for the factions they met on the way. It had its eyes set on the heart of the city. With inexorable impetus, they laid siege to the city's core less than half a day later.

"Supreme Lord, do you see these buildings so tall they pierce the clouds? These are the three Veluriyam Pagodas. The main pagoda is the tallest one, while the other two are the auxiliary martial and pill pagodas. Together, they are Veluriyam's sacred totems."

Many people scrambled to inform the supreme lord, eager to fawn upon him.

The supreme lord's serene gaze landed on the buildings. In truth, he was deeply stirred by their densely ancient atmosphere.

"Such an aura! Worthy of ancient constructions indeed. What an eyesore it is for lowly humans to occupy such a holy land!" His tone brimmed with an overweening sense of superiority.

The Pagodas constituted the ancient Veluriyam Sect's sacred land. He couldn't repress his greed when he thought of the ancient inheritances undoubtedly stored within.

"Supreme Lord, should we attack right now, or…" Devourcloud asked for instructions.

He and Scourcloud had spearheaded this war. Bluntly put, they were to open a bloody path for the rest of the army.

"We're in no hurry. Let's wait first." The supreme lord smiled leisurely. All of a sudden, his figure blurred as he shot in the sky. Standing on a ball of divine light, a mysterious cloak fluttered about him, making him seem even more mysterious and impenetrable.

"Listen to me, you of Veluriyam." His faint voice spread from the sky. "By the will of the heavens, this supreme lord shall take control of the human domain. Henceforth, your city is ours. Submit and prosper, or resist and die!"


His indifferent voice had been far from a shout, yet it rumbled like thunder, reaching the ears of every cultivator in every corner of the city.

Devourcloud didn't miss the opportunity to flatter his liege. "Our supreme lord is an empyrean master! His advent is foreordained by the heavens. Why aren't you submitting yet?"

Veluriyam's great emperors hadn't evacuated yet with the rest of the men. They'd stayed on Sacred Peafowl Mountain instead. At this moment, all of them were gathered together.

The young lord's presence was still a secret. Even they weren't in the know, so as the city's young madam, Dan Fei, had become the de facto temporary leader.

"Young madam, with the enemy at our doorstep and the young lord still far away in the Ninesuns Sky Sect, we are in dire peril." Petalpluck sighed. "Did the young lord leave a master plan with you before leaving?"

Dan Fei calmly said, "Have the skies collapsed? Why are you so anxious?"

Her sharp eyes fell on the supreme lord standing high in the clouds outside the mountain. Surrounded by a crowd of strong sycophants, his majestic aura seemed unparalleled.

"Is that the Order's supreme lord?"

Coiling Dragon nodded. "No one's seen him before. But with his prestige, I assume no one would dare impersonate him."

Dan Fei narrowed her almond-shaped eyes, her voice clear as crystal, "If he's so secure in his victory, why is he parading about for us to see? Why hasn't he attacked yet? Can any of you tell me this?"

The great emperors looked at each other. The young madam's composure surprised many of them. They'd seen Huang'er before and had very much admired her self-possession and the broadness of her vision.

Emperor Peafowl's adopted daughter also seemed outstanding in that regard. At the very least, she was far steadier than the great emperors.

Chapter 1484: Sudden Betrayals On The Brink Of Battle

Coiling Dragon ranked last among Veluriyam's great emperors, but on Sacred Peafowl Mountain, he was the most well-regarded one. "Young madam, could he have some hidden agenda?"

"If this supreme lord is as strong as he pretends to be, he should be more than willing to duke it out in the open. Why use small tricks to lure Jiang Chen away, then come here and strut around? That's the mindset of the weak. Allow me to be blunt. He's simply scared of the young lord!"

The great emperors nodded after some reflection. Would this supreme lord fear taking the young lord head-on if he possessed overwhelming strength?

Before Coiling Dragon could reply, Ji San had already charged outside the mountain's gates. There, he sneered. "Supreme Lord of the Order, why are you acting like a thief and hiding from our young lord? The entire world knows you're afraid of him. Who are you trying to impress here?

"Why do you hide in a cloak and conceal your face if not for a guilty conscience? Are you ashamed of yourself?"

His taunts and barely repressed snickers triggered a sea of jeers from Veluriyam's cultivators. Collective boos and hisses halted the supreme lord's momentum.

The supreme lord clenched his teeth in anger. "Who's willing to lead the charge and capture this mealy-mouthed kid in my stead?"

"Your subordinate will!" For Devourcloud, the brat was an easy prey. His talent wasn't bad, but his cultivation was still lacking due to his young age.

"Very well. Devourcould, you go," the supreme lord responded quietly. "Scourcloud, back him up."

"At your orders."

Devourcloud snickered as both of them set off. "Daoist Scourcloud, please bring up the rear and be mindful of ambushes."

"Don't worry, you're safe with me around," Peerless replied calmly.

With a cackle, Devourcloud turned into a blue blur and shot at Ji San like a bolt of lightning.

Laughing mischievously, Ji San took a few steps back, returning to the protective formation covering the young lord residence, fearless in the face of Devourcloud's fearsome rush.

"Kid, resign yourself to death!" Devourcloud had never failed when it came to crushing the weak. He was an absolute expert in that regard. With the gap in strength, the kid couldn't escape his clutches.

However, the Nine Sparks Petalstorm formation suddenly came alive when he approached its boundaries. An invisible ball of air, a blinding, rainbow light crashed into the great emperor and hammered him back!

His speed was too great to stop in time and the formation's power too stunning. Caught off-guard, he lost balance and suffered the full brunt of the backlash. He could only groan helplessly as he bounced backwards.

The supreme lord's face darkened at the scene. He swore quietly, "Trash!"

How could a protector king be so easily thwarted? The man was far too lacking in battle awareness. Even a child could have spotted such an obvious barrier. But fine, even if he'd missed it, how could he have been so defenseless?

Such a level of fighting prowess was sorely disappointing.

At that moment, Peerless' figure blurred and shot towards Devourcloud, presumably to rescue his companion.

The supreme lord thought little of it. Even Devourcloud himself believed Scourcloud was trying to slow him down and lessen the impact. But when the man reached him, a cold light swept across his neck before he could react, accompanied by an explosion of murderous intent.

Everything happened in the blink of an eye. Apart from the supreme lord, no one else could see clearly what had transpired.

In the next moment, Devourcloud's massive head flew in the air, separated from the rest of his body. His eyes remained open in death, full of shock and grievance.

His killer was naturally Emperor Peerless.

After dispatching the protector king in one blow, Peerless' figure fell towards Sacred Peafowl Mountain.

The scene struck everyone speechless. Even the supreme lord was stupefied. He fixed Peerless with a glare, murderous rage overflowing from his eyes.

"Scourcloud, you! How dare you betray me?!" To think such a scene would occur right before the start of hostilities!

He'd made a show of strength to boost his army's morale, but Peerless' move immediately reversed the tide. His vanguard had been killed or turned traitor. Wasn't this rolling up to his enemy and slapping his own face for their amusement?

Peerless tore off his mask, revealing his true, sinister-looking visage.

"Betray?" He smiled coldly. "I am Sacred Peafowl Mountain's venerated guest elder Mo Wushuang, and proud of it! I never surrendered to you in the first place, so how could I be a traitor?"

Emperor Peerless!

The sudden turn of events struck Sacred Peafowl Mountain with shock, especially his dao partner, Madame Yun. Trembling at the familiar voice, she recklessly charged down the mountain and threw herself in his arms.

"Brother Mo, you're back. You finally came back!" She patently suffered quite a lot during these years.

"Yu'er, I've made you suffer all these years." Peerless sighed softly. "Do you blame me for doing this?"

She gently stroked his wounded face, crying with joy. "Brother Mo, I'm simply happy to have you back. Even if you turn into the devil, I'd follow you to the deepest abyss of hell. What are little wounds like these?"

Despite his endless scheming, the supreme lord was too young to have ever imagined the scene before his eyes.

"Mo Wushuang, Scourcloud... Good, very good! I'll remember you! Once your city falls, I'll teach you what it means to betray me. Is that your woman? You better pray I don't get my hands on her."

He gnashed his teeth, fuming at the loss of two right-hand men. Just then, two bloodcurdling shrieks rose from his camp.

Two Celestial Stars clad fell from the clouds without forewarning, closely followed by two figures that shot towards Sacred Peafowl Mountain at alarming speed.

These two were naturally the Jiao brothers.

They'd been angsty for their share of the action after seeing Peerless switch sides. They'd mounted a sneak attack on the Order's ranks, killing two elders before slipping away.

Thankfully for the supreme lord, his face was concealed beneath his cloak. Otherwise, his expression would've surely been spectacular at the humiliation of this one-two punch.

"Finally! It was long in the making, but I've finally vented some!" Back on Sacred Peafowl Mountain, Jiao Yun removed his mask and revealed his true identity.

"Apologies, Supreme Lord of the Order, us brothers won't be keeping you company any further. Hahaha, remember, our moniker is the Jiao Brothers of Mt. Huai!"

"Haha, bring it if you want revenge. Too bad you won't have that opportunity to!" Jiao Feng gave free rein to his taunts.

The supreme seethed. "Fools! Two bit players! Do you think your loss and betrayal means anything to me?! Revenge? With the Exultation Pill's poison coursing in your veins, you'll be begging for a swift death in three months at most!"

Peerless remarked indifferently, "Three months? Even If I had only three days to live, I wouldn't spend them as your subordinate."

The supreme lord shouted, "Idiot! Am I any worse than a trivial young lord from Veluriyam?"

"Of course you are. Take a good look in the mirror. In what aspect can you rival the young lord?" Jiao Yun also steeled his heart and disregarded the threat of the Exultation Pill.

"Let's see how you talk big once I raid your city and capture the brat alive." The supreme lord's anger abruptly morphed into cold resolve. He'd finally come back to his senses. Bickering with these men was beneath his noble self.

"Men, by my command, no one is allowed inside or outside Veluriyam from now on. Kill anyone who tries!"

"Yes, my lord!"

"Mo Wushuang, do you think the mountain's restriction can keep you safe? For me, this formation is completely useless! Today, I'll have you realize how base and weak you people are!" The supreme lord's anger had driven him to unleash his power.

The atmosphere became oppressive as the aura of an empyrean master suddenly flared. Like the calm before the storm, air currents around him grew restless as the very air seemed to boil, shrouding the entire world in his aura.

But at this time, a fiery shadow suddenly shot in the sky above Peafowl Mountain like a blazing meteor, soaring to the heavens. It was the Vermillion Bird!

Its body twisted and warped, growing larger and larger, soon covering the sky in radiant glory. Its divine aura clashed with the supreme lord's presence, both crazily vying for control of the heavens and earth as they ignited the very air!

Chapter 1485: Beating Someone At His Own Game

The supreme lord bit his tongue. The city's Vermillion Bird guardian had been partly why he hadn't ordered an immediate assault. He feared the golems even more, but the ancient bird had been the one to appear instead. The turn of events both startled and disquieted him.

Why was the Vermillion Bird so recklessly expending its energy when so close to death? Wasn't this accelerating its own demise? This was highly startling.

The golems' absence also disquieted him. Had they all followed Jiang Chen to the Ninesuns Sky Sect? If so, it didn't bode well for Elder Peng and Elder Mo's ambush. There were eight stone brothers after all.

They might not have recovered their full strength and couldn't match the two elders in individual fighting prowess potential. But even with the advantage of surprise, two elders against eight golems was a tall order.

Hopefully they can capture Jiang Chen quickly with the Soulless Powder! The supreme master was now regretting his decision. With the two elders by his side, he wouldn't be forced to personally take to the frontlines.

"Vermillion Bird, why do you serve lowly humans in your decrepitude, of all things? Don't you think it's the ultimate disgrace for one of such divine lineage?" The supreme lord attempted to appeal with both reason and emotions.

However, the ancient bird only spoke the ancient beast language. It could understand the human's meaning, but didn't take it to heart.

True, the human domain's current strength didn't warrant the protection of such a noble, divine existence. But an insistent voice deep in its heart told it the city was worth defending, even with its life, for no other reason than Jiang Chen!

It couldn't see through the young man, but it had a hunch that the young man could bring about an opportunity for rebirth! Such was its instinct as an ancient divine beast. For that reason, it turned a deaf ear to the supreme lord's arguments. It had vast experience and a firm will. How could a few simple sentences sway its resolve?

Its indifference unsettled the supreme lord. Even an empyrean expert would crumble from the first blow against an ancient Vermillion Bird at its peak. If it was willing to stake its life and ignite what little life essence it had left, he had no confidence he would emerge the victor.

"Senior, Veluriyam isn't worth sacrificing yourself for. Why not join me instead?" His voice took on a beguiling rhythm. "I can tell you're nearing the end of your life. You have less than a century left to live. You require a place suitable for your rebirth!"

Being from Myriad Abyss Island, he was knowledgeable about the Vermillion Birds' characteristics.

His words cut deep into the bird's greatest weakness, sending a ripple across its heart. However, it immediately realized this man was no upstanding or reliable partner. The human's words couldn't be trusted.

"Senior, the spirit veins in this domain are depleted, its lands barren. It can't sustain your rebirth. But I know of an infinitely better place! I can even take you there." His glib tongue didn't produce the desired effect. Rather than weakening, the divine beast's aura thickened even further.

The ancient bird knew well that it couldn't trust the man. Even if he was speaking the truth, he might still end up enslaving it, making it his contract beast. The fellow could scarcely conceal his intense desire to conquer and dominate. To partner with him would be to make a deal with the devil.

"Jiang Chen, I'm barely holding on here. I can intimidate him at most, but if you don't make it back soon, I don't have enough lifeforce left for an all-out fight…" Though its determination was too firm to be shaken, it could only deter and delay the enemy.

It could only deter and delay the enemy. No matter how firm its determination, its aged carcass wouldn't endure an intense fight.


"Young lord, just as you thought, there's a group hiding along a road we must pass. Two among them are especially terrifying. My descendants don't even dare go near them. No living creature comes out alive from an area ten miles around them!"

At the border between Veluriyam and the Ninesuns Sky Sect, the rat king kept Jiang Chen abreast of the situation as his descendants continually transmitted new information.

Traveling light, Jiang Chen and the eight golems had arrived quite a while ago and had been biding their time, waiting for the rat clan's intelligence.

What would he have done in the supreme lord's shoes? Given the man's craftiness, an ambush on the way back from the Ninesuns Sky Sect was certainly on the menu. So he'd decided to try his luck.

It'd only been pure conjecture, but if he had been wrong, he would've slipped back to Veluriyam and fought the Order head-on. However, it seemed he'd hit the mark. He could now spring his own surprise attack on the enemies and lay waste to their schemes.

"Young lord, there aren't many of them. We think they must have arranged a poison formation in that area. It must be why we haven't seen any animals come back out alive."

"A poison formation?" A sudden thought occurred to him.

He recalled the many cultivators that had been waiting outside Agarwood Valley. When he'd come out, all of them had vanished. Moreover, he hadn't found the beginning of a clue on site.

There had been a few marks left at most, but nothing that had indicated a fierce struggle. It now seemed clear they'd been captured by the Order. How had the Order accomplished such a task with nary a trace?

Lost in thought, Jiang Chen remained silent.

"It seems the Order relies on more than empyrean powerhouses. They're also experts in poison. Otherwise, it would have been impossible to capture so many men this easily!"

All the pieces of the puzzle finally fell into place.

"Why rely on poison? It means they aren't as overwhelmingly strong they'd like us to believe. Why use such slow methods otherwise?" Using cold logic, he hypothesized the enemy's strength.

"They must be afraid of something. Hm, now that I think of it, that supreme lord must have been hiding in the secret realm and seen everything. Otherwise, why would he have sent so many impostors to Upper Eight Regions' sects to rally the northern alliance against me? He must know I've obtained the Primosanct Sect's inheritance, and even about the golem brothers and Senior Vermillion!"

This must be why the Order had always been reluctant to face him outright.

It was strong without a doubt, but not strong enough to subdue eight primordial era golems. Given the supreme lord's ambition, he wouldn't have wasted time with such roundabout strategy.

The mention of poison suddenly gave the young lord an idea. Scenes of previous battles suddenly emerged in his mind, especially the battle at Cloudshatter Range in Great Scarlet.

Back then, the Veranda master had submitted to Demon Emperor Bloodmalva and deployed the demonic miasma. The Golden Cicada blood had rendered Jiang Chen immune to poison, but he'd feigned weakness to encourage a direct attack from the Veranda master, then instantly killed the latter with a sudden counterattack.

That plan was perfect, if I say so myself. Why not use it again?

"Use the Order's own plans against them…" He suddenly couldn't stop this train of thought. "Big Stone, I have a plan. Are you brothers willing to give it a try?"

The golem replied straightforwardly. "Savior, you saved us. Our lives are yours. We'll do whatever you tell us."

Jiang Chen explained his plan. The golems beamed with excitement, but Big Stone was soon crestfallen. "Savior, we golems are strong, but we aren't immune to poison."

Jiang Chen smiled. "But you don't need to worry about that."

He summoned the Thundercloud Cicada. After many years of evolution, the cicada's strength had greatly improved, reaching an entirely new level of existence. As a result, its bloodline had also been strengthened.

The Cicada howled at the prospect of giving away eight drops of blood. "Big brother Chen, aren't you too cruel? You're going to suck my little body dry at this rate."

Jiang Chen laughed. "Just how much have I asked of you over so many years?"

Indeed, he hadn't asked much of the critter until now. Hence, despite its wails and shrieks, the cicada still complied after playing coy for a while, obediently handing over eight drops of blood essence. "A drop a year. I'm playing dead for the next eight years. Big brother Chen, just forget about me in the meantime!"

Chapter 1486: Nets Above and Snares Below

After receiving the Golden Cicada bloodline, Jiang Chen bestowed the eight drops upon the golem brothers.

When the Stone Golems had first seen the diminutive and cowardly Cicada, they'd first been dismissive. That prejudice was quickly discarded for wide smiles when their savior told them the blood would make them impervious to poison.

In the primordial age, apart from tremendous brute force in fights, Stone Golems hadn't been particularly strong in any other area. Opponents with specialized skills could run circles around the strong golem warriors. Poison, in particular, was something the tribe had been very wary of.

Back then, races adept at poison had littered the ground, bringing a world of hurt to the Stone Golems. They were naturally delighted when they heard that refining the Golden Cicada bloodline would put this weakness to rest, once and for all.

The process didn't take too long.

"Savior, do us brothers really not have to be afraid of poison in the future?" Big Stone was still a little uneasy at the prospect.

Jiang Chen chuckled. "Are you still worried?"

Big Stone scratched his head and smiled honestly. "If our savior says it's so, then it must be so."

"Don't worry, there's not that many poisons in the world that can overcome a Golden Cicada bloodline." Jiang Chen refrained from talking in absolutes. Though it was a strong bloodline, everything had its counter. Incidentally, the young lord also knew what the Golden Cicada's was.

The golem brothers had now received a boost to their fighting capabilities. They were used to simply brute forcing fights, so the cicada's bloodline would be highly useful protection in the future.

Jiang Chen then set his mind to the task of brainstorming battle strategies.

Over on Veluriyam's side, Elders Peng and Mo had set up nets above and snares below, waiting for the young lord to return from the Ninesuns Sky Sect. They didn't have many with them, but all were elites and deeply trusted men of the Order. These were all confidantes that the young master had brought from Myriad Abyss Island.

"Elder Peng, Elder Mo, we've arranged scouts at the appropriate locations. We'll have firsthand notification as soon as Jiang Chen shows up," a one-eyed man reported in respectfully.

Elder Peng smiled. "Very good. By my estimation, Jiang Chen's group should be here no later than three days. He'll come back with everything he has to reinforce his city."

Elder Mo nodded as well. "The child values relationships. This is his weakness."

"It doesn't matter. He's just a mundane brat who's exhausted most of his luck to get to this point. The future of the Divine Abyss Continent falls to Myriad Abyss Island after all."

The one-eyed man suddenly interjected, "Elder Peng, what if that Jiang Chen doesn't take this road?"

"He has to, this is the fastest way to Veluriyam. He'll have to take a long detour if he doesn't come this way. The value of an army lies in its speed. He won't waste needless effort like that. He probably wishes that he could instantly transport all of his men back home!" Elder Peng had a deeper understanding of Jiang Chen since he'd collected a great deal of intelligence about the young lord during this time.

Elder Mo however, added in, "We still need to be mentally prepared for the possibility."

"Elder Mo, you too think that Jiang Chen won't take this route?" The other elder smiled merrily. "How about we make a bet? Jiang Chen will certainly rush back at top speed when he hears the news and will certainly come down this road. There's no doubt about it." Elder Peng was highly confident.

Elder Mo shook his head. "No. I too think there's a 90% chance that he will pass by here. However, we must be prepared for exceptions."

"There won't be." Elder Peng gave further orders to his men. "Make your preparations, it's harvest time! Remember, capture them alive. Our supreme lord needs more manpower, and while these cretins of the human domain aren't worth much, they're the strongest the region can offer at the moment. It'd be a waste to kill them.

"Especially Jiang Chen! Keep him alive at all costs! He possesses many secrets and we need him to resolve them!"

Taking the young lord alive was absolutely not because the Order treasured talent. They just wanted the treasures that Jiang Chen possessed. There was no fear about the valuables getting away if they had control over their owner, but miraculous pill recipes like the Emperor Supremacy Pill and Pinecrane Pill needed the boy to give them up himself. If he was killed out of hand, it was highly likely that the recipes would be lost.

Such wanton waste was something the Order never wanted to see.

"Stop worrying, Elder Mo. Nothing will go wrong." Elder Peng could tell that his counterpart was still preoccupied.

The elder sighed softly. "I'm not worried, I just feel that something's amiss."

"What's amiss?" Elder Peng laugh heartily. "With our plans, the human domain would be far too scary if anything still crops up after our plans. And be honest, is this domain really that frightening? Look at the Heavenly Dragon Sect, the Ninesuns Sky Sect, and the so-called behemoth Pillfire City. This is no longer the human domain of the ancient times, there's no need to scare ourselves like this. These worthless trash have utterly embarrassed all of our ancestors!"

Whether it was the inhabitants of Myriad Abyss Island or the human domain, all shared ancestors from the ancient age.

Elder Mo had much he still wanted to say, but he wasn't at liberty to say much else under the circumstances. There had to be an extent to the amount of cold water one poured out. Too much and it would impact troop morale, leading to grave consequences.

He changed the topic instead. "Elder Peng, will the supreme lord be able to handle his side?"

Elder Peng pondered for a moment. "That Vermillion Bird is at the end of its tether. The supreme lord can absolutely contend with it and not come off worse in the fight. The question now is that we don't know how many Stone Golems were left in Veluriyam Capital."

"With Jiang Chen's cautiousness, he certainly left a couple."

As they spoke, the one-eyed underling hurried back to them. "Elder Peng, Elder Mo. Four giants are coming from Veluriyam at an exceptionally fast speed."

"Four giants?" The elders looked at each other and recalled something at the same time.

"Can it be the Stone Golems?" Elder Peng wondered in a solemn tone. "Anything else? Any specifics?"

"Not yet. The four giants move at a terrifying speed and momentum. They seem like they want to challenge the heavens themselves."

"It must be the Stone Golems." Elder Peng concluded with certainty. "Are you sure there's only four?"

"Just four, that I'm sure of."

Elder Peng fell silent for a moment and abruptly chuckled after a light flashed through his eyes.

"Elder Peng, why are you laughing?" The other elder found this development strange.

"Elder Mo, this is a good thing. Don't you think it's strange that the Stone Golems are coming from Veluriyam?" Elder Peng couldn't stop chuckling.

"Not at all. They must be guarding Veluriyam, so why is it odd they're coming from there? I rather worry about our master instead."

"Stop worrying over nothing, our master will be fine. It's even better that the Stone Golems have left. If my guess is correct, these four must be worried that Jiang Chen will meet with an accident along the way, so have come out to meet their young lord. This means that Jiang Chen only has four of them by his side, and these four approaching are here to meet him! It looks like Veluriyam has already deduced that our master is just surrounding them and plan on attacking their reinforcements instead!"

Elder Peng's speculation did indeed make sense.

Elder Mo also nodded after some thought. "Yes, that makes sense. It looks like Veluriyam isn't the average mediocrity after all."

"Hmph, of course not. Why else would our master go to such trouble and care in his plans? This faction is his only concern!" Though Elder Peng disliked Jiang Chen and Veluriyam Capital, he had a very high opinion of the faction. "Alright, everyone take your positions. We're going to run into Stone Golems from Veluriyam before we see Jiang Chen from the Ninesuns Sky Sect. This is a warm up!"

Elder Peng cackled darkly. "This is possibly an opportunity for us! If the Stone Golems end up in our hands, House Xiahou's position on Myriad Abyss Island will climb even further! This will give us even more resources when challenging the rest of the world in the future!"

Stone Golems were a strong race from the primordial times. Inhabitants of Myriad Abyss Island knew about this to a certain extent. Elder Peng had quite an appetite.

Elder Mo's expression shifted slightly as well, plainly infected by his colleague's enthusiasm. Taking the Stone Golems for themselves and returning them to their peak power would make them a frightening existence in Myriad Abyss Island! Just how frightening would House Xiahou be then?

"Everyone get ready, haul in the nets and get ready for four fat fish first!" Elder Peng called out excitedly. This was one hell of an appetizer!

The four Stone Golems were barefoot and had strapped heavy weapons to their back. They were charging forward like they were back on a primordial battlefield. Each one of their strides matched several of a human's and were powered by extreme speed. They charged forward like four currents of vicious tidewater.

"Hook, line, and sinker!" Joy dawned in the elder's eyes.