
933 - 944

Chapter 933 - Underground Casino!

After five busy days, The Wang Shop resumed its peacefulness again. During this time, Ling Lan had just finished traveling around Planet Muyang.

Ling Lan felt refreshed after being here for a while, so she felt that it was time to leave. She bought the tickets for the spacecraft that would be departing three days later.

Liu Aihua and Liu Aijun were sad to know that their Brother Jiang Hui was about to leave. Even Wang Qi, who didn't like Ling Lan at the start, felt dejected when he heard this piece of news.

Ling Lan had constantly given him much of the latest news of the outside world. (With Little Four around, Ling Lan could get any information she wanted.) This was something Wang Qi couldn't easily get on Planet Muyang. In doing so, Wang Qi had unconsciously started respecting Ling Lan. He also started to acknowledge her as his brother.

"Brother Hui, you haven't seen our underground arena before, right?" One day, when Ling Lan came to fetch Liu Aihua again, Wang Qi suddenly stopped her.

"Yes." Ling Lan nodded. To go to the underground arena, one would need someone inside to bring you to the underground arena. Thus, normal people wouldn't be able to find it. Even if they did find it, they would be chased away using various methods.

"Actually, the tournament has just started two days ago. If you are interested, I can bring you over at night." Wang Qi carefully glanced at his grandfather who was busy working. He spoke in a soft voice as he was afraid that his grandfather would hear him, as his grandfather had violently objected to him going to the underground casinos.

Ling Lan had nothing on at night so she agreed. It was good to go to the underground arena and pass some time.

Wang Qi smiled excitedly when Ling Lan agreed. He didn't notice the helpless sigh from his grandfather at the side. He thought that he managed to fool his grandfather but in actual fact, none of his sneaky actions escaped his grandfather's eyes.

After dinner, Ling Lan put on a black trenchcoat and prepared to leave the house to meet Wang Qi. After she walked a few steps, she saw Liu Aihua squatting below a flickering road lamp. She was drawing something on the ground with a tree branch.

"Hey, what are you doing here so late at night?" Ling Lan raised one of her eyebrows and asked. When she was talking to Wang Qi in the shop just now, she saw Liu Aihua's hands paused for a moment when they talked about the mecha arena. She was obviously distracted. She must have heard the conversation between Wang Qi and her.

Ling Lan knew that Liu Aihua would do something. It looked like she was planning to wait for her here.

"I heard your conversation between Brother Wang Qi." Liu Aihua looked up. She then threw away the tree branch and ran over. Her eyes were glistening as she said, "You are going to the underground arena, right? Bring me along, pretty please." She had touched mechas before but she had never seen an actual mecha battle. She wanted to know how her father operated a mecha in a fight.

Ling Lan looked at Liu Aihua seriously. The intent gaze made Liu Aihua feel nervous.

"Come, Little Aihua, close your eyes. Let's play a game." Ling Lan suddenly smiled.

"What game?" Liu Aihua asked curiously.

"It won't be fun if I tell you now. Close your eyes." Ling Lan's smile was like the big bad wolf trying to fool the little red riding hood… I mean, her smile was amiable.

During these few days, Ling Lan had gained the trust of Liu Aihua. Hence, she didn't probe further and closed her eyes obediently.

Ling Lan lifted her forefinger and placed it on Liu Aihua's forehead. A small amount of Qi-Jin slowly entered Liu Aihua's forehead.

Liu Aihua felt something cool on her forehead. She felt refreshed as though she ate some expensive tonic. It was comfortable.

"As expected!" Ling Lan retracted her Qi-Jin. Liu Aihua had awakened her innate talent. Normally, innate talents were awakened at 12 years old, but Liu Aihua was only 10 years old. She was very talented in this area.

'It isn't just her hearing. Her other senses are heightened too. Liu Aihua's innate talent should be related to her spiritual power, not an element.' Ling Lan analyzed Little Aihua's situation and came up with her judgment.

She smiled when she saw Liu Aihua still closing her eyes obediently. "It has ended. You can open your eyes now."

Liu Aihua opened her eyes. She looked excited. "That cool and comfortable thing just now, was it the game you mentioned?"

"Is it fun?" Ling Lan nodded.

"Yes. Can I play it again in the future?" The comfortable feeling was tempting. She felt invigorated. It was as if she wouldn't feel tired at all.

"You can't." Ling Hua suddenly turned serious. "Little Aihua, this game can only be played once. The second time, you'll not feel comfortable. It will be painful instead. Hence, if anyone wants to play this game with you in the future, you must reject him." Her action just now was the same as passing her life to other people's hands. Ling Lan didn't want Liu Aihua to be hurt just because of this experience.

Little Aihua got a shock when she saw how serious Brother Jiang Hui was. She nodded furiously to express that she understood.

Ling Lan nodded in satisfaction when she saw that Liu Aihua would remember what she said. "Since you're so obedient, I'll bring you along." She was just going there to gain new experiences. It was probably alright to bring a little burden along.

Hence, Ling Lan and Liu Aihua came to find Wang Qi at the gathering location. Wang Qi held his forehead helplessly when he saw the cute little burden holding Ling Lan's hands. However, there was nothing he could do too. He could only bring her along.

The underground casino was a few kilometers away from the town. Wang Qi brought them to a place first and then led them on a hover bus which windows were covered up with black sheets of metal, so they couldn't see anything outside. When they got on the bus, there were already many people in it. After a while, the bus was packed with people. After the conductor checked that everyone was behaving properly, he signalled to the driver and the engine was immediately started up.

The bus drove for an hour before stopping.

However, no one was able to fool Ling Lan who had the ultimate radar, Little Four. From the start, Ling Lan knew that the bus was going around in circles. The location they were at was only one to two minutes away from the town.

It was an underground arena that was really underground. An ordinary-looking building was seen on the ground. There was an inconspicuous lift in the building. Once you enter the lift, it would only bring you to one floor. Ling Lan estimated that the lift had traveled for at least a hundred kilometers.

After they stepped out of the lift, they reached the casino. The scene Ling Lan saw was different from what she usually saw on Planet Muyang. The decorations on the walls of the casino were exquisite and magnificent. It was packed filled with beautiful and young bunny girls and excited gamblers who were already immersed in gambling, making it extremely noisy.

Chapter 934 - Discovery!

The three of them were, however, not interested in the gambling that were occurring here. Instead, their aim was the mecha arena.

Wang Qi seemed familiar with the area. He led them to an inconspicuous door and then walked along a passage for a long time before they finally saw another door in front of them. Before they could get close to it, they could already hear the loud cheers and shouts coming from behind the door. The screams were wilder and crazier than what they had heard outside. Everyone seemed to have lost their mind in there because of the bloody battle going on in the arena.

Excitement could be seen on Wang Qi's face as he opened the door hurriedly. A round arena appeared in front of them. Numerous audience were already seated around the arena. They were cheering for the mecha they had placed their bets on and booing the opposing mechas. In the middle of the arena, two mechas were fighting. They used all their efforts to try and defeat their opponents so that they could win.

"Brother Hui, this way." Wang Qi signalled for them to follow him. There were many passageways leading below the arena. Every ten meters, there was a mainframe. It was to allow the gamblers to place their bets easily.

Wang Qi chose the next round and casually clicked on one of the mecha operators. He placed three bets. Very soon, three receipts came out from the hole below the optical supercomputer. There was a different number on each receipt. It was their seat numbers.

"Brother Hui, let's sit down and watch the match. As long as you place a bet, you can watch the match." Wang Qi seemed to have done this many times. If not, he wouldn't be so clear about the rules.

Ling Lan nodded. She brought Little Aihua to the seat which had their number on it. It had to be said that the management of the casino was very thoughtful. The people that placed their bets together would get seated next to each other. This would allow friends to sit with one another. Plus, the idea of allowing people who made bets to watch the mecha match for free would attract people who didn't like to gamble but like to watch mecha fights. Wang Qi was one of them. No wonder there were so many people watching the underground arena match.

The facilities in the arena were quite advanced. It was as good as the professional casinos in the other planets. Besides watching the fight personally, there was a virtual screen in front of every seat. The person could watch the match from any angle he or she liked. Of course, it had another purpose. It allowed the viewers to place their bets at any time. The casino was always enticing its customers to gamble more.

The moment they sat down, the match that was ongoing had just ended. Both mecha operators were exhausted. The mecha operator that won forced himself to last a few seconds longer than his opponent.

When the sound of groans were heard, Ling Lan knew that most of the people had lost. This was normal, as the winner would always be the house.

Soon, the workers cleaned the arena and the next match started.

When one of the mechas entered the arena, the crowd started cheering loudly. Wang Qi patiently explained to Ling Lan, "Dark Destroyer is not a native and has won 89 matches consecutively. Many famous mecha operators from my planet have lost to him. Many gamblers support him now, as they hoped that he can win 100 matches consecutively for them to earn more."

"I remember that a mecha operator with the surname Min came to the shop a few days ago. Is his opponent him? Did he lose too?" Ling Lan asked in a low voice.

"Yes. However, Brother Min has not fought with him, as Brother Min is one of the top ten mecha operators in Planet Muyang. When Dark Destroyer wins 90 matches consecutively, Brother Min will then fight with him. This is because anyone who won 100 matches will be able to go to Mai'er Fa. The native mecha operators couldn't allow someone who is not one of their people to get the ticket that belongs to them," Wang Qi explained.

Ling Lan nodded. It looked like Dark Destroyer was very strong. If not, the mecha operator with the surname Min wouldn't have to prepare ahead.

As expected, Dark Destroyer was more powerful than his opponent. After thirty rounds, Dark Destroyer managed to use his opponent's mistake and struck his opponent in the cockpit. He defeated his opponent easily. He had now won continuously for 90 matches

Ling Lan frowned slightly. The techniques Dark Destroyer displayed were not that of an advanced mecha warrior. The strength of his last attack and the spot he struck at meant that his opponent might be seriously injured or dead. With his capabilities, he was able to win the match without harming his opponent. Yet, Dark Destroyer chose the most brutal method to win.

A special-class mecha operator, or an ace mecha master, purposely hiding his skills to come to Planet Muyang. If his purpose was to solely get a ticket to Mai'er Fa, no one would believe it.

Planet Muyang had a lower grade, so there were not many ace operators here. Hence, there weren't any ace operators at the underground arena too. This allowed the Dark Destroyer to fool everyone. However, Mai'er Fa was different. There were many ace operators there and even some imperial operators. Once the Dark Destroyer enters Mai'er Fa, he wouldn't be able to hide his true skills anymore. Plus, the casinos at Mai'er Fa forbid cheating. If he was discovered, he would be ruthlessly 'taken' away.

Dark Destroyer must have an ulterior motive for coming to Planet Muyang. Ling Lan just didn't know if he was acting alone or was he from an organisation.

Ling Lan clicked her tongue. She ordered Little Four, "Little Four, follow Dark Destroyer. You must find out what is the motive of Dark Destroyer or the organisation behind him." If it had nothing to do with the Liu family and the Wang family, Ling Lan wouldn't care about it. However, if it really had anything to do with them…

Ling Lan rubbed her forehead lightly. She was frustrated. She came here to have a break. She didn't want to cause any trouble but why must she always discover these things? She hoped that she was just thinking too much and the truth was not what she had thought.

While Ling Lan was frustrated by what she had discovered, Wang Qi was still looking at the information on his communicator excitedly. He didn't notice anything wrong.

For the match just now, he had placed his bets on Dark Destroyer. Dark Destroyer was a hot favourite so he didn't win much but he was happy to win some. After all, he was just here to watch the mecha fight. Not only was he able to watch it for free now, but he also managed to earn some pocket money. This had already exceeded his expectations.

Dark Destroyer won this match but he didn't leave. He communicated with the workers and soon, the big screens around the arena and the small screens on the front of the seats displayed a notice about the change in the scheduled matches. Dark Destroyer was going to fight for another round.

The entire arena shouted in excitement. The gamblers didn't care whether you were a native or not. As long as they could win money, they welcomed you.

The matches after them were all pushed back. Three minutes later, a new notification appeared on the big screen.

Dark Destroyer VS The Bravest!

Chapter 935 - Looking for Trouble!

Wang Qi saw the name of 'The Bravest', instantly said enthusiastically, "That's Elder Brother Min. Elder Brother Min will definitely defeat Dark Destroyer." After saying that, he placed a bet on The Bravest.

Although Ling Lan knew that Wang Qi's bet was going to be a bust, she didn't say anything to stop him. Wang Qi wasn't only just gambling, the more important part was that he was supporting his friend.

"Little Four, speed up the process of hacking into the Dark Destroyer's optical supercomputer." Ling Lan was also worried that Wang Qi's Elder Brother Min would die under the Dark Destroyer's sword.

"Don't worry. If it is the optical supercomputer of an ace mecha, then it will perhaps be somewhat troublesome. However, this type of advanced mecha is not difficult at all for someone like me," Little Four said proudly. 'How could a literal god of the virtual world like me not be able to get past such a low level optical supercomputer?'

Although Little Four was arrogant, he still did his work diligently. Soon, he told Ling Lan that he had hacked into the mecha. If he was to discover that the Dark Destroyer was to try to go for the kill, he would interfere with his mecha and save Wang Qi's Elder Brother Min.

The Dark Destroyer was surprisingly somewhat sportsman-like. He wasn't like the previous rounds where he went for the kill only after a few hits (even though he had the capability to do so). After going at each other for hundreds of hits, Elder Brother Min, who felt they were on the same level, suddenly showed a small flaw. Normal advanced mecha operators wouldn't be able to discover the flaw, but in the eyes of an ace operator, it was as clear as day.

The Dark Destroyer took the chance and ruthless attacked with his large sword. Seeing this, Elder Brother Min panicked knowing that his opponent actually saw through his weak point. He immediately used his large sword to block. However, that was the actual mistake. Dark Destroyer suddenly switched up his attack and ruthlessly sliced towards the cockpit. Elder Brother Min's action to block had left his cockpit wide open and gave his opponent a great opportunity.

"Not good!" Elder Brother Min knew that he had no time to change his move, and even if he did, he didn't have the capability to do so. The finger speed required to block the incoming attack was only achievable by ace operators. He could only throttle his engine and quickly back up to try to evade the fatal attack.

However, even though Dark Destroyer's speed seemed to be slow, he was still faster than Elder Brother Min's dodging speed. Right as the large sword was about hit the cockpit, his Dark Destroyer's large sword suddenly stopped. Then, it slightly changed its direction and skimmed past the cockpit.

Elder Brother Min who just seen his life flashed before his eyes, had cold sweats from the terror of the attack. He immediately moved his mecha back a few meters and left the attack range of Dark Destroyer.

"Sh*t, what just happened?" Dark Destroyer found it weird that his sure-kill attack actually didn't work. He instantly began to swear and cuss in his cockpit. Angered, he began to attack Elder Brother Min crazily. Elder Brother Min was like a boat stuck in a storm which seemed like it was going to flip over at any second. However, during every dangerous moment, Dark Destroyer's attack would miraculously always go past him. This allowed Elder Brother Min to constant be able to get away from death.

This situation made the bettors rowdy. They all believed the match was rigged to not let Dark Destroyer win. However, in reality, the management of the casino was also confused. In reality, they would earn money no matter who won. The amount of money they would receive from sending a mecha operator,who won one hundred matches to Mai'er Fa would make the money they lost in the casino seemed like chump change. So, they weren't interested in meddling with something like this.

Elder Brother Min wasn't an impulsive person. Multiple crises reminded him that his opponent was definitely not someone he could defeat. After evading a fatal attack, he decisively put up his mecha's hand to show that he was surrendering.

Although his winning streak wasn't stopped, he was still crazy depressed even after seeing his opponent give up. To Dark Destroyer, not being able to kill his opponent, made him feel like he had lost.

In reality, Dark Destroyer's advancement to his current position was acquired by stepping on countless bodies. This was why Elder Brother Min and others hate Dark Destroyer very much. Not only because he was an outsider, at the same time, he was also ruthless and killed many native mecha operators. Other than the few who luckily got away with their lives, the others all died in the arena.

"Wow, Dark Destroyer is amazing!" Wang Qi's eyes glimmered and his face full of admiration. Dreaming about becoming a mecha operator everyday, Wang Qi greatly admired those strong and capable mecha operators.

"Yeah, he's amazing!" Little Aihua also had a face full of admiration and was convinced by Dark Destroyer's impressive operating abilities.

"Bam! Bam!"

"Ouch." "Ouch."

Wang Qi and Little Aihua held their forehead as they raised their heads pitifully. They had tears in their eyes as they asked, "Elder Brother Hui (Elder Brother Jiang Hui) why did you hit us?"

"Stop admiring him. Dark Destroyer isn't suitable for you to admire." Ling Lan didn't want the two of them to become ruthless and heartless executioners like Dark Destroyer.

"Why?" Wang Qi asked in disagreement.

"His methods of operating are considered to be barbaric. Learning it would be useless with your body shapes and you would fall to the floor after a few hits." Although Ling Lan's words were rough to the ears, it was still true. Wang Qi and Liu Aihua weren't complete newbies who didn't know anything. After hearing the explanation, they instantly became deflated and slumped into their seats without any desire to speak.

It turns out, one of the reasons Wang Qi wanted to watch an underground arena match was to find a mecha operator instructor who could give him some pointers. Although Elder Brother Min had a good relationship with him, Elder Brother Min was still trying to make a living and didn't have time to teach him. This made him have no choice but to put his hope onto someone else.

As for Little Aihua, she was probably thinking of finding a strong master for her younger brother.

Afterwards, the three of them watched a few more mecha matches. When she saw Little Aihua beginning to yawn, Ling Lan led Wang Qi, who still wanted to watch, and Little Aihua, who was still trying her best to keep her eyes open, away from the arena.

The place they left from wasn't far from the place they entered from. Wang Qi led them to the lift. When they went up the lift, they saw a closed off parking lot. The hover bus of the casino was there waiting to leave after the seats were filled.

When Ling Lan and others hopped on the bus, they saw a familiar face.

"Oh, Elder Brother Min, you're taking the bus back?" Wang Qi saw Elder Brother Min and immediately shouted out in excitement. Back then, Elder Brother Min always went back using his mecha.

"Yeah, I'm too tired today." Elder Brother Min's complexion wasn't great and was even somewhat pale. The battle with Dark Destroyer's mecha almost depleted all of his mental and physical energy. There was even a slight hint of terror in his face when he thought of his recent dance with death.

Wang Qi wanted to ask a few more questions, but Ling Lan pulled on his sleeve slightly, gesturing him to find a spot to sit first.

'This dull child, did not even see that his Elder Brother Min didn't have any desire to speak to him.'

When Wang Qi saw Little Aihua yawning continuously, he quickly helped Little Aihua to find a seat, and quickly forgot to continue his conversation with Elder Brother Min.

Ling Lan's group of three found their seats and sat down. There were many people that came out of the casino at the same time. Soon, the bus was filled with people and drove out of the parking lot.

It was probably because they were all too excited and felt sleepy. Most of the people on the bus all closed their eyes and went to sleep, including Little Aihua.

Ling Lan, who also closed her eyes to rest, suddenly opened them. Just a moment ago, Little Four told him that Dark Destroyer had caught up to them and was intending to kill Elder Brother Min.

Not being able to take out his opponent made Dark Destroyer feel uncomfortable. Thus, he just wanted to kill this opponent that had escaped from his clutches with his own hands.

Ling Lan helplessly frowned and muttered under her breath, "So troublesome! Does this count as looking for trouble?"

Chapter 936 - Discovered!

The hover bus continued moving forward as if there was nothing wrong. However, in the bus, Ling Lan's eyes glimmered brightly. Although the way she was sitting was no different, she was already completely prepared for the incoming collision.

"Bang!" The hover bus was suddenly sent up into the air by a strong force, it was about seconds away before it would be smashed onto the ground.

Elder Brother Min, who was sitting at the front, was very quick to react. Milliseconds after the hover bus was sent up into the air, he quickly dashed towards the driver's seat. He pulled the driver out of his seat and began to control the hover car himself to try to stop it from crashing.

Right as he was trying to regain control of the bus, the bottom of the hover bus suddenly erupted in flames. The flames were devouring the entire hover bus.

Seeing that there was no chance to stop what was happening, Elder Brother Min quickly turned the hover bus at 90 degrees with perfect precision, quite ab unsurprising act for one of the top ten mecha operators in Planet Muyang. Then, he quickly pressed the disintegration button to disintegrate the bus. After that, the hover bus seemingly dematerialized, which allowed all of the passengers to be thrown out of it by the strong centripetal force created by the sharp turn.

Although this decision would cause those who were too old, disabled or too young to die due to the impact of the collision, the young adults, who were strong and had some degree of physical skills, would have hopes of living. This decision was much better than letting everybody be devoured by the flames and be burned alive in the hover bus.

In actuality, before the bus was sent up in the air, Ling Lan was already contemplating how she would save Wang Qi and Little Aihua without exposing herself. Elder Brother Min's way of handling the situation actually helped her with her problem.

Ling Lan grabbed Little Aihua in mid-air. Wang Qi on the other hand, even though he was a weak youngster, his physical skills wasn't too weak. He had already reached the tenth level in the manifestation stage. When faced with such a predicament, he would still be able to live even if he would be injured from the crash.

As expected, Wang Qi was relieved when he saw Ling Lan grabbing Little Aihua. Although he didn't know much about Ling Lan, he still trusted Ling Lan with all his heart after being together for the past few days. He believed that Ling Lan had the ability to save Little Aihua.

Without any more worries, Wang Qi's behavior was very different from the other people in mid-air who could only scream. He calmly looked at the situation down below him. He had to choose an optimal spot for him to land.

"There." He saw a narrow river just right below him. However, he still had to control his body and make the right maneuvers in mid-air to hit the river. He could fail, but there was no doubt that the river was the right location for him to not be injured from the fall. Wang Qi made this decision in an instant.

Wang Qi's decision was also Ling Lan's decision. She wouldn't have the explain her capabilities if she was to land there, compared to suspiciously landing safely on a hard surface. Even the young Little Aihua would be fine without Ling Lan protecting her if they were to hit the river.

Ling Lan carried Little Aihua and fell into the river steadily. Immediately after, Wang Qi also fell into the river.

The three of them lifted their heads above the surface of the river and saw that there was another person who landed steadily on the patch of land beside the river. It was Elder Brother Min.

Ling Lan sighed, as she expected more trouble to come her way.

As Ling Lan expected, another person immediately appeared on the patch of land with a rocket launcher in his hands.

Seeing this person, Elder Brother Min's expression changed slightly, "Dark Destroyer Wu Yin, it's you?" Seeing his opponent with a rocket launcher, Elder Brother Min finally knew who had attacked the hover bus.

"You actually dare to go against the rules of the underground casino? You're a dead man." Elder Brother Min shouted in anger.

"Can a run-down casino with no ace operators do anything to me?" Wu Yin said while smiling. "Seeing that you're going to die by my hands soon, I'll play nice and tell you something from the kindness of my heart. After a few days, Planet Muyang's underground world will be completely under our control."

Wu Yin's proud and excited expression made Elder Brother Min feel dismayed. Wu Yin's words were probably true. It should be known that the hover bus was attacked less than a kilometer away from the casino was located at. The underground casino should have already sent their patrol team to investigate the loud explosion. It wouldn't be like how it was now, silent and zero movement from them.

"Min Yihao, it seems you've realized it." Wu Yin began to laugh. "The underground casino can't even protect itself. How can it have any extra strength to deal with little things like this?" This was why he blatantly attacked the hover bus.

Min Yihao bit his lip and asked, "Why are you chasing me down? I'm just a mecha operator whose only purpose is to fight. I don't even participate in the politics of the underground world." No matter who became the boss of the underground world, he wouldn't care about it.

"I know, but you got away alive, right?" Wu Yin licked his lips. "All of my opponents have never returned back alive from the arena."

Min Yihao seemed to have realized something and his expression changed instantly, "Those who were being treated for severe injuries and suddenly dying was by your hands!" Elder Brother Min finally understood why the mecha operators who could have been saved suddenly died all of a sudden.

"I don't like to see my opponents continue to jump around in my face. It frustrates me." Wu Yin's eyes showed signs of insanity. He immediately propped up the rocket launcher and shot it at Min Yihao.

"Bang!" The rocket struck the location that Min Yihao was standing on, creating a deep hole in the ground.

Min Yihao was quite agile. Having already reached the peak of Refinement, he evaded the rocket just in time. Unfortunately, the shockwave created from the blast still injured him. When he landed on the ground, he spat out mouthfuls of blood, painting the ground bloodred.

When Ling Lan saw Wu Yin's rocket launcher firing, she quickly pushed down Wang Qi's and Little Aihua's heads into the river to dodge the shockwave created from the rocket blast.

The three of them emerged out of the water once again. Wang Qi then saw Min Yihao lying on the ground being crazily punched and kicked by Wu Yin, wanting to kill Min Yihao brutally before ending his violent rampage.

"Ah!" Wang Qi, who had a good relationship with Min Yihao, couldn't help but scream in shock. Although he reacted quickly and covered his mouth, he was still heard by Wu Yin.

"Oh, there's actually a few small fries here." Wu Yin didn't notice them in the beginning. However, after hearing the shout, he could clearly hear that there were two people breathing in the river. With his capabilities, he could only hear Wang Qi and Little Aihua's breathing. Even if Ling Lan didn't try to hold back her presence, her current capabilities could not be detected by anyone weaker than the domain stage, unless she purposefully let them.

Little Aihua angrily slapped Wang Qi head as she saw that they were discovered. She and Min Yihao weren't close, so she, of course, didn't want to the three of them to die with him.

"Elder Brother Hui, take Little Aihua and leave. I'll stay behind." Wang Qi knew it was impossible for all three of them wanted to get out this situation together. He ultimately decided to let Ling Lan take Liu Aihua and leave so he could buy some time for them to leave. He should be the one to resolve the problem he had created himself. Plus, he and Elder Brother Min had a good relationship. He also needed to stay behind because of the brotherhood the two of them shared.

"No way. If you stay behind, you're going to die." Little Aihua, of course, didn't want his Elder Brother Wang Qi, who cared for her for so long, to have anything happen to him. "If we're leaving, we all go together."

Chapter 937 - Choice!

"Aihua, leave with Brother Hui. If not, none of us will be able to escape." Wang Qi, who had always treated Liu Aihua nicely, suddenly shouted in anger.

Liu Aihua's eyes turned red. "Brother, promise me that you'll stay alive." Then, she looked at Ling Lan and said decisively, "Brother Hui, let's go."

Although Little Aihua was young, she was very calm and mature for her age. Wang Qi's words allowed her to understand that it was impossible for the three of them to escape together. Hence, she quickly made a difficult decision.

She wanted to stay back with Brother Wang Qi too, but if she stayed back, she would just be a burden. If they let Ling Lan stay behind… but that was too despicable. Little Aihua couldn't make up her mind to ask her Brother Hui to do such a thing for them.

Little Aihua made a painful decision but Ling Lan didn't move at all. She didn't seem to hear what Little Aihua said.

"Brother Hui? What's wrong?" Little Aihua got agitated.

"Brother Hui, hurry up and leave with Little Aihua," Wang Qi shouted agitatedly too. If they didn't run now, they wouldn't have the chance to anymore.

At this moment, Ling Lan said slowly, "It's too late now."

Wu Yin's voice sounded beside them. "I didn't expect someone to understand the situation so well."

Wu Yin's figure appeared at the nearby shore. He smiled and looked at them calmly.

"What do we do now?" Wang Qi was lost. It didn't matter if he died but if he implicated Brother Jiang Hui and Little Aihua, he would die with regrets.

"What do we do now? What else." Ling Lan threw this sentence at him and swam towards the shore where Wu Yin was at. Since they were discovered, it was better to get onto the shore.

Wang Qi got agitated when he saw Ling Lan bringing Little Aihua towards the crazy Wu Yin. He quickly moved his limbs and attempted to stop her.

However, Ling Lan was too fast. Although she was carrying Little Aihua, her swimming speed was still faster than Wang Qi. Wang Qi was ultimately unable to catch up with Ling Lan. Since he couldn't stop her, he quietly followed Ling Lan up the shore.

"Look, we are just bystanders. Just now, we… we didn't see anything." Little Aihua was trembling in fright but she still tried to control her emotions. She must find a chance for the three of them to stay alive. On the other hand, Ling Lan was standing there with her stone-cold face, but in her mind, she was immensely satisfied with Little Aihua never-say-die attitude and how she was still looking for opportunities to find a way out of the situation.

Fine, this cute Little Aihua made Ling Lan want to take her in as her disciple. Ling Lan always wanted a child but based on her condition now, she probably wouldn't be able to have one in the near future. Maybe she should find another method like taking a cute disciple in to satisfy her craving first.

When Ling Lan realized that Liu Aihua had an exceptional innate talent, she didn't have this thought yet. At that moment, she had just intended to help Little Aihua if she could in the future. However, the scene just now made her heart waver.

When danger came suddenly, she was able to maintain her cool and give her trust to her people round her. She wouldn't place more stress on the people around her too (as displayed by her actions when the hover bus was blown up) and she was also able to control her emotions when they needed to hide. Little Aihua's control of her breath was even better than Wang Qi. In the face of a difficult decision, Little Aihua chose to escape with Ling Lan who had a weaker relationship with her compared to Wang Qi. This showed that Little Aihua was a kind person. Most importantly, she was resolute and firm. All of these traits made Ling Lan really admire her character. Many talents were destroyed or killed because of their irresolute and hesitant nature.

Even in the end, Little Aihua didn't give up hope. She still tried her best to find a way out. This made Ling Lan extremely tempted to take her in as her disciple. Only this kind of person would be able to become a powerful warrior in the future.

'Maybe an outstanding senior sister would be a good role model for my child in the future.'

'It's decided then!' Ling Lan smiled.

While Ling Lan was praising herself for making such a great decision, Little Aihua's attempt of survival was broken by Wu Yin mercilessly.

"What a cute little girl. I'm excited that I could kill you personally." Wu Yin licked his lips excitedly. He loved taking away the hopes of these little children. They always gave him a sense of achievement.

Little Aihua was dejected when she saw Wu Yin's sadistic smile and actions. Her body started trembling in fear even more. However, Ling Lan saw a screwdriver being grasped tightly in Little Aihua's right hand. She was learning about mecha maintenance from Grandpa Wang so she always had some tools on her. This sharp and strong screwdriver could become a weapon for killing people when there was a need for it.

'Not giving up even in times of despair? Looking for ways to die along with her opponent?' Ling Lan's smile got brighter. She was growing fonder of Little Aihua by the minute.

Bang! Min Yihao, who was lying on the ground injured, suddenly rushed forward and wrapped Wu Yin in his arms from the back. He shouted, "Hurry up and leave." It was an easy sentence to say but it used up all his energy to do so. Blood continued to spurt out of his mouth. Pieces of broken organs could be seen coming out of his mouth.

Wu Yin's merciless attacks had severely injured his internal organs. Min Yihao knew that he couldn't be saved anymore. He was forcing himself to stop Wu Yin because he wanted to save Ling Lan and the other two people.

"Go and die!" Wu Yin quickly reached to the back of his head with his right arm. Then, he extended his fingers and grabbed Min Yihao's head. The veins on his right arm were bursting from the amount of force he was using. Just as Min Yihao's head was about to burst under the pressure, a hand wearing a black glove suddenly held his wrist.

"Hey, you can end your game now," Ling Lan stood on his right and said calmly.

Wu Yin felt as though his right hand was clipped by a metal claw. He couldn't exert any strength in his right hand at all. His expression changed for the worse. "Who are you?"

"A passerby." She was really a passerby. If he hadn't insisted on killing Min Yihao, they wouldn't have met each other and she wouldn't have to take action too.

"Are you planning to interfere in this matter? I suggest that you don't. Don't force us to kill you too." Wu Yin felt how powerful Ling Lan was. He was not a stupid person so he decided to warn her verbally and hoped that she would retreat in fear.

"If I don't interfere, will your organisation let me go?" Ling Lan asked indifferently. "Stop fooling people. I'm afraid that the first person your organisation wants to kill is me." Ling Lan knew the situation perfectly. Those gamblers that managed to survive were now all dead.

Even if the three of them managed to escape from Wu Yin, they wouldn't be able to escape from those people that came to clean up the situation.

Ling Lan wouldn't look for trouble voluntarily but if trouble came to find her, she wouldn't evade it too. Ling Lan liked to solve problems from the root. The moment Wu Yin came to find them, she had already decided to uproot the faction that Wu Yin was from entirely.

Chapter 938 - Something To Ask!

Ling Lan didn't want to talk more nonsense with Wu Yin, so she lowered her voice and said, "Let go!"

Min Yihao let go of Wu Yin instinctively.

Bang! Ling Lan then raised her fist and hit Wu Yin square in the chest. The punch looked soft and light but Wu Yin's bulky body flew out immediately before slamming onto the ground heavily. He laid motionless on the ground.

Wang Qi and Liu Aihua were flabbergasted when they saw this. They looked at Ling Lan in astonishment. Their gentle and amiable Brother Jiang Hui was actually a master.

The two of them were not strong but they had good eyesight. Jiang Hui was obviously more powerful than Wu Yin. If not, how was he able to defeat him with a single punch?

"Brother Wang Qi, did I accidentally invite a powerful person into my house?" Little Aihua hugged her face while her eyes were sparkling with admiration.

Wang Qi swallowed his saliva. "I think… so." He saw blood flowing out of Wu Yin's chest. There was definitely a hole in his chest from the punch of Brother Jiang Hui. The blood coming out of his chest even stained the ground bloodred.

Without a doubt, Jiang Hui was dead. He got killed by a single punch from Brother Jiang Hui. He didn't have any chance to experience the pain before he died.

Min Yihao was about to fall on the ground as he released all the pressure in his body. However, before he could drop on the ground, the fall of his body suddenly slowed down. He was actually held by an invisible force that placed his on the ground gently. However, he was injured badly so even though his injuries didn't worsen from the fall, he was still half-dead.

Wang Qi saw this and immediately rushed over to him. He asked agitatedly, "Brother Min, are you alright?"

Min Yihao gave a bitter smile. "Wang Qi, cough… I won't be able to survive these injuries. If you can, please take care of my mother…" He used the remaining energy he had to pass his mother to Wang Qi. She was the only person he was worried about. He hoped that Wang Qi would help his mother when she needed him based on their past relationship.

Wang Qi was still young so he couldn't control his emotions. Tears dropped down from his eyes as he nodded furiously. He remembered Min Yihao risking his life to give them an opportunity to escape. Hence, he would take care of Brother Min's mother in return. It was something he should do.

Ling Lan tapped Little Aihua's head. Little Aihua looked up meekly and a bottle of agent suddenly appeared in front of her eyes. Ling Lan had come back to her side again.

Ling Lan then sent a glance at Min Yihao who was lying on the ground. Little Aihua looked at Ling Lan with pleasant surprise. She wanted to know if what she was thinking was correct.

Ling Lan nodded. Little Aihua quickly took the agent and rushed towards Min Yihao. She kicked Wang Qi away fiercely and said, "Stop crying. He still can be saved."

Ling Lan was speechless. She suddenly realized that the disciple she wanted to take it was a strong woman who looked weak and delicate.

Wang Qi was elated when he saw the agent Little Aihua was holding. He knew that this agent must have belonged to Brother Jiang Hui. An agent from such a powerful person must be able a miracle pill that could save Min Yihao. From the virtual world, Wang Qi knew that the highest-grade agent from the Federation could save anyone as long as they still had their last breath left.

Wang Qi and Little Aihua carefully poured the agent into Min Yihao's mouth. They were afraid that they would topple the life-saving agent accidentally. While they were doing this, Ling Lan disappeared from the scene quietly. A few seconds later, she appeared again. It was as though she had never even left.

Little Aihua seemed to have sensed something. She turned around and looked at Ling Lan in the eyes. Ling Lan smiled and nodded at her. Little Aihua touched her forehead in puzzlement. Then, she shook her head. She threw away her puzzlement in her head and continued looking at Min Yihao as she waited for the effects of the agent to kick in.

'What powerful instincts. I have only left for a few seconds but Little Aihua had detected it. Fortunately, I was fast enough.' Ling Lan's smile got even brighter.

The agent Ling Lan gave Little Aihua was not the best agent that Li Shiyu had given her. However, it was the most powerful agent used by the Federation currently, and thus Min Yihao managed to stay alive.

It was still dangerous out in the open so Wang Qi and Little Aihua didn't dare to stay here for too long. They didn't know if Wu Yin had other comrades. When Min Yihao finally could move, Wang Qi carried him and Ling Lan held onto Little Aihua.

Wang Qi and Little Aihua were busy running away so they didn't realize that a while after they had left, Wu Yin had turned into an ice statue. The blood on the ground had turned into ice too.

Ling Lan held Little Aihua with one hand and flicked her finger on the other hand, then Wu Yin and the frozen blood turned into tiny ice crystals before it scattered all over in the vast field. Wu Yin had disappeared just like his other comrades.

Wang Qi was still frightened by what had just happened, so he quickly led everyone to The Wang Shop. They attempted to sneak in from the back door but when they entered, the lights in the warehouse suddenly lit up. Wang Baozhuang sat at the entrance of the warehouse with his pipe while looking at them with a cold stare.

"Grandfather…" Wang Qi and Little Aihua said nervously. They lowered their heads and didn't dare to continue.

"What happened to you?" Wang Baozhuang saw the bloody Min Yihao on Wang Qi's shoulder and frowned.

Wang Qi quickly told his grandfather the attack they had met on their way back. At the same time, he told his grandfather that they were able to come back alive because of Brother Jiang Hui and that Brother Jiang Hui was a powerful physical skills master.

Wang Baozhuang looked at Ling Lan intently when he heard this. Then, he asked Wang Qi and Little Aihua to send Min Yihao into the guest room to have a rest. He also asked Wang Qi to prepare the recovery agents they had at home and give them to Min Yihao first.

After settling everything, Wang Baozhuang stood up and said to Ling Lan, "Jiang, I have something to ask you."

Ling Lan rubbed her forehead helplessly. She knew that once she showed her true power, Wang Baozhuang would suspect her true identity.

However, Ling Lan was not interested in Wang Baozhuang's secret and she had nothing to hide. Hence, she followed Wang Baozhuang into the living room without any hesitation.

The door of the living room was wide open. The three windows in the room were opened too. If someone wanted to get close to the living room, the people inside would be able to see him.

Actually, this kind of environment was the safest. One could see everything that was happening around him. Those enclosed areas were not safe. But, most people like an enclosed area to discuss serious matters, as it gave people a greater sense of security.

Chapter 939 - An Old Enemy!

"Who are you really?" Wang Baozhuang asked right as they entered the living room.

"Jiang Hui, a traveler and also an adventurer," Ling Lan replied calmly.

Wang Baozhuang nodded. He put his pipe in his mouth and frowned as he took a whiff of it. It was as though he was making a hard decision.

After staying silent for almost a minute, Wang Baozhuang spoke up, "Child, can I trust you?"

Ling Lan smiled, "That would depend on whether Grandpa Wang wants to trust me or not."

"Although you took care of Wu Yin, you still offended the organization behind him. If they were to investigate, they would easily be able to find out that Wang Qi and Little Aihua was there." Wang Baozhuang sucked on his pipe with tired face and continued, "It would be very dangerous for Wang Qi and Little Aihua to continue to stay on Planet Muyang. Aren't you leaving Planet Muyang tomorrow? If it's possible, please take them with you."

Hearing this, Ling Lan raised one of her eyebrows in doubt of what she was hearing. She glanced at the frowning Wang Baozhuang and said slowly, "What will you do if I told you that I have the capabilities to wipe out Wu Yin's organization on Planet Muyang while not exposing Wang Qi and Little Aihua?"

Hearing this, Wang Baozhuang's eyes glimmered, but darkened again not long after. It seemed he was hesitant. After a few seconds, he made a hard decision and said, "Child, just take them away with you."

Ling Lan looked at Wang Baozhuang and calmly said, "You're okay with that? Or rather, you're not going to worry?"

"Wang Qi has grown up and should be sent out into the real world. Although I can't confirm whether your identity is real or fake, I still believe my eyes that are telling me that you are someone worthy of my trust," Wang Baozhuang said in a serious tone.

Ling Lan half-smiled at Wang Baozhuang. Although Ling Lan's presence seemed to be warm, Wang Baozhuang still felt unsure about his decision. He also felt that Ling Lan knew what he was actually intending to do.

"Originally, taking them out there to see the world is fine. However, I don't want to become someone who is hunted by others," said Ling Lan. She hated trouble. She knew that Wang Qi was troublesome so she didn't want to take him with her.

Ling Lan's words made Wang Baozhuang's expression change instantly. He immediately stood up and said, "You know something?"

"No, I don't know anything," Ling Lan said calmly. "I just know that if you clearly could resolve this matter easily but still want to send them away, it means that there is an even bigger problem than the one we're currently in. As for me, I care about my life."

Ling Lan's words made Wang Baozhuang sit down with a helpless expression. His expression continued to darken as he thought about it more. He immediately picked up his pipe and sucked it a few times to relieve the headache he was having.

"Child, you're very smart. You actually managed to deduce that just from my attitude." Wang Baozhuang sighed, "I just received word that our enemy had found us. I can die with no regrets, but my little grandson is only 16 years old… He still has so many years ahead of himself, he shouldn't die here."

"I am not asking you to keep him safe for his entire life. I only hope that you can take him away Planet Muyang. After that, he can go anywhere and you wouldn't have to be responsible for him. Here, this is the identity that I have prepared for him…" Wang Baozhuang took out a new communicator from his pocket. It turns out, he had already arranged for Wang Qi to take on a new identity.

Ling Lan thought for a moment. She then put out her hand and grabbed the new identity communicator. Right at that moment, Wang Qi and Little Aihua ran into the room like a gust of wind.

"Grandpa, I don't want to leave. If we leave, we leave together." How could Wang Qi leave his grandfather, who had raised him all by himself for all these years, to face death on his own?

When Wang Qi and Little Aihua were snooping around the living room, Ling Lan had noticed them. Wang Baozhuang on the other hand was no longer calm because of Ling Lan's calm reaction. He actually didn't sense Wang Qi and Little Aihua's arrival.

"Qi'er, listen to me. If we all leave, then none of us will get out alive." The high ranking official who had protected them only managed to get Wang Qi a new identity after so many years. Now, since he had been discovered without a new identity, he would be the cause of the death of the child he raised with all his heart if he left with Wang Qi.

"Grandpa…" Wang Qi had just escaped death. He didn't think that before he could catch his breath, he must split apart from his grandfather who he couldn't live without. Feeling unusually weak, he finally couldn't hold everything in and began to cry loudly.

"What are you crying about? I'm not dead yet. Qi'er, your grandfather has only had one hope in his entire life and that's you. If you don't live a good life, even if I die, I won't be able to rest peacefully. Be a good boy and leave Planet Muyang with this Jiang Hui child. Then, don't ever come back to Planet Muyang in this lifetime." Although Wang Baozhuang was angry and anxious, he was still moved by Wang Qi's feelings towards him and had tears come down his face uncontrollably.

"How about this? You guys talk about it together. I'll take Little Aihua home first. I'll come back tomorrow. If you still haven't changed your mind, I will take Wang Qi and leave." Ling Lan knew that even if she refused to take Wang Qi with her, she still wouldn't be able to get out of this situation. After being together with the grandfather and grandson of the Wang family for quite some time, she was probably already in the sights of the Wang family's enemies. Unless she didn't use 'Jiang Hui' as her identity in the future, trouble would always find her.

However, Ling Lan actually liked the identity 'Jiang Hui', the lone adventurer without any care for the world. She didn't want to stop using this identity.

Ling Lan took Little Aihua back to the Liu family. She then went back to her room and laid down to rest.

When the night became silent and everyone entered their dream world, Ling Lan, who was under her blanket, actually began to split apart and disappeared completely.

During all this time, Little Four was collecting information on Wu Yin's organization. After looking and searching through many surveillance tapes, he finally found the headquarters of Wu Yin's organization on Planet Muyang.

Although the Grandpa Wang didn't want Ling Lan to take care of the underlying threat, Ling Lan was still used to finishing what she had started so she didn't forget about the organization. Thus, Ling Lan decided that before leaving, she would completely take out Wu Yin's organization. Destroying them at the roots to make sure they would never rise again.

When dawn arrived, Ling Lan had already reappeared under her blanket.

She opened the palm of her right hand and there was a computer chip on it. This chip was what the leader of the group tried to destroy when he realized he had no way of living. Unfortunately, the difference in capabilities didn't give that leader any chance to destroy it. In the end, Ling Lan still got it into her hands.

"Little Four, can you read the information in it?" asked Ling Lan.

"Boss, you'll know when you plug in the chip into your communicator," Little Four said in dismay. 'Is his Boss looking down on him? If I can't do something small like this, how can I call himself the god of the virtual world?'

Ling Lan quickly plugged in the computer chip into her communicator. Little Four then began to decrypt it. Not long after, the data inside it began to show up on her screen.

"Who knew we'd actually encounter an old enemy." It turns out, Wu Yin's organization was the same as the unknown organization that was previously hiding in Planet Azure's Scout Academy.

It was clear that a Planet like Muyang was not rich with resources, so this planet wasn't considered a priority by the organization. That was why they sent people like Wu Yin, who was not really a part of the organization, to this planet.

Chapter 940 - Investigate!

Thinking back to Planet Azure, where all the enemies were pseudo domain realm masters, with even two titled domain realm masters. Compared to this planet, Planet Muyang, with only one pseudo domain realm master defending it, it seemed to have been neglected by the organization.

If the computer chip didn't have the information that Planet Azure's Central Scout Academy operation had failed, Ling Lan wouldn't have been able to put two and two together.

The operation on Planet Azure was to secretly send spies into the military. Then, what is the reason for them to put men on Planet Muyang? Is their target actually Mai'er Fa?

Although Mai'er Fa was a lone planet, it still didn't have any natural resources. There were only countless casinos. Even if the profits of the casinos were abundant… Just from the large base that was in the forest showed that this faction didn't lack the funds and would not care about such a place…

'Perhaps their goal is not only Mai'er Fa. There is definitely a hidden goal!' Thinking to this point, Ling Lan couldn't help but sigh. Her information was still lacking. That was why she couldn't predict the organization's real goal from the data she had. If it was her father, Ling Xiao, he would probably be able to find a hint of some sort.

Ling Lan didn't waste anymore time to think about it since she couldn't figure it out. Ling Lan also felt exhausted not only from killing people in the night, but also using her brain power to think. Seeing that it was still early, she closed her eyes to rest.

"Knock, knock, knock." The door to her room was suddenly softly knocked on. Ling Lan slowly opened her eyes and discovered that it was already bright outside.

Ling Lan got up and opened the door. She saw Mother Liu holding today's breakfast while standing at the door.

"Jiang Hui, this is your breakfast for today." Mother Liu walked into the room and put down the food. However, she didn't turn around like she had done the previous mornings and instead stood there as though she had something to say.

"Aunt Liu, you have something you want to say?" Ling Lan was curious.

"Well, Jiang Hui, I just want to ask. Have you ever heard of the name Liu Zhongguo out in the galaxy?" Mother Liu frowned as though something was worrying her.

"Aunt Liu, you know that there are many people who joined the military. Unless we meet accidentally, or perhaps told by the military, otherwise, we wouldn't know of just anyone," Ling Lan said helplessly. She ,of course, couldn't tell Aunt Liu that the name 'Liu Zhongguo' was found by Little Four as KIA( Killed In Action) 15 years ago. However, all of that information was wiped clean. Even if Mother Liu was to go Planet Muyang's task force headquarters to search for him, she wouldn't be able to find any information.

"I know. When Aijun was born, something happened in the family. I had no choice but to go to the task force headquarters. However, I couldn't find anything on Zhongguo… After that I stopped searching," sighed Mother Liu. Back then, she was hurt emotionally. Her husband, the father of her children, actually deceived her. He didn't actually become a soldier…

"I heard Aihua telling me that you travel everywhere and go on adventures. That's why I wanted to ask you whether you've met Aihua's father. If he's not in the military, then I suspect that he probably became a part of some galaxy's adventure mercenary group. Six years ago, I caught wind from him saying that his regiment commander was very powerful. From that I deduced that he's within a group or a team." If he wasn't in the military, then he was probably in a mercenary group.

"This is his picture. I secretly took a photo while he was sleeping. Aihua's father didn't like to leave any photos or videos of himself behind." Liu Aihua carefully took out a photo from her pocket.

The man in the photo had long hair hanging on his shoulders and his features were well rounded. He was a handsome man, but he had a large beard around his face which covered half of his face. This beard made him look lazy. He had his eyes closed while he was sleeping, but he still had a frown on his face. It was as though he was intensely thinking about something… Ling Lan's hand trembled as she took a look at the photo. She looked at it carefully many times. After confirming there was nothing wrong with her suspicions, she bit her lip and shouted into her mindspace, "Little Four!"

"Here!" When Little Four heard his Boss's tone was odd, he immediately put aside what he was working on and appeared before Ling Lan in an instant.

"Analyze the person on the photo and find out who he is!" Ling Lan said coldly. Someone actually disguised his identity and committed such a crime… Ling Lan felt a burning rage rising from her chest.

"Roger." Little Four quickly scanned the picture in Ling Lan's hand, then erased his beard. After that, he cut his hair, revealing a clean forehead. Just like that, the handsome looking man appeared in Ling Lan's mindspace.

"What? It's actually Captain Liu!" Little Four couldn't help but exclaim in surprise.

"Very good. Very good. I didn't think that 250 Ace Mecha Clan would have such a person within it…" Ling Lan's eyes were ice cold.

Although Ling Lan was angry in her mind, her face still had a huge smile, "Aunt Liu, Uncle Liu is quite handsome. It's no wonder that Aijun and Aihua are so beautiful."

Hearing this, Aunt Liu instantly blushed. She said embarrassingly, "Back then, one half of the reason why I got together with your Uncle Liu was because of this."

"However, your Uncle Liu didn't like to take care of himself and was messy everyday. I've told him many times." When Aunt Liu spoke of her husband, her tone was still somewhat sweet.

'He didn't like to take care of himself? Messy? 'Ling Lan thought of Liu Furong's clean and straight uniform, even his subordinates were clean and spiffy… It was hard for her to connect the person Aunt Liu was telling her about with Liu Furong.

'What secrets does Liu Furong conceal? Is he actually Liu Zhongguo or is that an impersonator?'

"Little Four, investigate Liu Furong. Get everything on him!" Ling Lan ordered Little Four in her mindspace. It wasn't only for Aunt Liu's family, but also for Liu Furong and 250 Ace Mecha Clan.

"Yes, Boss!" Little Four instantly had an adrenaline rush and began working on it.

Little Four lit a candle in his mind for Liu Furong. Once his crime was confirmed, Captain Liu would definitely die a gruesome death.

Ling Lan handed the photo back to Aunt Liu, "I will keep an eye out Aunt Liu. If I see Uncle Liu, I will definitely tell him to come back and see you guys." Ling Lan squeezed the words 'Uncle Liu' out the cracks between her teeth.

Aunt Liu took the photo and carefully put it away safely. She then smiled, turned around and left. Although she knew that the likelihood of Jiang Hui finding her husband was slim, she could still have hope right?

"Boss, I found everything on Captain Liu. There's nothing wrong with his records." Little Four took out all the files on Liu Furong and didn't find anything that was meddled with.

"That means Liu Furong is real!" Ling Lan slammed the table and went into deep thought.

"Liu Zhongguo isn't fake too!" Little Four continued, "Although the two of them were in different divisions and with different experiences, they still had one time stamp that was the same."

Little Four put together the time Liu Zhongguo was KIA along with time when something happened to Liu Furong's clan, "They both happened 15 years ago in April."

After suddenly remembering something, Little Four took out Wang Baozhuang and Wang Qi's files as well, "They also entered Planet Muyang 15 years ago, but they arrived in September."

Chapter 941 - Big Trouble!

"Wang Baozhuang and Liu Furong were both in the 3rd Division, in the 9th Wings Regiment, but they were in different clans!" Little Four found where the two of them were connected.

"9th Wings Regiment was one of the highest ranked regiments in the 3rd Division back then. The Magic Ace Mecha Clan under it was also the runner-up to the position of the top titled special class mecha clan within the 3rd Division. Magic Ace Mecha Clan had the nickname 'Undefeated Mecha Clan'. This proved that they were a sight to behold back in the day."

"Back then, Liu Furong was still a small team leader. However, he had already caught the eyes of their regiment commander." Little Four had looked up the report Liu Furong's regiment commander had written about Liu Furong. One could tell that the regiment commander saw potential in Liu Furong and wanted to help him in his development.

"If it wasn't for the fact that Magic Ace Mecha Clan was completely decimated 15 years ago from an enemy ambush, Liu Furong might even have developed to be even more monstrous than now…" Those, who were team leaders from other mecha clans weaker than Magic Ace Mecha Clan, had already become regiment commanders of ace mecha clans by now. Some even became generals. Liu Furong on the other hand only had his rank upgraded, but was still only just a team leader.

"What happened 15 years ago has affected Liu Furong greatly. Although he led a broken team out of the ambush, he instantly went unconscious after getting out because of exhaustion. After he woke up, his memory of the battle was all mixed up. He was treated at the main military hospital for 5 months and then was discharged to rest at home."

"Five months? Then, when he was discharged, it was already September, when Wang Baozhuang and Wang Qi arrived on Planet Muyang." Ling Lan saw the files Little Four had shown her and suddenly remembered what Aunt Liu had told her. Liu Furong had once mentioned that his regiment commander was powerful. He didn't mean Ling Lan six years ago! Instead, there wasn't any regiment commander that he had admired after Magic Mecha Clan was completely wiped out 15 years ago. Liu Furong would always go through different clans and he had never stayed for more than one year in each one. After joining 250 Ace Mecha Clan in the 23rd Division, he finally stopped moving around.

"Little Four, check the files on the regiment commander of Magic Ace Mecha Clan." The most crucial person was this regiment commander.

"The regiment commander's name is called Wang Junan…" Little Four brought out the file on Wang Junan and handed it to his Boss.

Ling Lan read through Wang Junan's file quickly. She saw that before he was KIA, his wife was 6-months pregnant… She gave birth to a son in June.

"A baby boy?" Ling Lan looked at the picture of Wang Junan and quickly had Wang Qi's image appear in her mindspace.

"Don't the two of them look alike?" Ling Lan finally found a hint of some sort.

"Somewhat." Little Four looked back and forth between the two images. He felt that when the two of them stood together, they did indeed look similar.

"Then, that makes sense." Wang Baozhuang, Wang Qi and Wang Junan. They were willing to change their names and yet still didn't want to change the name of the regiment commander's son? It seemed Wang Junan was really admired by the soldiers in the clan. Even a logistician from a different clan was willing to help him even if it meant death.

"The files on the battle back then were almost all gone. Even if there are some files, they are limited in information. Not sure whether it was because those involved had perished or someone had meddled with the information and purposely hid it away." Little Four couldn't find any detailed records on battle that completely wiped out Magic Ace Mecha Clan.

"Of course someone meddled with the files! It's just we don't know whether those who meddled with it was helping them or their enemies," Ling Lan said with a frozen expression.

If the military wanted to know something, they would definitely get to the bottom of it. They were playing dumb on purpose since there weren't any details about it. The military would rather let a titled ace mecha clan get wiped out without any reason than to investigate to get to the bottom of this. It seemed that this issue had a lot of politics involved.

Ling Lan was in dismay. She was only running away from home to have some peace and quiet. She didn't want to do anything to upset the balance of the world. Why did God hate her and always create problems for her?

Ling Lan knew that she was amidst a huge problem now…

"Little Four, you unlucky little thing, why did you chose Planet Muyang?" Saddened, Ling Lan pinched Little Four's pink cheek and began to rub it furiously to quell her feeling of dismay.

"H-ow suold I rnow (How should I know)…" Little Four felt wrongly accused. Although the galaxy map was created by him, wasn't it still his Boss that pointed to this planet? How come he was to blame now?

"Boring, not as nice to pinch as Little White." Ling Lan disliked the fact that Little Four's face was not as chubby and wasn't as stretchy as Little White's face.

"Right, since we're talking about Little White, it has been playing around with Aijun recently. Does it not want to leave with us?" Ling Lan thought whether she should use this chance to toss away this dumb and cute pet.

"Not sure, but Little White goes out to the surrounding area of the town everyday for adventures with Little Jun." Little Four told Ling Lan what Little White had been up to these past few days.

"It's having a lot of fun, huh." It wasn't even think about her, his master, one bit. Ling Lan was disheartened that she kept a good for nothing pet. However, she wasn't apologetic about how she was just thinking of ruthlessly abandoning Little White.

"Rawr!" She suddenly heard Little White's angry roar. This was the difference of spiritual power. Other than Ling Lan or experts in spiritual power, the average person wouldn't be able to hear it.

"Not good!" Ling Lan's expression changed instantly. Little White was informing her that someone was making a move on Liu Aijun.

Ling Lan disappeared from the room and appeared at the location where Little White had screamed in the next second. However, she only discovered the grass and trees around her were a mess, while Little White and Liu Aijun were nowhere to be seen.

Ling Lan put out her finger, closed her eyes and felt the presence that was still lingering in the air…

"The earth element is quite thick here…" Ling Lan immediately knelt down and pushed her right hand into the ground to feel the changes in the earth element.

"Who knew that a small planet like Muyang would actually have an earth element domain realm master. Plus, he is at least a titled domain realm master if he could kidnap Liu Aijun and Little White from my watchful eyes."

Right as Ling Lan felt the enemy's location, she heard a loud explosion coming from the Liu family's home.

Ling Lan's concentration was disrupted. Now, the trail she had caught on from the earth element domain realm master instantly brokne off. She sensing it again, but she could not sensed it anymore.

"Sh*t!" Ling Lan could only give up on searching and run back to the Liu family's house. She saw the originally old and tattered home of the Liu family had already become a pile of debris.

Aunt Liu was sweeping the yard at the time. Although she was sent flying by the shockwave produced by the explosion, she was not hit with anything. She didn't have any life-threatening injuries and was quite lucky.

Seeing Ling Lan appear, Aunt Liu, who was dumbstruck and had a blood smear on the corner of her mouth, instantly regained her focus. She cried happily, "Jiang Hui, it's a good thing you're okay." Just now, she actually thought Jiang Hui had perished in the explosion. That was because in her mind, Jiang Hui should have been in the guest room eating breakfast.

Ling Lan helped Aunt Liu up and brought her to rest in the open area outside. She then took out a vial of medicinal agent and gave it to Aunt Liu as she comforted her, "Aunt Liu, I'm fine. This is medicine for treating your wounds. Rest for now."

Chapter 942 - Who Is It?

Aunt Liu nodded and drank the medicinal agent obediently. Although she knew this type of medicine was expensive, she still needed to regain her health in order to take care of her two children. For that, even if she was to owe a huge favor to Jiang Hui, she still had to accept it.

The commotion at the Liu family house alerted the neighbors around them. They all came running when they heard the explosion. When they saw Aunt Liu, they all rushed forward and asked her about the situation. They asked whether there were people under the rubble and whether she needed help.

Although Planet Muyang was somewhat underdeveloped, the relationship between neighbors were much better than those seen in more modernized planets. The neighbors here were willing to lend a helping hand and not just watch coldly on the side.

Seeing that there were two ladies around the same age as Aunt Liu comforting her, Ling Lan backed away from them. She looked at the rubble that used to be the Liu family's house again and narrowed her gaze. There was no doubt that this explosion was aimed to kill her.

"Little Four, rewind the video." She wanted to see who caused the explosion.

After rewinding the tape to four days ago, Ling Lan finally saw the culprit. After Ling Lan had left the Liu family home that day, one of the neighbors entered the home to ask for some soy sauce from Aunt Liu. When Aunt Liu went to get the soy sauce, the neighbor's seemingly random moving hand touched a blind spot on a piece of furniture 'accidentally' while she was talking to Aunt Liu.

Just like that, the neighbor stuck a miniature time bomb on the blind spot of the furniture.

The movements and expression of that person seemed to be natural. Ling Lan and Little Four didn't think that someone on Planet Muyang would want to get rid of them so quickly, and so they had neglected the possibility of it happening that quickly.

Ling Lan looked around again and discovered that among the group of neighbors who came out of their house, that person had a face full of sincerity when she was talking to Aunt Liu as though she was actually concerned about Aunt Liu's safety.

"Little Four, ever since we came out to travel, have I become less alert about my surroundings?" The similar environment to her previous life, the slow way of living, had made Ling Lan feel much more peaceful. She had indeed become much less alert about her surroundings than before.

"Yeah. Though we didn't know that such a peaceful-looking planet would actually hide this many secrets," Little Four murmured. He felt his Boss wasn't to blame. After all, they had only came here to travel on a whim. If traveling required them to constantly be alert and on guard like being on a mission, then where would the fun be? It would better to just rest at home instead.

"However, since they made on move on us, then if I don't reciprocate, then that won't be like me." Ling Lan smiled coldly. She slowly walked forward and went to join the crowd. She then went beside the neighbor in question.

Although Ling Lan was there, everyone naturally neglected her, including the neighbor she was moving towards.

Suddenly, the neighbor felt her throat was being choked ruthlessly. She wanted to scream out loud but her voice just wouldn't come out. She wanted to move too but she couldn't move a muscle.

'What is happening?' Before she could react, she had already arrived in an open wasteland area in the next second. Right at that moment, the choke hold was suddenly released. This 40 year old woman instantly knelt to the ground as she coughed hoarsely. It was though she was about to cough her lungs out.

Right at that moment, the woman who was weak from all the coughing suddenly pounced behind her. A silver colored sharp objected appeared in her hands as she ruthlessly stabbed towards Ling Lan, who was standing behind her.

"Bang!" Ling Lan only used one finger and flicked the dagger away. The dagger instantly shattered into thousands of pieces.

The woman was stunned, and she quickly backed away from Ling Lan. When she wanted to make a run for it, the belts that were originally wrapped around the Ling Lan's arms suddenly loosened and pounced towards her like snakes.

"Bam!" The belts were like long whips, wrapping around her legs, causing the woman to fall down.

No matter how much the woman tried to struggle free, she was still slowly dragged towards Ling Lan by the belts wrapped around her.

"Who are you?" Ling Lan asked calmly.

The woman glared at Ling Lan angrily, but didn't make a sound.

"Yao Minyi, born on Planet Muyang… never went to school. A person who stays at home to take care of her younger brother and sister would definitely not have moves like yours." Ling Lan knelt down with leather gloves on her hands and squeezed the woman's face.

"The muscles on your face have been reconstituted. Your bones seem to have also been done." Ling Lan used her Qi-Jin to feel the woman's face and instantly understood the situation.

"It seems that the real Yao Minyi has already been disposed of by you. Did you use Yao Minyi's identity to surveillance on the Liu family?" It was probably because Liu Furong had unknowingly left something incriminating, but they didn't have proper evidence on him. That was probably why they used this method to keep a watch on the Liu family.

Yao Minyi didn't answer and only glared at Ling Lan coldly.

"It seems I am right."

Ling Lan's words stunned Yao Minyi. She didn't know how this person could be so confident that his guess was right. She didn't even answer Ling Lan.

"Sometimes, not answering is also answering." Ling Lan smiled as she put her right index finger on Yao Minyi's forehead.

Yao Minyi suddenly felt a coldness go from her forehead into her brain. It was so comforting that she wanted to moan, but there was also an indescribable terror that made her hairs stand on end.

Ling Lan smiled as she took back the belts. The belts that were flying around everywhere, wrapped around Ling Lan's arm naturally and hid within her sleeves once again.

Ling Lan's actions dumbfounded Yao Minyi. She didn't know why her opponent didn't do anything to her and let her go.

"Don't be grateful to me. You're just useless to me now." Ling Lan shook her head and disappeared in the next second.

Yao Minyi waited for a moment. When she discovered that her opponent had indeed left, she couldn't help but laugh coldly, "As expected of a child. He was actually soft-hearted under this situation. Our team leader was actually worried that someone like this would cause us problems…"

In her mind, she remembered the words her team leader had told her recently. Then, she suddenly began to remember how she came to Planet Muyang. In the end, she actually began to have flashbacks to times when she was in the hellish training program organized by the organization…

"Why am I thinking about these things. Sh*t, sh*t…" Yao Minyi began to hit her own head. Those memories were all hidden in places deep in her mind as she didn't want to ever remember them. However, those memories suddenly flooded her mind. She wanted to remember happier things, but for some reason, couldn't control her thoughts.

In the end, Yao Minyi held her head and knelt to the ground in pain. She felt as if she was being split open. The pain from it made her almost go insane.

Yao Minyi, who could no longer handle the pain, began to roll around on the ground. In the end, she had gone unconscious from the pain.

When she woke up once again, Yao Minyi saw the bright sun above her head. She felt that it was odd that she would be sleeping on the floor. She then suddenly remembered something and immediately got up. She dusted the dirt off her and quickly ran towards the Liu family house.

She was Yao Minyi, a person born on Planet Muyang, and mother of two children. Now, her best friend, who grew up with her, had something happened to her house. How could she not be beside her to comfort her?

Yao Minyi, who had more important things to do, stopped thinking about why she woke up on the ground and quickly went to the Liu family home.

Now, Yao Minyi was the real Yao Minyi. The spy who organization had sent to survey the Liu family no longer existed.

Chapter 943 - Frustration!

"Master, Little Blossom is back." The moment Little Blossom left Yao Minyi's mind, he merged with Ling Lan's spiritual power in the air and used it to return to Ling Lan's mindscape.

Ling Lan smiled. She tapped Little Blossom's cold and chubby face then complimented him. "Little Blossom, you did well."

Little Blossom followed Ling Lan's command and destroyed all the memories that weren't related to the real Yao Minyi. All the information that was left was all related to the real Yao Minyi. These memories in her head would make the woman believed that she was the real Yao Minyi.

Since they destroyed a Yao Minyi, she would return another Yao Minyi to the family and make this family perfect again.

Little Blossom finally smiled when he heard his master praising him. Little Four saw the smile and his chip surprisingly became hotter. He almost shutdown again just like that time when he saw his Boss smiling.

Little Four managed to regain his sense after he recuperated for some time. He suddenly realized that he had a fetish towards smiles. That was why he couldn't handle his Boss's smile in the past and now, he couldn't handle Little Blossom's smile too. Thinking back, he really couldn't resist against people who always wore a smile on their faces, for instance, Ling Xiao, Lan Luofeng, Luo Lang, Luo Chao…

Based on this theory, he should like Li Lanfeng too. However, Little Four weirdly didn't have a good impression of Li Lanfeng. It must be because that fellow's smile was too fake. Only real smiles had effects on him.

Little Four felt at ease after he found the reason for the rise in the temperature of his chip. He just had a liking for real smiles. He wasn't enchanted by Little Blossom's smile.

In the learning space, Number Five saw Little Blossom's smile and said to the air above him, "Look, your teachings are useful. It's just that the effects couldn't be seen last time.

"Hmph." The space beside Number Five split open, then a sexy and charismatic woman walked out of the cracked space. It was Number Four.

"You didn't tell me that Little Blossom would evolve to become like its master." Number Four glanced at Number Five coldly. It was a mesmerizing glance. Number Five's heart wavered for a moment. If he wasn't focused enough, he might have already succumbed to Number Four's charisma. Number Five really respected Number One's resistance against Number Four. 'Is what Ling Lan said the truth? Is Number One actually asexual?'

Number Four didn't know that Number Five was thinking about the relationship between Number One and her. She was just immersed in her own thoughts. She remembered the setbacks she faced in front of Little Blossom. That time, she actually tried her best to groom a seductive and charismatic person who could use any expressions to curb his opponent. However, she didn't expect Little Blossom to start evolving.

Before Little Blossom evolved, he could still perform some of those various expressions. She was not satisfied with them but he could at least do the expressions when she asked him too. After he evolved, Little Blossom only had one expression. He only kept that cold face on him all the time. Number Four almost wanted to vomit blood when she saw that.

Number Four couldn't understand what was happening so she dragged Number Five out of his space and forced him to explain the situation to her.

Number Five told her the truth. Little Blossom's evolution path was based on his master. Little Blossom's master was Ling Lan and since Ling Lan constantly had a cold face after Number One's teaching, Little Blossom would move towards that direction too. Whether this path could be broken depended on Number Four's teaching.

Number Four almost went crazy when she knew that her disciple would become like Number One in the future. 'Damn it, I have enough of that ice-cold face. I don't want to see another cold face anymore.' That was why she wanted to come out and teach Ling Lan. Number Four felt that Ling Lan was led astray by Number One. She needed to save Ling Lan.

In order to not lose to Number One, Number Four spent much time and effort teaching Little Blossom. However, Little Blossom's evolution path was strong. The more effort she used, the colder Little Blossom became. In the end, Number Four couldn't take it anymore and kicked Little Blossom back into Ling Lan's mindscape.

'Damn it, I'm not playing with emotionless people anymore!'

Number Four gritted her teeth in anger as she thought about this. She turned around and went to Number One's space. She wanted to vent her frustration on Number One.

Number Five didn't know how Number One dealt with Number Four. He was extremely curious but he knew that if he tagged along, he would be thrown into the little black room by Number One and be locked up inside for a few years. If he was locked inside for a few years, he would be unable to get close to Number Nine and touched her hand. Thus, Number Five decided to give up on following Number Four.

He needed some fun in his life. If not, what was the purpose of his life?

"Ah, something is happening! Haha, so many things are happening at the same time. How is our Little Ling Lan going to solve all these? This is exciting…"Number Five, who was thinking about Number Nine a moment ago, got attracted by what was happening in the real world. He took out a bag of sunflower seeds from somewhere and created a table out of nothing. Then, he sat on the floor and watched the show excitedly while munching on the sunflower seeds.

A fair hand grabbed a bunch of sunflower seeds and asked indifferently, "What's the situation now?"

"Haha, Little Ling Lan is alone while there are many enemies on the opposite side. They caught those people who are important to Ling Lan. Little Ling Lan is in a bad state now. She can't split herself up so who will she save first?" Number Five was schadenfreude.

"So, are you happy?" The voice was cold with a tinge of anger.

Number Five suddenly woke up. He looked at Number Nine's cold face and shook his head firmly. "No, I'm not. I'm very worried for Ling Lan too."

He couldn't let Number Nine know his real thoughts. Number Five knew that Number Nine treated Ling Lan as her own child. He couldn't provoke a mother, especially when he had romantic thoughts towards the mother too.

"Hmph!" Number Nine knew that Number Five didn't mean what he said. However, she didn't have the time to bother about Number Five's thoughts for now. Just like what Number Five said, Ling Lan was in trouble now.

As Ling Lan and Little Four looked for Liu Aijun and Little White, Wang Baozhuang, whose real name was Luo Yi, was seriously injured. He got carried to the Liu family with the help of his neighbours. If Ling Lan didn't feed him a bottle of the restorative agent, he would have died by now. After he woke up, he told Ling Lan that Wang Qi and Liu Aijun got kidnapped by some unknown people. He wanted to stop them but he was almost beaten to death.

"A trap after a trap. What a cunning scheme." Ling Lan frowned deeply. Planet Muyang was an unfamiliar planet to her. She finally understood how frustrating it was to be curbed by her opponent. The sudden enemy, the sudden change, and the secrets hidden for 15 years made her confused and her mind be in a whirl.

Chapter 944 - Go Home!

Aunt Liu was flabbergasted when she heard that Liu Aijun was kidnapped. Then, she hurriedly ran to the place where he always played at. She had a breakdown when she saw no one was there.

"Jiang Hui, is Aijun kidnapped too? Is it the enemy of their father? Is it?" Aunt Liu wasn't gentle anymore, as she grabbed Ling Lan's hand agitatedly.

"Aunt Liu, calm down. This has nothing to do with Uncle Liu." Ling Lan used some spiritual power as she spoke. It woke up Aunt Liu who was drowned by emotions.

Aunt Liu felt her mind becoming clearer. She calmed down and started crying. "It's all my fault. I can't even protect my children."

'Crying is a good thing.' Ling Lan relaxed for the moment. She signaled to another woman at the side and asked her to console Aunt Liu.

"Boss, what do we do now?" Little Four didn't know what to do in the face of such a sudden situation.

"Look for Wang Qi and Liu Aihua," Ling Lan rubbed her forehead as she said.

"What about Little White?" Little Four was more concerned about Little White who had some relationship with him.

"With Little White around, anyone below the domain realm won't be able to hurt Liu Aijun." Ling Lan replied calmly, "I'm more worried about Wang Qi and Liu Aihua, especially Wang Qi. I feel that the opponent's real objective is him. The Liu family is just to confuse me."

'I understand, Boss." Little Four got a trance so he started tracking Wang Qi and Liu Aihua. Little Four's tracking ability was impressive. After some time, he managed to find the den of the people that kidnapped Wang Qi and Liu Aihua.

"Here?" Ling Lan was shocked but not surprised. This was the only place that had the ability to restrict her movements.

"The government of Planet Muyang. Let me see who you are!" Ling Lan prepared to save the two people. However, before she left, she hid Aunt Liu and Luo Yi somewhere safe. She didn't want them to get abducted after she came back from saving the two people. It was tiring to keep saving people.

"Aunt Liu, did Uncle Liu leave any words behind? For instance, someone you can find for help when you meet any trouble." Ling Lan only hoped that Liu Furong was a responsible person.

Aunt Liu thought for a moment and shook her head. There was no one she could rely on in Planet Muyang. If not, she wouldn't have to lead such a poor life.

Ling Lan had expected this answer. She just asked in case there was some chance. After she heard Aunt Liu's reply, she decided to bring them along with her. She would hide them close to her while she was carrying out her plan. Under Little Four's surveillance, her opponents wouldn't have a chance to attack them.

Just as Ling Lan was about to tell Aunt Liu her decision, Aunt Liu suddenly thought about something. She gasped and ran into her house. The house was in ruins but the courtyard was still there.

There was a cellar in a corner of the courtyard. She opened it and walked in. Ling Lan was afraid that Aunt Liu would face some danger so she followed her closely.

It was a simple cellar. The walls were made from crude soil. In one glance, you could see the entire cellar. Besides cabbage and potatoes, there was nothing of value in the cellar.

Of course, this was what a normal person would see. Ling Lan used her spiritual power to scan the area and noticed an abnormal spot.

Unsurprisingly, Aunt Liu walked to the abnormal spot. She took a shovel from the wall and started digging the spot.

The soil in the cellar was hard. Aunt Liu started panting after digging a few times. Ling Lan came forward and said, "Aunt Liu, let me do it."

"Thank you. Jiang Hui, dig in this direction. My husband said that if I meet any life-or-death situation, I can dig the thing out. It may be able to save my life." After Aihua was born, her husband came back to see the baby. Before he left, he left her with this sentence. Many years had passed so Aunt Liu had forgotten about it. Her husband had just casually mentioned it at that time too.

Ling Lan used her domain energy and dug the ground. After some time, a deep hole was formed. Aunt Liu didn't suspect anything. She just thought that Ling Lan had herculean strength.

Clang! The shovel hit something hard. Ling Lan bent down and picked up a hard object.

It was a small wooden box in the size of a palm. It looked like a metal box and the sound when the shovel hit it sounded like a metal box too. However, Ling Lan knew that it was really made from wood. This wood was a special kind of wood, metal wood. This kind of wood was as tough as metal.

But, it could still be burnt. A high temperature was required to burn this type of wood but it could still be burnt.

There was a passcode lock on the box. Ling Lan looked at Aunt Liu. A passcode was needed to open the box.

"It's a four-number passcode lock," Ling Lan reminded Aunt Liu.

"It's Aihua's birthday, 0430." Aunt Liu thought for a moment. She remembered her husband telling her that it was a birthday gift for Aihua.

Ling Lan pressed the number and heard the sound of lock opening. The wooden box opened, revealing a small object that looked like a button.

Ling Lan was speechless when she looked at the thing. She dug with so much effort and this was what she got? If she knew this would happen, she would have contacted 250 Ace Mecha Clan directly.

"Ah, it's this." Aunt Liu's eyes lit up. She took the button and squeezed it.

The button broke…

Ling Lan felt helpless as she asked, "Aunt Liu, do you know what this is?"

Aunt Liu nodded. "My husband told me that we can use this to communicate with him when he was away from us. However, the communication is one way and it can only be used one time. I wonder if he can receive it." Aunt Liu was worried that the communicator was spoilt.

Aunt Liu was hopeful but Ling Lan knew that she couldn't rely on Liu Furong. Liu Furong was on Planet Haijiao now, helping 250 Ace Mecha Clan to gain more merits. Even if he had returned to the Federation, he was still a few millions of light-years away from Planet Muyang. He would need at least ten days to reach here.

By the time Liu Furong reached here, it would already be too late.

Ling Lan had no choice but to continue with her ordinary plan. She brought Aunt Liu and Luo Yi along with her as she went towards the central government building of Planet Muyang.

At the same time, the shuttle that entered Planet Muyang once a week was moving towards it slowly. There was a passenger who had a thick beard on the shuttle. His eyes revealed his excitement and longing. Suddenly, his expression changed for the worse. He turned agitated. He wanted to land on Planet Muyang immediately.

This man was Liu Furong. After Liu Furong returned to 250 Ace Mecha Clan, he requested for a leave from Lin Zhong-qing. When his leave was approved, he travelled to many planets and changed his disguise multiple times. After confirming that no one was following him, he used the disguise that he always put on when he went home.