

Chapter 446 Ancient Movement Technique

"Bloody Dragon Claws!" Chief Long rushed at Su Yang with his hands made into a claw, and a sinister red aura emitted from his fingers.

Su Yang's eyebrows twitched upon seeing this aura. He could sense a dangerous feeling in this technique, and his instincts told him to avoid it.

Thus, he immediately used Nine Astral Steps to distance himself from Chief Long.

A second after Su Yang jumped away, Chief Long's claws struck at where Su Yang just stood, causing the earth to melt in an ugly fashion.

If such an attack had landed on Su Yang's skin, it would probably melt away instantly.

"Poison, huh." Su Yang quickly recognized the nature of Chief Long's attack. It was no wonder why Chief Long was acting so confident just now even after witnessing the Black Scorpion's deadly poison.

"Just like your dagger, my poison techniques can kill anyone below the Sovereign Spirit Realm with ease. It does not matter if you are a genius or a monster, if you touch my poison, you will die." Chief Long spoke with a grin on his face.


Su Yang remained silent.

'Father, can you deal with him? If not, I can kill him for you.' Qiuyue's voice suddenly resounded in Su Yang's head.

He turned to look at her, who wore a subtle but worrying expression on her peerless face.

'Don't worry. His poison is useless if he cannot touch me,' said Su Yang using spiritual sense.

He then turned to look at Chief Long and smiled, "Now that your element of surprise is gone, what will you do? As long I avoid your strikes, you will never be able to defeat me."

"But can you keep avoiding them?!" Chief Long rushed at Su Yang again while brandishing his claws at him as though they were swords.

"Are you even trying to hit me? You should put more effort into it, or you won't even catch my clothes," said Su Yang as he casually avoids all of Chief Long's attacks.

A few minutes of chasing later, Chief Long is still having difficulties hitting Su Yang, who was as slippery as an eel.

The people watching this were dumbfounded. It felt like they were watching two people playing tag rather than two people fighting.

"Che! What an annoying movement technique!" Chief Long snickered as he desperately tried to match with Su Yang's speed.

However, despite the vast difference in their cultivation base, Chief Long was unable to rival Su Yang's speed that was faster than even the wind.

'It's fine! Even if I cannot catch him, my spiritual energy limit is much higher than his! He will exhaust his spiritual energy before I am even close to running out!' Chief Long thought to himself.


Upon seeing the confident grin on Chief Long's face, Su Yang could easily guess what he was thinking and spoke, "If you are thinking that you can simply wait for me to exhaust my spiritual energy, then I will have to disappoint you since I have enough spiritual energy stored up to keep dodging like this for days without rest."

"W-What…? Impossible! As if I'd fall for such a trick! Even if you have more power than me, there's simply no way that someone at the 3rd level of the Heavenly Spirit Realm could have more spiritual energy than someone at the peak of the Heavenly Spirit Realm!" Chief Long sneered. Not even a child would fall for this obvious lie.

"You don't have to believe me, since you will have to accept it later. In fact, why don't we speed up a little bit?"

Su Yang's leg movements suddenly changed, and his speed nearly doubled instantly.


Chief Long stopped chasing after Su Yang after seeing his ridiculous speed, which left not even a shadow behind. He felt like he was trying to catch a lightning bolt as a mortal — it was simply impossible.

"What kind of movement technique is that?" Even Qiuyue was surprised by Su Yang's new movements. Although they looked similar to the Nine Astral Steps, it was more profound and advanced.

"Although it may appear to be a different movement technique, he's actually still using the Nine Astral Steps, you know?" Tang Lingxi suddenly appeared beside Qiuyue and said.

"Senior Sister! What do you mean by that? Has he been using a fake technique all along?"

"This is supposed to be a secret that only those who have learned the technique can know, but since I consider you my family, I will let you know. The Nine Astral Step is known to be a single technique, but in reality, there are nine movement techniques hidden within," said Tang Lingxi.

"The Nine Astral Step is an Ancient Movement Technique that existed even before the Primordial Era, and as its name suggests, consists of nine levels of movement techniques, each stronger and faster than the next. Su Yang has only been using the first movement technique up to this point due to his lack of cultivation base, and now that he's reached the Heavenly Spirit Realm, he can finally use the second step of the technique."

After hearing Tang Lingxi's explanation, Qiuyue couldn't help but exclaim with a shocked voice, "If the second step is already this fast, just how fast is the ninth step?!"

Tang Lingxi smiled and said, "In my case, when I use the ninth step, I can traverse from star to star in the blink of an eye. It can even defy the laws of space and time and travel through the void — almost like the Dimension Rift."


Qiuyue was speechless. As one would have expected from the Asura God Clan, one of the strongest powers in all of Four Divine Heavens. Not only are their people ridiculously powerful but so are the techniques they practice.

"What are you, a damn cockroach?! Stop running away and fight me like a real warrior!" Chief Long was beginning to get irritated and tired of Su Yang's antics. At this rate, he will run out of energy before retrieving the Black Dragon Axe.

"If you are telling me to just stand there and let you touch me with poison, then I will have to decline your offer." Su Yang responded a moment later.

"Then you leave me with no other choice!" Chief Long suddenly stopped chasing after Su Yang and turned to look in a certain direction before running in that direction.

"?!?!" Qin Liangyu was baffled when Chief Long suddenly looked at her with a malicious gaze.

"Let's see if you save this young lady while dodging my attack!" Chief Long shouted as his poisoned claws approached the dazed Qin Liangyu.

Chapter 447 I've Got You Now!

"Where the hell do you think you are going?"

When Chief Long suddenly switched targets to Qin Liangyu, Su Yang's eyes flickered with killing intent, and he used the second level of Nine Astral Step to appear behind Chief Long in the blink of an eye.

However, a wide grin appeared on Chief Long's face as she suddenly turned around to face Su Yang, almost like he'd been waiting for this exact moment.

"I've got you now!" Chief Long pounced his claws at Su Yang with extreme speed, arriving at Su Yang's face before faster than one can blink his eyes.

"Su Yang!" Qiuyue's heart expanded to its maximum with anxiety upon seeing this, and she began flying at them in hopes that she could make it in time to protect him.

However, someone grabbed onto her shoulders and forced her to stop before she could move very far.

Qiuyue turned around to see Tang Lingxi, who calmly shook her head.

"Calm down, Junior Sister. Do you think this is his first time fighting or something? He'll be fine."

Qiuyue looked a bit dazed for a moment. She then turned around to watch the situation again.


Qiuyue's eyes widened with shock when she saw the scene. A moment ago, Chief Long had attempted to trick Su Yang into lowering his guard by suddenly targeting Qin Liangyu, before turning around to attack him.

But now that she's looking at the situation again, Su Yang was perfectly fine. As for Chief Long… he stood there with a terrified expression, and the arm that was an inch away from Su Yang's handsome face had suddenly been separated from his body and landed a few meters away!

It looked like Chief Long's arm had been severed by something sharp — something like a sword. However, Su Yang's hands were empty, so it was impossible that he'd been struck by a sword.

"W-What did you do to me?" Chief Long coughed up a mouthful of blood before he began swaying backward.

"Did you really think that I would fall for something so basic?" Su Yang stared directly into Chief Long's eyes, who felt like he was as naked as an open book before Su Yang's sharp gazes.

"And I don't need a weapon to kill someone like you. My hands are just enough." Su Yang continued.

"I was playing with you just now, since you are partially responsible for the Lion Tribe's actions today, and I was prepared to return to you the Black Dragon Axe after some time, but you had to go ahead and do something as stupid as targeting Chief Qin."

Although his hands were empty, they lingered with Sword Qi.

The place was dead silent, and the people from the Boar Tribe were all staring at Su Yang as though he was the God of War.

"P-Please… spare my life… I won't ask you to return the Black Dragon Axe anymore…" Chief Long trembled in fear.

Even though Su Yang's cultivation base is significantly lower than his own, the difference in their strength and techniques were worlds apart. It felt like he was fighting with someone who has countless years more experience than himself.

"Don't worry, I never intended to kill you in the first place. I also know why you are targeting the Boar Tribe, so let me tell you this — the thing you are looking for is no longer with the Boar Tribe, since it's in my hands now."

"Of course, you are always welcomed to try and take it from me like the Black Dragon Axe."


Chief Long's eyes widened again, but he didn't say anything, as he was speechless.

"There's no longer any reason why you should come near the Boar Tribe again. I can't guarantee that you will leave with your life the next time you come here. Am I making myself clear?" Su Yang spoke to Chief Long in a commanding voice, leaving no opportunity for him to refuse.

"I-I understand…" Chief Long nodded his head in a stiff movement.

"Good. Then get out of my sight."

After saying those words, Su Yang turned around and no longer paid attention to Chief Long, who quickly scurried away from the Boar Tribe.

"Are you okay?" Su Yang approached Qin Liangyu with a smile on his face afterward.

"Y-Yes…" Qin Liangyu slowly nodded her head with a dazed expression.

"It's unfortunate that I was unable to save everyone from the Boar Tribe. I'm sorry."

Su Yang said as he looked at the surroundings.

The Boar Tribe was littered with corpses as of this moment. While the majority of them belonged to the Lion Tribe, there were many fallen warriors from the Boar Tribe's side, too.

"No… you have done nothing that would require you to apologize, Senior Su. If not for you, there would have been far more casualties. Thank you for saving the Boar Tribe…"

Qin Liangyu suddenly got onto her knees and kowtowed to him.

When the other tribesmen saw their Chief's action, they also knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Su Yang, thanking him in silence.

"Stand up. Although the war is over, there's still work to be done here."

Qin Liangyu then stood up and spoke in a loud voice, "We are going to clean this place up!"

"Yes, Chief!"

Sometime later, Qiuyue and Tang Lingxi approached Su Yang.

"Are you okay, Su Yang?" Qiuyue asked him.

"I am fine—"

"Stop lying." Tang Ling suddenly interrupted.

"You used Celestial Qi during both of your fights. Although you may appear fine on the outside, I can tell that you are actually exhausted."

"Eh? Really?!" Qiuyue was dumbfounded. It's no wonder why he was able to overpower two peak Heavenly Spirit Realm experts with such ease!

Su Yang showed a smile and said, "I really can't hide anything from you, Lingxi."

"Indeed, I feel a little tired. But besides feeling sleepy, I am really fine. I want to adapt to the Celestial Qi in my body, so I have been training with it."

"Don't push yourself too hard. It's not easy to control Celestial Qi, and that's true even for me." Tang Lingxi said.

"I won't—"

Before he could even finish his words, his vision blacken.

"S-Su Yang!!!"

His sudden collapse greatly startled Qiuyue, and she immediately went to catch his falling body.

"Relax, Junior Sister. He's only sleeping. He'll be fine after a few days of rest." Tang Lingxi said to her, relieving her of her worries.

Chapter 448 Recruiting Bed Partners

"W-What happened to him?! Is he injured?!" Qin Liangyu rushed to Qiuyue when she saw Su Yang collapsing into her arms.

"He'll be fine after some rest." Tang Lingxi explained to her like she did to Qiuyue. "Though, he will need to replenish his spiritual energy after he wakes up, or it might harm his body later."

"Something to replenish his spiritual energy, right? I will gather as much as spirit meat or spiritual herbs for him!" Qin Liangyu spoke with enthusiasm. She had been waiting for an opportunity to be helpful to him for once.

However, Tang Lingxi waved her hand and said in a calm voice, "Although ordinary resources will suffice, it's not the most effective, and you will need a lot to replenish the vast amount of Profound Qi inside him."

Qin Liangyu raised her eyebrows in a puzzled manner.

"Then what would you suggest, Senior Tang? We only have spirit meat and medicine," she then asked.

"Do you know what Dual Cultivation is?" Tang Lingxi asked her.

"No, I do not." Qin Liangyu shook her head.

Meanwhile, Qiuyue looked at Tang Lingxi with wide eyes.

"Are you telling her to cultivate with him? You won't mind it?" Qiuyue couldn't help but ask Tang Lingxi, who did not seem like the type to share things, especially when it comes to her own man.

"If I were in the position to pick myself, I would rather be the one to cultivate with him. However, I am in Hong Yu'er's body, and I had promised her that I wouldn't defy it."

"As for you… unless you don't mind dying after cultivating with him, then you can go ahead and replenish his Profound Qi."

"You also know about the Sacred Moon Palace's curse?" Qiuyue was surprised, as even she wasn't aware of it until Su Yang told her.

"Of course. I know almost everything about the Sacred Moon Palace, and that includes the curse that enslaves its own people, forcing them to marry people from the same bloodline. And to be honest with you, I have always disliked the Sacred Moon Palace and its people. There were even times where I wanted to wipe them out."


Qiuyue was speechless. To think the Sacred Moon Palace was on the verge of destruction multiple times without being aware.

"However, I don't dislike you, since you are very different from the rest of the Moon Clan. Unlike those cold and emotionless bastards, you're cute, passionate, and my Junior Sister."

Qiuyue immediately blushed after hearing such words, even lowering her head slightly to her the redness on her face.

"Anyway…" Tang Lingxi returned to Qin Liangyu and continued to speak, "Dual Cultivation is when two people of the opposite sex share body warmth and their special Qi with each other. In other words, you're sleeping with each other."


Qin Liangyu was baffled after learning what kind of practice Dual Cultivation was. Does this mean Tang Lingxi wanted someone to have sex with Su Yang? This is the kind of situation that one would normally never expect.

"Even if it's for Senior Su… I can't do that! After all, I am still a virgin! And I am only allowed to give my body to whoever will become the next Chief of the Boar Tribe! Furthermore, even without that rule that has existed for hundreds of years, I am not worthy to be doing such acts with someone as excellent as Senior Su!" Qin Liangyu began to panic.

The only reason Qin Liangyu's position as Chief of the Boar Tribe is only temporary and not permanent is that only men are allowed to be the Chief.

And if the previous Chief only has a daughter, that daughter will give her body to whoever will become the next Chief, and that person is usually the strongest warrior in the tribe.

Currently, in the Boar Tribe, the best candidate for becoming the next Chief was Lebao, who is not only loyal to the tribe but also their strongest warrior.

"Ignoring whether you are worthy or not to be his partner, I never specifically asked for you to help him replenish his energy." Tang Lingxi spoke with a teasing smile on her face.

"There are plenty of other women in this tribe, and I'm sure that some of them will be willing to assist their Savior, especially when he's as handsome and strong as Su Yang."


Upon hearing Tang Lingxi's words, Qin Liangyu's face instantly blew up with redness. To think she'd make the mistake of assuming that Tang Lingxi was only talking about her — that she was the only woman in this place. Qin Liangyu felt like digging a hole and burying herself at this moment.

"By the way, while it's not necessary, it would be more effective if his partners are virgins, since their Pure Yin Essence is still intact."

"I-I will immediately ask around and make arrangements! E-Excuse me!"

Unable to bear her embarrassment, Qin Liangyu quickly left the scene to ask the women in the tribe for assistance.

Qin Liangyu then made her way around the settlement and recruiting bed partners for Su Yang, asking if they wanted to assist him while being pleasured at the same time.

"What? That handsome young man needs a sleeping partner to replenish his Profound Qi? Of course, I am willing to assist! He saved our tribe, after all! No — even if he didn't save us, I wouldn't mind giving my body to someone like him. This is the least I can do!"

"This is not a funny joke if you are joking with me, Chief Qin. What? It's not a joke and you are serious? Of course, I will gladly be his partner!"

"I get to share a bed with that handsome warrior who slaughtered the Lion Tribe all by himself? Why didn't you come to me sooner!"

Qin Liangyu was speechless. Although women in the Southern Region are all attracted to strong men, she didn't expect that it would be so easy to find people who are willing to offer their body to Su Yang. Even the maidens that have been very careful up to this point when choosing their partners did not hesitate when asked to give their Pure Yin Essence to Su Yang and were even delighted by such a request.

Chapter 449 30,000

Sometime later, after making her way around the Boar Tribe's settlement and speaking with many women, Qin Liangyu finally returned to Tang Lingxi and Qiuyue with over 30 beautiful women by her side.

Qin Liangyu had recruited nearly all of the beauties within the Boar Tribe. From the young maidens who still have their Pure Yin Essence intact to mature women that already have partners, they all gathered there to help replenish Su Yang's Profound Qi.

"Senior Tang, I have finished gathering individuals who wish to help Senior Su. There are thirty-two women here, and 12 of them are still pure maidens. They are not only the most talented individuals in the tribe but they also have the best appearances and figures."

"You really went out of your way, huh…"

Tang Lingxi was surprised to see how many women Qin Liangyu had brought back with her.

"You can choose any one of these women to help Senior Su, since all of them are aware of the situation and have already agreed to help." Qin Liangyu said.

The thirty-two women there silently stared at Tang Lingxi, each hoping to be the one that Tang Lingxi chooses to be Su Yang's partner.

Ever since they have witnessed Su Yang's prowess, they have been thinking how nice it would be if they could serve a man like him. But little did anyone of them expect that such a dream would become a reality so quickly.

"Is there something wrong, Senior Tang?" Qin Liangyu asked her many moments later when Tang Lingxi still stood there without choosing any of them.

"If they are not suitable, I will try to find more…"

However, before Qin Liangyu could even finish her sentence, Tang Lingxi spoke.

"I don't need to choose one of them. All of them can help him at once."


Qin Liangyu and the women there stared at Tang Lingxi with a dumbfounded expression, and they remained dazed even many moments later.

No matter how talented or how strong Su Yang may be, there's simply no way that he could handle all thirty-two women by himself, right?

If someone really has the energy to Dual Cultivate with thirty-two women at once, he could no longer be considered as a mere man, but a beast instead — at least that is how the people from the Boar Tribe saw it.

"Why are you looking at me like I am lying? You don't believe me that he can handle all thirty-two of you with ease?" Tang Lingxi said to them after noticing the doubt in their stares. "He has Dual Cultivated with numbers ten times that amount in one go before in the past, you know."

"T-Ten times?!"

The people there dropped their jaws after hearing such a thing. Even Qiuyue couldn't help but stare at her with her eyes as wide as saucers. This is her first time hearing something like this, and it left an indescribably complicated feeling in her heart afterward.

"I only said ten times because I don't want to sound crazy, since his record is actually much… much higher than that…" Tang Lingxi chuckled.

"Anyway, if all thirty-two of you are willing to provide assistance, I want all of you to help him. There's no need to worry that you won't get a chance, since he will definitely not leave any women in the same room unsatisfied even if he dies."

The thirty-two beauties exchanged glances before nodding, accepting this weird situation much faster than Qin Liangyu expected.

'I can't believe it. Who could've thought that someone who appears as noble and pure as Senior Su would have such a side to him.' Qin Liangyu thought to herself, as she could've never imagined that such a bizarre method of cultivation would exist in this world.

"Good, then come back here in three days. He should be awake by then." Tang Lingxi said to them, and she continued, "In the meantime, you should clean your body, organize your appearance, and prepare your heart. It's going to be an experience you'll never forget for the rest of your lives."

Tang Lingxi spoke with a mysterious smile on her face, causing the thirty-two women to tremble.

Once the thirty-two women left, Qiuyue asked Tang Lingxi, "What you said just now… is it true?"

"What would you do if it was?" Tang Lingxi looked at her with a nonchalant expression.

"Su Yang… he rarely tells me anything about himself. I just want to know more about him, even if that information is not something I'd like to hear." Qiuyue spoke with a solemn expression.

Despite their relationship, Su Yang has never spoken to her about his past, so she knows almost nothing about him besides the secret relationship he had with her mother.

Hearing Qiuyue's words and seeing her face, Tang Lingxi smiled and spoke, "Su Yang… there was this one time when he was invited to a Sect as a guest lecturer. One thing led to another, and he somehow ended up cultivating with nearly every female disciple in that Sect."

"What?!" Qiuyue's eyes popped out from shock.

But Tang Lingxi was not finished.

"I forgot to mention this, but this Sect only accepted female Cultivators, so he essentially slept with the entire Sect, which had over 30,000 disciples at the time."

"T-T-Thirty thousand… disciples…?" Qiuyue staggered from shock, looking like a single breath from a mortal child could cause her to collapse.

"It's a bit funny talking about it now, but at that time, the incident brought Su Yang a lot of trouble, and he nearly stopped being a Dual Cultivator afterward." Tang Lingxi chuckled.

"And after Su Yang left that Sect, he disappeared for ten whole years. If I had to guess, he probably slept like a baby the entire time to recover his energy."

"C-Can I ask what was the name of this Sect?" Qiuyue asked her later.

"Past tense? This place still exists even today. In fact, they are even one of the top Sects within the Four Divine Heavens — the Heaven's Sacred Garden!"

"Wait, what?! Heaven's Sacred Garden?! Impossible! I was supposed to become a disciple at that place if I hadn't run away from the Sacred Moon Palace!" Qiuyue began to sweat profusely.

"Oh?" Tang Lingxi looked at her with a surprised look.

"But that place has a flawless reputation! I have never heard of such an incident in that place, and there's no way that such a massive event did not go down in history with the whole world knowing it!" Qiuyue was in disbelief.

"I don't know what to say besides that they have found a way to cover this incident and swept it under the rug. In fact, if Su Yang didn't tell me about it, even I would not have known about this story. It happened over twenty thousand years ago, too."

"U-Unbelievable… To think he would've had such an experience." Qiuyue wiped the sweat from her forehead.

"Trust me, if this story is shocking for you, he has plenty more stories that will directly knock your eyes out of its sockets if you heard them. If you ask him, I'm sure that he wouldn't mind telling you one or two stories. However, if you continue acting so reserved towards him, you will never truly understand him."

Hearing Tang Lingxi's words, Qiuyue silently nodded.

Chapter 450 Thirty-Two Cultivation Partners 18+

A little over three days have passed ever since Su Yang collapsed after using Celestial Qi to defeat two Heavenly Spirit Realm Cultivators.

When he reopened his eyes, Tang Lingxi was casually sipping tea beside him.

"You're finally awake." Tang Lingxi quickly noticed his presence and placed the tea down.

"It's been three days since you collapsed."

"I see… I'm sorry if I made you worry." Su Yang sat up on the bed with a headache and a feeling of weakness in his body. Perhaps he'd overused the Celestial Qi in his body a little too much, hence this backlash.

"Anyway, you are lacking Profound Qi, right? I have already prepared for you a recovery method to replenish your Profound Qi."

"Oh? What do you have prepared for me?" he asked her.

Tang Lingxi then turned around to look at the exit and spoke loudly, "You can come inside now, ladies."

The next moment, the thirty-two women that had agreed to become Su Yang's partners entered the hut, and it quickly crowded the place.

"This is…" Su Yang looked at them with wide eyes.

These women all wore revealing clothes that barely covered their erotic areas, and they had a bashful expression on their faces. If he had to guess why these beauties were standing before him with such seductive appearances, they were definitely there to replenish his Profound Qi.

"What's the meaning of this?" Although he had a pretty good grasp of the situation, he decided to ask them anyway.

"When these women here heard that you were injured and required assistance, they gladly agreed to offer their body to help you recover. I would actually prefer it if I personally help you, but as you already know, my situation does not allow it."


After a moment of silence, Su Yang asked thirty-two women there, "Are you sure that you want to do this? Although I greatly appreciate you being here, you don't really have to do this."

"We want to do this, Savior. Please, allow us to do at least this much for you, who saved our tribe and the lives within."

"Even if you didn't save our tribe, I would be willing to be your partner, Savior!"

The thirty-two women there began to express their feelings to Su Yang until he nodded with a smile.

"I understand. I will cultivate with you girls. However, this place is a little bit too small and cramped to fit all of us comfortably," said Su Yang as he looked around the hut.

"You don't have to worry about that, since you will be cultivating elsewhere. We have already prepared a hut with enough room to fit all thirty-three of you comfortably." Tang Lingxi said.

"Then what are we waiting for? Lead the way." Su Yang quickly stood up from the bed.

The headache he had just moments ago had seemingly disappeared, and the weakness in his body became filled with energy.

Sometime later, Su Yang and his thirty-two partners transferred from the small hut to one that was three times larger. At glance, it was obvious that the hut had been created in a hurry, so it did not look as elegant as the existing ones. However, the interior of the place was extremely clean and simple. The lighting was not too bright nor too dark, it was perfectly dim. There was also a sweet fragrance inside the hut, making the already calm atmosphere even more pleasant.

In the middle of the room, there was a large bed that was made of wood from the nearby trees, and multiple large blankets stuffed with soft feathers covered the bed.

"At this size, it could even fit 50 people with ease." Su Yang nodded with a pleased expression.

While the place appeared to be simple and cheap, it had a certain wild feeling in the atmosphere that could not be replicated in the Eastern Continent.

"I will now leave all of you alone. Have fun." Tang Lingxi said to them before leaving Su Yang alone with thirty-two women in the hut.

"Before we start, why don't you girls introduce yourselves? I like to know a little bit about my partners before we cultivate."

"I will start with the introduction. My name is Su Yang, and I want you to address me as such when we cultivate. That means there will be no 'Savior' or anything of that sort while we are inside this place."

The thirty-two women there nodded in acknowledgment before they proceeded to introduce themselves.

Sometime later, when Su Yang became aware of the names of all thirty-two women, they began cultivating.

"Who wants to be first?" Su Yang asked them once they began.

A few seconds later, a petite girl with short black hair stepped forward.

"I will be the first to assist you, Su… Su Yang," said the young lady as she loosened the straps on her shoulders, allowing her one-piece clothing to slide down her slender body.

Su Yang also removed his clothes, revealing his well-tuned body, jadelike skin, and his fully erected penis.

"So… so big!"

The girls gasped in shock when they saw the beast for the first time. Not even the experienced women there have seen such a large monster before, and of course, none of them expected that he would have such a large package hidden underneath his robes this entire time.

"Come over here." Su Yang invited the young girl with an enchanting smile and open arms.

The young lady nodded with a bashful smile and slowly approached him.

Once she was close enough, Su Yang grabbed her hand and pulled her petite body into his embrace.

"Since this is your first time, I want you to get used to the feeling first."

"How did you know?" The girl was surprised, as she does not recall ever telling him that she was a virgin.

"I just do." Su Yang said with a smile.

He then laid her body on the bed, before sliding his fingers down her smooth skin until it reached her slit and caressed it like a baby.


The young maiden immediately felt a shock circulate throughout her body, causing it to tremble.

"Relax your body and enjoy it…"

Su Yang mumbled in a gentle voice as his lips approached the exotic flower between the maiden's legs, licking the delicious sap that was trickling from her vagina.




The young maiden moaned loudly, feeling a heavenly sensation that she could not describe, allowing it to dominate her body without any resistance.

When the other thirty-one women saw the young maiden's blissful expression as Su Yang savored her body, they began getting impatient, their body temperature and sexual desires soared, and they even began panting.

Their cultivation session has only just begun, yet all of them couldn't wait until it was their turn to experience whatever that young maiden was feeling with Su Yang.

Meanwhile, outside the hut, Qin Liangyu guarded the scene. She wanted to make sure that nobody could disturb whatever was happening inside the hut even at the cost of her life.

However, when she started hearing sounds of pleasure coming from inside the hut, her mind was instantly overwhelmed by her own imaginations. Soon, she even began feeling a tingly sensation coming from the lower area of her body.

'If only I wasn't born as the Chief's daughter, perhaps I might be inside with the others right now…' she sighed inwardly.

Chapter 451 Passionate Imaginations 18+

The moaning inside the hut behind Qin Liangyu only grew louder as time passed. In fact, it had gotten to the point where even the other people inside their own huts were able to hear the moaning very clearly.

'Good heavens, am I going to have to stand here and listen to this until they are done?! This is torture!' Qin Liangyu cried inwardly as she was powerless to stop the noises coming from behind her.

Half an hour later, the moans had affected Qin Liangyu so much that her mind was filled with nothing but perverted thoughts, imagining herself being in the position of whoever was moaning behind the covers.

In her head, she was being embraced by Su Yang, and they were both naked. He would lick all over her body, and she would do the same for him. Then she imagined her flower being caressed by Su Yang, and then it was her turn to rub his penis with her mouth. Finally, she imagined Su Yang inserting his penis into her vagina, becoming a single entity at that moment.

However, in the midst of her dreaming, Tang Lingxi appeared before her and said, "I forgot to surround this place with a sound-sealing formation."

A few moments later, an invisible barrier surrounded the hut, causing all of the moaning from the inside to die out.

"Are you okay? You are panting pretty heavily." Tang Lingxi said to her afterward with a mysterious smile on her face.

"I-I am fine!" Qin Liangyu hastily responded. She cannot let Tang Lingxi know that she was affected by the moaning and daydreamed about dual cultivating with Su Yang, especially after refusing to be his partner due to her position as the Chief.

"Then if you need anything, you can find me on the flying boat." Tang Lingxi said to her before leaving.


However, even though Tang Lingxi has prevented the moaning from continuing to escape the hut and torturing her mind, Qin Liangyu's body still could not calm down. In fact, she felt even more stimulated by the silence, as it made it easier for her to imagine things!

'Ah… this is not good… I cannot believe that I would have such vulgar thoughts about Senior Su!'

Even Qin Liangyu was surprised by her own capabilities and perverted mind, as this has never happened before. It was almost as if she had been a pervert all along, and hearing the moaning had awakened the pervertedness that had been sleeping deep within her nature.

At the end of the day, even if she holds the position of Chief for one of the top tribes within the Southern Region, Qin Liangyu is still a young lady in her early twenties with a healthy mind and body, and it is normal for young ladies around her age to have such desires, especially when they are in the presence of a dreamy man like Su Yang.

Meanwhile, inside the hut, Su Yang just inserted his penis into the 13th woman there.

"Oh my god! It feels even bigger inside me!" The woman moaned loudly upon feeling Su Yang's thick penis throbbing inside her wet vagina.

After penetrating the woman's closed gates, Su Yang began moving his hips, brushing his hard penis against her soft inner walls while making wet noises.

"Ahhh! Ahhh! Ahhhhh~!"

The woman moaned wildly while her flower quirts out a fountain of Yin Qi.

Showered with Yin Qi, Su Yang silently absorbed it to replenish his Profound Qi. However, he did not stop moving his hips even as he absorbed the Yin Qi, which usually requires one's peak concentration.

This is something only achievable by those who can dual cultivate as easily and mindlessly as breathing — something only Su Yang can achieve.

"I-I can't take it anymore! Any more of this and I will really go crazy!"

It took less than five minutes for the woman in Su Yang's embrace to give up due to exhaustion, as the stimulation was too much for her body to handle. And once she retires to the side of the bed to rest, another woman takes her place in Su Yang's embrace, allowing him to cultivate continuously and without rest.

Three hours later, all of the thirty-two women there have experienced Su Yang's techniques at least once, and not a single one of them were unsatisfied by his divine touch.

However, Su Yang did not even break a sweat after cultivating with these thirty-two women. In fact, his Profound Qi had barely recovered by one-tenth of its full capacity.

At this rate, he'd have to cultivate with them at least ten times over the next two days before he's fully recovered his Profound Qi.

Of course, this was not a problem for Su Yang, who once handled over 30,000 women at once. Instead, the problem laid with his thirty-two partners, as it is almost certain that they would not be able to last for that long even if they rested in-between each session.

With that being said, he did not need to recover his Profound Qi entirely — only enough to stabilize his condition.

"I will now cultivate the Yin Qi I have gathered. Once you have recovered enough stamina and wish to go for round two, just let me know. If you do not wish to continue, then you may leave at any time."

Su Yang said to them before he closed his eyes to focus on recovering his strength.

An hour later, one of the women there approached Su Yang and spoke, "Su Yang, I am ready for round two."

The young lady was aware that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and that it might never happen again once they leave this place, so she wanted to take full advantage of their current situation to cultivate with Su Yang as much as possible before he leaves forever.

Su Yang opened his eyes, looked at the petite young lady, and he nodded with a smile.

"Come here."

The young lady then proceeded to spread her legs and sit on his lap, shoving his majesty rod directly into the wet hole between her legs.


Once she could feel Su Yang's penis completely fill up her hole, she began riding it, indulging herself in the pleasure that quickly followed.

Chapter 452 Taking a Peek Inside

Exactly half a day has passed ever since Su Yang began cultivating inside the hut with his thirty-two partners.

In these 12 hours, he'd managed to cultivate with everyone inside at least four times, made them climax countless times, and recovered one-third of his Profound Qi.

And surprisingly, although some of them had to rest for a few hours, none of the thirty-two women inside have fully given up or left the bed yet.

However, it was clear to Su Yang that more than half of these women were either close to their limit or are already at their limit. If he continued to cultivate with them any further, it would not only harm their bodies but it might also burden their mind.

"I can tell that some of you are already at your limit. I greatly appreciate your company and assistance today, but you should leave before I harm your body." Su Yang said to them.

However, they were reluctant to leave.

"Su Yang, I want to continue to help you! Please! I can handle it even if it gets painful!"

"I don't want to leave your side yet, Su Yang… Let's continue to cultivate until you've fully recovered, okay?"

If Su Yang was a greedy individual or simply didn't care about his partners, he would not hesitate to continue cultivating with these women until their bodies become ruined. But as someone who respects all of his partners, Su Yang refused to bring them harm.

Thus, he shook his head and spoke, "I understand your feelings, and I would continue to cultivate with you if I can, but I know when to stop, and you should too. If we continue, I will definitely harm your body, and that is something I cannot bear, especially when you have helped me tremendously."

The women there exchanged glances with each other. A few moments later, they nodded.

"Although we were supposed to be the one helping you, we ended up being the ones who enjoyed it the most. Thank you, for accepting us."

The women bowed to him before they dressed and left the hut.

A few minutes later, the bed that supported thirty-two women now only occupied ten of them.

Once the room was quiet again, the remaining ten women returned to cultivating with Su Yang. They found themselves fortunate enough to remain by his side even if it was just a little bit longer than the others.

Meanwhile, on the outside, when Qin Liangyu noticed the women coming out, she asked them, "Are you finished with your business?"

They shook their heads and said, "No, we were kicked out."

"What?" Qin Liangyu was speechless. Why did Su Yang kick them out? Did they offend him by any chance?

"If any of you had offended him, I will…"

Before Qin Liangyu could even finish her sentence, she was interrupted by the women coming out, "You have misunderstood, Chief Qin. We didn't do anything wrong. We have cultivated with him for twelve hours straight, and our body is at its limit. Su Yang didn't want to harm our body, so he let us go early."

"That's right. If you also cultivated with him, you would understand how exhausting it is to moan for hours without rest."

"T-That's…" Qin Liangyu was speechless.

"By the way, are you okay, Chief Qin?"

One of the women suddenly asked her.

"Why do you ask?" Qin Liangyu raised her eyebrows in a puzzled manner.

The woman then pointed at her nose and said, "Your nose is bleeding, Chief Qin."


Qin Liangyu quickly touched her nose. When she saw blood on her fingers, her body froze. The cause of this nosebleed was obvious, as she has been thinking of too many stimulating things in her head.

"I-I am fine…" she said as she wiped the blood off her nose.

"A-Anyway, thank you for your assistance. I will reward you later." Qin Liangyu said.

"There's no need, Chief Qin. We have already been rewarded plenty inside."

"If you say so…"

Qin Liangyu's urges grew even more intense after hearing such words. At this rate, she might really reconsider being Su Yang's partner as well.

A few minutes later, when she was alone again, Qin Liangyu stared at the curtain that was acting as a door before her.

'Behind this thin layer, Senior Su and the others are currently doing that with each other…'

Qin Liangyu forcefully swallowed and mumbled to herself, "It wouldn't hurt if I took a peek, right?"

Her hand slowly approached the curtain, trembling the entire way. Just a little more and she could see the inside.

"No! I shouldn't do something like this!"

Qin Liangyu suddenly jerked her hand back and returned to standing there silently.

However, her sexual desire only became stronger and stronger, almost as though she was possessed by a lustful demon.

'I can't suppress these desires! But if I took a peek, perhaps it might help me calm down! I will only look briefly!'

With this logic in mind, Qin Liangyu's hands began making their way back to the curtain blocking her view.

A few seconds later, with her entire hand trembling, she opened a slit in the curtains and peeked the scene inside the hut.


When Qin Liangyu saw the scene inside, her eyes opened wide with shock, and the flower between her legs tingled with a delightful feeling.

Through the small opening she made, Qin Liangyu was able to witness one of the women wantonly riding on Su Yang's raging erection with a lecherous expression. And although there was no noise coming out because of the sound-sealing formation, she could somehow hear the woman's blissful moaning resounding in her ears — even if it was just her imagination.

'Oh my heavens… they have been going at it like this for half the day? Just how energetic is he?!' Qin Liangyu was speechless.

Once she saw the hot scene inside, Qin Liangyu was instantly mesmerized, quickly forgetting about her own promise to only take a quick peek and continued to stand there for many minutes without realizing it.

Chapter 453 You Will Only Become a Liability for Him

After Qin Liangyu took a peek inside the hut she was supposed to be protecting, it was almost as though time had stopped for her, as she stood there watching everything that happened inside with a frozen body.

If not for her panting, one could've easily mistaken her for a real statue.

From one girl to another, Qin Liangyu watched as Su Yang inserted his penis into the girls' body before fiercely shaking his hips, providing his partner with endless pleasure.

"W-What is the Chief doing?"

"I don't know, but I have a feeling that we shouldn't bother her…"

When the tribesmen noticed Qin Liangyu's strange behavior, they instinctively knew to ignore her and pretended they didn't see her acting like a peeping pervert.

Meanwhile, on the flying ship a few miles away from the Boar Tribe, Tang Lingxi approached Qiuyue and asked her, "Hey, did you learn anything new about the Mirror of Darkness from the Dragon Tribe?"

Qiuyue nodded and said, "Apparently, the Mirror of Darkness once belonged to an individual, but he lost it somehow."

"So it's not a treasure made by nature?"

"No, and I think I know who used to own the Mirror of Darkness."

"Oh? Tell me more about it."

Qiuyue proceeded to explain to Tang Lingxi about the Spatial Device that she and Su Yang found, before talking about the individual who owned it.

"He is someone from the Heavenly Order, and we found his remains inside the Spatial Device. Apparently he was injured in a war that your Asura God Clan was also involved in before he somehow appeared in this world and died here."

"Heavenly Order, huh?" Tang Lingxi did not show much of a reaction and continued, "The Asura God Clan went to war with the Heavenly Emperor to avenge Su Yang's 'death', and we fought each other plenty of times over the years. We also killed many from the Heavenly Order and injured countless others."

"As for how this guy appeared in this world… I have a guess…" Tang Lingxi suddenly said.

She continued a moment later, "During our last fight with the Heavenly Order, things got a bit heated, and we accidentally created a Dimension Rift, which sucked up many victims. Perhaps this guy was one of these victims and traveled to this world by chance."

"Y-You created a Dimension Rift by accident? How did you end up creating such a catastrophe?!" Qiuyue exclaimed with shock.

When an enormous amount of Profound Qi collides with another enormous amount of Profound Qi, there is a slight chance that a Dimension Rift could be born, and when that happens, it would consume everything in a vicinity, before tossing them out randomly around the universe.

"If he got consumed by a Dimensional Rift, it would explain how he ended up in this world," Qiuyue said.

"And if the Mirror of Darkness is owned by someone from the Heavenly Order, there's a very high chance that he'd received it from the Celestial Palace," said Tang Lingxi.

The Celestial Palace is sort of the headquarters for the Heavenly Order. It is also the Heavenly Emperor's treasury, where countless treasures are stored.

If someone from the Heavenly Order shows exceptional results or did something worthy of recognition, they would receive a treasure from the Celestial Palace. Perhaps this Mirror of Darkness came from the Celestial Palace.

"Even though we know its origins, we still do not know if it'll help us return to the Four Divine Heavens." Qiuyue sighed.

"We might not know anything, but Su Yang… he might have an idea."

"What? Why would you say that?" Qiuyue lifted her eyebrows in a puzzled manner.

"I can't say for sure, but he seems to recognize the Mirror of Darkness. He just hasn't fully recalled yet."

"I see…"

Once they were finished with that topic, silence filled the room.

However, a short moment later, Tang Lingxi spoke, "I know what Su Yang is going to do once he returns to the Four Divine Heavens, but what about you? You are currently wanted by the Sacred Moon Palace, right? Do you have any place to go, or will you continue to follow Su Yang?"


Before she could respond, Tang Lingxi continued, "I highly disapprove of you following him."

"W-What? Why?" Qiuyue was greatly surprised, even startled, by Tang Lingxi's words.

"Because it will be too dangerous for you to follow him, and you will only become a burden with your laughably low cultivation base." Tang Lingxi spoke with a cold expression.

"You may be the strongest individual in this place, but once you return to that place, your presence becomes no more than an ant. And if you follow Su Yang around while in that state, you will only become a liability for him."

"Then what am I supposed to do? He's the only reason for my existence now. Without him, I will return to being lost and without a purpose, just like how I had been for 2,000 years in this world before reuniting with him." Qiuyue spoke in a sorrowful voice.

Before she'd reunited with Su Yang, she'd lived a miserable and lonely life for 2,000 years in this place without a single friend or family. In fact, she wasn't even sure that she was actually living.

"If I didn't meet Su Yang, I would've probably killed myself after a few years, as I was feeling more trapped than a bird in a cage in this world, slowly wasting my life away since I could no longer improve my cultivation base with the Profound Qi in this world."


After a moment of silence, Tang Lingxi spoke, "If you want, you can come with me to the Asura God Clan."

"What?" Qiuyue looked at her with wide eyes.

"Although you are behind in cultivation for someone your age, your talents will never go away. If you come to the Asura God Clan, we can supply you with an almost endless supply of resources for your cultivation and even train you to become someone powerful enough to stand beside Su Yang no matter where he goes."

"The Asura God Clan can also provide you with protection. Even if the Sacred Moon Palace finds out that you are with us, they would not dare to touch you — unless they want to die, that is."

"Y-You would do that for me?" Qiuyue was speechless.

"Of course. We are a family now, after all. And if I willingly let someone Su Yang treasures suffer, I will not be able to face him afterward." Tang Lingxi smiled.

"With all that being said, I don't know if Su Yang has any plans for you, so I am just talking now. I doubt Su Yang will leave you alone once you return to that place, but if you ever want to come to the Asura God Clan, the doors will always be open."

"T-Thank you…" Qiuyue showed a warm smile, and she began seeing Tang Lingxi as a real family member — someone like an Elder Sister to her.

Although her family might only consist of Su Yang and Tang Lingxi for now, it will definitely grow even larger once she returns to the Four Divine Heavens and meets more of Su Yang's partners like Tang Lingxi.

Chapter 454 Can You Take Me With You?

Another five hours have passed since the number of partners Su Yang had lowered to ten, and during these five hours, Qin Liangyu peeked inside for a total of 2 hours.

Every time she found the courage to look away, she would go back to peeking again sometime later.

Meanwhile, inside the hut, the last ten women that lasted this long with Su Yang have also reached their limit. If they continue to cultivate any further, it could harm their body.

"Thank you for giving us these precious experiences. I will never forget my moments with you today for the rest of my life."

The girls kowtowed to him, giving him their utmost respect and gratitude before leaving the hut.

When Qin Liangyu saw these girls coming out and counted their number, she asked, "Are all of you finished?"

The girls nodded and replied, "Although we would love to continue cultivating, our bodies are at its limit, so we have no choice but to leave."

"W-What about Senior Su? Is he okay?"

"He's replenished almost half of his Profound Qi."

"Only half?"

Qin Liangyu was dumbfounded. He'd cultivated with so many women for so long yet only half of his Profound Qi was recovered? Just how powerful is he really?

"I understand. Thank you all for your cooperation." Qin Liangyu said to them.

"No, we should be thanking you for giving us this opportunity to cultivate with him."

The ladies bowed to her before leaving.

Once all the girls were gone, Qin Liangyu spoke loudly, "Senior Su, may I come inside?"

"Come in." Su Yang's calm voice resounded a moment later.

"Excuse me…"

Qin Liangyu lifted the curtain with her hand before walking inside.

However, when she saw that Su Yang was still fully naked and sitting on the bed, she immediately turned around with a blushing face.

"I-I am sorry! I didn't think you would still be…"

Su Yang chuckled at her reaction and spoke, "Isn't it a bit too late to be apologizing?"

"W-What do you mean by that, Senior Su?"

Still with her back facing him, she asked.

"You have been watching us cultivate for a while, right? It was so obvious I nearly laughed out loud when I noticed you. If you wanted to watch, you could've just asked, and I would've let you spectate all you want from a close distance without needing to go through the trouble of peeking from the outside."


Qin Liangyu's face exploded with redness upon learning that Su Yang knew of her actions all along, and her legs became powerless, causing her to fall on her buttocks.

"I-I am so sorry! If I had offended Senior Su in any way, I will gladly give you this worthless and shameful life as compensation!"

She kowtowed and began begging for forgiveness.

"I don't want your life." Su Yang shook his head.

"T-Then what do you want from me? I am willing to do anything!"


After a moment of pondering, Su Yang spoke with a smile on his face, "I want you to help me replenish my Profound Qi. You're interested in it, right? Dual Cultivation, that is. Or else you wouldn't have been staring so intensively."

Qin Liangyu stared at him with a dazed expression.

However, once she snapped out of it, she quickly shook her head, "Anything but that, please! That's the one thing I cannot do!"

"Hoh?" Su Yang remained calm and asked, "You were willing to give me your life, but you're not willing to give me your body? Or am I just not your type? Can I hear your reason?"

"It's because I am in the position of Chief, and I have a responsibility to give my body to whoever will become the next Chief — and only to him! If not for my position, I would definitely have accepted your request!

"Is that so..."

Because he was unconscious when Qin Liangyu first mentioned this, he was unaware of her situation.

"Even though I didn't know about your situation, I have to apologize for putting you into such an awkward position in the first place. I'm sorry for my inappropriate request, Chief Qin."


Upon seeing the regretful expression on his dreamy face, Qin Liangyu became speechless, and her mind blanked for a moment.

"Anyway, although I have not fully recovered, it's good enough for me to move around, so I will be leaving this place now. Thank you for your hospitality and everything the Boar Tribe has done for me." Su Yang said as he began dressing up.

"Eh? You're leaving now?" Qin Liangyu unconsciously asked him.

He nodded and said, "I don't dare to intrude your tribe any longer, and I have people waiting for me to return in other places. Though I will ask Qiuyue to remain here for a little bit longer to find more information on the Mirror of Darkness, so if you need anything, you can just go to her."

Qin Liangyu stood there silently as she watched him dress up.

"Will you return to the Boar Tribe again?" she suddenly asked him.

"I will return in two years for the Mirror of Darkness, but after that, I honestly don't know."


Qin Liangyu returned to being silent. However, her mind was filled with thoughts at this moment.

By the time Su Yang was half-dressed, Qin Liangyu had thought of many things.

And right as Su Yang was about finished, Qin Liangyu spoke in a low voice, "Senior Su, can you listen to my final request?"

"Hm? What is it?" Su Yang turned around to look at her.

"Can you take me with you?" Qin Liangyu spoke with a resolute expression, her voice as clear as an empty blue sky.


Su Yang looked a bit surprised after hearing her request, so she continued, "I don't care where you go, I want to follow you."

"Although this may sound very sudden, I have always despised being the Chief ever since I became one. I have disapproved of its traditions ever since I learned it, but because of my father, I had no choice but to accept it. My father… he died after being severely injured by a beast, and it was entirely my fault that it happened, so I felt like I had to take responsibility and continue the tradition."

"If I had never met you, Senior Su, I would've probably chosen Lebao to become the next Chief and as my partner. He's a powerful warrior, and everybody in the tribe likes him. I also respect him as a warrior, but that's the extent of my feelings."

"Since Lebao is qualified to become the next Chief of the Boar Tribe, I will make him the next Chief. However, it won't be because I make him my partner. No… he'll become the next Chief because I will give up my position as Chief and leave the Boar Tribe. As long as you nod your head, Senior Su, I will not hesitate to leave the Boar Tribe and come with you!"

"I know that it hasn't been very long since our first meeting, but I want to be with you, Senior Su! Even if I am only one of many of your partners, I am still willing to follow you!"


Silence ensued after Qin Liangyu revealed her real feelings and everything that was on her mind.

After a moment of silence, Su Yang spoke, "Su Yang."

"Huh?" Qin Liangyu raised her eyebrows in a puzzled manner.

"If you are serious about following me, then you should at least be able to say my name without any formalities."

Qin Liangyu's eyes widened, and she spoke with a bright expression —

"Su Yang!"

Chapter 455 Taking Her First Time 18+

When Qin Liangyu asked Su Yang to allow her to follow him, she was prepared to be rejected, as Su Yang was someone from an exalted background while she was only a mere Chief for some declining tribe. She felt that even if Su Yang had rejected her, such a decision would be justified and perfectly normal, as she truly did not feel worthy to be by his side.

However, little did she expect that Su Yang actually nodded his head, allowing her to follow him.

A few moments after he accepted her, Su Yang beckoned her to come closer and began removing his clothes again.

Qin Liangyu blushed when she saw his actions and instantly understood the situation. However, she did not refuse this time and slowly approached him with a nervous expression.

Once she was close enough, Su Yang grabbed her by the waist and pulled her into his embrace, and a sweet yet natural fragrance entered through his nose.

"Even though I originally refused to be here, I cleaned my body thoroughly just in case, as Senior Tang had instructed, like the other girls…" Qin Liangyu mumbled in a low voice, her body heating up like crazy from embarrassment.

"You're an honest girl, and I like that…" Su Yang lifted her chin, making her stare at his face and the handsome smile on it.


Qin Liangyu opened her mouth to speak, but she was interrupted by a pair of soft lips on her mouth.


Qin Liangyu's mind instantly blanked out after experiencing her first kiss.

"Relax and follow my lead." Su Yang removed his lips for a moment to speak before he sealed her lips again.

Feeling his lips touching hers again, Qin Liangyu closed her eyes and relaxed her body.

Once she was calmer, she began to imitate Su Yang's lip movements and returned his kisses.

A few moments later, Su Yang raised the bar slightly by invading the inside with his tongue, causing Qin Liangyu's body to tremble. However, unlike her first kiss, Qin Liangyu did not freeze and even welcomed his tongue with her own.



The two of them continued to kiss each other for many minutes, filling the quiet room with soft kissing noises.

A few more moments later, Su Yang removed his lips and began removing Qin Liangyu's clothes.

Once she was fully naked, he laid her on the bed and spread her legs.

"Ahh…" Qin Liangyu released a low cry when she felt Su Yang's sharp gaze staring at the flower between her legs.

Although her skin was tanned light brown by the vicious sun above the Southern Region, her flower was beautifully pure and light pink, and it was dripping wet with a thick fluid that emitted a sweet scent.

Su Yang wasted no time shoving his mouth at this untouched flower, savoring everything it offered.


Qin Liangyu moaned loudly, her body twitched, and a load of divine water gushed from her vagina.

"Ah! I-I'm sorry! It came out so suddenly that I had no control over it!"

She panicked when she realized what she'd just done — spraying Su Yang's face with her Yin Qi.

However, Su Yang merely wiped his face, licked his lips, and said with a smile, "Don't hold it in and let it all out. You'll feel better that way."

After saying those words, he went back to exploring her soaking wet cave with his mouth.




Qin Liangyu released her Yin Qi a few more times over the next few minutes, feeling as though all of her strength was leaving her body afterward.

As Qin Liangyu gasped for air, Su Yang positioned himself to where his penis was directly in front of her vagina.


Qin Liangyu moaned loudly when she felt something hot and hard rub against her vagina.

She lifted her head with what little strength remained to see Su Yang's thick rod caressing her petals.

"I am going to put it inside now." Su Yang warned her.

"Go ahead… Make my body yours, Su Yang..." Qin Liangyu looked at him with a loving expression, her gaze filled with passion and love.

Su Yang nodded and slowly inserted the tip into Qin Liangyu's vagina, spreading it wide open and breaking the seal that had been untouched for twenty years.


Qin Liangyu closed her eyes and released a sharp cry when she felt her virginity being taken and the pain that came along with it.

Her virgin blood dripped onto the bedsheets, staining it red.

Qin Liangyu then prepared herself for whatever came next.

However, even after waiting for many moments, she couldn't feel Su Yang's movement, so she opened her eyes to look at why Su Yang had stopped.

"Su Yang… is there something wrong?" she asked him, who looked a bit dazed.


After a moment of silence, Su Yang looked at her and spoke, "You… You had a Heavenly Constitution?"

Hearing this unfamiliar term, Qin Liangyu made a confused expression.

"Heavenly Constitution? Does that mean there's something wrong with my body?" she asked him in a worried tone.

"N-No…" Su Yang shook his head and began to explain.

"A Heavenly Constitution is when one is born with a special body that has unique powers. It's an exceedingly rare situation, where only one person out of hundreds of millions of people have it."

However, Qin Liangyu still remained puzzled, as she couldn't understand what having a Heavenly Constitution had anything to do with what they were doing now and why he stopped.

Su Yang then continued, "And when somebody with a Heavenly Constitution has sex for the first time, their partner will gain a portion of its powers depending on what kind of Heavenly Constitution they have."

"When I took your first time just now, all of my Profound Qi recovered, even increasing my base Cultivation significantly. If I have to take a guess, your Heavenly Constitution has the power to boost your partner's strength during dual cultivation."


Qin Liangyu was speechless. While she was happy to learn that she had such a special body, there was only one thing in her mind right now.

"Um… are we going to stop cultivating because of my Heavenly Constitution?" she asked him with a worried face.

Su Yang smiled a moment later and said, "Of course not. I was just surprised that you had a Heavenly Constitution, which dazed me a little bit. I will begin moving again now."

Qin Liangyu nodded, and Su Yang began shaking his hips a little later.


Qin Laingyu screamed with pleasure as Su Yang's penis stretched the deepest part of her cave, causing an inexplicable sensation to spread all over her body.

As of this moment, Qin Liangyu's imaginations had become a reality, but she was too busy to realize this fact and continued to indulge herself in pleasure.

The pleasure she was experiencing was simply much better than she'd imagined or expected.

"Ahhhh! Ahhhh! Ahhhhhhh~"

As time passed, Su Yang got more passionate and aggressive with his movements, and Qin Liangyu was getting accustomed to the feeling at a frightening rate. Perhaps it was due to her Heavenly Constitution, but she managed to last four hours of Su Yang's techniques despite this being her first time.

When she first started, Qin Liangyu was moaning wildly and uncontrollably, but towards the end, her moaning had become soft and heavenly to the ears, almost like she was singing a beautiful song.

Chapter 456 Announcing the Next Chief

The longer Su Yang cultivated with Qin Liangyu, the higher his cultivation base increased, and by the end of their session, his cultivation had increased by a few levels, reaching the sixth level Heavenly Spirit Realm.

Even though Qin Liangyu was only at the Earth Spirit Realm, because of her Heavenly Constitution, which has the power to strengthen her partners through dual cultivation, and because he'd taken her Pure Yin Essence, Su Yang's strength increased by leaps and bounds after cultivating with her.

"You are full of surprises, aren't you?" Su Yang smiled at Qin Liangyu, who laid on the bed with an exhausted expression, desperately gasping for air.

"To think you'd last 10 hours for your first time. And not even mentioning your Heavenly Constitution, you have talent."

"Is having a Heavenly Constitution really special?" Qin Liangyu asked him after taking her breath.

Su Yang nodded and said, "Like I'd said, only one in hundreds of millions of people are born with a Heavenly Constitution. And with your Heavenly Constitution that directly strengthens your partner through dual cultivation, it would surely attract countless attention from all of the dual cultivators out there. I'm sure many would even kill to get their hands on you."

"I'm glad…" Qin Liangyu showed a relieved expression.

"Glad?" Su Yang raised an eyebrow.

"My body has the power to strengthen others, right? If I continue to cultivate with you, your cultivation will grow stronger. This means that I can at least be of some use to you, and I won't be dead weight when I follow you..."

After hearing her words, Su Yang pulled her closer to his chest and spoke in a gentle tone, "Even if you didn't have a Heavenly Constitution, I would never look at you as dead weight."

"Su Yang…" Qin Liangyu nodded with a blushing face.

"However, because you have a Heavenly Constitution, it will complicate things a little."

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"I mentioned this earlier, but your ability to strengthen others is extremely valuable, especially for dual cultivators. If they learn of your existence, there will surely be people who would be willing to do anything to get their hands on you, and it won't be a small number of individuals. That's why you should never reveal your Heavenly Constitution to anyone else in order to protect yourself — unless you want to spend the rest of your life as a slave who's only purpose is to become another's plaything."

"Although your ability won't be as effective anymore because it's only at its strongest when you were still a maiden and you are no longer one, it will still greatly benefit whoever dual cultivates with you."

"With that being said, as long as you are by my side, I won't let any harm come to you even at the cost of my life."

Qin Liangyu nodded with a serious expression, "I won't tell a single soul about my Heavenly Constitution, I promise. After all, my body belongs to you and only you, Su Yang. I will kill myself before I allow anyone else to touch me."

Sometime later, Qin Liangyu asked him, "Su Yang, where will we be going after we leave the Boar Tribe?"

"The Eastern Continent," he calmly replied.

"You are from the Eastern Continent?" Qin Liangyu showed a surprised face. No wonder why his appearance and demeanor look so different than the people within the Southern Continent. He was actually from another Continent altogether!

"Have you ever been to the Eastern Continent before?" he asked her.

She quickly shook her head and said, "That's impossible for us. It's simply too far away, and even if we had the means and time to travel, the Jade Sea is filled with powerful sea beasts. Only reckless or extremely powerful experts are able to travel across the Continents."

"I see…"

Many minutes later, once they were well-rested, Qin Liangyu spoke, "I am going to gather the tribesmen and announce Lebao as the next Chief. After that is all done, I will leave the Boar Tribe."

Su Yang nodded and did not say anything else.

Once they were dressed, Qin Liangyu went outside and summoned every tribesmen in the Boar Tribe, gathering hundreds of people in one place.

"What happened? The Chief would only summon so many people at once if there's an emergency or some big news."

The tribesmen mumbled to each other, trying to speculate the reason for their summoning.

Sometime later, after all of the tribesmen were there, Qin Liangyu cleared her throat and spoke loudly, "Thank you all for coming on such short notice. Although this may be sudden, I have decided on the next Chief of the Boar Tribe, and I am going to announce it in just a moment."

"The next Chief?!"

The tribesmen were dumbfounded, as this was truly unexpected and sudden.

After they grasped the situation, the tribesmen all turned to look at Lebao, who was standing somewhere in front of the crowd with a nervous expression. Even without needing to hear the announcement, they were certain that Lebao would become the next Chief, as he was the most qualified amongst all the tribesmen there.

Not only was he a powerful warrior at the Heavenly Spirit Realm, but he also assisted the previous Chief with many achievements, and everyone in the tribe approved of him in one way or another. It was not a matter of who would become the next Chief, but when.

The entire place was dead silent, and after taking a deep breath, Qin Liangyu spoke clearly, "I have decided that Lebao will become the next Chief. If you have any problems with my decision, speak your mind now."

Lebao's eyes widened with surprise, and his body trembled from excitement when he heard his name come out of Qin Liangyu's mouth, as he has waited many years for this moment!

The crowd remained silent, as nobody there had any problems with Lebao being the next Chief.

"Since nobody objects, Lebao will become the next Chief of the Boar Tribe..."

However, before anybody there could celebrate, Qin Liangyu continued to speak.

"The tradition of our Boar Tribe dictates that I become Lebao's wife after he becomes the Chief, and it has always been like that since our first Ancestors. However, this tradition can screw off by itself, as I will not participate in such a farce."

When Lebao and the others heard her words, they all stared at her with wide eyes and jaws, and they stood there with a dumbfounded expression, seemingly in disbelief.

"W-What do you mean by that, Chief Qin?!" Lebao was the first to break the silence, as he was the one that was the most confused out of everyone there.

"It means exactly what it sounds, Lebao. You will become the next Chief of the Boar Tribe, but I will not be your wife."

"W-Why?! Did I do something wrong?! If I offended you, I will do anything for your forgiveness!"

Qin Liangyu shook her head and said, "You did nothing wrong, Lebao. I am the one at fault here, so I should be the one apologizing."

"Then why?!" Lebao could not accept such an outcome and asked.

"Because I have already pledged my body and life to someone else." Qin Liangyu said to him with a clear voice, causing Lebao's face to turn pale, looking as though he'd died at that moment.

Chapter 457 He Also Screwed My Wife!

After learning that the love of his life had chosen another man that was not himself, Lebao's heart was filled with bitterness and rage.

"Who?! Which bastard dares to steal my woman?! If you are a real man, show your face right now!" Lebao roared in a rage-induced voice, causing the tribesmen around him to run away out of fear.

"Watch your mouth, Lebao! I will not tolerate your vile behavior towards him!" Qin Liangyu became angry and yelled at him for the first time in her life.

Lebao was stunned by Qin Liangyu's reaction, as he has never seen her react so fiercely. He has served her father all his life, and he'd been there to support Qin Liangyu all her life too, so he had plenty of opportunity to reveal his feelings for her. However, before he could do such a thing, the love of his life was taken by someone else, hence the violent reaction that was mostly fueled by his own regret and hatred for himself.

"Who is it? Who managed to sway your heart? I want a name!"

"That is none of your business, Lebao! Starting today, the Boar Tribe will be your only business!" Qin Liangyu spoke coldly.

"The position of Chief means nothing to me without you beside me, Chief Qin! Unless I see this man who qualifies more than me to be your partner, I will refuse the position of Chief!" Lebao continued to pressure her into telling her the identity of this mysterious individual she pledged to.

"Do we really have to do this, Lebao?" Qin Liangyu sighed.

"I will not be the Chief even if you kill me!" Lebao stood firm on his decision.

Right as Lebao finished his sentence, another voice resounded.

"You have something you want to say to me?"

When Lebao and the tribesmen heard this familiar voice, they immediately turned to look behind them, where a handsome young man with jadelike skin was approaching them.

"Y-You are…!"

Lebao's eyes widened with disbelief when he saw Su Yang's face.

"It can't be…!"

Lebao immediately looked at Qin Liangyu and spoke loudly, "Is it him?!"

Qin Liangyu did not say a word and merely nodded her head.


Lebao's body swayed backward after seeing her confirmation.

"I don't get it! Even though he's certainly stronger and better-looking than me, the two of you only recently met! How could you choose someone you've just met over me, who you've spent the majority of your life with?!"

"I don't get it too, but that's just love. It's completely unpredictable and sudden, almost like a shooting star." Qin Liangyu spoke in a low voice, her eyes filled with wonder.

When Lebao saw the emotion in her eyes, all of his strength left his body, causing him to fall to his knees.


Seeing Lebao like this, Qin Liangyu felt sorry for him, but there was nothing she could do, as her love had chosen someone else.

Even Su Yang felt a little bit bad for Lebao, but alas, it was not as though he could transfer the feelings Qin Liangyu has for him to Lebao. And this is not his first time being in this kind of situation. In fact, he has been in similar situations countless times in the past, where others' sweethearts would go with him instead of them.

This is probably why he has so many enemies in the Four Divine Heavens and why many people wanted him dead when he hasn't purposefully offended most of them.

A few moments later, Lebao stood up and approached Su Yang.

"What are you trying to do, Lebao?!" Qin Liangyu instantly worried that Lebao might try to harm Su Yang due to jealousy.

However, Lebao stopped a few meters away from him and looked at him with a serious expression.

"Although I am eternally grateful to you for saving the Boar Tribe and my life, I simply cannot sit around and do nothing! Please, have a match with me! If you win, I will let you take Chief Qin without any more fuss, but if you lose, I want you to leave her alone!"

The tribesmen looked at Lebao as though he'd gone crazy from jealousy and became a nutjob. There was simply no way that he would win against Su Yang, who single-handedly defeated Chief Long and Chief Shi!

Even if Su Yang was injured from the fight, there was still zero chance that Lebao could defeat him, so why would he make such a reckless request?

It was as clear as day to them what the results were before the fight is even close to starting.

However, to everybody's surprise, Su Yang refused to fight with Lebao.

"Why did you refuse? It's obvious that I cannot defeat you." Lebao asked him with a puzzled frown.

"Because no matter the outcome, the results won't change." Su Yang spoke in a calm voice.

"Even if you somehow manage to defeat me and I leave her alone, will that really change anything? Whether I win or lose, she will still follow me. And I simply do not like to waste my effort on pointless things."

"Pointless, you say?! This is very important to me!" Lebao roared.

"There are things in life you cannot get no matter how much you want them, and you have to accept this fact."

Su Yang then turned around and began walking away.

"Liangyu, I am returning to the flying ship now. We will be leaving shortly, so this is your last chance to decide whether you truly want to follow me or not."

"I also left behind a few things in the hut for the Boar Tribe. It's my gratitude for your hospitality as well as your company for thirty-two of you. I hope you like it."

After saying those words, Su Yang casually walked out of the settlement and disappeared into the distance.

"W-What does he mean by 'follow him'?" Lebao looked at Qin Liangyu with a perplexed expression, as he already has an answer in mind.

"I will be leaving the Boar Tribe as of today to follow him. This is another reason why I cannot be with you, Lebao." Qin Liangyu said to him with an apologetic smile.

"I am sure that you will find someone else who you'll treasure more than me, Lebao. And I will leave the Boar Tribe in your hands."

"This is too sudden! Will you ever come back?!" Lebao asked her with tears in his eyes.

Qin Liangyu gently shook her head.

"I don't know. I will be going wherever he takes me, after all."

"Thank you all for all you've done to me. I will never forget it! Goodbye!"

Qin Liangyu turned around and ran outside the settlement to follow Su Yang's steps before anyone could say anything, leaving the Boar Tribe completely dumbfounded and speechless.

Many moments later, one of the tribesmen approached Lebao and spoke in a low voice, "Don't worry, Chief Lebao, you are not alone. I know your feeling."

"What do you know?! You are happily married! Don't act as though you understand my feelings!" Lebao roared back.

However, the man merely smiled bitterly and continued, "I know, Lebao. I know… because he also screwed my wife yesterday."

"W-What did you just say?" Lebao looked at the man with wide eyes.

And before the man could reply, another man approached them and said, "He also screwed my wife! She said that he needed help with an injury after the fight, so I gave her my approval. However, I did not expect that helping him would require my wife to fuck him! She returned half a day later, looking like she ran around the world without rest!"

Another man appeared and said, "My wife told me the truth, but I approved regardless, since I see it as an honor for my wife to be screwed by someone like the Savior. Maybe you should also consider it as such."

The others looked at him with a frown and shouted, "Are you crazy, you damn cuck?!"

A few moments later, Lebao sighed and said, "Anyway, Chief Qin is gone, and she appointed me as the Chief before leaving. Even if I don't want this position, the Boar Tribe needs a leader. Just so we are clear, I am not doing this for Chief Qin but for all of you!"

Meanwhile, Qin Liangyu just caught up with Su Yang.

"Have you said your goodbyes?" He asked her.

"Un." Qin Liangyu nodded, and the two of them slowly returned to the flying ship, where Tang Lingxi and Qiuyue were waiting.

Chapter 458 Parting Gif

After Qin Liangyu left the Boar Tribe, Lebao reluctantly accepted the position of Chief, and all of the tribesmen accepted him to be their new Chief without any problems.

"Chief Lebao! This is an emergency! Please come with me!" One of the tribesmen suddenly approached him with excitement on his face.

"What happened?! Are we under attack again?!" Lebao instantly became wary.

"N-No! It's quite the opposite, actually!"

The tribesman then led Lebao to a large hut in the middle of the settlement — the same one where Su Yang cultivated with the thirty-two women and Qin Liangyu.

By the time they arrived at the site, it was already filled with people. There were almost everybody from the Boar Tribe surrounding the hut.

"Take a look inside, Chief Lebao!"

The tribesmen made way for Lebao, who entered the hut a moment later.

"T-This is!"

Lebao's eyes and jaw opened widely after witnessing the scene inside.

On the large bed that appeared to be soaked in some kind of liquid, there was a mountain of Spirit Stones. Thousands upon thousands of Spirit Stones.

Then right beside the mountain of Spirit Stones, there was a pile of Spiritual Weapons from the Mortal-grade to the Earth-grade laid neatly there.

Furthermore, surrounding the bed, there were thirty-two small piles of treasures and resources with a note placed beside them.

Lebao went to pick one of these notes to read it.

"An Yanyan, thank you for your time. You may do as you wish with this small act of gratitude from me."

The piece of note was signed by Su Yang at the end.

After reading the first note, Lebao went to read another — and another — until he finished reading all thirty-two notes.

"C-Chief Lebao! There's another note hidden here!"

One of the tribesmen handed him the note, which read —

"Besides the thirty-two individual gifts, you can do whatever with the Spirit Stones and Spiritual Weapons I left behind. This is my way of showing gratitude for the tribe's hospitality. I will return to this place in two years, and if I learn that you have mistreated those thirty-two women, the entire Boar Tribe will have to answer me. Su Yang."

Lebao's body trembled after reading the note, and a perplexed feeling appeared in his heart.

While he despised Su Yang for taking away his woman, Su Yang also gifted them enough spiritual weapons to arm every warrior in the tribe and some more, and with that much Spirit Stones, they can easily become the number one tribe in the Southern Continent if given enough time.

Sometime later, Lebao announced to the tribesmen there, "Bring to me the thirty-two women who have their names written on these notes! They will be receiving what our Savior has personally left them! And if anyone tries to covet these items, they shall be executed!"

"Yes, Chief!"

The tribesmen there shouted. Even if he was not there, nobody in their right mind would dare to steal from Su Yang after everything he's done for their Boar Tribe. As for the thirty-two women, they were baffled by the riches Su Yang has left them, as it was enough for them to live comfortably for a lifetime.

Of course, amongst the thirty-two women, there were a few wives, and although their husbands were angry at first that their wives had screwed another man, after they saw the riches, all of their wrath disappeared and they immediately forgave their wives, even praising her for her actions.

After the thirty-two women received their portions, Lebao distributed some of the wealth to the other tribesmen, especially to the families that have suffered losses from the Lion Tribe's attack. He also geared all of the warriors in the tribe with the spiritual weapons, massively increasing the Boar Tribe's overall prowess.

At their current strength, even if the Dragon Tribe were to attack them right now, they would not be as hopeless as before and might even defeat them.

Meanwhile, a few miles away from the Boar Tribe, Tang Lingxi and Qiuyue silently stared at Qin Liangyu, who stood beside Su Yang like a sheep before wolves.

"So? Why is she here?" Qiuyue asked him.

"Because she will be following us starting today," he casually responded.

"What? What about the Boar Tribe? How will they operate without a Chief?" Qiuyue looked at them with a dumbfounded face.

"That has already been handled, since they now have a new Chief."

"I see that you've matured since the last time I saw you, which was only a few hours ago. What made you change your mind?" Tang Lingxi asked her with a teasing smile, almost like she was aware of what happened.

Speechless, Qin Liangyu merely glanced at Su Yang, and that was all it took for Tang Lingxi to understand.

"Anyway, why don't we reintroduce ourselves? I will even go first." Tang Lingxi suddenly suggested.

"My name is Tang Lingxi, and I am in sort of a particular situation, since this is not my real body, and I am only possessing it temporarily due to complicated reasons. The girl you are seeing now is called Hong Yu'er, and she's supposed to be Su Yang's fiance. That's all you should know about me for now. If you last long enough to see the real me, I will reintroduce myself then. You can just call me Sister Tang for now."


Qin Liangyu was baffled. Just what kind of background do they have and why is a simple introduction so perplexing and abnormal?

Qiuyue introduced herself next. "You may know me as the Goddess who slain the Great Calamity a thousand years ago, but my name is Qiuyue, and Su Yang is my guardian of sorts."

"G-Guardian?!" Qin Liangyu turned to look at Su Yang. To think he would be someone so important to the Goddess!

"M-my name is Qin Liangyu, and I have spent the majority of my life in the Boar Tribe! I do not know very much about the outside world, but I will try my best to not become a hindrance for any of you! Please take care of me!"

Qin Liangyu bowed to them with respect, as they were her seniors.

"Not bad." Tang Lingxi nodded in approval.

"Anyway, Su Yang, we have more information regarding the Mirror of Darkness. Perhaps this might jog your memories a bit." Tang Lingxi suddenly spoke and proceeded to explain to him what Qiuyue told her sometime ago.