
Mistress Reborn : The Dark Lord's Obsession

Betrayed by her loved ones, doomed to die and cursed to another world Lena swears to get revenge. "Oh no! Help! This realm does not welcome humans!!! Now I have to escape the Dark Lord who's obsessed with me!" #romance #fantasy #isekai #rebirth #adventure #revenge

Daoist5KYMVv · Fantasi
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3 Chs


Cursed. She was really cursed.

Lena found it hard to believe but yet it was really happening.

She scanned the beautiful landscape around her once more and sighed. The seal space was vast and wondrous. In the not so far off distance she could see islands floating in the sky. Looks like this place would have to wait until she broke the curse.

The system then woke Lena up from her reverie.

"Mistress, I forgot to mention that you must become a divine soul master within a month otherwise the tower will choose another master."

Lena's brows raised slightly in irritation.

'Right! No pressure. No pressure at all' Lena thought as she rolled her eyes.

"Don't sugarcoat it. How do I break this curse?" Lena snapped.

The system replied casually.

"You must remove the item that is located within your house. I can sense the malicious aura with my soul power. I will help guide you to locate the item, but first we must leave the seal space."

Lena thoughtfully pursed her lips.

"Wait one more thing. What's in it for you? After all, in this world, there's no such thing as a free lunch."

The system smiled. She knew the girl she picked was the right one.

"Hehe – Not bad mistress. I admit there is...one thing…. My soul has been trapped in this tower for a millennia. I want to escape but I cannot leave as my soul is weak. You must hunt me 10,000 evil beast spirits to be able to help me restore my divine soul power. I will guide you and let you know when we encounter them."

"Alright it's a deal then. What's your name?" Lena asked.

The system spoke.

"It's Ren which means lotus." I am a hundred-thousand-year-old lotus fairy spirit and my human form is of a beautiful woman."

"En – I could tell from your voice that you were a woman. Lol!"

Lena laughed.

"It's nice to meet you Ren. I'm Lena."

"I know." Ren teased.

Lena gave herself a facepalm. "I know you know it's just polite. Alright enough formalities. Let's get this show on the road!"

After all there were urgent matters that Lena needed to attend to.

Lena quickly found herself outside the seal space back in her room. With lightning speed, she analysed the events that happened on the day that she died.

According to her memory, the demonic hag had told her one of two things that had happened when she was dying.

The first was that the one who betrayed her was someone close to her. As for why they had wanted her dead she could only guess.

The second was that she was cursed to die. That was obvious.

Lena smiled cruelly, her eyes burning with the need to revenge. Adrenaline kicked in. No way in hell was she going to die again and give up her second chance in life.

"Mistress!" Ren spoke as she telepathically communicated with Lena. "I have scanned the whole house with my aura. I noticed the cursed items killing intent is strongest in this room. It seems to be coming from underneath your bed."

Without hesitation Lena scanned the top of her bed before flipping her mattress off to one side.

There was still nothing.

"Mistress, close your eyes and focus on the malicious energy. Don't react or say anything as it will hear you!"

Lena shuddered, closed her eyes and focused once more.

A strange doll-like object came into view.

'Holy Sh*t. It's a voodoo doll!' Lena exclaimed mentally. 'So f**king creepy.'

To Lena's surprise there were even strands of her own hair sewn onto the doll.

In her previous life, Lena would never have guessed that there was a voodoo doll underneath her bed the whole time spying on her. She wouldn't have even been able to see it if it weren't for Ren's guidance.

"Mistress we must dispose of this doll immediately or else it will report back information. It acts as a tracking system being the eyes and ears of its owner and projects information of your every movement. I will dispose of it for you using my soul fire."

"Wait! Let's leave it."

Ren, "..."

"Why? The sooner you destroy it the sooner your cultivation to become a divine soul master will be and the sooner you will be able to enter the tower gaining vast resources."

"As your mistress you should trust me Ren."

'Oh?' Ren thought. 'How interesting.'

Lena gave nothing away. Her poker face didn't display any signs of disturbance. After all the voodoo doll was watching her every move and she couldn't just let this chance slip by.

With her best acting skills Lena searched the opposite direction of the bed from where the doll was situated and then stood up naturally acting tired and pretending to wipe off the sweat on her brow.

"Phew!" Lena exclaimed loudly before muttering to herself. "For a second there I thought I saw a centipede. I really hate disgusting pests. All bugs should go to hell and die the motherf*****'s."

Lena reached for her mattress and placed it back into position tidying up the bedsheets and fluffing the pillows acting normal as if nothing happened.

The corner of Ren's mouth lifted in a smile.

Her new master was indeed amusing.

Trying to reach 5 chapters this week. Finger's crossed.

If you have some ideas about my story? Comment it and let me know :)

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