

This hole appears to have been where the tooth was. Beth was shocked when she first saw it. Looks like the three front teeth are gone!

But Mai herself opened the door this morning. There were open books scattered on the floor. The four boys walked past the angry and barking Buster and looked at them. "Fingerprints! Witness interrogation! Masks!" Beth said as she read the names of some books. "Oh fat man, is there another riddle?"

"Not." Mary closed the book and placed it carefully on the shelf at the edge of the palace. "But since I've been away, I feel like I've missed a bit of practice. Rubbing my brain. Has anyone seen the old military recently?

Everyone had it. Everyone got on their bikes in the morning and bumped into Fatty. Usually the policeman rang the bell so loudly that he couldn't hear it and ran away. "He fell." Daisy said. "I can't imagine why. Because none of us did that. He was also badly beaten and was so angry that no one liked to stop him and help him. He was just screaming."

"I like." said the party. "I hope they're still screaming outside so they don't disturb us!"

"Uh," Buster agreed. "What must we do before the rest of this cave's secrets are revealed?" asked Pip. "I mean, we'd all have picnics and trips before we retired. And Peterswood is always half asleep in summer. Nothing at all."

"Then I must tickle the gun." When Fatty spoke, everyone clapped in unison. "Or would you like to call Inspector Jenks and ask if he needs any help?"

"Oh, you couldn't." Beth knew Mai could do anything she wanted. "But it would be nice to see him again."

Inspector Jenks was their good friend. He thanked her for helping to unravel many strange mysteries. But Mr. Gon was not so happy. Angry city cops often wished their five children and dog were hundreds of miles away. "Perhaps I haven't bothered the inspector yet until I smell him." Fatty said. "But I thought we should practice a little bit with masks or something. We haven't done anything for weeks, weeks. And if something happens, it's going to be a mess because we don't practice anymore."

"Odolette was wearing a mask!" Beth said. "Allopus?"

- Yes, - Maily said. 'before! Here are some great new masks. I got it from the cruise."

I was on a thick cruise and called at many points of interest. He opened the suitcase and showed the four children a lot of beautiful clothes. "I got it from Morocco," he said. "I only went to the local market. I mean things were cheap! There are suits for all of us. I thought you were doing it for a fancy dress, but you're doing it for foreign makeup!

"Oh, Fatty-dolet's Streetemon!" Daisy said excitedly. She chose a funny red skirt made of fine silk with white stripes. "This also includes a white blouse." Mayly undressed and said. "Look at the embroidered red roses. You look good, Daisy. "What did you get, Patty?" Beth asked, pulling several items out of her bag. "You are a very strange person. You always do things that no one else thinks of. I'm sure Pip will never take me home if he goes to Morocco.

said Pip, smiling. "But I'm not a millionaire like old Patty here!"

He also always seemed to have a lot of money. He was like an adult in that way, Bets thought. Apparently he has a lot of connections with dozens of people who have given him advice. But he was always generous with his money and willing to share it with others. An interesting and fashionable dress that reaches the ankles. It had to be covered and covered with ashes. Others looked at him in amazement. "She looks like a little foreign princess!" Larry said. His face was so sunburnt it looked like an Indian track! What a beautiful disguise for him!"

The bettors circled the palace and had a great time. He was shocked to see the large transparent mirror Fatty was sitting on. He looked like a little alien! She pulled the hood of her dress over her head and looked around with half-closed eyes. Patty cheered. "Very good! Indian princess for life! Here, Larry, take this. And this is for you, Pip."

The boys wore beautiful robes, and Fatty showed them how to wear a gay turban. Aloft was so brown it looked like they were of different breeds. I can't find anyone in English. Maily looked at the four processions around his palace. He smiled. His brain is working to test and develop these gay masks. Did the princess visit you? Do you fall in love with Goon for some reason? He scratched his head for great ideas. "Maybe we have something to do with the Little Prince of Tetarua, Bongawa." Beth said suddenly. - I'm sure we're like them!

"But who is Bonga, how about when you're home?" Larry asked. The bet has been explained. "He's a little foreign prince who lives in one of the school camps on the hill between Peterswood and Marlow," she said. "I read about him in the paper. He has the national Hebrought umbrella, but the paper said he only used it once!'

"Hi," Larry said with a smile. "Umbrella Gotha, Patty?"

"Not." Maily said sorry. He respected everyone. "Honestly, you are a wizard!" Of course, your brunette will make you stand out in foreign clothes. Everyone thinks you are black or brown. I hope you can visit the city!

"Get dressed, vet, let's go to the parade!" Beth said. But Fatty didn't have time to answer because Buster barked loudly and started running through the open door at sixty miles an hour. "What happened to him now?" - said Maily surprised. "Is this Wonder Refold army nearby?"

Beth flew out the door and down the garden path. - Three men. He said. "Oh my God - Iknowwhooneis! It'sEm!"

"girl name!" - Everyone rang and ran to the door. The three boys walked down the road to the barn and Buster barked madly and danced around Em's ankles. Fatty closed the barn door and looked at the others. his eyes were shining - This is Emgun! he said—Old Gun's cousin! Let's say you're a foreigner.

The royal family is visiting me. When you speak English, you speak badly, right? This is what happens when you talk nonsense. Let's see if we can use Emin in the right direction!

Well, as Fatty said, the gentleman was a cousin. Gon is a policeman. He was once with his brother and engaged in the mysteries. Gun didn't do them any favors, but the five explorers were good and thought of May's world. He had nowhere to talk to the other two men. Opportunity to try foreign "masks"!

Footsteps approached the door. Em's voice could be heard speaking firmly to his two colleagues. "Now act, okay?"