

"How interesting," said Mayly. He saw a newspaper with his name and address on it. "Look." said the woman. The Storm, twenty-two Harris Road, Maidenbridge.

"Well, I'm home, but Mrs. Storm's gone." said the woman. "Other than that, there is no HarrisRoad. Why don't you go to the post office? He will tell you where he lives.

- Oh, thank you. I will do that. - said Maily. Kairan put on a hat and rode his bike. He joined the others and said he didn't make it, and they all cycled to the post office. "I want to find someone's address here." Mayly, the commander, said that morning. "I got the address wrong. can you tell me where the girl is Is the storm alive?

The clerk pulled out the phone book and handed it to Mary. "excuse me." He said. "You can find all the storms, hail, thunder and snow!"

- Hahaha, I was joking. Mary said politely. I pulled out my phone book and found Storm. Maidenbridge had three storms. "Mrs. Lewis Storm." I told others. "The palace gate. It is not impossible. He won't rent a caravan. Here's another one. This is Miss Emily Storm. "She doesn't want twins, she's a beauty," Bets said. "We want a woman." "Ms. Renee Storm," Patty read. Caldwell House. It seems to be the only one.

They left the post office. Pat turned to Daisy. "Now you can do it, Daisy." He said. "You have to make sure there are women. ReneStorm has two children. - Oh, I can't. Daisy said fearlessly. "Are you twins?" I can't go out. He thought I was crazy."

- Sounds like it. Maily said.

Look outside. You haven't been exercising much lately. Find out what we want to know and think of a better way to get there. We stay

Ice cream and I'm waiting for you."

Poor Daisy! He jumped over the lawn as he passed the Caldwell House. It was a small house in a beautiful garden. The Dairy was around the corner and Patty's group ate ice cream and sat down to wait for Daisy. "Daisy, a good double ice cream for you when you get back with the news," Fatty said. "Actually, three times right. Mrs. Storm. Remember. We want to know if she's having twins."

Daisy left and walked around the block three times to find out what Mai wanted to know. Then an idea came to him. After all, how simple it is!

Sherrod went to the Caldwell House and parked his bicycle by the door. He went to the front door and rang the doorbell. A trembling girl opened the door. He looked like seventy, Daisy thought!

Daisy smiled sweetly and said, "I'm sorry if I came home the wrong way." But I'm looking for Mrs. Storm with my babies. is this your house

- No, dear. Hain said. "Ms Storm is eighty three years old and a great grandmother. He had no twins, no children, no grandchildren. There are no twins in the family. Sorry."

"I am." Daisy said she didn't know what to say anymore. "Oh, thank you very much. Maybe it's the wife The storm we were looking for.

He ran to the gelateria with a grateful heart. Others rejoiced that he had attained enlightenment. "The right woman?" Mary said. Not. I'm not afraid.' Daisy said. "I'm shining because I made it. This woman Storm is an 83-year-old great-grandmother with no twins in her family.

"good." Meili said sadly. "Now we are at a dead end. The poor caravan's name and address are false. You must have already guessed! We can scour the country, but we can't find Mrs. Storm with the twins!

"Where's my ice cream?" Daisy said. "Oh, I'm sorry, Daisy!" Mary said. "What am I thinking! Waitress - Two ice creams please - Just one more person."

They ate ice cream and discussed what to do next. "Can we take care of twin babies?" Bess asked. "I can," said Fatty. "But if you want to do it just once, I guess you'll have to dig up all the twin babies in town!"

"What are you going to do, Betts?" Pip asked playfully. "Message Putupa - Looking for twins. Use Hilton rates."

- Do not be stupid. Bets said. "Anyway, any good ideas? What can I do next? We have nothing now.

"It's my button." said Pip, pulling out the blue and gold buttons. Hard on the table. everyone saw it It was a very nice button. "It's a good argument, but completely useless," Maily said. "If you like it, keep it anyway, Pip. If your one-button suit doesn't have blue and gold pajama bottoms, you're in luck!"

"Well, that's an idea." said Pip. "I see all the clothes I see. You never know!" He put the button back in his pocket. "And what about the children's show?" Daisy said suddenly. "Maybe we'll see the babies who won there and find out where they live."

"Baby Show!" said Pip disgustedly. "If anyone goes to a children's show, it's not me. You and Betts can do it."

The bookie yelled and pointed pointedly at a sign on the shop wall. Everyone was surprised to see him. The message "BABY SHOW" is displayed. "At Tiplington Fair on September 4th. Special price for twins".

I'm off to tiplington fair

"It's a funny coincidence." Maily said laughing. "Now, where is Tiplington?" Another part of Peterswood, right?

"You really don't think there's anything wrong with Beth's thinking, do you?" said Pip in surprise. "Well, there's a chance. Imagine," Mayly said. "Betshas had a great idea. Are you and Daisy going there, Betts?

"Yes." Bets spoke quickly and Daisy nodded. 'Why can't you come with me? After all, this is correct. It should be a lot of fun. We'll take Emtu - he can recognize the twins if they're there!

- The right side. we will take them - said Maily. "But not SidorPers."

"I don't mind Persesuch, but Sid can't stand it," Beth said. - It's too hard.

"I can think of a lot of things I don't like about Sid." Larry said. — Sokanwell. After changing the subject, Fatty said he was looking for the money. "Now, how much ice cream did you eat?"

"Oh, Fatty, don't pay for all these tents." Daisy said. "Larry and I have plenty of pocket money today."

"It's my gift." Maily said. "I'm your boss. Don't forget. We want to pay a fraction of the cost."

"Thanks, Fatty." Bets said. "You are very good at cooking."

Daisy said: "September 4th is tomorrow. I hope it goes well. Who wants me to heal?" "Pip," said Fatty at once. "He hasn't done much so far. You, Bets and I seem to have done most of the work. Now it's Pip's turn.

"good." said Pip. "But if Sid comes to call me, I'll throw him in the river."

"try." Mary said. "He'll probably swallow the whole leg and run away!"