
Mistbound: The Summoned Hero's Accidental Echo

Yumi Sato, a quiet young highschooler, finds herself thrust into a world of mystery and danger when a desperate attempt to resurrect her father takes an unexpected turn. Inadvertently summoning a powerful spirit from the past, Yumi's life takes a perilous twist as she becomes the target of the Magus Guild, a secretive organization with a sinister agenda.

TwiCee · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs

Prologue part 1




The alarm screamed over and over again, screeching and howling.

"yes yes I'm up" Yumi Sato groaned groggily.

The time was 7am, Yumi's most hated time of day, and yet it was also the time that Yumi had to get out of bed and get ready for school. She slowly sat upright rubbing her eyes and let out a loud yawn. Her Ebony hair failing messily across her face, before she slammed her hand down onto her alarm clock, silencing it for the day.

Yumi looked out across her room with blurred vision, and disdain plastered on her face.

11 years ago instead of an alarm waking her up, it would've been her father gently shaking her shoulders attempting to get her out of bed. Its funny how much that has changed. Slowly climbing out of bed, Yumi began to shamble towards her kitchen, hoping that her father would be there making her breakfast, like he used to do.

But no.

It had been 11 years since her father had died.

Now at the age of 18 Yumi had been left alone inside her house, expected to be able to take care of her self but her "guardians".

As the morning crept on, Yumi slowly got ready for another day of her final semester at school.

"3 more weeks and it will finally be other" she muttered to herself.

When 8 AM arrived Yumi quickly walked out the door in her school uniform, tying a blue and gold piece of cloth into a ribbon on her head. It was one of the only things she had left to remind her of her father.

The streets of Kyoto, were crowded as many different students had all began the short journey to school, with most of them being lucky enough to live within walking distance. Different students called out to their friends and continued walking together, others stood by and waited for their peers to meet them. Yumi on the other hand, kept walking alone. She didn't have anyone that she could call out to or wait for, and she expected that no one would want that from her.

Although today Yumi did notice something that disrupted her normal routine. There was a gruff foreign man standing on the street corner leaning against the window of a convivence store, wearing an all black suit like he was dressed for a funeral and smoking a cigarette.

Normally Yumi would not put much thought into it, but she had noticed as she walked past, that he seemed to be scanning the faces of the different school students.

"I hope no one at school pissed off the wrong people" Yumi thought to herself.

To make matters even stranger, as Yumi approached the school gate, she spotted another foreigner in a black suit standing right next to it. This person had beautiful golden hair that hung just below her ears, and her face was pretty enough to make any girl envious. Hoping not to bring the strangers attention to her Yumi continued to walk briskly into the school yard. Completely unaware that the blonde haired stranger was watching her.

Her morning at school was nothing unusual, she turned her mind off and acted like she was paying attention to stay off of the teachers radars. They normally did not pick on her to volunteer to answer any questions in class anyway. Be it out of pity or disdain, Yumi did not care either way.

The first lunch bell had finally rung, and instead of staying inside the crowded classroom to eat her food, Yumi leapt up and quickly began to walk out. Bumping into someone right as she was about to leave the classroom.

"Owh , O-oh Yumi-Chan didn't see you there" a sarcastic voice said to her.

The man who said it was Kozo Fujimoto.

This man was the textbook definition of the person you need to avoid. Rumours were spread about him that he would make girls fall in love with him, only to lead them down dark destructive paths. Either forcing them to enter prostitution or trading the girls to local gangs for substances. Despite those rumours, he was the principles son so he never had to work to hard to get a girl to follow him.

"Excuse me Fujimoto-San" Yumi said quietly trying to squeeze past him

"Wait wait wait" Fujimoto said grabbing her shoulder.

"You just bumped into me, i could be really hurt. Shouldn't you at least accompany me to the nurses office" he continued sneering at her.

Yumi froze at these words, as the realisation that an accident that occurred by complete chance had just placed her on his radar.

"You don't look that hurt to me" she muttered, staring down at the floor.

"your so cruel Yumi-Chan, so cruel. Your killing me her" He said faking sadness, before leaning forward and whispering into Yumi's ear.

"Take a hint, come to the nurses office"

The coldness in his voice made Yomi freeze, making her feel like she had no choice but to go with him. Fujimoto walked out the door, a smirk on his face as he gestured for Yomi to follow him. The two walked the long school hallway, with many students stopping what they were doing and staring at the two of them together.

"They are thinking, that girl is getting what she deserves" Yomi thought gloomily to herself.

The pair reach the empty nurses office and Fujimoto sits down on the empty bed, and pats his lap.

"C'mon c'mon sit down" he sneered again.

"No, I'd prefer not to" Yomi mumbled staring at the floor not making eye contact.

As if suddenly enraged by that, Fujimoto leaps off the bed and hastily walks over to her grabbing her face and forced her to look up at him.

"When I say sit, you sit. Got it?" he growled at her, anger evident in his eyes.

Yomi was petrified and was not able to muster out a single word or even nod her head. She could only stare at him as tears welled up in her eyes.

"From today onwards your my pet. I've been needing to let out some stress anyway" he continued, and pulled the blue and gold ribbon off of Yumis hair.

Fujimoto began to unzip his fly and dangled the ribbon out of his pants.

"Follow your leash doggy" he laughed at her. At this point Yumi could not stop the tears from falling from her eyes. When the door to the nurses room burst open.

"Ummm excuse me, this does not look like something students should be doing in school" a higher pitched voice filled the room, it was the voice of Yumi's childhood friend Mai Nakamura. Yumi spun around to look at Mai, her tears running freely down her face.

"n-Nakamura-Chan, its nothing you have to concern yourself with... unless you want to join haha" Fujimoto meekly laughed, taking a step back.

"hmmm I'm not sure. You are in the nurses office and i am an assistant here, are you hurt?"

"haha no I'm fine I'm fine, Yumi-Chan bumped into me and she was just helping me get some ice, isn't that right Yumi-Chan?"

Yumi just stayed silent and stared down at the floor.

"You seem fine to me, but let me give you a reason to be in here" Mai said bodly before rushing at Fujimoto.

"Naka BUSTER!!!" Mai exclaimed kicking Fujimoto in between his legs, knocking the ribbon free. Fujimoto collapsed onto the floor groaning and with his eyes rolled into the back of his head. Mai was one of the most respected and feared people in the school. She was the 3 time Karate club champion, and even went as far as to compete in the nationals.

"You alright Yu-Chan" Mai turned around with a proud expression on her face.

"Y-yea" Yumi muttered quietly

"Huuuuuuh, speak up when your talking to someone"

"yea I'm alright" Yumi muttered again

"I cant hear you" Mai said gleefully

"YEA IM ALRIGHT" Yumi exclaimed her face blushing red.

"hey, no need to yell i could hear you, you know" Mai said before bursting out laughing.

Mai proceeded to pick up the ribbon that had fallen to the floor, and stared at it with disdain.

"lets go get this disinfected"