
Mistakes were made

In the beginning of time before fairies and any other mythical creatures came into existence. There were three entities that created and lived in the magical dimension. The first was the Great dragon and her name was Avvie. The second was called the Ice Dragon and her name was Elena. And The third was the shadow phoenix and his name is Lord Darkar. The ice dragon wanted children so she created Tomura and Yuuto Lucifen. I hope you enjoy looking into the life of Yuuto Lucifen. This is my first story and I hope you enjoy it. :)

Zoey_Rivers · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs

Chapter 2-I thought you loved me

Yuuto could feel himself on something soft. He felt something covering his body like a blanket but he could also feel something touching his face. He tried to get the object off of his face and he tried to stand or at least sit up.

But that was when he heard a voice in the distance and when he turned his head. That was when Yuuto saw his older brother sitting in a chair next to him. He was reading a book and then his brother looked at him.

(It seems your finally awake Yuuto).said Tomura

Yuutos mind starting racing his older brother had only called him by his first name when he'd done something wrong. He could see his brothers blond hair and his red eyes were staring at him.

(Don't speak or you will make this worse for the two of us little brother. Mother or anyone else doesn't know you're in here. But your bodyguards know you're in here).said Tomura

That was when Yuuto look around and saw he wasn't in his bedroom but instead he was in a pitch black room with a white door on the left side of the room and a black door was in the front of the room. He then saw a desk and chair, on the desk was his laptop and some stationary supplies along with his notebooks and sketchbooks.

He then turned to his brother and screamed.

(Where in the hell am I. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!).said Yuuto

(Since you defied me I decided to put you somewhere where you will be safe).said Tomura

He then stood up and starting walking towards the front door.

(This is for the better and so you will be safe in here little brother. No one will ever take you away from me because You Belong To Me. Nobody will ever think to break in here. I'll let Hiroto and Callisto guard this room. They can even come in here and talk to you so you don't get lonely).said Tomura

Yuuto threw off his mask and ran after him but Tomura closed the door and he heard a lock from the outside. He then screamed for his older brother to come back and he thought he loved him. He then tried hitting the door or doing something to get his brothers attention. But after two hours of doing that Yuuto felt himself get tired he then tried to walk back to his bed. When he got in his bed he pulled the covers over his fragile body then he fell asleep.