
So Hot

Qian Yue coldly swept her gaze around, ensuring the area was absolutely safe with no possible intruders, then left to guard near the main tent. With a swish, Lin Hui Jin, dragging her muddy and unbearably hot body, lifted the curtain of the main tent.

Despite her clothing being so thin it only just covered her essential areas, her skin was still frighteningly hot. As soon as Lin Hui Jin entered, she rushed to the teapot on the table, pouring the entire pot of tea into her mouth without a second thought.

The cool tea flowed down her throat, rushing towards her stomach and giving her hot skin a momentary coolness. But it didn't last long before the intense heat returned. "Hot, so hot." Lin Hui Jin reached for the strap around her fair neck, but her last shred of rationality reminded her that she had no more clothing to spare.

As she turned her head, she met a pair of eyes as black and deep as obsidian, a gaze so captivating it felt magnetic.

Even if those black eyes were chilling to the bone, cold to the marrow, she still fearlessly met them. It was a man! At this moment, every cell in her body, every nerve was shouting, cheering.

Even her constantly swallowing throat was calling out: hurry and throw yourself at this man, let him quench your thirst?

All of Lin Hui Jin's thoughts and rationality disappeared in an instant, a soft, seductive smile slowly blooming on her stunning face. The man in the silver mask closed his eyes, which were as cold as a moonlit river, when he saw Lin Hui Jin approach with her clothes falling off her body.

But the unique scent of a young woman mixed with the smell of spring rain, became increasingly intense in the man's nostrils. The man exuded a cold aura, each breath carrying a chilling sharpness.

But Lin Hui Jin's skin was like boiling water in a pot, terrifyingly hot. Only when she touched the man's body did her burning heat begin to dissipate.

Under the influence of the drug, Lin Hui Jin had lost herself. She didn't know who she was, nor how dangerous the man in front of her was. All she wanted was for this man to soothe every inch of her skin, to satisfy her hunger...her thirst.

Because the man's acupuncture points were sealed, he could neither move nor speak. All he could do was open his eyes, but he never did. Underneath the silver mask, his face appeared extremely calm, showing no ripples, yet the subtle pulsing of his veins beneath his skin showed the man was enduring.

Enduring this reckless woman pressing...down on him. Lin Hui Jin's kisses were fervent and clumsy, desperately falling like rain on every inch of the man's skin, tinged with a hint of itchiness.