
Mission Complete: Respect Achieved

Max, a lustful corporate slave died. He reincarnated into a fantasy world as one of the children of a Duke. He doesn't have any goal yet, he just wants to fuck. That's it. ----- Be warned: This is a Sexual Fantasy only, logic is not working and the MC is dumb only thinking of his dick. ----- I don't want someone saying later on that there is no logic on his action or something like that, he was a psychopathic anyway, why do you care, the plot is only to make it more fun to read so chill. This is just for fun! Another note: I'm not a native english speaker so yeah there will be a lot of grammatical errors. ----- I do not own the cover photo or the original story, this is a rewritten 'Sexual Fantasy' here in Webnovel, you can visit it if you want the original. ----- I'm continuing the story now, If the the original author wants me to take it down, just say or comment in any chap NP since your not replying to me.

CherryPoPsicle · Komik
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48 Chs

I want to be a Bouncer

After entering his room, he quickly looks for the bed and quickly rests his tired body. The room is nothing like his room in the castle withersnow, it was a little bigger and more comfortable to sleep in. A desk was placed on the right side of the window while two sconces were placed on its side. The wall is dirty white in color, with dotted gold placed everywhere in the place. It looks like it was a natural property of the materials it was made. Closing his tired eyes, he thought of his plans and how he's going to proceed. A few moments after laying down, he was brought into the dreamland promptly.

A few hours later, a short knock was heard making his eyes open. A maid is waiting for him and was instructed to bring him to the dining table.

Now walking down the stairs, he can't still believe how magnificent the place was. His face was plastered with a surprised expression as he saw the beautiful design in the dining room. The table, chairs, walls, and the chandelier in the ceiling were pristine with white and gold decorations all around.

Silvia was at one's end of the table, with two daughters which exclude Veronica on the left, and a young man on the right. The boy had clean-cut black hair and also black eyes. His disposition was very calm but an air of arrogance can be felt when he moves. The same with Veronica with disdainful expression adorned her face as if anyone were below her in position.

On the other side of the table sat the two women, one is about 15 years old and the other looks a little younger maybe around 11 or 12. They both look at him with curiosity. The older of the two then look at Veronica with disgust without even hiding it. She appears to be the mini-me of Silvia but with long hair and a much more youthful image and disposition. The younger one, on the other hand, had beautiful red hair like Veronica, sparkling brown eyes, and a smile that was always on her face.

All of them were dressed elegantly unlike Maxwell who only wore very simple clothes which are a little dirty because of the journey. This made him feel uncomfortable and out of place.

Silvia invited him to sit next to the 11-year-old girl who immediately turned to look at him curiously. "Who are you?"

"What are you doing here?"

The other girl and Veronica asked at the same time, the latter said with obvious displeasure in her voice.

"Let me introduce you all to this young man?" Silvia said slowly after hearing the question from both the girl and Veronica. "This handsome young man here sitting next to Adelaida is Maxwell Magnar and from now on he will be a Knight of the House of Blackwater"

Everyone's reaction varied strangely, the girl next to him looked at him with bright eyes after hearing the word knight, Andrea, on the other hand, was surprised but the next moment she just shrugged it off, the boy seems to not have heard anything at all but Veronica looks very upset.

"Since when can a simple fifth-rate wife decides who can be a knight of this house?" Veronica asked with a frown.

"And since when does a bratty girl as you worry about family matters?" Andrea answered back.

"If the family doesn't want to take him as its knight, then I myself will take him to be my and my daughter's knight. I have written your father about the situation, don't bother throwing a tantrum, you just have to wait" Silvia replied with a smile as she admonished her daughter with a look.

"Tsk, damn b*tch" Veronica said in a whisper but in a not-so whisper manner as she was heard by all the people in the dining room. Andrea almost jumped in her direction with rage but Silvia held her back by tapping her shoulder.

With the 'it's your fault look' and disgusted expression on her face, Veronica stare at Maxwell for a few seconds before getting up and leaving without saying a word.

Once Veronica had left, the atmosphere seemed to brighten up like a sunny day, Silvia continues the introductions and rules of being a knight of Blackwater.

The quiet boy in front of him was called Filip. The one who always antagonizes Veronica is called Andrea, she was also the eldest daughter of Silvia. The youngest on the table on the other hand is Adelaida. She told Maxwell that because Veronica is the favorite child of the patriarch, she feels that she's higher than everyone.

After finishing her line, Silvia gracefully clapped her hands, and before long several maids appeared carrying the most sumptuous and appetizing meal Maxwell had seen.

Maxwell was given a whole nicely cook beefsteak with a little salad on the side along with some mashed potato. For the drink, he was given a red-colored drink that look like wine but with a completely different taste.

"Alright Maxwell, what do you know about Brenor and especially the Order of the knights?" Silvia popped a small bite of her food and asked.

"Nothing" Maxwell answered honestly/

This surprised Silvia so much that she froze while in the middle of another bite.

"Really?" she asked a little incredulously.

"Very well" Silvia sighed before clutching her chin in a deep thought. "First and foremost is the royal family. No matter what you do, never dare to offend a single one of them, no matter how low their status is within their family"

"Why is that?" Maxwell asked curiously, it was obvious that he doesn't offend the royal family because they are the rulers of the empire, but Maxwell thought that there was something in her words…. fear.

"They are the reason why the powers we wield are called magic and not elemental control" Silvia had a very serious look on her face as she spoke "They have the rarest and the most powerful abilities in the entire continent: summoning magic"

"Summoning Magic?" Maxwell frowned as he exclaimed. This is the first time he heard a non-elemental magic.

Silvia nodded. "Few really know how their magic works, the only thing certain is that each of them breaks everything we believe to be logical. So, for your sake and for us, please don't do anything that may antagonize them. Since we hired you as our knight, we will surely be responsible for you."

"Another thing to note is, the knights who joined the Order always need an affiliation. Someone without would surely get recruited sooner or later as your affiliation will become your reference from joining. So you should always act accordingly when you come across different houses. Here is the list of the Blackwater family friends and enemy houses." Silvia passed him a simple list with various names on it and what their insignia look like.

"This is yours too" Silvia claps her hands softly and the butler appeared next to her in an instant, bringing with him clothes that are perfectly folded without any wrinkles that can be seen.

With his curiosity piqued, Maxwell took the set and look what kind it was. A black vest, a white shirt, black pants and boots, and a blackwater coat of arms. It looked very simple but the quality makes it more elegant. It was practically the same as a tuxedo but without the jacket. The lower cloth looks like baston pants that needs to be tucked into the boots.

"That's for more formal events" Silvia said and took a half black and half white shirt divided diagonally with the family crest embroidered on the white shirt part. Several black strips also decorated the shoulder and the sides. "This is the one you would use normally, or during classes and training."

Maxwell immediately liked the shirt. It looked like a football shirt, comfortable and cool.

Or…..a bouncer shirt to be exact.