
Mission Complete: Respect Achieved

Max, a lustful corporate slave died. He reincarnated into a fantasy world as one of the children of a Duke. He doesn't have any goal yet, he just wants to fuck. That's it. ----- Be warned: This is a Sexual Fantasy only, logic is not working and the MC is dumb only thinking of his dick. ----- I don't want someone saying later on that there is no logic on his action or something like that, he was a psychopathic anyway, why do you care, the plot is only to make it more fun to read so chill. This is just for fun! Another note: I'm not a native english speaker so yeah there will be a lot of grammatical errors. ----- I do not own the cover photo or the original story, this is a rewritten 'Sexual Fantasy' here in Webnovel, you can visit it if you want the original. ----- I'm continuing the story now, If the the original author wants me to take it down, just say or comment in any chap NP since your not replying to me.

CherryPoPsicle · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
48 Chs


Maxwell after giving one last touch to his clothes that have some wet patches walks out of the room. Looking around, Martha seems to have guessed what had transpired inside because she was missing, Maxwell was sure she was masturbating again.

During their travels, he and Martha played a lot, touching here and there, but sadly have not done the last step yet as he was still wary of diseases in this world. He played with her body but did not exchange bodily fluids at all, that solves his boredom and let him have free points, albeit it was so little, but beggars can't be choosers, right?

Because of that, she got addicted to his touches but wasn't able to satisfy her desires for him making her an onanism addict. Well, he will surely find some information first before fulfilling her wish. She was actually the type of woman Maxwell wanted to keep, at least as a maid as she is beautiful, dutiful, and plentiful in almost all areas unfortunately she wasn't of noble descent.

Walking upstairs, Maxwell found Martha hiding at a cubicle table furiously rubbing her clit. She was actually screaming his name while pushing her fingers inside her hole.

"Hey, do you want some help?" Martha jumps in surprise before putting her hands on her head feeling the pain of bumping into the table.

"I-I miss your touch young lord, I always dreamed of you at night, seeing y-you earlier…I-I can't control myself" Martha was stammering as she tried to convey her feelings, her hands were begging to rub her clit again as but it was contrasting to her tearful face.

"I know, I can see that, so, do you want my help?" Maxwell crouched beside her before asking her nicely, he was very proud, seeing his hard work of mind-breaking someone put another block to his already towering ego.

"C-can I?" She replied as she put more fingers inside her pussy.

"Hehe, you just have to tell and I surely will satisfy you, just not with my rod, just like before" Maxwell smirkingly said before coating his fingers with currents of electricity. He moves closer while removing her hands from her garden before replacing them with his own.

He put three fingers inside her at once and pushed till only his thumb can be seen which was on purpose as it began to rub her clitoris gently while stirring her inside in a frenzy.

Oooohhh yessss!! I love you Young Lord!!!


Martha arch her back as love juices flooded the floor, saliva keeps dripping from her mouth as she stared at Maxwell with appreciation and love.

However, her orgasm didn't stop as Maxwell continue to thrust his fingers inside fully exploring what it offers.

Ohhhh ohhhh Ohhhh

Martha moans in pure ecstasy as her body remembers Maxwell's touches. It surely was a long time for her even though it wasn't even a month before they separated. His touches make her body feels alive more than it should have, clearly she already found her soul mate she thought.

Maxwell stopped his furious thrusting as he noticed how much liquid her vagina had let out, she may get dehydrated, and he can't have that since he still has something to do, and he needs her for it.

"T-thank you, young lord, for your generosity" Martha said while still on the floor and breathing hard.

"No problem, just rest first, for I have a job for you" Maxwell said before moving towards the shelves of jewelry.

"How much gold do we have left and how much profit we got while I'm gone?" he asked while looking at some beautiful earing 'hmmm, this will surely look good on Silvia, hehe, not now though, I haven't tasted her cunt yet' he thought while searching for a gift to Irene and Lidia instead.

"We didn't have much profit since there's a lot of competitors in the central market, but we do have enough budget to resupply with the same quantity of gems excluding the pure profit from the sold items..." Martha said as she slowly tried to stand up only to stumble before finding support from the nearby table.

"… totaling up to 15 thousand gold and some hundreds of silvers." She continued as he brought out a cloth from under the table before wiping her body dry.

"Hmmm, I think that's enough for now, I will be bringing half of the gold with me including this, this and this" Maxwell said as he pointed to a pair of earrings, a bracelet, and a necklace, it was the gift for his girls.

"Ah, you can choose one for yourself too…it's from me, don't need to deduct it from your salary" Maxwell was feeling generous, well, he actually didn't work hard for the money, he just gave ideas and direction to his workers so he didn't mind giving some incentives to them.

"Thank you, my lord" Martha bowed wholeheartedly as she really thought of him as a generous young lord. First, he saved them from the incoming war, then he gave them a good and stable job, and now even giving luxurious items. She was just sad for not being born a noble if not she would have chased him as her husband.

Maxwell walks beside her and smiles before reaching towards her breast groping and molding it softly. "Don't mind the small stuff, you just have to obey me and I will always reward you, just like this" Maxwell said as he pulled her breast out of her dress before putting it inside his mouth. He softly bites her nipple left before sucking it as hard as he can.


Maxwell steps back wiping his lips before saying. "Go get the money."

"Yes, my lord" Martha said before moving towards the counter and opening a sealed box container made of some kind of metal. There, she opens it with a key before pulling the three sacks of gold out of the six inside before closing it again.

Maxwell seeing this wondered if there was an inventory device in this world. Bringing this too much money must be a big hassle for the rich and now for him too. A little frustrated, he realized he clearly lacks the most useful information in this world. This brings another area he needs to tackle, lacking information especially the crucial ones would be detrimental sooner or later for him.

"Call for some guards to bring the money, we can close the shop for today, we don't have a lot of customers anyway" Maxwell said as he walks downstairs.

Soon, Martha came outside the shop with two guards carrying the sack of gold with them. 'that look's conspicuous' he thought. But soon he shrugged as the law enforcers keep the market without thieves. the only exception are those dark alleys he saw before he got here.

"Where is the most famous Blacksmith shop here?" Maxwell asked Martha as he was a novice in the area.

"Replying to young lord, there is one 2 more streets ahead, one in our right direction a little further from the gladiator's Arena and one further than that."

"Gladiator Arena? Heh, didn't know there's something like that here, who fights in the arena?" Maxwell asked intrigued while already walking towards the direction of the arena.

"There is no requirement to join the arena my lord, but mostly knights outside the ranking were fighting in there, some outside the noble bloodline but more of a deathmatch as most of them are captured bandits or prisoners" Martha explained while trying to keep up with Maxwell's pace.

Maxwell after hearing her got another idea to make money, he will visit the place later on after buying a new weapon, or armor if there is still enough money.

Soon, they arrived at a large establishment building that doesn't look like the medieval arena that he pictured in his mind, thinking it was not but it was clearly the right place. The big words written high up indicated so.

It has at least 12 floors from what he can see, it wasn't a circle or oval in shape but a hexagonal one. Making it look like a parallelogram from afar, confuses Maxwell.

"Is that the Arena?" Maxwell asked Martha dubiously.

"Yes my lord" Martha said answering his question with certainty.

"Right" Maxwell nodded before proceeding his walk towards the Blacksmith shop. Soon though he asked her again "Is it still far?" clearly, his patience is not high as he thought.

Thankfully it wasn't long before they arrive at a shop that has the words 'War and Hammer blacksmith' on its signboard.

Maxwell, who was like a child buying a toy couldn't help but speed up his walk. He arrived at the door and open it with excitement. What greeted him though was a hulking man without a shirt on, he was carrying two axes on his shoulder as he tries to move left and right his body.

Maxwell's instinct screamed at the sight of the man. Dangerous, the man was clearly dangerous as this was the first time his instinct willingly warned him before a fight even starts.

"Hoooo, what do we have here, a child who's not in control of his body, gurararara, you are strong for your age, which house do you belong child?" the hulk said as he faces Maxwell while smiling from ear to ear.

Maxwell was intimidated by this towering man, he may be afraid but a coward he was not. He straightens his back before saying to the man.

"I am Maxwell Magnar, a Knight of the empire" He said with a clear voice trying to put more confidence in his tone.

"Ow, so you are the new rising knight I heard of, the reason why they called me back eh, young but strong! Gurararara I hope you won't disappoint me tomorrow young knight" the man said before pushing the door open and leaving the store.

Maxwell hearing his word seemed to have remembered something. There would be a ceremony tomorrow, a formal meeting with the knights as a tradition of being knighted by the empire.

Maxwell looks at the weaponsmith on the counter before asking.

"Who is that man?"

"You don't know him? Well, I guess you haven't been staying long in the capital. They call him…EDDARD the CATASTROPHE" the weaponsmith answered with fear in his eyes.

I dont know how to make the story progress faster...is my pacing alright?

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