
Misco’s Game

A boy who is internally curious and questions things transfers to a new high school, average in every way until...

Claw_Plus · Seni bela diri
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4 Chs

“Worlds Average”

... What makes someone go over the limit, does mood and thought make someone better or stronger...

Dane has been wondering that since childhood, He was always average as he grew up, nothing special, just another guy, a background character, he couldn't possibly be a main character if he wanted to.

As he walked to school he saw Mike walk up to grab something from a bush outside he ran into an unknown girl, she had brown hair, plain cloths and a subtle attitude. Dane was walking pretty slow so neither of them got hurt it was just a soft bump from him turning into her. Dane looked at her and quickly apologized but she looked at him then turned back to keep walking without a word. He didn't knock her over or hurt her so he didn't make a big deal out of it. The yard was pretty empty and they were the last group to go in.

Dane walked into the classroom, lost in thought like usual, he's interested in sports, art , basically normal activities but he doesn't just want to do them he want to get good at them, but he doesn't know if he's cut out for any of them, so he thinks about training for them slowly getting better at all the activities he can, and since he's basic he's not bad but he's not good, but here's the cool part he's not just basic he's literally "basic everything" he can do every thing just at an average level and this all happened when he was 5, he found a shard and he said to himself with the shard in his hand I want to be good at everything, but later he found out he could do most things but he could only do them slightly or just good enough so he's not better or worse but he can still do anything from reading to doing a backflip but only as good as the "Worlds Average"

The "Worlds average" is what the average people on Earth can do averaged. In other words Dane is super average, plus he keeps the skills he had and got over the years making him slightly better then the average person. When growing up he lived with his older brother and dad, they were all really into martial arts and hand to hand combat so they all knew the other could protect them selves in most situations so they were mostly free to do what they want after middle school. Now everyone is seated, and ready for the new lesson until the teacher comes in bringing in a hand and a arm.

Hey guys this is my first time so I went with the flow ;) idk but hope you enjoy starting off will be slow but I will post as much as I can about 1 a week if possible maybe two ;)

Claw_Pluscreators' thoughts