
Mischievous Wife : Reborn Into The Novel

She was dead! Falling from the 50th floor, really horrible. When she woke up, she found out that she becomes the supporting role in the so-called 'Love story' as a canonfodder. From then, she decided to change the tragic life of the side character and quickly signed the divorce paper that was thrown to her as soon as she woke up. She happily thank the ML and even urged him to get their divorce certificate right away. Finally getting the divorce she want. She bowed to herself that she would focus on herself making more money and swore him to never cross life each other again. However, after the divorce her so-called ex-husband started to pester her annoyingly. And oddly, all the elites that were prepared for the mistress suddenly aimed her! 'What the heck is happening!' ....... Disclaimer: You may find this story 'Cliche'. Very common and dull. So if you're looking for something different and with unique plots. Then this is not your typical, 'Cup of tea'. However, I can guarantee that this novel has a strong, funny, sarcastic and independent protagonist. Although, she is not one of those very smart and genius character, Our FL just don't bark ,but also bite very hard. The story has a very light plot and background. It doesn't have those , shady, dark and very heavy plot drama and twist. The FL somehow, always manage to turn everything on her favor. And foremost, she loves money! This story is combined with romance and comedy. With a protagonist , who's being Reborn into the novel. Just try give it a chance. [Your Author doesn't have that much wide knowledge of writing skills since this is the very first time. So please pardon her for some grammatical errors, loopholes of the plots, poor background of the story and characters and some misused words. Your Author happened to be not a fluent English speaker and English is not her first language.] Thank you. *Cover photo not mine* *credits to its willful owner*

YoungJhude · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
179 Chs

Chapter 61: Do You Want My Kidney?

Ford leaned against the chair and put his arm on the table. He looked at her calmly, "You don't even know who you are?"

Of course, I know who I am! I'm afraid you don't know!

If you became bad because you couldn't get the person you love for a long time, then you may want to find someone to replace me.

"I'm Julia." She said seriously.

"I know." He replied softly, but he thought she was out of her mind.

Julia coughed lightly and was puzzled, "Then why are you behaving like this?"

"Behave what?" Ford smiled and he just seemed to be teasing her.

Julia blushed and couldn't say anything.

"Just..." She was about to say something but she was reluctant to say it.

Although she was eloquent and could quarrel with others for half an hour, she still couldn't say these words. She was still afraid to speak out.

"Julia." Ford suddenly called her in a low and alluring voice.

"What?" Julia replied blankly.

He suddenly leaned forward and pinched her cheek. He whispered, "What do you think?"

"Do you want my kidney?" Julia carefully asked the question that had troubled her for a long time.

Then there was a deathly silence.

After a long time, Ford sneered and said, "Why are you so weird?"

Her? Weird?


When Julia was about to return to her room, Ford stopped her and said seriously, "Remember to wake me up in the morning."


"Wake me up in the morning." Ford was serious and didn't think there was anything wrong.

Julia blushed again. She gritted her teeth and said, "Why are you so shameless?"

"What the hell are you thinking?" Ford read her mind and chuckled, "I mean you have to wake me up tomorrow. I will teach you how to swim."

"No thanks. Don't bother, you're busy."

She felt she was like a stewed shrimp. Then she slammed the door.

He was so unscrupulous.

It must be an illusion that Ford had just been serious for a minute. He was never serious.

Lying on the bed, Julia hugged the pillow. She couldn't fall asleep. She was wondering if this world was the same world as the one in her dream. She changed herself this time, and Ford also became very strange.

Why would he say and do something strange?

She didn't like to guess. For things she don't understand, she would choose the answer that won't hurt her. She was outwardly brave but in fact she was timid when she met difficulties.

She was too afraid of losing now, so she didn't want to or dare to think about anything else.

Julia suddenly wondered if Ford was boiling the frog in warm water. Maybe he wanted to gradually gain her trust, and then to control her.

Julia thought her idea made sense.

However, Ford came to wake her up in the morning. He knocked on the door, and the person in the room answered lazily.

"I'm coming."

Julia was still sleepy. She put on her slippers and opened the door. Normally, the servant would call her for breakfast. So, she yawned and opened the door, saying without even opening her eyes, "I'm so sleepy. I'll eat later."

Then she went back to her bed and wanted to keep sleeping.

Ford leaned against the doorframe and walked in. Then he closed the door. He calmly walked to the bed and looked down at Julia. Julia lay on the pillow. She held the two sides of the pillow with her white fingers. She was very cute.

Ford smiled and he bent over to run his hand through her hair.

Julia was having a dream. She waved wildly and co-incidentally poked Ford's thin lips.

"I don't like you anymore." She muttered, poking his slightly curled lips.

He stared at her, waiting for her to go on. However, Julia fell asleep again. Ford decided to play tricks on her after she woke up.

Julia slept until noon. Then she washed up and walked downstairs with guilt. She had promised to learn how to swim, but she was absent for half a day on the first day. She was really not a good student.

Julia thought to herself that it would be better if Ford got mad and fired her immediately. Because she really don't want him to teach her to swim.

Ford sat on the couch downstairs, looking at the computer. He was typing quickly. Obviously, he was working.

When the servant saw Julia coming downstairs, she immediately set the food. Ford turned to look at her and put down his computer and walked over.

They sat face to face and neither of them spoke while they were eating. Julia looked at him nervously from time to time.

Ford ate elegantly and chewed slowly. He was like a noble in a painting. However, he didn't seem angry.

Julia was rather disappointed. She lowered her head and thought for a moment. There was nothing else she could do.

Ford finished his meal and looked up at her. He suddenly asked, "Didn't you sleep well last night?"

Julia was stunned and quickly suppressed her excitement. She whispered, "No, I just don't have a sense of time. I know no teacher will like a student like me. What's more important, I don't want to change!"

However, after Julia said these words, Ford was not angry.

She felt frustrated.

Ford stared at her and smiled. "You look different when you sleep."

"What?" Julia was a little confused.

He smirked at her and said slowly, "I woke you up this morning. You opened the door and pulled me in."


Julia was so frightened that her eyes almost popped out. She was indeed a little confused when she fell asleep, and did not know whether she was in reality or in her dreams.

Had she done something shameful?

She asked nervously, "Then?"

"You said you want..." Ford answered in a low and teasing voice.

Julia was suddenly astonished. In fact, she felt so shameful. If she could, she would like to disappear at this time.