
Chapter 21: Shokuhou Misaki

"Misaka down three people! Will Tokiwadai make a comeback with the remaining time...?!" 

the announcer's voice echoed across the arena as the Balloon Hunter event continued, generating excitement among the spectators. Among them was a lady with a noble aura and long blond hair, her eyes fixed on one of the building's viewing screens.


Misaka found herself back on the field, strategizing her next move. She was now the sole remaining member of the Red Team, and only a few minutes remained for her to take on more than half of the Blue Team alone if she wanted her team to win. 

"It's strange, says Misaka as she goes down the road..."

As she moved cautiously down the road, her eyes fixated on a girl from the Blue Team who was running away from her. It was the fourth time she had been following someone from the opposing team, and each one seemed to lead her somewhere specific.

"A Trap?!"

Her realization came too late as her gaze instinctively was drawn by the sound of a clash, a ball striking a garden's light pole. In the next moment, she found herself under attack, facing what appeared to be the entire Blue Team closing in on her from the other side.

The Blue Team's plan was simple: by merely holding the ball in their hand, they could seal off her electricity. This was due to the rule of "breaking the balloons with the designated balls." It was permissible to hold the ball and break the balloon in this manner. If Misaka Mikoto attempted to use her abilities against the ball to release electricity, it would be considered an attack on her opponents and result in her disqualification.

Usually, there was a weak electrical field around Misaka Mikoto, which, when she concentrated on it, could be used as a radar. This made it nearly impossible for anyone to get close to her, especially considering even small electrical appliances. However, in this situation where the rules sealed her ability and her attention was focused on the balls, things were not looking good.

The whole setup seemed to be orchestrated by a simple, fat guy with a creepy smile.

"If you can't use your abilities, then you're in the same situation as us!" 

One of the Blue Team members shouted loudly as he launched an attack, Which Misaka dodged with ease while mumbling something to herself.

"1... 3... 7..."

"Got... cha...! Huh?"

Another guy tried to sneak up on her from behind, but Misaka once again dodged to the side, this time saying her thoughts out loud loudly enough for them to hear.

"14... one's not here... Thanks for being stupid and coming for your dooms, says Misaka gratefully"

Taking the balloons of each comparative of the blue team, Misaka seems to have the upper hand even though she was surrounded by 14 members of the blue team

"OOOOH!? This is amazing! Misaka keeps dodging the hands of innumerable foes!!" the announcer's voice boomed across the arena, amplifying the already electrifying atmosphere.

"Everyone, reduce the distance! If we take away the space she can dodge to... AH!?"

The sentence was abruptly cut off as the balloon on his head popped.

"Seven people and with 53 seconds left, Misaka can...??"

Everything seemed to be under Misaka's control until, for some inexplicable reason, she came to a sudden halt, turning around to face seemingly nothing. This left her back exposed, and a girl from the opposing team took advantage of the opportunity to puncture her balloon.

The arena fell into shocked silence, only to be broken by the announcer's voice.

"Misaka is out!!"

Despite not understanding what had just happened, the Blue Team erupted in joy, knowing they had taken down the final boss. Misaka was left in a state of confusion.

"Ah... Misaka lost, huh...?"

Part 2:

Misaka had just bought herself a scoop of ice cream cones from a shopkeeper dressed in a cute uniform.

It had been about an hour since the end of the balloon-hunting event, and she decided to indulge in some ice cream to cool herself down, which for some reason had become unusually warm.

As she strolled through the area, she couldn't find anything particularly interesting to watch. However, she did regret missing the event that had captured her interest for a while, especially because a certain boy had participated in it.

What puzzled her even more was the fact that her Onee-sama had also participated, which shouldn't have been possible since Touma was a high school student while Misaka Mikoto was in middle school, and there were rules against such cross-participation.



Captivated by the sound of a familiar cat, Misaka turned to locate the source: an exact replica of herself stood before her, holding a little black cat in her hand.

"Unit 10032."

"Unit 10000."

They exchanged words with little to no emotions, though there seemed to be a hint of mockery in the voice of one of them.

"Let's turn here to avoid the possibility of running into someone who knows our sister, suggests Misaka-10000."

"Good idea, replies Misaka-10032."

The two Misakas, Unit 10000 and Unit 10032, veered off the main path into a quieter side street, away from the bustling crowds of Academy City's Daihaseisai festival. They took a stop in an empty hallway dedicated to storing building supplies, allowing them to talk freely away from prying eyes.

"It's been a while, says Misaka-10000 warmly as she patted the little cat's head."

"Since that time with the boy named Kamijo Touma when you were trying to buy cat food, added Misaka-10032."


Withdrawing her hand from the little cat, Misaka-10000 raised her eyes to meet those of her sister.

"How do things go with Touma and Onee-sama? Who wins? You didn't share the whole thing on the network, especially Touma's moments. Why? Asks Misaka as she subspecialty doubts Unit 10032's hidden intentions."

In a moment of pause, Misaka-10032 turned her face away before returning her gaze to meet Misaka-10000's eyes.

"You also didn't share the whole Balloon Hunting game that you participated in. Did you win? Asks Misaka-10032 employing reverse psychology to deflect from her own situation."

Misaka-10000 hesitated for a moment, or what felt like a whole minute of silence to her.

"You win... right? repeats Misaka-10032"


"Why did you take all that time to repeat... Well, Unit 10000 has a superior physical capacity, so it should be obvious, says Misaka-10032"


Misaka-10000's face remained unchanged throughout the conversation, a perfect mask for a perfect lie.

(Hey, should I tell her the truth? Says Misaka as she trying to take advantage of the situation.)


An annoying brat's voice suddenly interrupted Misaka-10000, but she decided to ignore it, as she usually does.

Letting out a sigh, she was about to give a goodbye wave to the clone as she turned away, but she came face to face with a girl wearing a frog mask.





The casual tone of voice belonged to the one that all 10,000 clones considered their big sister: the original Misaka Mikoto.

"The Gekota mask looks good on you," complimented Misaka-10000, trying her best not to reveal any hidden desires.

"Thanks, and you can't have it; it's a limited edition with only 100 made, so sorry."

"Ah... Well, it's not like Misaka-10000 likes it or anything, responded Misaka, attempting to downplay her interest."


The original Misaka Mikoto observed the clone's familiar Tsun Tsun face with a knowing smile behind her frog mask as she approached the two clones.

"I see you're taking care of the cat,"

Misaka's fingers gently scratched the cat's head on Unit 10032 hands.

"Yeah, it's become an important friend for us Misakas, answers Misaka-10032"

Misaka Mikoto turned her attention toward Unit 10000. "By the way, I didn't watch your whole match because of... well..."

She paused, a faint blush appearing on her face, though she tried to hide it.

"Anyway, how did things go?"

Unit 10000 seemed to catch onto her original hesitancy

"Because of Misaka being negligent in her vigilance and being led around by the opposing team, Misaka-10000 has lost," the clone lowered her head.

"Misaka was unable to be Onee-sama's replacement..."

"Oh, come on, don't make me repeat what I say to you each time like that."


Misaka Mikoto's smile remained warm as she addressed her little sister. "If you have fun, that's enough for me. It doesn't matter if you win or lose."

With a gentle gesture, she removed the mask from her own face and placed it on Unit 10000's head.

"Even if you weren't supposed to replace me, since you were mistaken for me, there was nothing to do about it. And I'm responsible too, since I was late," she admitted.

Unit 10000 was touched by her big sister's understanding and kindness. She reached up to touch the mask on her head, a mix of surprise and gratitude in her eyes.


Misaka Mikoto shrugged casually. "The moment you showed interest in it, I couldn't keep it to myself. You can have it. Besides, I have another one in my room, so it's okay."

"But you said there were only 100 made..."

"Yeah, and I have two. I was planning to keep one in its package for my collection, but there's no need for that, also..."

She turned her eyes toward Unit 10032, sensing a hint of jealousy in her usually emotionless face.

"I'll bring you one next time. I can always search for a new one, so don't worry."

"There's no need. All the Misakas share their emotions and experiences. If one of us receives a gift from Onee-sama, it means all the Misakas receive one, explains Misaka-10032.

There was a shift in the original Misaka's expression, but she maintained her smile.

"I understand how the network works and how you all like to act as one being, but you have to learn how to be independent. Each one of you has its own life, and the emotions you just showed are proof of that. Next time, I'll give it to you, and I won't accept 'no' or any excuses, understand?"

"...Yes, Onee-sama. Thank you."

Satisfied with the clone's answer, she changed the subject.

"Anyway, it's almost lunch break. Did you bring lunch?"


She turned her gaze toward Misaka-10000.

"What about you?"

"Misaka has just eaten an ice cream."

"So the answer is no too, huh?"

She reached into her pocket, pulling out some coupons. "These food coupons were handed out to students. Use these if you want to."

She handed them to each of the two clones, who received them with gratitude.

"Since it's a festival, let's have fun, alright?"

And just like that, And With a wave, she left, leaving the two clones glancing at each other.

The two clones watched as their original, the true Misaka Mikoto, walked away. They exchanged a look, 

  "Onee-sama is always so kind to us, isn't she? Says Misaka-10032"

"Yes, she is. Answeres Misaka-10000"

Misaka-10032 glanced at Misaka-10000, her usually emotionless face showing a subtle hint of curiosity.

"So, what shall we do for lunch, Misaka-10000?"

Misaka-10000 pondered for a moment, considering their options.

"Well, we have these coupons, so we can get some festival food. How about trying some of the local specialties they offer during the Daihaseisai? Answers Misaka-10000"

Misaka-10032 nodded in agreement. "That sounds like a good plan. Let's explore and see what catches our attention, and during that, we'll have some food for our friend."


Misaka-10000 nodded in response.

With newfound purpose, and with Misaka-10000's face hidden behind the Gekota mask, and the little cat cradled in Misaka-10032's hand, they both made their way out of the hallway.

"By the way, how did you lose? Misaka-10032 thought that Misaka-10000 had superior physical capacity," she asked.

(She didn't ask about why I lied... cool.)

"Everything was under Misaka-10000's control, but something weird distracted Misaka-10000's attention."


"At one moment, Misaka felt as if something pinched her, but it felt different, explains Misaka-10000."

"Hmmm, that seems familiar... can you share more? Asks Misaka-10032."


As Misaka-10000 finished speaking, the ahoge in her hair started to move up and down in a way that it shouldn't, given the fact that hair doesn't have any nerve receptors. 

Not long after, the one on Misaka-10032's head began to do the same, as if the ahoge were some kind of signal tower.

"Oh, that's the same thing that happened to Misaka-10032 while she was focusing on watching Touma-san and Onee-sama's event, Says Misaka-10032"

"Share it with Misaka-10000 and the whole event too, commands Misaka-10000"

The two clones synchronized their thoughts, and the events of that moment began to play out in their minds. It was as if they were reliving the experience together, sharing every detail.

"Oh... No wonder Onee-sama blushed just now. He really took her down in a romantic way, although it seems he thought she had a fever and was just checking on her, Says Misaka-10000"

"Anyway, what do you think of that feeling? Asks Misaka-10032"

"Maybe it was just a simple mosquito. Let's not overthink the situation, Adds Misaka-10000"


"It seems our little friend is hungry. Let's move on now, says Misaka-10000."

Responding with a nod, they were about to leave the hallway and step into the main street of the festival. However, for some reason, Misaka-10032 started to feel exhausted. She turned her gaze toward Misaka-10000 and saw that the girl was sweating profusely, her breathing becoming heavy.


Before she could voice her concern, Misaka-10032 collapsed, her body leaning against the hallway wall before she tumbled to the ground, unconscious. The little black cat jumped away to avoid being covered by the falling girl's body.


Rushing to her sister's side, Misaka-10000 was about to check on her condition when she too collapsed, succumbing to the same mysterious fatigue. The little cat meowed alone in the empty hallway, the only conscious being remaining.

Part 3:

She didn't know how long it had been, but even in her unconscious state, she had a strange awareness of her surroundings.

(That feeling... it wasn't a simple mosquito bite. Whatever it was, it's the reason why we're in this situation)

Her breath was heavy, and her body temperature was rising rapidly. She had some confidence in her ability to survive such a situation if she allowed her body to heal itself, but it would take too much time. Her sister's life was at risk, and she couldn't afford to wait.

(I have to create the antidote within my body and share its effects through the network, so the white blood cells in her body can adapt to the situation)

As she pondered her options, she heard footsteps approaching, accompanied by the agitated sounds of the cat.

"What's this?"

The voice that followed was so familiar that it sent a shiver down her spine.

"It looks like they were affected by a military nanodevice. But I'm afraid their electric powers might interfere... so the antivirus software may not be enough to heal them."

(Military nanodevice? Wait... can I create an antidote for something like that?)

The girl sighed audibly. "If it presents any danger to their lives, I'll just give up and get Misaka-san's help."

(She knows Onee-sama... No, wait... more importantly, why does her voice make me feel so nostalgic?)

"Are you sure? Isn't she being marked?"

"I really don't want to do it, but I will if I have no other choice."

(That feeling again...I have to see whose voice belongs)

Misaka-10000 couldn't shake off the feeling that she knew the voice, She put all the strength left in her body to raise her head


"What's the matter?"

"Oh no, I think I just imagined things, but I felt that clone just moved her hand."

"Didn't the virus take full effect on her?"

"No, it must have been a while ago-?!"

The old man's voice trailed off, seemingly startled by something. He observed as one of the two clones with the mask started to raise its head.

"Good, my eyes are on the girl—!!!"

"Hmmm, well, the virus didn't affect her wholly, but why is she glancing at me?"

"I-I don't know..."

The clone's arm reached for the Gekota mask on her face, removed it, and Shokuhou Misaki's eyes widened as she observed the clone's expression.

All the clones should have the same emotionless expressions with eyes that seemed to have died a long time ago, except for one that was supposed to be long gone.

But the clone that locked eyes with her had eyes filled with life, giving her a strong sense of déjà vu. It was a feeling from an old friend.


The clone said, to which Misaka responded with a shocked expression.



(A/N):  I am here again!!

The Rising of the Shield Hero will be my next project as all of you seemed to want me to write it 

So look forward to the first chapter of that work

The female character that the Oc will reincarnate as will be Melty, also you guys can choose if the OC would be male or female originally. (it can be a gender bender or not)

the story will take events from the moment Melty is born because i want to write something before the main canon timeline.

Also, what do you think of the twist of this chapter?