
Miraculous: Tales of Time

A girl and a boy given magic jewels that make them superheroes. But not all is what it seems. Who knows maybe the love that was 'destined' wasn't what you thought. What if the 'villain' isn't truly evil?

Arin_North · Televisi
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4 Chs

Chapter 3: The Kwami

Marinette walks into her room dropping her bag on a chair. She smiles, "today wasn't that bad! I met Alya, and she is really cool. I think this year will be pretty great."

Walking to her desk she spots a strange box on it. The box was dark brown with a painted red design on it. It looked old but in very good condition. She stared at it for a second before picking it up and opening it.

Suddenly a red blur shot from the box. "Ah!" Mari dropped the box almost tripping as she jumps back. Then a creature appeared in front of her. "AH! IT'S A GIANT BUG! No, A MOUSE. A BUG-MOUSE!

"It's ok! I'm-" the creature started.

"THE BUG-MOUSE TALKS!" Mari starts to throw things at the creature. Finally she grabs a glass cup and captures the thing.

The creature, now muffled, says: "Okay, if this makes you feel safer."

"What are you? What are you doing here?"

"I'm a Kwami, and my name is Tikki. Now let me explain."

Mari stairs at the kwami, debating on what to do. Tikki takes it as an invitation to continue.

"I am a magical being that gives powers to my holder." It gestures to the box, now on the floor. "There are a pair of earrings that give the wearer superpowers. I'm the kwami of creation, your powers are related to creation."

"So, this must be some kind of mistake. There is no way I could be a superhero…" Mari holds the box, looking at the red earrings with black spots. "I know! Alya, my friend, is really into superheroes. I think she would be a much better fit!"

"My master chose you." Tikki interrupted.

"Why? Wait, who's your master?"

"I can't tell you. I promised not to. Sorry."

"ok, so, let me-" Marinette began but was interrupted by the ground shaking. "Wha-"


Adrien had just run to his room. He jumps on his bed, rolling over to stare at the ceiling. He lays there like that for a bit then sighing he walks over to his desk a schoolbook in hand. Suddenly he stops.

There, just sitting on his desk, is a box. I had a very intricate design on it. He picked the box up and opened it. A black blur came out, causing Adrien to step back. Suddenly in front of him was a cat-like creature, just floating there. Then it flew off.

"What the?" Adrien exclaims. "No way, like the genie in the lamp!"

"Naaa, I net him once. So he grants wishes, big deal! I'm way more personable! The name's Plagg. Nice to meet you." The creature flies off, exploring the room. "Ooh, swanky…"

"No, don't touch that! Come back here!" Adrien says while trying to catch up to it.

"Oo shiny! Can you eat this? Argh, nope, you can't. What about this?" Plagg flies off again.

While Plagg trying, and failing, to eat a remote controller, Adrien finally manages to catch the thing. Holding it with both hands, he sits on the couch in his room.

"What are you?" Adrien asks confused.

The creature sighs. "Look, I'm a kwami. I grant powers. Yours is the power of destruction, got it?"

Adrien shakes his head not understanding what it meant.

"Good. Now, you got anything to eat? I'm starving!" Plagg says hopefully.

"My father's pranking me, right? Wait, he couldn't be. He has no sense of humor."

Plagg flies through Adrien's hands to float in front of his face. "Your father must never know that I exist! Or anyone for that matter."

"Why not?"

"Because you're a superhero. If you reveal your identity, then those closed to you could be hurt."

"But I'm stuck here. I'm not even allowed to go to school! What good is a superhero who's imprisoned in his own house?"

"No good. But that's all going to change soon. Well, if you're willing to change that is." Plagg said, gesturing to the ring still in the box.

The ring was black with a lime green cat paw on it. Adrien picks it up and it turns silver, the design disappearing, he puts the ring on.


Marinette runs to her computer. The news stars to play.

"As you can see, there is a stone monster rampaging in the city! He seems to be heading west…"

Mari gasps. "What is that thing!"

Tikki flies out of the glass. "That is an akumatized villain." Tikki turns to Mari. "You're the only one who can save Paris and stop the villain."


"To be akumatized you need to have a strong negative emotion. The akuma will attach itself to an object related to your emotion. If you break that object and capture the akuma then the person will go back to normal."

"Okay, so all I have to do is break the object the whatchama-call- it is hiding?"

"Yes, and capture it."

"Got it. And how am I going to do this?" Mari says putting on the earrings according to Tikki's promptings. The earrings are now a dark blue.

"When you're in your superhero form you can call out ' Lucky Charm ' and an item will appear to help you."

"Aaa, this is all going too fast! Tikki… I-I don't think I can do this."

"Trust yourself. I know you can do this. Just say 'Spots on'." Tikki says encouragingly.

"Spots on?" Suddenly the earrings start to sparkle. They transform back to the ladybug pattern and Marinette's clothes start to change