
Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir

Miraculous Ladybug but with Luka Couffaine as Chat Noir. I am planning on making more chapters for this, just don't know when I'll get there.

C_E_W · Televisi
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14 Chs

Origins (3)

Ivan pushed open the door to the principal's office.

"Excuse me young man. Hasn't anyone ever taught you to knock?" Mr. Democlese, the short, owl like man said from his seat behind the large wooden desk. He waved his chubby hands at Ivan. "Go on, out you go. Let's try it again."

Feeling frustrated, Ivan went back out the door, closing it behind him. Without him noticing, a little black butterfly flies to the crumbled up piece of paper in his hand, absorbing itself into it.

The outline of a purple moth covers his face. Inside his head, a voice begins to speak. One that he didn't recognize.

"Stoneheart, I am Hawk Moth. I give you the power to seek revenge."

The offer appeals to Ivan. "Okay, Hawk Moth." It was finally time for Kim to get what he deserves.

Black bubbles radiated out from his close fist, covering him. When they disappeared, Ivan was no longer there. In his place was a giant rock monster who was bent on revenge.

None the wiser of the events taking place outside of his office, Mr. Democlese grew frustrated with the student who obviously lacked manners.

"Well, come on in." He figured that the trouble maker needed to be told what to do, if he was even still out there.

The door slammed open, breaking off of its hinges. A towering boulder of rocks squeezed through the tight door frame and stood up to its full height. Letting out a ferocious roar, it lumbered over to where the stunned principal sat.

* * * *

Marinette, Alya, and some of the other students were sitting in the library when a roar rung out. It was powerful enough to shake the walls and floors of the school causing some of the students to fall onto the ground.

Marinette laid on the ground, rubbing her ears. She wasn't sure what was going on but it sure sounded scary.

"C'mon!" Alya, ever quick with action, grabbed Marinette by the wrist and pulled her up, dragging her out the door.

They ran to the front of the library where there was a TV. The monitor showed that a giant rock monster had jumped out of the school, landing on the sidewalk beneath.

"Kim!" It roared out in anger before stomping off out into the city.

Marinette grew shocked and confused at the monster's voice. "What's going on? He had Ivan's voice."

Once the other hand, Alya seemed to be amazed and excited. "It's as if he's been transformed into a real-life super-villain." She pulled her phone out and started going through its settings. "GPS, check. Battery, check. I'm so outta here." She rushed off, her excitement visible.

Marinette hollered out to her new friend. "Where are you going?"

Alya stopped and turned around to face Marinette, rushing out an explanation so that she could be on her way again. "When there's a super-villain, a super hero's not far behind. No way I'm missing this!" Alya rushed out of the library's doors, leaving Marinette behind.

* * * *

The master stood outside of a large wooden ship, a small wooden ornate box in hand.

The sounds of a guitar floated out of a lower deck window. Unfortunately, the boy he had chosen to be the holder of the black cat miraculous was home. How would he slip the box containing the Miraculous in there without being seen?


"Yes, master?" His kwami, Wayzz, floated out in front of him.

He handed the box to the turtle kwami. "Fly this in and place it somewhere where the boy will find it and make sure to stay hidden."

"Yes, master."

Wayzz awkwardly carried the box in his arms, bobbing up and down in his flight.

He reached the window where music was floating out through the small crack. It was just wide enough for Wayzz to squeeze in through.

Before he did, he made sure that the blue haired boy wasn't looking in his direction.

The boy sat on his bed Indian style. His eyes were closed as his hands strummed the strings on his guitar. He was dressed in this age's fashion. Black ripped skinny jeans, a white v-neck tee, and an over-sized jacket. His finger nails were even painted black.

Just because the boy didn't look like hero potential didn't mean that his heart wasn't. The master wouldn't have chosen him otherwise.

Wayzz slipped in, carefully carrying the Miraculous box so that it didn't scrape against anything. Quickly, he flew to the guitar case and placed the box into the pocket where spare strings and picks were kept. He figured that would be a good of place as any.

Wiping his forehead from imaginary sweat, he flew out the window back to his master.

"Well done, Wayzz." Their job distributing the two miraculous was finally done. Now it was up to the chosen ones to find them and to properly use them.

* * * *

Luka's phone vibrated from inside his pocket. He carefully sat his guitar down. He would normally leave his phone on silent when he was playing but he didn't today just in case his sister needed him.

There wasn't a phone call or a text message from his mother or sister. Instead there was a new notification under the news. Since he already had his phone out, he clicked on it. The screen loaded into a video of the mayor holding and emergency press conference. "All Parisians, stay at home until the situation is under control." The mayor looked frantic as the mics were thrown into his face.

The screen switched over, showing the anchor women pointing to a small sized screen that showed a giant rock man attacking a barricade of police vehicles. The news title was labeled 'a super-villain in Paris?'

Worry for his sister and mother who were out in the city near the incident coursed through him. He grabbed his guitar and gently placed it in its cover. Something hard bumped into his hand while he was pulling it back.

Reaching into the pocket where he kept the spare items needed for his guitar was a small wooden ornate box. "What's this doing here?" He opened up the box to find a black ring nestled inside. Carved into the ring was a green paw print.

Yellowish-green light began to emanate from the ring. The light floated up into the air. The light left a small black floating cat in its place when it disappeared. The creature yawned, it's eyes still closed.

"What are you?" The words escaped from Luka's mouth before he could stop them.

"I'm Plagg. The kwami of the black cat miraculous." Plagg yawned, looking extremely worn out; just like a real cat. "Got any cheese? The stinkier the better." He rubbed his little blag stomach.

"Hmm. I'll go look."

Luka came back in carrying a box of yellow cheese. "This is all we have right now. If you're staying, I'll go pick some more up. You can choose which flavor you like."

"I'm gonna like you kid." Plagg took the offered cheese and swallowed it whole.

"Um, may I ask what you are doing here. Or how you got here?"

"I'm not sure how I got here, even though it's a good guess that the Guardian is involved."


Plagg shook his little black head, his whiskers flying around. "Looks like I have my work cut out for me. You owe me more cheese." Luka nodded his head. He was willing to oblige if it got him answers and quick. He sent a quick text to his sister and mother, making sure that they were alright and out of harms way.

* * * *

Marinette sat in her chair back in her room, watching the news. "I hate first days at schools." It was true. For Marinette, first days of schools were the worst. If anything could go wrong then it would.

Marinette looked over the back of her chair down at her desk. Sitting on it was a small wooden ornate box that she had never seen before. "What's this doing here?" She reached for it and opened it up. Nestled inside was a pair of red and black spotted earrings. A red light emanated from them. Freaking out, Marinette dropped the box.

The red light floated above in the air. When it disappeared, in its place was a giant floating bug.

Marinette jumped out of the chair and clung to the pillar in her room. "Help, it's a giant bug!" She shrieked. She really didn't like the sight of bugs.

Was this thing even a bug? "A mouse... a bug-mouse." What was that strange, scary, red floating creature?

The bug-mouse flew closer. "Everything's okay. Don't be scared!" The bug-mouse tried to reassure her.

Freaking out, Marinette started throwing anything that she could grab at it.

"Look Marinette, I know things may same strange to you.."

It knew her name. It knew her name!

Marinette grabbed the glass jar that was in her dresser. With quick movements, she placed rhetoric jar over the bug-mouse.

"Okay, if that makes you feel safer." The bug-mouse said.

Marinette peered down at it through the glass. "What are you? How do you know my name?"

The bug-mouse proudly placed an arm against its chest. "I'm a kwami, and my name is Tikki. Now, just let me explain."

Marinette opened the latch to her door and lifted it up as far as she could without letting go of the jar. "Mom! Dad!"

"No, no, no." Tikki went through the glass and flew in front of Marinette, trying to stop her from retrieving her parents. "I'm your friend, Marinette. You must trust me. You're the only one who can stop Stoneheart."

* * * *