

Over the next few days, I navigated the complexities of Gabriel Agreste's life. I attended meetings, oversaw the fashion line, and interacted with Adrien as much as possible. Every moment was a balancing act, trying to maintain Gabriel's strict demeanor while also being more present for Adrien.One evening, as I was reviewing some designs, Nooroo fluttered into the room. "Master, is everything alright? You haven't summoned me for days."I looked at the small kwami, feeling a pang of guilt. Nooroo was enslaved by Gabriel, forced to assist in his nefarious plans. "Nooroo, I need to ask you something. If you were free, what would you do?"Nooroo's eyes widened in surprise. "I... I would help people, Master. I was meant to bring balance, not cause chaos."I nodded. "I understand. And I promise, I'll find a way to make things right."From that moment, I made a decision. I would gather the Miraculouses, not to use them for my own gain, but to protect them. I would find a way to save Emilie without resorting to the destruction and manipulation Hawk Moth was known for.But to do that, I needed allies. I needed to gain the trust of Ladybug and Cat Noir without revealing my identity too soon. And more importantly, I needed to protect Adrien from the dangers I knew were coming.