
Miraculous (M)

Miraculous_Writter · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
25 Chs

A chapter of unfortunate events

It was a normal day for 24-year-old Marinette. She woke up next to her husband and her two 7-month-olds (Making it December) in their cribs.

"Good morning, " Marinette says.

"Good morning, " Adrian gets out of bed.

"Why at you antsy to leave the bed?" Marinette pouts.

"I have a photo shoot early today and you probably want to stay with the babies here, " Adrian says.

Marinette gets up and walks to Adrian as he gets dressed.

" What a-, " Adrian gets cut off by a kiss from Marinette.

She wraps her arms around his neck.

"You can't do me like that, " Adrian says between kisses.

"What?" Marinette asks.

"This, " Adrian gives Marinette a long kiss, " then be like I'll see you later."

"It gives you something to remember me by, " Marinette smiles.

"I have that beautiful smile of yours, " He says.

Marinette blushes. Adrian gives her a goodbye kiss then leaves.

One hour later.

Marinette giggles,"I keep telling you that we can't be like we were before kids."

"Why not they're young they won't see anything or know any better, " He says.

"Yeah, but they'd be scarred for life, " Marinette throws away the rope, "It's a no for me kitty. Can you remind me how long it's been?"

"The number is so sad, " Cat Noir says.

"Say it for me, " Marinette says.

" It's been a dreadful 1 year, 1 month and 18 days, " Cat Noir pouts.

"You really kept count?" Marinette chuckles.

"Yes, " Cat Noir puts a sad face on.

"You're so funny, " Marinette chuckles.

Alya walks into the house, " Am I interrupting something. The door was wide open."

They jump at Alyas voice.

"Nothing at all, " Cat Noir says, " I was just helping clean up a mess."

"And he was just leaving, " Marinette says.

Cat Noir leaves.

Adrian comes in the house, " Are you okay Marinette!"

"Yeah, I'm fine, " Marinette says.

"Since Adrians here I'm gonna go, " Alya flees.

Adrian closes and locks the door behind her. Marinette picks up Hugo.

"Yay, come here daddy's girl, " Adrian picks up Emma.

They feed the babies. He puts the bottle down and faces Emma to him. Mariette does the same with Hugo. Adrian starts to sing to Emma and Hugo.

"Hush, little baby don't say a word, " Adrian sings, "Papa's gonna buy you a mocking bird."

"And if that mocking bird don't sing, " Marinette joins him, "Mama's gonna buy you a diamond ring."

"And if that diamond ring is brass, " They sing together, " We're gonna buy you a looking glass."

"And if that looking glass gets broke, " Adrian sings, " Papa's gonna buy you a billy goat."

"And if that billy goat don't pull, " Marinette sings, "Mama's gonna buy you a cart and bull

"And if that cart and bull turn over, " They sing, "We're gonna buy you a dog called Rover."

"And if that dog called Rover don't bark, " Adrian sings, " Papa's gonna buy you a horse and cart."

"And if that horse and cart turn round, " Marinette sings, " You'll still be the sweetest little babes in town."

The babies smile at them.

"Why are you two so cute!" Adrian squeals.

"Because they're our kids, " Marinette rest her head on Adrians shoulder, " She has your hair, and she has my eyes."

"And he has your hair and my eyes, " Adrian says, "They're total opposites."

"Just like us, " Marinette smiles.

"What can I say opposites attract, " Adrian kisses Marinette.

The babies look at them weird.

"You see all we did was a kiss and they look scared, " Marinette chuckles.

"They're fine, " Adrian says.

Marinette stands Hugo on her lap (still holding on to him). He puts his hands on both sides of her face.

"What are you doing?" Marinette says in her baby voice.

He smashes both of his hands on her face then laughs. Adrian laughs.

"That's not funny, " Marinette fails to keep a straight face

"You're basically laughing that was funny, " Adrian chuckles.

"I can already tell you're going to be a hand full, " Marinette smiles.

Adrian sits Emma on the bed and puts pillows and cover behind her. Then he gets up.

"What are you doing?" Marinette asks, " they know how to sit up by themselves."

she takes the pillows and cover from behind her slowly.

"Just wait," Adrian says, "where is my phone?"

"It's on the kitchen counter," Marinette says.

Adrian grabs his phone then puts on a song. Marinette sits Hugo on the bed. Adrian stands in front of the babies wait for the words to come on.

"What song is-, " Marinette gets interrupted.

"Pinkfong, "Adrian's phone says.

"Oh no, " Marinette chuckles.

Baby shark starts playing. Adrian dances to it.

"Join me, " Adrian says.

Marinette sits next to the babies, " I'm good, "

The babies smile when they hear the song come on.

"Baby shark do do dodo dodo, " Adrian says.

"You're so stupid," Marinette chuckles.

Time passes of Adrian dancing to baby songs as the babies and Marinette watch.

"It's nap time, Adrian, " Marinette whispers, " They're asleep.

"Okay, " Adrian says.

Adrian and Marinette move the babies to their cribs in their room (they share a room).

"Time to clean!" Marinette stretches, " the house is so messy!"

Both Adrian and Marinette clean the house. They finish cleaning.

"Finished, " Marinette leans on the counter.

Adrian moves in front of her, "I have an idea."

"What's that?" Marinette says jokingly.

Adrian knocks his head down in disbelief and sighs.

Marinette kisses him, "I'm joking."

Adrian smiles at her. They continue to kiss. His shirt got thrown on the floor by Marinette. His lips went to her neck. His hands around the skin of her waist. He takes off her shirt.

"Egar are we?" Marinette smiles.

"You have no idea, " Adrian smiles back.

One of the babies starts to cry. Adrian sides eyes looking at their door.

"He's gonna wake Emma up, " Marinette puts her shirt on, "and you know she's a light sleeper."

Marinette picks up Hugo then leaves the room with him.

"You sure can change fast, " Adrian smiles.

"Being with you for 6 years has given me practice, " Marinette changes Hugo's diaper.

Adrian chuckles, " I'll wait here for you."

"Okay, " Marinette looks at him then back at Hugo, " Is that better?"

He stops crying.

"That's what I thought, " Marinette rocks him to sleep.

Then she puts him back in his crib.

"Can we continue?" Adrian asks.

Marinette nods as she walks to him taking her shirt off, "of course."

She got back on the table. He tilted her chin up and started placing kisses along her neck.

She looks at him, " stop."

"But why?" He asks.

"Get off!" Marinette says.

He kissed kisses her kneck. He moved her finger to in between her thighs.

"Do you know what the word no means!" Marinette throws her fist at him.

He grabs her arms with one hand, " I do I just don't want to listen."

he continues.

"That hurts!" Marinette tries to break free.

"You're telling me this why?" he asks

That's when Marinette lost it.

"Then listen to this!" She punches him not missing this time.

He falls to the ground. Marinette pins home to the ground. The real Adrian comes in the house.

"Felix?" Adrian says, " What happened?"

"Tell your wife to get off me, " Felix says.

"This isn't real, this isn't real, " Marinette grabs her clothes then for into the twins' room.

"Why are you in my house!" Adrian says.

Marinette steps out of the room.

"Marinette!" one of the men say.

"I-I-I, " Marinette stands there.

"Marinette, breathe, " Adrian says, "breathe."

"I can't I messed up, and bad!" Marinette says.

Marinette sits on the wall.

"You give me too many chances and I keep messing up I can't tell the difference between my husband and his cousin, " Marinette says.

"I know. it's confusing because be keeps doing this to us, " Adrian says.

"But he hasn't done to you what he has to me, " She says.

He leaves.

Marinette looks at his hand and ear, " okay, Adrian."

Adrian hugs her, " are you okay, "

"I'm fine, " Marinette takes his arm off her, " this it's all my fault."

"No, it's not, " Adrian says.

"Yes it is, he got to close and I thought he was you then when I realized it, it was too late, " Marinette sits on the bed.

"What did he do?" Adrian asks.

"N-nothing, " Marinette lays on the bed in the fetal position.

"He did something. I know it, " he lays next to her.

"I don't want to talk about it, " Marinette shakes.

"Are you sure?" Adrian says.

"I think the babies are awake, " Marinette for goes in their room, " They are."

Marinette picks up Emma and Hugo and sits them on their bed. They look at them sadly.

"What's the matter, " Adrian asks.

"Do you want to sit in the walker?" Marinette asks.

They just look at them.

"I think you want to get in the walker, " Marinette picks up Emma and puts her in her walker.

Adrian for the same with Hugo.

"Do we still have rice cereal?" Marinette asks.

"I think so, " Adrian gets up and looks for it.

He finds it, " yeah it's right here."

Adrian gives it to her. They each make a bottle and gives one to the babies. They walk in their walkers drinking the rice cereal milk. They keep a close eye on them.

"Marinette, " Adrian says.

"Yes, " Marinette says.

"Are you sure you're okay, you're acting weird, " Adrian says.

"Yeah, I'm f-, " Marinette's voice cracks, "I'm fine."

Tears fall from Marinette's face.

Adrian wipes them, " it doesn't seem like it."

"Yeah I'm awesome, " Marinette wipes her face and smiles, " I'm better than awesome."

Marinette stands up, " I'll be right back."

She takes her earrings off.

"Why are you doing that?" Adrian asks.

"You never know what could happen, " Marinette sighs.

she goes into the bathroom and starts crying.

"Marinette, " Tikki says to her.

Marinette sniffs, " What?"

"I don't know what to tell you because it never happened to me but I've seen it happen to my other holders. It seems to be tough at first but you can do this, " Tikki says.

"I don't know what you're talking about, " Marinette wipes her face and laughs, " I'm fine! really!"

"I was there Marinette, " Tikki says.

Marinette's laughs turn into cries. She buries her head between her legs.

"It's my fault, " Marinette says.

"No, it's not it's his. Girls and women almost always blame themselves in these situations. there was no way you could've known but you handled it in the best way possible, " Tikki says.

"But it is I let him in the house with my kids. I let him get personal until I finally figure it out, " Marinette says, " Can I be alone."

Tikki sighs as she leaves. Not long after an Akuma goes into Marinette's hair tie.

"Lady Justice you've experienced something that'll never leave your mind. You can get revenge on the one who did it to you, " Hawkmoth says.

"Yes, Hawkmoth, " Marinette turns to Lady Justice.

Lady Justice is a blue woman with a black and green dress. She wears a yellow blindfold. She carries a sword and a balance. She opens the bathroom door.

"Are you feeling better Ma-, "Adrian sees Lady Justice, " Marinette!"

"Good evening, " Lady Justice leaves, " goodbye."

He takes his ring off and puts on the earrings.

" Felix!" Adrian says, " Tikki spots on"

"What am I supposed to do?" Plagg asks.

"Can you and the other kwamis watch the babies?" Misterbug asks.

"Of course, make sure to get Marinette back, " Plagg sighs, " Come on guys let's watch these babies."

Misterbug looks around and sees Lady Justice walking on buildings.

"Marinette!" Cat Noir hollers.

She moves her head up from the ground but keeps walking.

"You can hear you just can't see I know that!" he says.

She stops in her tracks and chuckles.

" What's funny?" he asks.

"You really thought I'd go this far and not get Justice?" She continues to walk.

"It's not Justice its revenge, " He says.

He texts Rena Rouge and Carapace that he needs back up.

"It does change my objective, " she gets to his house.

She knocks in the door.

"Hello?" he opens it.

she puts her sword to his neck, "How you been."

"Who are you?" he asks.

"Can you not tell who I am?" she has him walk backward, " what about my hair?"

"Marinette?" he says confused.

"Of course, like my new look?" she asks.

"its actually pretty u-, " he gets interrupted.

"I don't need your opinion, " she cuts him off.

Rena, Carapace, and Misterbug come to his house.

"Marinette!" Rena hollers.

"Now answer this, " she touches his neck with her sword, "did you or did you not attempt and somewhat completed the act of raping Marinette Agrest?"

"No, " he says.

The balance knocks to the side. She turns her head at it then back at him.

"Can you answer that one more time?" she looks at him.

The superheroes start to approach her. She senses it. She moves her sword from his neck

"Clasp, " She says.

Felix gets stuck inside a golden ball.

"She can't see, " Carapace says.

They go silent.

"That won't do you any good, " she says, " I can smell you. my sense of smell has been enlightened."

"Shelter!" Carapace hollers.

"That won't do you good either, " she says, "Clasp, "

The golden ball goes around the shelter. She takes Felix out of the ball.

"Answer the question correctly this time, " She puts the sword back at his neck, "I won't hesitate."

"Lucky charm!" A locket comes up, " a locket?"

"Open it!" Rena says.

"It's her and her family, " Mister bug says.

"She must have a soft spot for family or something, " Carapace says.

"I'm waiting, " She says to Felix.

"Lady Justice, " Rena says.

"Clasp, " Felix gets back in a gold ball.

She turns around. she lifts her blindfold. They show her the picture.

"Opening, " a small hole is in the ball, " can I see it?"

They give it to her.

"Wow, " She sits in the ground, "this was a while ago."

"Tell us about it, " Carapace says.

"Well it was the baby's first beach day and Hugo kept trying to eat the sand, " She chuckles, " and Adrian was no help he was pretending to eat the sand himself. Emma was quiet most of the time. she just really likes the water."

The balls started to fade away. The three of them look at each other confused.

"When Adrian was pretending to put the sand in his mouth he got bit by a crab" Marinette puts the locket on her, " we had to go to the beach later in the day. Ya know because of a chance the babies getting a sunburn."

"Lady Justice! get back to work!" Hawkmoth states.

"Right!" She stands up being surrounded.

"We could do this the easy way or the hard way, " Carapace says.

" I prefer my way, " She puts her mask back on.

"Which way is that?" Rena asks.

"Why don't you see for yourself, " She fixes the sword in her hand.

She turns to Felix.

"Her Akuma is in her hair tie. look it's the base of her sword, " Misterbug says.

"Lady Justice, if you don't get their miraculous ill have to take your Akuma away, " Hawkmoth starts to take it away.

(Let's pretend it hurts to get it taken away by Hawkmoth himself)

"Okay, okay, chill out, " She says, "clasp."

Felix gets stuck.

"Alright so my way and it get messy but I don't you guys care about that do you?" she asks.

they shake their heads.

" that's what I thought, " Her balance turns into another sword, " let's dance."

" Mirage, " Rena says.

The three of them go invisible. Then doubles appear.

"Okay then, " she gets ready, " if that's how you wanna play it."

She starts to attach them.

half an hour later.

"This isn't going anywhere, " Hawkmoth takes out her Akuma.

She falls to the ground.

"Marinette!" Mister bug and Rena come up to her.

"I'm fine, " She stands up, "where am I?"

"You're in my house, " Felix says.

"Oh, " Marinette can tell who it is by the voice.

She walks out of his house. Mister bug gets the locket and throws it in the air.

"Miraculous Misterbug!" Everything goes back to normal.

"I'll take her home, " Misterbug says.

"Alright be safe, " Carapace and Rena head home.

Mister bug picks her up and takes her home.

"Where are the babies!" Marinette realizes.

"Don't worry Plagg and the other kwamis are watching them, " He says.

"I'm sorry, " Marinette says.

"There was no way you could've prevented it, " Adrian says.

They go into the house through the window.

"Marinette!" Plagg files through her.

"You know your not supposed to go through me right?" Marinette asks.

"Oh sorry, " He hugs her face.

"Tikki spots off, " He turns back to Adrien.

"Marinette you're okay! " Tikki says, " 'Can I be alone' you say but look what happened you got akumatized. I could've purified it without you being transformed. I'm glad you're okay, "

"Are you mad or happy?" Marinette asks.

"Both!" Tikki says.

Marinette picks up Hugo and Emma, " are you two okay?"

"Yes mommy we're fine, " Adrien gets Hugo from her, " no scratches or marks."

She lays on the bed with Emma laying on her. Adrian does the same with Hugo.

"And you said she was gonna be a daddy's girl, " Adrian tries to lighten the mood.

Marinette's chuckles turn into tears. She sits up and hugs Emma.

"You need to tell me what's going on with you, " Adrien says.

She wipes her face, " I'll get over it."

"Marinette, " Adrian says.

"What?" Marinette stands up.

"Please, " Adrian says.

"It's bedtime, " Marinette cradles her to sleep.

Adrian sighs as he does the same with Hugo. They put the sleeping babies to bed.

"I'm gonna go to bed, " Marinette gets in bed.

Adrian lays behind her. He tries to hug her but she flinches at his touch.

"Please, Marinette, " he says.

She turns to him and sighs.

"I let him in the house, " Marinette closes her eyes, " I let him hold our kids. I let him hold Emma. He could be done something to her."

Adrian hugs her.

"I let him get too close, too comfortable to me, " Marinette sighs, "When I finally figured out I've never wanted to hurt a human so bad."

"All the things going on in my head, " Marinette curls into a ball, " if you hadn't come who knows what else he would've done."

"Then I had good timing?" Adrian asks.

"It could've been 5 minutes earlier but yeah it was okay, " Marinette says.

"Did anything else happen?" Adrian asks.

Marinette hesitates, " No."

"Alright then, " Adrian gives her a kiss on the forehead, " good night."

"Not yet, " Marinette kisses him, "now goodnight, "

"That is what I'm talking about, " Adrian sighs.

The two of them fall asleep.

I don't know what to write for a wedding one so if some give some a good suggestion ill write it as a flashback chapter. Also, the reason that this chapter came out so late was I had a bad case of writer block but I'm back in businesses now!

Miraculous_Writtercreators' thoughts