
Miracle Wars

In a realm where the shadows dance with secrets and mystical energies collide, an epic and clandestine war rages between enigmatic Daemons and gifted humans known as Miracle's wielders. Unbeknownst to most, an age-old order called The Inquisitors has risen to defend humanity against the otherworldly threat. In this enigmatic world, five exceptional young miracle users find themselves plucked from ordinary lives to become the last hope for their kind. Drawn together by a destiny they cannot escape, they must navigate treacherous landscapes and confront their deepest fears.

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7 Chs

Scavenger Hunt

In a dimly lit laboratory, the air was heavy with the acrid scent of blood and the sterile tang of surgical tools. The cold, metallic surfaces of the room gleamed faintly under the low lighting. A small table was littered with tools still caked with drying blood, an eerie testament to the procedures that had taken place here. Tubes, large and translucent, lined the walls, their surfaces beaded with condensation, obscuring the view of whatever was contained within. Yet, the vague outlines within the tubes hinted at humanoid forms, suspended in an unsettling limbo.

At the far end of the laboratory, an elevator door slid open, revealing Grahm. He moved with an air of purpose, his steps measured and resolute, as he advanced toward a desk occupied by a figure clad in a lab coat splattered with crimson stains. The man's black hair, spiked and adorned with white tips, framed his face, which bore the marks of stitches like an eerie web. His small glasses perched precariously on his nose, and his unsettling grin painted an almost ghoulish expression.

"So it's time for my children to be let free," he chuckled, his voice laced with a twisted amusement that sent shivers down the spine.

Swiveling around in his chair, the man revealed his identity as Dr. Yang Black. His crazed visage was a stark contrast to the clinical surroundings. The light reflected off his glasses, obscuring his eyes as he regarded Grahm with a maniacal glee.

Grahm's voice was measured, almost neutral, as he reported, "Lord Black has ordered a field test."

Dr. Yang's laughter was almost melodic, a dissonant tune that danced on the edge of madness. "So which one of my glorious children gets to go stretch their legs?"

Turning, the man approached one of the tubes with an unsettling skip in his step. "Oh, Rachel, it's your turn first, my dear."

Grahm's brows furrowed at the sight of the tubes. "Rachel? Did you name it?"

Dr. Yang's giggles were unnerving, a symphony of madness. "Oh, heavens no. I can't name them. They already had a name. Rachel Long was their birth name. Poor thing had quite the promising future, this one."

As Dr. Yang's tale continued, Grahm's gaze shifted between the tube and the surgical instruments on the desk, the gruesome tools that had shaped these "children."

"If she had a promising future, there's no way she would volunteer for this," Grahm mused, a hint of skepticism in his voice.

A tear traced a winding path down Dr. Yang's scarred cheek. "This one definitely was unlucky. A 25-year-old medical school graduate, but the world is unforgiving. Because of a family situation, they fell into college debt and could not find work. To save their family, they volunteered for the project."

Grahm's skepticism deepened, his voice edged with disdain. "Little did she know, huh?"

The man's expression shifted from grief to fury, and he rounded on Grahm. "THEY NOT HER!!!"

Surprised, Grahm raised an eyebrow. "What?"

Dr. Yang's anger flared, his voice a snarl. "They identified as they! Don't disrespect my creation or I'll add you to my collection!"

Grahm's eyes blazed with a fiery orange hue, a show of his own power. "Dr. Yang, I'll ignore that comment since Lord Black still needs you. However, remember your place, Dr."

The tension hung heavy in the air, thick like a storm on the horizon. Dr. Yang seemed to recoil, taking a step back, his arrogance momentarily subdued.

Still, the man's enthusiasm returned, fueled by his own obsession. "No matter this one has been reborn and shall take their rightful place as an apex predator, all thanks to the Genesis 6:4 Project!" His eyes glimmered with mad delight, dancing between Grahm and the tube containing his creation.

As Grahm turned and began to make his way to the elevator, his voice echoed in the dim laboratory. "Pawns will be used and sacrificed as needed. How long before the test arrives at the area of operation?"

Dr. Yang's laughter rang out, a chilling echo in the room. "TEN MINUTES TOPS!!!!" His voice seemed to blend with the eerie surroundings, resonating with the unsettling energy that pervaded the laboratory.

Amidst the sprawling landscape of the Inquisitor Exam, the team moved forward, their camaraderie blending with the rustling of leaves and the whispering of wind through the towering trees. Ryan's impatient sigh sliced through the air, his fiery demeanor matching his hair. Laughter bubbled among the group, and Don shared a knowing glance with Duke.

"He's got a fire to match his hair, huh?" Don chuckled, nudging Duke playfully.

Duke's lips curved into a small smile, his eyes glinting with amusement. "No denying that."

The team's collective amusement reverberated through the air as they pressed onward. Mai's gentle laughter danced among them. "This team is shaping up to be quite interesting."

But amidst the light-hearted banter, Nina stood awestruck, her gaze fixed on the seemingly endless corridor leading to the exit. As the group finally reached their destination, they were met with a scene that pulled their attention to a single figure standing in their path.

A man of dark complexion stood before them, an aura of authority and power emanating from him. His attire was simple yet purposeful, a skin-tight white shirt paired with the absence of a sleeve on the right side, revealing his muscled arm. A holster on his belt cradled a sheathed white katana, and his dreadlocks were artfully tied in a ponytail. With his eyes closed, he seemed to exude a sense of calm and readiness.

The man's voice, when he finally spoke, was rich and commanding. "Greetings, young applicants. I am Knight Kentas Silva."

Ryan's analytical gaze tried to pierce through Silva's exterior, attempting to gauge his strength. Frustration gnawed at him when he realized that his usual assessment techniques failed. 'I can't get a read on him at all. Maybe I should startle him a bit. I bet he'll show his true strength then.'

However, before Ryan could even summon his abilities, a swift, distinct sound resonated. The katana in Silva's hand had unsheathed with an alarming speed, the blade gleaming dangerously close to Ryan's throat. The impact sent leaves scattering in all directions, a testament to the sheer speed and power displayed.

Ryan's eyes widened in a mixture of surprise and sweat rolled down his brow. A strained smile emerged as he spoke, his bravado never wavering. "Yes, it did, old man."

Meanwhile, Don stood in stunned silence, his thoughts swirling. 'I couldn't even perceive his sword being drawn. It was Ryan, wasn't it? He must've provoked Silva for some reason, but how did he even sense it?' A question echoed repeatedly in Don's mind. 'If it came down to a race of speed, who'd come out on top?'

Mai, her respectful demeanor unwavering, raised a hand and spoke, her voice laced with curiosity. "May I ask a potentially impolite question, Silva-senpai?"

Silva turned his attention to Mai, a gentle smile gracing his lips. "Of course, Miss Mai. You may."

Mai bowed respectfully before inquiring, "Are you blind, Silva-senpai?"

Silva's smile remained serene, his response candid. "In a way, yes. My abilities are tied to my vision. Whenever I open my eyes, my Miracle activates. For the safety of those around me, I've chosen to live in darkness." His expression softened as he added, "If you would all follow me, I'll lead you to the next phase of the exam."

The team moved in unison, following Silva's lead as they delved into the heart of the forest. Mai, however, took the opportunity to walk alongside Silva, her curiosity piqued.

"Silva-senpai, where did you learn the art of the sword?" Mai inquired, her voice gentle.

Silva's gaze seemed to wander to a distant memory as he spoke, his words tinged with nostalgia. "I was born and raised in Labos, Africa. But my life took a turn when my mother remarried, and we moved to Osaka, Japan. It was there that I inherited my Miracle." A smile tugged at his lips as he continued, "It was a challenging time. I struggled to control the urges that would arise when I opened my eyes and inadvertently harmed those around me. It was then that I met your father, Mai."

Mai's eyes widened, her curiosity growing. "You knew my father?"

Silva chuckled softly. "Indeed. He was a young adult back then, yet to cross paths with your mother. He taught me discipline and control through the sword. It's almost poetic that fate would have me be the examiner for his daughter." His tone shifted slightly, a hint of his old seriousness returning. "While I owe your father a debt I can never repay, remember that I won't go easy on you."

A genuine smile graced Mai's lips as she responded, "I wouldn't expect anything less, Silva-senpai. If my father taught you the ways of the sword, then I'm proud to learn from you as well."

The forest hummed with a tranquil energy as the team continued to tread the path laid out before them. Mai's warm smile lingered, a reflection of the camaraderie she felt with Silva. But amidst the calm, Ryan's voice sliced through the air, drawing Don's attention.

"Hey, second place."

Don's brows knitted in confusion as he turned toward Ryan. "Ummm, are you talking to me?"

Ryan's face twisted with a hint of disdain as he retorted, "Who the hell else would I be talking to? Do you see any of these losers who got second place?"

The musical notes of Nina's laughter chimed in the background. "None at all."

Don's lips curved into a soft chuckle as he regarded Ryan. "What's on your mind, Ryan?"

Ryan's gaze settled on Don, his eyes gleaming with a certain intensity. "I've been wondering, who do you think would come out on top if we went head-to-head?"

As if an unspoken challenge hung in the air, Don's gaze shifted to the sky, his mind spiraling into a realm of deep contemplation. 'Ryan's power seems to revolve around alteration. The way he transformed the spikes into blades was evidence of that. He's adept in mid-range combat, capable of unleashing widespread attacks that can handle multiple enemies efficiently. Close combat seems to be his Achilles' heel, as shown by his interaction with Silva. But I might be able to match his speed, or at least get close.'

Don's thoughts took a sudden detour, slipping past his lips before he could stop them. "If I close the gap quickly, I might have the upper hand."

The words lingered in the air, and realization washed over Don. 'Did I just...? Oh, great, now Ryan thinks I'm challenging him.'

Don's gaze snapped to Ryan, only to meet the fiery intensity in his eyes. Ryan's lips curved into a haunting smile, his eyes glowing a vibrant red. "Is that so, Don? Well, I suppose we'll find out soon enough, Mr. Second Place."

A jolt of realization struck Don, his heart skipping a beat as he thought, 'He's already planning strategies against me. I might have underestimated him.'

Amidst the brewing tension, Duke smoothly stepped between the two, his calm demeanor diffusing the situation. "Hey now, you two. Save the competition for after we pass this exam. Remember, we're a team now, so let's focus on that."

The winding path had led them to an unexpected sight—an abandoned town that now stood alive with the hustle and bustle of fabricated everyday life. As Silva halted, the group's attention shifted to him. "We are here."

Duke's curiosity got the better of him. "Here? But where exactly?"

Silva's gaze was fixed on the town, his tone matter-of-fact. "This town, once abandoned, will now serve as the test site for Team 1."

Duke inquired further. "But why here?"

Silva's lips curled into a calm smile. "This is one of many test and training sites belonging to the Inquisitors. An abandoned town, now reborn for your examination." He tapped his earpiece. "Alright, the applicants are in position. Let the test begin."

In the blink of an eye, the town transformed. Streets once desolate were now teeming with life—civilians moving about as if caught in the ordinary rhythm of their day. Don's voice betrayed his confusion. "Wait a second. You said this place was abandoned!"

Silva pivoted toward the town, his sightless eyes unseeing. "And it is abandoned."

Don's frustration was palpable. "Are you blind? This place is far from abandoned."

Mai, her tone gentle, intervened. "I don't believe those are actual people."

Don regarded Mai, torn between annoyance and puzzlement. "Are you being disrespectful or just delusional? Those are clearly people."

Ryan's demeanor turned serious as he contributed, "Mai is right. Those aren't people."

Don's ire shifted toward Ryan. "Oh, great, now you're on board with this too?"

Ryan's expression soured, his voice sharp, "Maybe if you could shut up for a moment, you'd understand, you filthy second-place loser!" He regained a measure of composure. "Those figures, they lack any presence."

Don's confusion deepened. "Presence? What do you even mean?"

Ryan's sigh carried a hint of impatience. "Take a deep breath, stop overthinking. Feel the wind, loser. Do you notice anything peculiar?"

Don paused, catching the wind as it whispered through the leaves, tousling his hair. Following Ryan's advice, he cleared his thoughts and focused on the sensation. It struck him—an odd sensation, or rather, the absence of it. A realization dawned, and Ryan's earlier words began to make sense. 'He's right, they don't feel like they're really there.'

As Don absorbed the lesson, Ryan's thoughts cut in, 'He's catching on pretty quickly.'

With newfound clarity, Don expanded his perception, extending it to the town. His eyes snapped open, surprise gracing his features. "I can't sense anyone in the town."

Silva's smile grew. "Indeed, that is correct. The town appears bustling, but in truth, there is only one Inquisitor present—creating an illusion of activity."

Mai's curiosity got the best of her. "Why, Senpai?"

From his pocket, Silva produced a small flash card. "This exam is a scavenger hunt."

Duke leaned in to examine the card. "It seems this exam is filled with various challenges."

Nina, bubbling with excitement, bounded in front of Duke. Her large eyes shimmered as they met Silva's gaze. "What are we hunting for?"

Duke's mild exasperation surfaced as he corrected her. "You mean, what are we hunting?"

Nina blinked, her innocence apparent. "No, I meant exactly what I said. Are we not going to get to fight?"

Silva chuckled lightly. "No, not this time. This exam focuses on your investigative skills, which are integral for Inquisitors. It's a skill as vital as your combat prowess."

Nina's expression clouded with disappointment, her assessment succinct. "Lame." With that, she wandered off to observe the trees surrounding the group.

Silva's chuckle reverberated. He turned his gaze to the remaining members of the team. "You have until midnight. Use the clues spread throughout the town to locate the hidden Inquisitor."

Ryan's laughter rang out, exuding confidence. "This is almost too easy. C'mon, loser, let's get started. It's time to put our skills to the test."