
Ming Liao

Everyone was curious about the appearance of the princess. Who princess? She is the protagonist of this story. Being sent to a neighbouring country for a political marriage, she was not very thrilled about it. Was she the only one unhappy? No, there was also her bodyguard who had been protecting her since childhood. He was in a difficult situation as he had to choose between the King and his saviour, i.e. the secret organization he worked at. There was also a fool prince who believed that the princess was older than him and ugly. So, he was dead set on sending the princess back to her country in the same way she came here, with all his tricks. Anyone could marry her, but he wouldn't. Would she be sent back to her kingdom or marry someone there?

Stinkypinky29 · Sejarah
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16 Chs

8. Annulment of engagement

Seated on the throne, he glanced at Song Yongrui and the guards who had captured the princess and inquired, "What is the meaning of this? Why have you detained the princess? Release her immediately." Although he had contemplated utilizing the excuse of 'an attempted assassination' to prevent the princess's marriage to the ninth prince, he could not bring himself to commit such an ungrateful act. He held a deep respect for the memory of Jiang Lian Hua, and another solution had come to mind. If the princess was astute enough to discern his intentions, that would be ideal. If not, any misfortune that befell her would be a consequence of her own choices.

The guards released the princess, and Song Yongrui retreated to his position with the others. The prime minister, Yang Ding Bang, spoke up, "Your Majesty, it was a misunderstanding. We were uncertain whether the pills the princess fed to the prince were harmful, so we detained her. It was a precaution taken in the heat of the moment."

The prime minister then turned to the princess and expressed his regret, saying, "Princess, please accept our apologies. Given the circumstances, suspicion was only natural."

The princess, demonstrating remarkable composure, responded, "No worries, Prime Minister Yang. In such a situation, anyone might have acted the same way. I completely understand."

The king, sensing an opportunity, continued, "Since this misunderstanding has been resolved, it is indeed a relief. Princess Ming Liao, to express my gratitude for the life-saving pill and as a father and king, I wish to offer you a reward. I'm not certain what you might desire, but if you have any requests, kindly voice them. As the King of Jing, I pledge to fulfil three of your wishes."

With a calm and gracious demeanour, she said, "Your Majesty, I only did what should have been done. I do not deserve any reward."

The king  repeated, "The life of my son is valueless. I implore you to let this father return the favor for helping treat my son."

The princess, aware of the intricate political games being played, understood their underlying motives.

One member of the court appeared as the voice of reason by apologizing, while the King used the prospect of a reward as a pretext to meet his son's request and send her back. She could have asked to be sent back to the Kingdom of Ming and proposed annulment of the engagement, but she knew very well even if she were to return, she would be wed to someone else for political gain. Her circumstances constrained her options.

The maidservants of princesses hoped that she would choose to return back so that they could go back too. But they were to be disappointed by the princess's decision.

The princess weighed her next words carefully. She knew she had to choose her wishes wisely to secure her place in the Kingdom of Jing.

"If that's what you want me to do, I humbly request the annulment of the engagement with the ninth prince. As everyone is already aware that the ninth prince is indeed very young not at the age to marry."

The king readily granted it. 

She continued, "Instead I would like to choose a reliable man to be my husband from among the men of Jing. While doing so, I request your majesty to use the residence of the Jiang clan."

Everyone in the courtroom was taken aback.

Everyone had thought that the princess would surely use this chance to return back.

Even the king had already made up his mind to secretly return the Rafoofil flower while sending her back. After all, the life of a son was more precious than any treasure to him. It was a shame but no other options were available. His spoiled son didn't want to marry and he couldn't force anymore.

But turns out she wanted to stay in the Kingdom of Jing. If so, he doesn't have to return the treasure. And he can also protect the princess.

While the king was deep in thought, ministers and others in the courtroom were also thinking about the words said by the princess. 

Before anyone could express any thoughts, once again the king agreed to the princess's request with a loud laugh, "Alright. Do so, if you wish to stay in Jing. All the properties of the Jiang clan confiscated by the kingdom will be returned to you. Once any man catches your eye, tell me and I will decree the marriage myself. For now, stay inside the palace."

Inside palace:

The princess, along with her attendants and bodyguards were escorted to the vacant courtyard in the palace. It was a spacious and serene place, surrounded by tall walls for privacy. The residence had an air of history and elegance, and the princess couldn't help but feel a sense of awe as she stepped into her new home within the Kingdom of Jing.

As she walked through the courtyard, her maidservants, and bodyguards by her side, the princess couldn't help but reflect on how her life had taken such an unexpected turn. She had arrived in the capital of Jing with a mission to secure power and avenge her mother's clan, and now she found herself with the opportunity to live within the Kingdom of Jing.