
Ming Liao

Everyone was curious about the appearance of the princess. Who princess? She is the protagonist of this story. Being sent to a neighbouring country for a political marriage, she was not very thrilled about it. Was she the only one unhappy? No, there was also her bodyguard who had been protecting her since childhood. He was in a difficult situation as he had to choose between the King and his saviour, i.e. the secret organization he worked at. There was also a fool prince who believed that the princess was older than him and ugly. So, he was dead set on sending the princess back to her country in the same way she came here, with all his tricks. Anyone could marry her, but he wouldn't. Would she be sent back to her kingdom or marry someone there?

Stinkypinky29 · Sejarah
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16 Chs

10. Change of fate

What happened afterward changed the fate of the princess.

The maidservants and manservants were focused on the dowry, they didn't realize the absence of the princess.

Even Liu Min was ordering around everyone to ensure that she remained the head of the maids.

The princess's body remained cold for around four hours when the blood flowed from her head and read the necklace she had been wearing since childhood. The original white necklace covered with dirt was already back in color. If not for it being too dirty, it wouldn't have even remained with her.

And this particular necklace which was hung on her neck by her mother was what changed her fate.

As blood filled inside the white stone in the necklace, the light emitted which brought the princess's body to an white enclosed space.

She was not alone. She was not unconscious. She was standing. No, she was sitting. No, no, she was just a dot with a glow. And someone else was there, not a person or animal. Just another dot, even glower than herself. And she was not dumb. The feeling of something pressing down on her brain had been lifted.

Not only was she able to think now, she was also able to recall the memories of her previous lives. She knew that the other presence alongside her was of god's.

She knew god was giving her another change in life. Nothing was said but everything to be expressed was understood.

The original dirty necklace turned clean in an instant.

The frail and weak body of the princess gained weight in an instant.

Bidding farewell to god, the princess left the enclosed space and returned inside her body. She stood up from the place where she was lying down and walked to the cold palace as if nothing had happened.

None of the maidservants and manservants including Liu Min noticed any difference even after seeing the earth-defying change in the princess's body.

The princess sat on the carriage next and set out for the journey. No one came to see her off.

Well, that was for the best.

She was going to start a new life after leaving this hell.

The last bit of anticipation toward her father was gone in an instant.

None of the maidservants entered the carriage as the space was very limited for more than two people to enter the carriage.

Liu Min, wanting to maintain the supremacy along with the maids and remain head of maids didn't enter carriage and others didn't dare at all except for providing her with food.

The princess didn't come out either.

This situation turned out perfect for the princess.

That necklace was the actual treasure of the Jiang clan. She not only explored the necklace which actually turned out to be a space, she also strengthened her body in those fifteen days. God had already treated the body of any diseases and poisons and the body was very healthy.

But the body was not very strong.

She had lived her life as a cultivator, army, doctor and so on in her previous lives.

She knew martial arts too. And in order for her to carry out those techniques, she would have to ensure that her body is strong.

Fifteen days were, of course too little for her.

But with space, she could tamper with the time flow. The fifteen days in the real world could be fifteen months in space.

Those months were more than enough for her to enhance body and explore the space.

She had also learnt the etiquette of the Kingdom's in space. The space contained all the books and knowledge of the universe. Nothing could be found in there.

Every time she entered the space, she would enter the pond under the tree of life, which would remove all the wounds and fatigue from her body and freshen her mind.

It was the best place for her to practice the cultivation.

The land in space could grow any herbs. And the mountain in the space contained all types of medicinal herbs and other fruits and foods.

But the most impressive of them all was a tree; which was so big that she could not see the top of the tree from the ground.

It was the tree of life.

Its roots were outstretched throughout the space.

And mind you, the space was very large.

The princess could enter and exit the space with her consciousness. Both her body and consciousness could enter, whichever she preferred. 

She would enter the space with body at night, practice martial arts and would only enter inside with consciousness during the day and read books to avoid being suspected by maidservants.

They would just think that she was sleeping.

She had been a doctor in one of her lives but she was only recently learning Chinese medicine. With no one to guide her and no being to practice on, she didn't know acupuncture. But she knew almost all of the medicines, poisons and their properties after learning for this long. Because of the mind-cleansing effect of the pond of life, she had an excellent memory. She would rarely forget anything she had read.

Now, she was sitting on the bench beside the pond while thinking about what to do in future. She has to find out the murderers of her mother's clan and get her revenge.

She doesn't know if anyone knows what the treasure of the Jiang clan is. The Rafoofil flower which she had found at the hill in space could work as a bluff to those who didn't know what real treasure is. But if anyone knows about the real treasure then she has to protect the treasure from being stolen too.

And even if it was not very important, she has to find a husband. If he was not a big figure that would be perfect. Anyway, she didn't plan on falling in love with anyone. In none of her previous lives had she gotten married. In her previous life, she had dated a guy but he ended up marrying someone else and she had vowed never to fall in love all her life.

Well, Everything will work out. The princess was very optimistic about the future. But what she didn't know was she was about to get into a fight with someone over the veil on her face.