
Chapter 2: The Beginning of The Journey.

Alex and Steve prepares an equipments for traveling to explore the world. They gathered bread, mutton and water as they need for survival and tools. Steve brought Sword for Attack and a Shield for Defense. On the other hand, Alex brought a compass and medicines for Support.

Alex: Let's go, Steve.

Steve: Okay, let's go!

They said goodbye on Taiga Villagers and Taiga Village and wished them for a happy adventure.

They started off with the Plains biome, which the original biome of all biomes. Trading with Plains Villagers using items and Emeralds, defending it from hostile mobs.

Let me explain, Hostile mobs are considered as "evil mobs" but not all of them are evil. Some could've become evil if you did something bad on them. Let's go back to the adventure.

Sleeps for one night and then prepare again. Plains Villagers said goodbye to them and have a good journey.

After that, they visited a Desert. They see something from the distance, triangle with designs?? It is, a Desert Temple. Which most of us believes mummies lives there or stores their bodies inside the tomb.

Alex: I can see it from the distance, Steve! The Pyramid, also called as a Desert Temple!!

Steve: Woah, it is more nicer that I thought it would be! Let's go inside!

Alex: Wait, be careful! Maybe there are mobs inside there!

Steve: Alright, fineeee... I'll just have to use my shield as a defense. Stay on my back, Alex!!

They both go inside and there are no, mobs inside...

Alex: Phew...

Steve: It is safe... I guess??

Alex: Alright, let's move on. But, I don't actually know why they built this. I do not understand it tho...

Steve: Maybe there is something hidden in this pyramid...

The floor inside a pyramid is broken. If someone steps into it, they might fall and break their bones (I hope they survived).

Steve: Let's... See~ Arghhhhhhhhhhhh... *Steve fell from a high place (not a death message lol)*

Alex: Steveee!!

Alex quickly grabs Steve above it. And let's just say, *Steve ALMOST fell from a high place*

Alex: Phew! Steve, YOU ALMOST DIED!!

Steve: I AM SORRY, OKAY!?! Next time I will be careful. I regret that moment and I won't... forget about that moment.

They heard an explosion from below where Steve steps into a broken floor.

A lots of Jewelries and Treasures dropped from a chests below.

Steve: Alex got a shiny eyes~ *Steve says it with Rhythm*

Alex: Steve almost died~ *She said it back with Rhythm*

Steve: Alright, fine! Let's just get the treasure below...

Alex: Be careful, almost taken by a God~ *Alex said it with Rhythm*

Alex and Steve got all the treasures they saw from a chest and they counted all of it.

Steve: 2 Diamonds, 7 Iron (Ingots), a Saddle?, 1 Emerald and 7 Gold (Ingots).

Alex: That was it??

Steve: This is enough tho... And this is too much...

Alex: Alright, take the diamonds and create your Diamond Sword and I'll take everything except those diamonds for now.

Steve saw something behind Alex, a Skeleton holding a... Bow??

Steve: Alex!

Steve pushes her and uses his Shield from an arrow and used his Iron Sword as a spear and throws it on a Skeleton.

Steve: Phew, what did you said before? Almost died?

Alex: Seriously, taking jokes on a serious situation? Anyways, THANK YOU *Alex said but it kinda looks like she doesn't mean it in "thank you"*

Steve: You're welcome...

They found a village in a desert called, The Desert Village. Every villagers loves to use a Camel to help the passenger travels to another place. They bought two camels with a riders (desert villagers) and travels to Jungle.

Welcome to Jungle, a place where almost nature animals are there. Parrots, Pandas, even Ocelots (type of a cat). They found different types of parrot which are colorful, and fed them some seeds. Steve found a "Temple" from the distance.

Steve: What is that building over there, Alex? It kinda looks like a temple.

Alex: Correct, Steve. It is called "Jungle Temple". Some adventurers said that there are some traps in there. So, be careful. Do not die again, Steve.

Steve: I said don't remind me of that again, almost getting shot by a live bone (Skeleton).

Steve and Alex went inside the Temple and Alex recognized an Hieroglyphs. While she got distracted to it, she stepped something like a... String??

A random machine shots Steve with an arrow with effect called "Poison".

Machine that shoots arrows, fireballs, etc. Also known as "Dispenser". Shooting too far that it can shoots such as weapons.

Steve: Wh- What? I got shot.. by Someone?? B- but, it is only two of- of us... No... I got shot by- something?? May- maybe a trap?

Alex (worried): Steve!! I am so sorry! I got distracted by these Hieroglyphs and I- I stepped onto something like a string, I guess??

Steve: Something is inside of me, trying to invade my blood cells. Poison?

Alex: Let me heal you quick!

Alex recovers Steve from an Arrow Poison and while holding a torch to see a string. They threw a stone on a pressure plate while Steve was holding a shield and Alex was holding a torch.

*Door Opens* *CLANKKKK*

They saw another string and skips it and found another treasure and valuable items. A Redstone??

Redstone, also known as "wire" in real life. Receiving a power from a starter to deliver it to the receiver.

They also break those doors that pulls and push and found another treasure. Repeater?? Pistons??

Repeater, repeats the power and delivers much more power. Redstone can only activate such as lights up to 15 blocks away and the repeater itself repeats the power and sends more power.

Piston (Ordinary), Pushed a block in front of it. Activates only when some power delivers to it.

Sticky Piston, Pushes a block in front of it. Can be pulled once the power was gone.

Steve stole those "machineries or electricities" and learn something from it.