
MINE (an elite school trilogy)

On a normal day, Lexine is sent a large wardrobe and a letter telling her she is invited to a new school. She firmly believes it is a scam and refuses to go, not caring of the 'consequences' they had stated in the letter. However, on the day she resumed her normal classes, she is kidnapped and taken to the school. Here she learns that the world she knew was divided into two realms by what is known as a gate. The Headmaster took a risk in inviting her to be part of the academy. If anyone finds out that she is human, she might die in a duel. She agrees to the terms in order to find out the truth about her father. Was he part of this other world that had mystical creatures that were only found in fantasy films? If yes, what creature was he? What led him to get to the other side of the Gate? Lexine has to discover who she is, while rectifying the mistakes that her father made years and years before. Will she be accepted or kicked back to the other side of the gate or will she be killed to keep the secret? *Small excerpt* Lexine held the heavy metal sword tightly in her grip as she breathed heavily. She could feel the skin on her palm had become torn again. Either way, she could not give up now, not when she had come this far. She looked up at Taevlin who was attacking her silently with wave after wave of water. Her job was to cleanly slice the waves of water in half before they hit her body. So far, she had succeeded in hitting none. Taevlin was becoming increasingly irritated with the human. He ran a hand through his ash gray locks, trying to think of a solution. Without a word, he walked up to the human, held her by the hips and pushed down, thereby correcting her posture. Lexine internally frowned, not used to contact with a lot of people. Before she could get a word in, Taevlin had spoken in her mind, 'Plant your legs firmly, else the force of the water will continue to push you back.' She frowned, "I've told you time and again, don't speak in my head like that. It's disturbing." Despite the chastising tone she was using, she followed his instructions and planted her sneaker covered feet ankle deep inside the soil. Taevlin: 'Did she just...' Note: This book does not focus on the love life Lexine will have. Yes she will have a love life, but it is not the whole plotline. The main theme is how she grows as a whole, trying to accept who she is and find out who her father truly was. I would like to hear your guesses on who the love conquests are though. There's a whole new world being introduced, many different species. All characters, despite not being in the main cast, have a storyline. If they are important to the story, the storyline will be explained further. Hope you enjoy the book, and please comment on anything you would like to point out.

AudreyJeru4 · Fantasi
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401 Chs


The blonde smiled and nodded excitedly and Lexine feared his head would fly off of his body. "I am called Sevin Brashwa. I apologize for kidnapping you but I was simply following orders. I know we will be good friends. Rather I hope we can be friends." He cleared his throat and a pink tinge colored his cheeks. "Can we be friends?" He smiled but Lexine did not return it.

"I will think about it." The words pierced the silent room as a quick but final thought. The smile on the blonde however did not falter. His eyes, however, flashed a bright yellow and for a moment he reminded Lexine of a cat. She peeled her eyes from him and looked to the redhead who was smiling.

The red-head cleared his throat and spoke, "I am called Artin Keina Verancy. A pleasure to meet you Miss." he flashed her a charming smile and Lexine noticed his sharp canines. She prayed beyond anything that he was not a vampire. She liked her blood flowing in her veins very much.

She then turned to the one with gray hair but he made no move to begin speaking. However, a voice sounded in her head. "Taevlin." is all it said but Lexine immediately knew it came from him. How she knew that was a whole different question altogether. He did not add anything else and Lexine acknowledged that with a nod. Her mind finally wrapping around the fact that she had heard a voice in her head. Her eyes then widened in shock before she pointed at the gray head, Taevlin.

"You're a Psychic?" She questioned before running a hand through her locks thinking how on earth she had gotten herself in this shit show.

Her reaction made Karl burst out laughing and Lexine shot him an icy glare that people found terrifying. It made no impact on him which fueled her anger even more. She was not finding anything funny. How she could do with some chocolate at that moment. Her mind flashed to Ceeret. What had they done her red-headed monster of a friend? "What did you guys do to Ceeret?"

'Do not worry. A small spray of a mixture of wolfsbane, jasmine, and aloe vera was sprayed in the air. It usually makes beings pass out but instead made her get momentarily confused. Should have worn off by now.' A voice spoke in Lexine's head and she cringed. She did not understand what he was blabbing but she did not want his voice in her head again so she kept her lips shut. Ceeret was alright, that was all that mattered at the moment.

"Can you just not do that," she told the gray-headed Taevlin before swiping paper off of Karl's large desk and searched for a pen but found none. "Do you have a pen maybe?"

A bottle of ink and a feather pen was pushed towards her. She scrunched her nose up. "I am so not using that."

"Is it not up to your standards? Would you prefer to use a brush?"

Lexine gave him a pointed look. "Am I giving her a painting? I can't even paint, to begin with" she shook her head and felt her head throb. She was going to need a painkiller or something for the headache that was definitely going to assault her later. "You have been to earth. Haven't you ever heard of a biro pen?" she paused for a second and noticed he rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment, "You know what, do not answer that." She swiped her bag and rummaged through it for her pencil pouch. She took it out and from it a red pen. Whenever she wrote sticky notes to place on the fridge or kitchen counter for her mother to find, she used red and only red.

She uncapped the pen and began writing. Like her mother she was not that good with words and a page was enough before she folded it, made an envelope with another paper, and slipped the letter in. The four men in the room could not tear their eyes from her as she wrote. They had never seen a pen that did not depend on its own ink bottle.

When Lexine placed the pen down. Artin swooped it in his fingers and examined the object. It was a clear tube that had another tube running in it with something black in the middle. One end of the tube was flat while the other was pointy. Sevin also peered into the object but was not ready to touch it just in case there was another inappropriate portrait of Lexine hiding there somewhere. Taevlin raised a brow but did not otherwise make another expression that showed interest in the object.

Lexine snatched it out of his hands to sign her name on the envelope. She then placed back the pen into its poach to Artin's dismay.

"Ensure this gets to my mother." She handed the letter to Karl and he nodded.

"As soon as we are done here."

"We are done here then."

"Your housemates will answer any question you may have. If there is anything you need, let me know. I wish to keep your presence for now under the radar. If you have not yet received your powers and you have any, this is your year to receive them. Then again you are part human so I cannot be sure." he offered Lexine a friendly smile. "If you need anything feel free to come to my office, Miss Woods. It is open to you."

"Thank you." Lexine nodded at him and stood, feeling very short looking up at the giant boys standing before her. She had always deemed herself a tall female. But standing before them, she felt like a midget.

If she wanted answers maybe she could squeeze them out of Sevin. He looked friendlier than Taevlin. He also did not seem as tight-lipped as Artin. "Lead the way giants." She gestured to the door that was opposite the large wooden desk on the other side of the room. Taevlin nodded to the principal who gave him a grin in return before going back to the papers on his desk. Lexine slung her bag over her left shoulder, grasping tightly at the straps to keep her grounded.

Artin and Sevin led, discussing something in low voices Lexine could not hear. Taevlin walked behind her and she was tempted to speak to him. Instead, she opted to keep her mouth shut. If it was anything to go by, he would not speak but instead invade her mind with his voice. She was not ready to risk that. She followed them through the front door to the principal's office and down a set of winding wooden stairs. She counted twenty steps before they reached the landing.

Artin opened the door and looked back to shoot Lexine a friendly smile. Lexine responded with her trademark scowl. She was not here to make friends. Especially not with the people who had taken her from home without her permission. On the other side of the door, there were people who Lexine immediately guessed were students judging from the similar style of clothing they wore.

The style was slightly similar to the one the principal was wearing. There was a robe covering their upper garments hiding what was inside. However, instead of slightly hitting their ankles like the one the principal was wearing, this one was as long as their hips and was tied together with a sash. The sleeves ranged from wrist long to not covering any part of their arms. All students wore pants that seemed to be a silken material and fell to their ankles. The shoes ranged from boots to sandal like shoes. Some people did not even have any shoes on leaving their feet to walk on the ground. Lexine cringed. That seemed painful.

Artin tapped her shoulder and Lexine looked up at him. He gave her a toothy smile and Lexine calmed slightly. He was not going to do anything to her. He was her guide after all. Even though he did kidnap her from her school. And they did do something to Ceeret. She was going to find a chance to question the brooding Taevlin of the group. She just needed to bid her time. She, however, was not going to smile. So she frowned at Artin whose smile did not falter in the slightest.

"Tell me more about this school." Lexine found herself saying. She was going to butter them up if she wanted to get any information from them. She found herself thinking.

They went past a fountain that was shaped like a large dragon and made of polished white marble. Lexine could not help but gawk at its magnificence. The claws of the dragon pointed to a large building while its snout pointed to a forest that surrounded the school. The building that the claws were pointing to seemed to be the tuition building since there were students carrying heavy books. While she was looking at them she noticed some books hanging over a small water tornado. She rubbed her eyes in disbelief but then chuckled. Of course, they were going to have some magical powers.

"It is the only Academy that unites the five kingdoms. So all species school here in Eirene Academy. I am sure you know that that is the name." He chuckled at himself before continuing, "That means that there are five species schooling here. We have the Sylphs, the Drakkons, the werewolves, the shadow beings, and the anthropoids. Here we are taught how to hone our gifts while living in harmony."

"Wait," Lexine tapped his shoulder, "what are anthropoids?"

"You will just have to wait and see," Artin smirked to himself. They walked down a cobblestone path that led to a large building that was curved outwards. Lexine could not help but think back to her mother's words of before, damn rich people.

Sevin opened the large wooden doors to the large building. Almost immediately, a ball of fire came flying out of the doors. Sevin ducked and Artin pushed Lexine's head out of the way. Lexine's eyes followed the ball as it went and hit a tree scorching it in the process. A circular burn mark stared at Lexine and she shuddered. That flying ball of fire could have hit her!

Wait, flying ball of fire?

Lexine's eyes widened. What exactly had she gotten herself into? Fire was not supposed to be flying! She slowly lifted her head and saw Artin, Sevin, and Taevlin totally unfazed by the flying fire. Artin gave her a smile. "Do not be worried, they will love you."

"Who is they exactly?" Lexine asked as she dared a peek into the long hallway that led into the house. She was not ready to enter just yet. Taevlin huffed and walked past her and into the house. Sevin smiled at her and followed Taevlin inside, leaving her with Artin. The redhead ran a hand through his hair before speaking, "Do not be scared Lexine. Your energy signature is too strong to have anyone try to pick a fight with you."

Lexine did not feel comforted by his words. How could people who were able to make fire fly even be slightly scared by a mere human like her? It was just impossible.

She had, however, given her word to give a one month trial in the school. So she took in a deep breath and gestured for the redhead to lead the way inside. As they walked inside she heard a deep rumble followed by a loud growl. Past the hallway was a room that had very obviously been designated as a living room. There were four blue low seats that did not have armrests and could seat two to three people at once. They had been moved close to the walls that left space in the middle of the room for a black polished coffee table and six little stools that were strategically arranged around the coffee table.

The coffee table also seemed to be the only thing that was separating a redheaded female and a brunette male from ripping each other into shreds. Sevin and a very beautiful black haired girl were also pulling the brunette male behind while two similar-looking girls were pulling the female behind. When Lexine walked in, the girl seemed to relax for a second and she spared a glance at Lexine. She blinked and Lexine saw her eyes turn from a scorching red to blue.

The male sniffed the air and his growls stopped and he turned to stare at Lexine. This in turn made those who were holding them to turn and look at Lexine. She felt like a deer caught in the headlights and was tempted to turn and hide behind Artin. The silence in the room felt so thick.

Taevlin sat on one of the chairs in the corner with his nose in a small book.

What exactly was Lexine missing here?