
MINE (an elite school trilogy)

On a normal day, Lexine is sent a large wardrobe and a letter telling her she is invited to a new school. She firmly believes it is a scam and refuses to go, not caring of the 'consequences' they had stated in the letter. However, on the day she resumed her normal classes, she is kidnapped and taken to the school. Here she learns that the world she knew was divided into two realms by what is known as a gate. The Headmaster took a risk in inviting her to be part of the academy. If anyone finds out that she is human, she might die in a duel. She agrees to the terms in order to find out the truth about her father. Was he part of this other world that had mystical creatures that were only found in fantasy films? If yes, what creature was he? What led him to get to the other side of the Gate? Lexine has to discover who she is, while rectifying the mistakes that her father made years and years before. Will she be accepted or kicked back to the other side of the gate or will she be killed to keep the secret? *Small excerpt* Lexine held the heavy metal sword tightly in her grip as she breathed heavily. She could feel the skin on her palm had become torn again. Either way, she could not give up now, not when she had come this far. She looked up at Taevlin who was attacking her silently with wave after wave of water. Her job was to cleanly slice the waves of water in half before they hit her body. So far, she had succeeded in hitting none. Taevlin was becoming increasingly irritated with the human. He ran a hand through his ash gray locks, trying to think of a solution. Without a word, he walked up to the human, held her by the hips and pushed down, thereby correcting her posture. Lexine internally frowned, not used to contact with a lot of people. Before she could get a word in, Taevlin had spoken in her mind, 'Plant your legs firmly, else the force of the water will continue to push you back.' She frowned, "I've told you time and again, don't speak in my head like that. It's disturbing." Despite the chastising tone she was using, she followed his instructions and planted her sneaker covered feet ankle deep inside the soil. Taevlin: 'Did she just...' Note: This book does not focus on the love life Lexine will have. Yes she will have a love life, but it is not the whole plotline. The main theme is how she grows as a whole, trying to accept who she is and find out who her father truly was. I would like to hear your guesses on who the love conquests are though. There's a whole new world being introduced, many different species. All characters, despite not being in the main cast, have a storyline. If they are important to the story, the storyline will be explained further. Hope you enjoy the book, and please comment on anything you would like to point out.

AudreyJeru4 · Fantasi
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401 Chs


"I am so sorry Sevin." She said and moved a small step back this time. "Now see what you have done." She resumed shouting at Cardial.

"How is this my fault?"

"If you had not angered me, this would not have happened!"

"Um, guys?" Lexine spoke up softly.

She was ignored. However, she noticed the rest of the members moving their chairs back. Raveer tapped her shoulder. "It would be best if you moved away from them."

Lexine nodded slightly confused but moved her chair back either way.

"I am not the one with little control over her strength!"

Christana placed her arms on her waist, "Says the one who is unable to control his temper!"

"Do they do this a lot?" Lexine whispered to Raveer.

"Since they first met." Raveer nodded.

"Why isn't anyone doing anything to stop them?" Lexine looked to the others who were in the room. Weren't they supposed to be strong or something?

"Because the last time anyone tried to stop them, we ended up needing a new house."

"So this is the second house you guys are getting?!" Lexine whisper shouted.

Raveer smirked, "Third actually."

Lexine's normally stoic face became shocked. How loaded were these guys? Her mother's words rang in her head, 'bloody rich people.'

"Guys," she tried again. She definitely did not want the house to get destroyed after she just got here. Also, her backpack was upstairs and inside of that was her phone.

"GUYS!" She shouted at the two. A ball of fire was in Christana's hands and Cardial's hands seemed to have transformed into claws. Lexine felt her breath hitch when their attention moved to her. Christana's eyes were a bright red and Cardial's eyes were devoured by the black color they now held.

Lexine stood slowly, her arms stretched in front of her as if she was dealing with a rabid animal and was trying to calm it. In some sense she was. After all Cardial's hands were now claws.

She directed her first statement to Cardial. "I am completely harmless. I am also not here to kill you. Killing people is against the law where I am from and I would definitely not like to go to jail anytime soon. Also, I am here against my will and had no idea about the existence of your kind before now. Meaning I definitely would not have had the time to make up a plot to destroy you. So please sit down and we can talk about this like grown-ups." She tried to reason out with Cardial. His eyes had simmered down to their usual brown. Christana also calmed down and lowered her hands. Cardial noticed her movement and sat, a frown on his face.

He huffed and crossed his arms over each other. Was he pouting?

The room fell into silence as they moved their chairs back to their positions.

"Quira, would you do the honors?" Desire said in her sultry voice and gestured to the table.

The girl with the beautiful lilac hair nodded and stood. She placed the heavy book that she was reading during dinner on the table soundlessly and touched the petal of the leaf that was balancing her book up as she read. The stem of the plant grew longer and wound itself around the cracked table. It did not completely fix it but acted as a sort of support to prevent the table from further breaking into two.

After everybody had settled down, Lexine took a deep breath to brace herself before talking. "I am sorry for whatever pain humans caused to your ancestors, although I was not and am not part of whatever war happened," she glared at Cardial at the last part. "However, although I was brought here against my will, I will not cause trouble for any of you. I just want the month to end and I can be satisfied, then I will leave for home."

She had, after all, gotten her mom's letter and decided to spend a month with a kind that could rip her to shreds. Was she crazy? 'It's to find out more about dad.' she repeated in her mind.

"Wait, so you're not staying?" Christana asked.

"Not for long. But that's beside the point. What I am saying is that I have no intention of harming either of you. Not that I can succeed even if I wanted to. I mean, she," she pointed at Christana, "can throw flames from her fucking hands and he," she pointed at Cardial, "can morph his bloody hands into claws and she," she pointed to Quira who sat next to her, "just grew a plant in less than a few seconds." Everyone cringed at her foul use of words.

Come to think of it, she was supposed to be more freaked out. Was she normal? She was in the twenty-first century though. With movies like the Vampire diaries and Shadow hunters, not to mention the twilight saga, she knew of the unnatural a little from movies and books that told them about supernatural beings.

Maybe that's why she hadn't fallen into shock and fainted?

"She has obviously explained herself Cardial," Artin said as Lexine sat. Cardial huffed. It was almost as if he was purposely looking for a fight. "These words are not to be spoken outside this house. Headmaster has put us in charge of keeping our new housemate out of trouble. If anyone found out she is human, she will be in danger of being challenged into duels. Headmaster informed Taevlin and myself of the peaceful life humans are living at the moment. They aren't taught to defend themselves and are very weak beings."

"So if she is challenged to a duel, …" Adley began,

"She is likely to lose her life," Aurinda finished.

"What do you mean lose my life?" Lexine asked, her eyes flashing to the two similar looking females. Their mocha-colored skin shone in the dim lighting of the room making their blue hair pop.

Nothing had been mentioned about losing her life. She still hadn't had the chocolate her best friend had promised her. If she died, Ceeret would resurrect her, then proceed to kill her.

"Duels in the academy are used to assist students to improve their fighting technique. At times they may be life-threatening, although only one person has ever lost their life, and it was because they refused to concede their defeat." Meddy explained. Lexine nodded and placed in her memory 'Absolutely no getting yourself challenged to a pointless duel.'

Why were they even learning how to fight? Did they have absolutely nothing better to do? Like, learn boring Physics and Calculus? Lexine slouched in her seat. She was going to live no matter what it took.

"Do we have an agreement to keep our human housemate out of trouble?"

The eleven people in the room, apart from Lexine, nodded. She didn't need anyone to fucking take care of her, she could do it on her own.

Raveer pushed his glasses up his nose again. "But what if someone asks what species she is? Her energy signature is too high to ignore, and she stands out of a crowd with her coal hair."

Artin tapped his chin as he thought. "Avoid the question. But if anyone asks relentlessly, she can be a drakkon? Her energy signature is as potent as any other drakkon after all."

"No." A voice sounded in all their heads simultaneously, "If anything, she should be labeled a sylph." It was Desire who had spoken. Lexine cringed at the intrusion. Was there a way to block them from speaking into her head? It hurt terribly.

"Why?" Artin crossed his arms. Once his mind was decided, it was hard to change it.

"Simple. No one in the drakkon community has coal hair as she does. Where would the gene have come from? As it is her hair is already uncommon, the only logical explanation is that she is a relative of mine." She sent the mind wave. Her mind was already made up, just as his was.

Christana understood her logic and nodded repeatedly, her head bobbing up and down. "It is true Artin."

Artin huffed. He wanted to show the human, with the ridiculously strong energy signature, off as a drakkon even if it was for a little while. However, he could not argue with the logic Desire had put forward.

Lexine was confused as to what they were speaking of. Her hair color was a problem? But black hair was totally common. Not in this new world apparently.

"Alright," Artin said after pouting for a second. He really wanted to boast, but the safety of the human was partially under him. He could not fail, otherwise, Headmaster would be furious.

"I will assist her with training. If what you have said is true Artin, then it would be better to have her learn the basics if ever she was challenged to a duel." Meddy spoke up. With weapons, he was the most formidable of the group.

"I will assist with her magical affinities if she has any. I can request an affinity stone from my mother just to be sure." Desire spoke out loud this time, using her sultry tone. "Quira will assist me." On being mentioned, the lilac haired girl bowed her head. Her hair covered her face.

Lexine was confused. "What is an affinity stone?" She was ignored as they continued disscussing without consulting her.

"I can help her build up her strength. Although she has a strong energy signature and even if she does have a magical affinity, if she remains as weak as she is at the moment, it will be useless." Cardial spoke up although his lips were pulled down in a frown. Was he insulting her?

"I shall join you in that," Sevin spoke up with his smile.

"I believe Aurinda and I can assist with your studies. There are a lot of history books to go through, and if you do have a magic affinity, there is a whole new language you should learn for the spells." Adley spoke up.

"I will be with you to explain what you need to know about our world. All about the different species and how to differentiate them." Christana said smiling at Lexine.

Raveer clapped his hand twice. "And I will fill up your belly with the best food ever."

Everyone laughed. Raveer, due to his background was a wonderful cook. His fighting, despite his limited energy signature, was a force to be reckoned with. He was, however, a terrible instructor, and could not teach anyone any of his skills. So he had appointed himself the cook of the house most days of the week.

Artin shot Taevlin a secret smirk. Their work had been reduced tenfold with the help of their housemates. His face remained impassive, and if no one knew him, they would think none of the happenings had impressed him. However, Artin who had known him for a long time, knew that he was content with how the rest had taken responsibility for the human.

"Only if this is acceptable with our housemate."

Lexine on the other hand felt very confused. What just happened? Why were they being friends again? Her head pounded. She nodded absentmindedly. She did not want to train or learn the background of their kind. But the food sounded nice. Could he bake too? She had found herself a new best friend. No one could replace Ceeret of course. Then again, Ceeret couldn't cook.

"That is all we had for today," Artin said and stood. Everyone else stood and Lexine stumbled to get up a second after. "Does anyone else have anything to tell us today?" No one spoke up. "A good evening then."