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Mindmentor (Chapter 8 and 9)

[Beginning of chapters (8 and 9) of Mindmentor]

(As Altair flies to Washington DC, he notices that he still has his prison uniform on, although he doesn't care, he flies over the White House's gates and lands in front of the building, met with Heavily armed guards, his presence provokes the guards at first, though they are not scared)

Heavily Armed Guard#1: This is a restricted area, you have not been granted access to be here, leave or we will shoot you down.

Altair: That's quite rude, I just want to have a chat with the President, can I not?

Heavily Armed Guard#2: We were not informed of your arrival, so you may not.

(The Guards then notice Altair's uniform, which makes them both raise their weapons, which are AR-15 Military Class Rifles)

Both of the Heavily Armed Guards: You are an escapee, put your hands up now, you will be arrested for trying to avoid your sentence.

Altair: Put my hands up? If you say so.

(Altair then smirks, putting his hands up, and the suddenly snapping his fingers, stopping time just like Ray did when he fought him, he seems to have copied his ability after killing him)

(Altair then walks through the White House security in stopped time, walking down the halls searching for the President's office, when he stumbles upon the office, he opens the door and sees President Biden making a phone call, but luckily for Altair, time is stopped)

(He goes over to President Biden, snapping the phone line that connected the phone to the box, throwing it in the trash, then grabbing a chair and puts it up against President Biden's desk, to have a face-to-face conversation with him)

(After he sits in the chair, he then snaps his fingers for time to resume)

(As time resumes, Biden is now holding a phone with no line connected to it, as he was speaking, he stops hearing whoever was on the end of the phone, he then looks at the power line and notices it was in the trash, he looks around for a moment and finally notices Altair, sitting in front it him with his hands folded, giving him a smug look)

President Biden: Who are you?!

And how did you get here without my guards noticing!?

Altair: Relax President, I came to make a proposition, it's beneficial for the both of us.

President Biden: Answer my question!

Altair: I'll answer your question with my proposition.

President Biden: Fine then.

Altair: You see, I came here to become "America's Symbol Of Hope", it's "Protector".

President Biden: I'm listening.

Altair: You see how I've easily gotten past your guards without you even being told about my arrival?

You need someone like me, better protection.

President Biden: I see.

Altair: My point is, I want to become "United States Greatest Weapon".

A warrior of America, like a super soldier.

President Biden: So I'm assuming you're one of those ability users?

Altair: Yes, I possess extraordinary abilities.

President Biden: How do I know I can trust you?

Altair: If I wanted to stab you in the back I would have done so, but that's not my intention, I rather make peace, I'm not so much of a political guy.

I also want my freedom back.

President Biden: So in return for your freedom, you will fight for America, as it's Sword and Shield?

Altair: Yes, I will become the United State's Guardian, when our country goes to war, or is in desperate need of help, I will be there.

When all hope is seemingly lost, I will come through like the Sun coming up to shine light upon the world.

President Biden: Okay then, so what did you get arrested for?

Altair: I killed 12 people, but in Prison I killed some Riot team members too, so I'll say about 23.

President Biden: Riot team members?!

They have electric batons and guns and spray and-

Altair: Blah blah blah, yeah I know what they have, and I still destroyed them.

President Biden: I guess you truly are capable then, well then Sonny Boy, what's your name?

Altair: My birth name is Altair, but for the purpose of me saving America, just call me "Mindmentor."

President Biden: "Mindmentor"?

Has a nice ring to it, where'd you get the name from?

Altair: Came up with it by myself, I studied a bunch in psychology back in middle school, found it interesting, I like playing mind games on people.

President Biden: Sounds manipulative, well is there anything else?

Altair: I sense that I should be having a child soon, probably within a few days, presumably December 25th of this year.

President Biden: You had a baby in Prison, but how?

Altair: Let's just say I altered someone's body and had a great time.

President Biden: Please tell me it was consented.

Altair: Well she forced herself on me but I didn't mind it.

President Biden: Well other than that, is that it?

Altair: Ah, two things actually.

President Biden: I'm listening.

Altair: Since I'm the new protector of America, I deserve a suit.

I want it to be red on the bottom and legs, blue on the torso and arms, and white on the fingertips, make it a full-body silk suit, and you can't forget the American flag cape.

President Biden: I see, alright then.

What was the other thing?

Altair: You see the card printer you have to the left?

President Biden: What about it?

Altair: I need you to make me a Presidential ID, so that it can bypass the law, for the sake of me not getting targeted by the police, and also for other benefits.

President Biden: As long as you're no longer breaking the law then it's fine.

I'll have both of your requests done within 3 days.

Altair: Perfect.

President Biden: So how do I contact you?

Altair: Until you make a special device or something, just shout out my name, just say "Mindmentor", and I'll appear faster than you know it.

President Biden: That's some crazy good ears, where are you even at usually?

Altair: Lochman Industries in Philadelphia.

President Biden: Philadelphia sure is home to quite a bit of strong ability users, that city has the highest crime rate in the world if you didn't know.

Altair: I'm aware.

President Biden: But hold that thought, you said you're usually at Lochman Industries?

Altair: Yes.

President Biden: How are you just relaxing in a fabulous place like that? They're extremely expensive but it's worth it.

Altair: My parents are the owners, I get to do whatever I want, whenever I want, however I want.

(President Biden nearly jumps back, he is so appalled that he nearly has a heart attack)


Altair: President Biden, you shouldn't be yelling, your blood pressure is going to spike.

But to answer your question, yes.

President Biden: Well I'll be damned, not only are you the Future Protector Of America, but you're also the son of the world's richest business.

They have more money than even me.

Altair: Yeah, I just be chilling there with my babymomma.

President Biden: Speaking of that, who is the Mother?

Altair: Some woman named Eve, I can introduce you to her when the time comes, hopefully you're still in the office by then.

President Biden: I guess so.

Altair: It's settled, I'll see you again in 3 days.

President Biden: Looking forward to it, Mindmentor.

Altair: Cya around, Mr President.

(Altair leaves the building and stops time, making it so that the guards don't see him walk out, as he takes flight back to Lochman Industries after becoming "The United State's Greatest Weapon")

[To be continued]


[Chapter 9]

(Altair flies back to Lochman Industries and enters like usual, he sees Eve laying on the bed, sleep, although it takes 9 months for a human baby to form, it appears only 2 in a half months was needed, maybe it was the Lochman adaptability)

(3 days later, Altair hears Biden shouting his name in another state, and so Altair arrives so fast, that he arrived faster than teleportation, which startles Biden a bit)

President Biden: Woah there, I guess you weren't playing when you said you'd arrive faster than I'd know it, huh?

Altair: Yeah, but what's up?

President Biden: Well, two things my boy,

I've come to make an announcement about your situation so people will know you as a symbol of protection rather than a criminal

I've gotten both your ID and suit, this ID will be effective for as long as I'm in the office.

Altair: Oh, that makes sense, and thanks.

(President Biden hands Altair the sleek silky suit, with the color pattern just like he had asked for, a full-body suit with white on the fingertips and a American flag as a cape, which Altair puts on before President Biden could even blink, surprising him quite a bit)

President Biden: You look good my boy, it suits you perfectly, how do you feel?

Altair: It's perfect, I feel like the suit is calling to me or something.

President Biden: Well it is technology-enhanced, I had to come outta pocket in terms of money when I had this created, I even contacted your parent's business for the purpose of enhancing it with their highly advanced technology.

Altair: So then it's probably reacting to my Lochman DNA.

President Biden: There's a chance.

(President Biden then hands Altair the ID, a picture of him in high school before all this mess happened, he looks like the average joyous and happy African-American boy with silver hair and silver eyes)

Altair: Appreciated, I assume you want me to come with, during your speech?

President Biden: Yes, that is true.

Altair: Alright then.

(Moments later President Biden is outside the White House, standing up to a podium as if he were doing his Inauguration speech)


(President Biden leans closer towards the podium, bending over a slight bit and adjusting himself, he then tests the mic to see if it is working or not, as his speech is being broadcasted to all of the entire world, not only that but he currently has a audience count of around 200,000 people)

President Biden: Ladies and gentlemen, fellow Americans,

Today, I stand before you to share remarkable news about an individual who has undergone a profound transformation. Our great nation has witnessed the journey of someone named Altair, who has transitioned from a classified individual to a true warrior of America—a super soldier and a ray of hope for us all.

Altair's commitment to change and dedication to serving our country have not gone unnoticed. Through hard work, perseverance, and a strong sense of duty, he has emerged as a symbol of resilience and redemption. As a nation that values second chances and believes in the power of transformation, we welcome Altair into the ranks of those who stand tall for the principles that define us.

Let Altair's story be a testament to the American spirit—the spirit of overcoming adversity, learning from mistakes, and contributing positively to the greater good. Today, we embrace Altair as a valued member of our society, recognizing the potential for positive change within every individual.

As we move forward together, let Altair's journey inspire us to believe in the capacity for redemption and growth within ourselves and our fellow Americans. In unity, we find strength, and in understanding, we build a brighter future for all.

May Altair's path serve as a reminder that, in America, we strive to uplift one another and provide opportunities for redemption, creating a nation where every citizen can contribute to the enduring story of our great democracy.

God bless you all, and God bless the United States of America.

(The Star-spangled banner theme plays, and the entire crowd/audience claps in joy, screaming with a newfound sense of hope)

(People begin taking hundreds of pictures of not just The President, but also Altair as well, as they check out his suit)

(Around an hour later, Altair is back at Lochman Industries with Eve, until suddenly his suit starts talking)

The Suit: President Biden is calling

(At first Altair was confused, he then notices the voice not just coming from the suit, but the main source is his palm, as he opens it up, it looks like as if someone were calling another person's phone so he taps accept on his palm, picking up the call)

President Biden: Altair, here's your first mission, come to my office and we'll talk

[To be continued]

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