

Jose was talking with Otreg while I sat across the room, watching her. She always made sure I was there, always her eyes lit up when they see me and her body relaxed. I smiled at her as Zargis came and sat down with me, sighing as his own mate went to mine. "You look like me."

"Is that an insult?"

Zargis laughs. "No. I'm just saying I see me when I look at you now."

"She's still scared," I say.

"And will be for a while. Let her relax again. She'll calm down."

"I told her."


"She thought I was lying."

Zargis choked. "I'm sorry?"

I nod and look at him. "When Thelia didn't name my mate, Jose thought it was someone else. She even asked if it was Cam or Sayma."

He looks as pained as I still feel. As pained as Jose looked thinking it was another. "Does she believe you now?"

"I don't know."

It's been three nights since I told her, and anytime I say the word mate or imply it's her, Jose either looks around or shies away. But when I just as I am as before, she is fine. I don't know what to think. She still curls into me when I lay beside her, still clings to me if I leave her. She just doesn't seem to believe that she's my mate.

Before Zargis can say anything, said mate walks over and sits on my other side, curling up into a ball and laying her head on my shoulder, arms around my torso. Zargis raises a brow. I shrug, no idea what to say.

The door opens and my brother walks in, having been released last night since Jose still thinks he was innocent. He looks over and locks on Jose, then closes his eyes and goes to Otreg. "You still sure?" Zargis asked.

I nod. "He'll be fine as long as there aren't bad influences."

Jose looks up at me. "In-influ-"

"Influence," I say slowly. "It is someone or something that can help you become something good or bad."

She thinks. "Thelia good?"


She looks to Zargis, having finally started speaking to him the day after we danced. "Kesar good?"

Zargis grinned. "He's the best, Jose! Better than me!"

She tilts her head, her way of asking how or why.

"Zargis may be king," I say, wrapping an arm around her, "but Otreg has to keep him in line."

Jose frowns "Zargis bad?"

"No, just not the best," I say. This seems to confuse her so I kiss her, telling her we'd discuss later, something else she's doing with everyone.

Einnig comes over slowly, eyes on Jose, who watches back. He stops five feet away and kneels. I raise a brow at him, but he only looks to Jose. "I'm sorry, Jose."

Otreg and Thelia go quiet as they hear my brother, as they wait to hear Jose's response.

Einnig continues. "I didn't know Switch wanted to hurt you. I didn't know he meant you any harm. I thought he was a friend. I am sorry for everything."

Jose watches him for a long moment, then rests her head on my shoulder, nodding. Einnig looks to me. "She accepts your apology."

He visibly relaxes then smiles. Jose smiles back.

Later, as I prepare to go down and grab dinner, I hear Jose whimpering. She fell asleep on my bed, and I didn't want to wake her up. Now, I go and shake her gently. "Jose?"

She blinks at me and I see tears. She says, "Bad dream. Same."

"Gideon?" She nods. I caress her face and say, "Do you feel safe here, with me?"

"Safe Kesar. No safe dreams. Jose alone."

"Can you think of me when those dreams happen?"

She tilts her head.

"Maybe if you had me in the dream, Gideon will go away?"


"Dream of me." I lay beside her, pulling her close. "You know me, know how I look, how I feel, how I laugh, how I talk. Put me there, taking Gideon away. Put me there helping you, bringing you home."

"Hard. Jose try."

I whispered a few more words to her as she fell back asleep. Gazing at her soft features and her face smooth from fear. I get up and lay a blanket over her, then leave quietly.

I go to the kitchens and see Sayma and Cam talking. The cook points to a tray and returns to her conversation. I take the tray and head back.

Einnig stops me right outside my chambers. "I need to talk to you."

I shrug and gesture him to follow me in, setting the tray down, I check on Jose to find her asleep peacefully. "What is it?"

"The dragon-nappers? Did she go there?"

I look at him. "Why do you want to know?"

Einnig drops into a chair and begins to pull his hair. "Gideon! He was going to do something to her! He wanted to have fun!"

I sit across from him, sigh. "Einnig, Gideon didn't get far. Thelia threw a knife into his back."

He looks at me hopefully. "So, he didn't hurt her?"

"I didn't say that." His face fell. His despair made me soften towards him, understanding that maybe he did care. "She's healing, and it will take time. But she's better now than when she woke up."

"I'm sorry, Kesar! Very sorry."

"I know."

There's a thump from the bed and we look over to see Jose sitting on the floor, a blanket tangled about her. She blushed. "Hungry," she explains.

I smile. Going over, I help her, then lead her to the table. She digs into her food, making me chuckle. "Slow down, Jose!"

She shakes her head.

I roll my eyes and turn back to my brother. He is silently watching her, eyes sad. Jose takes a break from eating to say to me, "Jose Thelia talk?"


She shrugs. "Books?"

I smile at her. "Do you feel safe? I need to talk to Einnig."

She looks at my brother and abruptly offers some bread, smiling. Einnig takes it cautiously, glancing at me.

"She's just showing you that's she trusts you," I say.

He relaxes. "Thank you."

Jose shrugs then turns to me. "Thelia talk Zargis wi-with?"

"Zargis will be with you?"

She grins. "Zargis!"

"What about from here to there?"

Jose shrugs. Looks down. "No safe."

"We can take her then talk?" Einnig offers. Jose looks at him.

"Einnig go books!"

I stand. "Are you ready?"

She jumps up and runs out to put on a sweater, then runs back and grabs my hand. "Jose Kesar Einnig go?"

I smile and nod. We start towards the library and Jose holds onto me tightly when it gets darker, then relaxes as we pass a light or a window. When we get to the library, she still holds on as I open the door.

Thelia smiles at us from a table. "Hi!"

Jose relaxes and begins to go over. I pull her back gently and she frowns. I kiss her. Her body melts as she says, "Jose like."

I grin and let her go. Once I see Zargis in a corner, I leave. Einnig is silent until we're down the hall. "I can see you like her."

"I didn't force her. She has always came to me and when I realized she had chosen me, I let myself relax."

"You're happy."

I look at him. "And you will be too."

He shrugs, but doesn't comment further.