

Thelia rode with Cotron back to Sellan, going slow so Jose wasn't jostled too much. Thelia realized it was he who was spreading stories about her. She was happy to see him again, happy he didn't find her relationship to Zargis was a foul against him. But he didn't even blink. He helped her get Jose onto the sled and care for her since leaving the village.

It took three months to get to his home, three agonizing months to watch and listen to Jose's painful coughs and Kesar's name whispered from her lips.

When they did finally arrive, he sent Thelia to the beach she thought was secret, and told her to stay there. She obeyed, while he went and bought supplies for Jose. While Thelia waited, she wet a cloth and wiped her face. Tears once again filling her eyes. "Hold on, Jose. We're going to help you!"

Citron returned later that afternoon and they managed to clean her knife wound and see it up, then get some medicine down her throat. Thirty minutes after, she was asleep.

Citron sat back and sighed. "You have always managed to get into trouble."

Thelia nodded. "I don't know how."

He chuckled. "You know? I haven't had another slave since you left."

She looked at him. "How come?"

He shrugged. "Maybe I realized that everyone should be given a fair chance. Maybe I saw how happy you were with Zargis and wanted that for everyone."

She nods, falling asleep, exhausted.

When Thelia woke, it was dark and Jose was whimpering, her shoulder was bleeding again. Thelia rushed over and tried to stop her, not wanting her to hurt more. "Jose!" she cried. "Stop, please!"

Citron was nowhere to be seen and Thelia was alone again. "Kesar!" she cried.

Thelia began to cry too. "I know! I want to see them too! Please! Calm down!"


She spun around, scared Gideon was truly alive somehow. But her breath caught. "Zargis?"

He ran towards her, Kesar right behind him. "What's going on? What's wrong with her?" he asked, hugging her.

She shake her head. "I don't know! I can't do anything! She isn't getting better!"

"We'll get her home,"he whispered in her ear. "We'll be alright. I'm here."

Thelia heard Kesar whispering to Jose, promising her the same. Both females cried, one of relief and one of fear and pain.