
Minato May Have Been Your Father But He Ain't Your Daddy

Fujii Itsuki unexpectedly found himself in Konoha on the night of the Kyuubi rampage. Although it was a dangerous situation Itsuki still survived. His Isekai life was as dull as it gets, he didn't have any talent for being a shinobi nor did he have a system. Itsuki was prepared to live his life as a lazy bum but unexpectedly he received a summons from the Third, only to find out a piece of shocking news. " Itsuki I have arranged a marriage for you, the other party is Uzumaki Kushina, I hope you will agree to this marriage " Facing the request of the Hokage, Itsuki could only reluctantly agree while apologising to Minato who died a few days ago. It's not like he wanted to steal his wife but he was threatened into it. 'Sorry Minato, But don't worry I will raise Naruko like she is my own child and take care of Kushina well, and never let her feel any loneliness' Itsuki's seemingly ordinary life was turned upside down due to a single event. *************** Discord link : https://discord.gg/AyFd3NRMTA This is inspired by an MTL novel. This is not a translation. But just in case you want to get a glimpse of the dumpster fire I will leave a link. Link: https://www.mtlnovel.com/naruto-forced-to-marry-narutos-mother-at-the-beginning/ Pat**on: patreon.com/Life_Sa_Beach

Life_sa_Beach_ · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
63 Chs

18. Smash I Must

Thank you for the Coffee ☕☕dragon knight 240.😊🥰🙏🏻


Itsuki gazed at the magnificent piece of ass in front of him with desire.

The way the fabric of the thong ran between her butt cheeks through her ass crack leaving nothing to the imagination made Itsuki wonderfully aroused.


Itsuki couldn't help himself as gave the delectable flesh in front of him a moderate smack, causing it to jiggle in front of his eyes making his throat run dry.


Kushina was trying her best to control her moans from leaking out. But it was proving to be a very difficult task because even though it was just simple caresses, Kushina felt like her body was on fire.

When he slapped her ass Kushina felt her lower body getting wetter.

"Oh~" she couldn't help but moan a little as she felt his lips leaving feather-light kisses on her cheeks.

It was both arousing and torture as she wished his lips would stay a little longer on her skin.


Itsuki wasn't satisfied with just leaving kisses on her skin. He wanted to mark this pristine ass.

And that is what he did, he leaned down and started sucking on her cheeks.

He would suck, give playful bites, and after making sure there was a mark he would lick it as if he were nursing the wound.


Kushina bit the back of her knuckles to muffle her voice, as she felt him suck and bite on her ass.

She was sure it would leave a mark and it further aroused her.

She felt like he owned her ass and was doing anything he wanted with it, she felt even more aroused thinking like that...


Itsuki and Kushina were breathing hard and both of them could feel the desire in each other's eyes.

Itsuki picked her up and moved towards the soft bed to continue with their activities of passion...


Kushina's eyes were a little unfocused as she was laid on to the bed.

Looking at Kushina lying on the bed with her beautiful red hair sprawled around her together with her flushed face, Itsuki couldn't help but lean down to kiss her inviting lips.

He pried her lips open with his tongue and when he felt Kushina's tongue trying to search for him, he wasted no time in coiling it around hers and exhibiting a lewd kiss...


After a few moments, both of them leaned back resulting in a string of saliva being formed due to the sloppy kiss.

Itsuki threw his shirt and pants to the side and got undressed and he was effectively only clad in a pair of briefs.

He leaned down to steal a quick but passionate kiss, as he started kissing all over her face.

Sucking and biting on her lips, then slowly trailing down to her neck, he was sure to suck on it with enough force so that it would leave a mark later.

Kushina could only helplessly hold his head with her arms while letting our sensual gasps.


Itsuki was quick to remove her clothes in between kisses and both of them were just clad in their underwear grinding their rapidly heating bodies against each other.

He made sure to leave no place untouched, his mouth trailed down her neck to her shoulders sensually marking them while going down.

He reached her luscious tits after what felt like an eternity, he kissed her cleavage, licking and sucking, and he couldn't help but reach out and give a nice squeeze to her bra-clad breasts. He could feel her hardened nubs against the fabric of the bra...


After enjoying the feeling of perfection he put his arms behind her back as Kushina slightly raised her body making it easier for him to unclasp the piece of clothing.

After removing it he wasted no time in discarding it just like the rest of the unwanted clothing.

His mind was slightly distracted as he took in the seductive scenery in front of him.

Kushina with a flushed face and glazed eyes only clad in a thong lying in front of him. Her plump breasts were like fruits and the cherry on top was red, it invited one to taste it.

And Itsuki didn't waste any time as he leaned down to take one of her nipples in his mouth while he groped the other one with his palms. The feeling of softness in his palms, like he was holding the softest thing in the world only further fueled Itsuki's arousal

"Anhh~" Hearing the loud moan from Kushina was just making him more rigorous in playing with her breasts...


Kushina couldn't help but arch her body and let out a moan as she felt Itsuki's sucking on her nub while her other breast was toyed by his fingers.

She used the back of her hand to stifle her moans while pushing Itsuki's face deeper into her tits.

She felt her toes curl as she felt him sucking very hard on her breasts while coiling his tongue around her nipple, while his other hand tugged and pinched and rolled her nipple around like a toy.

Kushina could only moan helplessly while clinging to Itsuki with all her might...



She let out a loud gasp when she felt him mash her tits together and take both of her nipples into his mouth at the same time, he was sucking painfully hard, and even bit a little around her areola causing her a little pain but more pleasure. She was sure it would leave a mark.

She was sure that tomorrow her body would be filled with hickeys and it caused her panties to dampen further...



After feeling a sense of satisfaction Itsuki let go of her boobs with a plop sound. After giving her abused breasts a few more tender licks and kisses, Itsuki started going downwards.

Leaving kisses and playful bites down to her navel, after reaching it he couldn't help but leave kisses, licking and sucking around it.

But he didn't procrastinate for long as he knew the real prize was waiting for him below, so he left loving kisses to her tummy and reached the final prize.

He took in the black thong barely covering her damp mound, causing him to take in a deep breath .....


I hope you horny mfs are happy.🌚🌚🌚

Some feedback would be appreciated, first time writing a detailed lemon.🙏🏻🙏🏻

Kushina would most likely forget about Mini-toe after this.


If you like my work please consider buying me a coffee ☕


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