
Chapter 46

~ LILA ~

"Bye, Mom." I gave her a hug.

"Bye, have a nice day." Mom beamed.

"Hey, you'll drive me to work, I'm too tired to drive." Nikita said.

"Sure, whatever." I shrugged.

Oh, if you're wondering: yes, Nikita slept over at Mom's house too, again.

It was kinda strange that we were finally getting along after so many years, all thanks to Mom though.

I didn't know whether or not to be scared; was it a good idea to finally be friends with her too? She wasn't such a bad person that much but it was still scary.

We left for my car that was sitting outside of Mom's building and got into it.

"Getting along with you isn't so bad." She said after I started the car.

"Same here."

"I can make you a big badass too." I noticed her wiggle her eyebrows through my sideways glance.

"No, thank you. You've been enough bad influence on Imogen." I frowned while she burst into laughter.