

Genre: Urban fantasy, magic, super powers, system, reincarnation, mature, milf, incest, rape, bondage, action, tragedy. Summary: Xinthia a goddess in heaven gets backstabbed by her angels and falls into a mortal world. Now she's a mortal but with a system! It's called: Milf System! Granted by Aphrodite, the milf system helps Xinthia gain power through sexual activities and level up so that someday she can ascend to heavens again and take her revenge on the angels.

Inkyug · Urban
Not enough ratings
20 Chs

Kyra VS Haruto

Behind an abandoned building, in a shabby basketball court, there was a turf war going on.

Haruto VS Kyra.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Thwok! Bam!

The two of them moved swiftly and exchanged numerous blows. For now, they were just warming up but to other teenagers it looked like a fight scene out of a Kungfu movie. These two delinquents were just too fast for the common people. Kyra was a war goddess, experienced in all aspects of warcraft. Haruto was the king of deities, magnificent in all aspects. Despite having fallen down to a mortal realm and having lost their powers, their experiences and memories were still intact. They could fight better than the elite martial artists of this world.

Bam! Bam! Kyra punched fiercely. Haruto parried a few before realizing that his endurance was lacking and thus resorted to dodging Kyra's punches, letting them slide off of his forearms and jabbing a few expertly.

Swoosh, Kyra suddenly swept her right leg at Haruto's leg, unbalancing him; & the moment Haruto fell to his left side, Kyra jumped on him, sitting on his abdomen, capturing him between her thick thighs and unleashed a barrage of rapid punches. Haruto covered his head with her arms and took the beating passively while squirming beneath Kyra. He tried to get away, but Kyra had him pinned down well.

[Ability Activated: Ero Touch]

Haruto narrowed his eyes as he activated this ability. With just a little touch he could make any female horny. But to his surprise, Kyra remained unaffected and continued to beat him.

Bam! Bam! Thwok! Loud punching sounds echoed in the area. At once everyone watched in silence before Kyra's supporters broke into cheers.

"She's doing it! She's beating Haruto!"

"Go for it, Kyra! Defeat him!"

"Make him pay for his sins, Goddess Kyra!"

Everyone cheered Kyra. Haruto's supporters were frowning anxiously.

By this point, Haruto had used up all his abilities that could incite lust; but not one of them affected Kyra!

"This…how can this be?!" Haruto exclaimed in disbelief before a punch landed on his mouth and broke his front teeth in.

Bam! Blood began to flow out of Haruto's mouth. Intense pain assaulted him.

"Hehehe! Who do you think I am?" Kyra snarled as she grabbed Haruto's hair by her left hand and slapped his face hard from her right hand.

Ssstak!!!! The slap's sound echoed in the area, making everyone's blood boil for different reasons. Some were excited for Kyra's victory, some enraged.

"I have honed my skills in combat for thousands of years; fighting endlessly without rest & even all alone. Against all physical conditions, I have persevered and succeeded." Kyra spoke to Haruto. "And even though I'm so damn horny right now that I could gobble up your whole dick!" She snarled, revealing a crazed lustful expression. "It will not affect my fighting ability. Thus, all of your abilities are useless in this fight, you perverted bastard. Die now hehehe."

Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Another round of powerful punches rained down on Haruto. What was shocking for him was that the force was doubling with each next punch! Haruto could no longer take it. His face was already beyond recognition, pasted with blood all over.

"Fuck it! Use that Purple card!" Haruto roared in his mind.

[Warning: Are you sure, host? Using this card will result in purging of most of your abilities to gain a single powerful but random one.] Haruto's R@pe system warned.

"It's fine! Do it!" Haruto commanded & immediately in his system interface, a purple card emerged. Then randomly, many of his abilities returned to their silver, golden and even purple cards form and were absorbed into this particular purple card. It shined brightly, spinning rapidly for a few seconds before shattering into countless tiny purple specks of light.

[New ability obtained…] The system notification rang.

"Are you dead already? I haven't even broken a sweat hehehe. Come on! Fight me, motherfucker!" Kyra roared as she shook Haruto.

Bzzz! Suddenly lightning crackled around Haruto's body. Kyra's expression froze.

Fzoom!!! A railgun burst out of Haruto's chest and blew Kyra away. She flew up in the air and fell several meters away like a dead bird.

Bam! The loud sound of her collision against a wall echoed in the area.


"Woha…what the hell was that?"

"I saw lightning!!"

"What the fuck just happened?"

"Kyra, are you okay?!"

The surrounding teenagers reacted strongly.

"Heh, worth it…" Haruto stood up slowly. His head hung down, Blue & white Lighting flickered in his eyes as he looked up at Kyra. "All my hard-earned abilities and points were consumed but it was worth it. I finally have it back… my signature ability to control lightning!"

"Hmph, don't get cocky now. I haven't even revealed my abilities yet. Kyra remained confident. Cat ears grew on her head and a cute black tail emerged from under her skirt. Her fingernails elongated, turning into claws and she hissed like a cat before sprinting towards Haruto.

"Hmph!" Haruto snorted and shot a lightning bolt at Kyra.

Bzz! Boom! The lightning bolt struck the ground where Kyra was a moment ago. She had moved away at incredible speed!

"What!? Impossible!" Haruto exclaimed in his mind and quickly hurled several lightning bolts and a thick railgun at Kyra.

Bzz! Bzz! Fzoom! Boom! Explosions kept occurring as Haruto attacked wantonly. The audiences were all dumbstruck. Someone flipped out their mobile and started recording this superhuman combat which seemed right out of sci-fi movie.

Swoosh! Kyra appeared in front of Haruto and jumped.

Bam! A powerful knee strike at his face sent Haruto flying backwards for several feet and he fell down, skidding on the ground.

"Fuck! Bitch you're so dead now!!" Haruto was indignant. He stood up with a broken nose and bleeding mouth. Lightning arcs were crackling all around him, making him seem dangerous. These arcs grew more in numbers and completely surrounded him, giving him a defensive area.

Even Kyra could not get closer to him now. She sprinted at unimaginable speed, waiting for a chance while lightning bolts continuously tried to strike her down.

Crackle! Crackle! Kroom! Boom! The basketball court quickly became full of holes & craters. The teenagers all retreated in fear.

"Holy shit! They've got super powers!"

"Quickly, get away from them!" Chaos ensued but Kyra and Haruto paid no heed. They were in a deadlock.

Swoosh! Kyra attempted to get close and was attacked by several lightning bolts; but this did not lower Haruto's defense on the other side. Kyra felt discouraged. She could find no loopholes in Haruto's defense.

"Hahahaha! You've got nothing on me, Kyra! I'm the king of gods! You're all my bitches! Nobody can defeat me. Nobody can stop me! Nobody!!" Haruto shouted proudly. At this point he looked both magnificent, dangerous & crazy.

Beep-beep-beep! Suddenly car horns echoed in the area.

Boom! A wall was broken through by a sports car which barged into the basketball court.

Skreee…beep-beep-beep! Bam!!! The car ran directly onto Haruto and struck him several feet away! Haruto collided into an iron pole which bent from the force of this collision. Haruto then slumped on the ground and lied there, unmoving

"Fuck! I thought you knew how to drive! Aren't you a cab driver!?" Xinthia cussed from inside as she came out of the car. Smoke was rising from inside and out.

"This car is a bit too fast. I haven't driven these mecha chariots much anyway! I descended to this realm merely a few days ago remember?" Mike retorted as he came out of the smoking car and coughed a bit.

Both he and Xinthia looked a mess. Xinthia's blonde hair had buzzed up like an afro hairstyle while Mike's hair resembled a porcupine spikes.

They looked around and found Kyra blinking at them. These two had just hit the king of gods like he was nothing.

"Fuck! Who dares!!" Haurto's cussing resounded as he got up. He was all battered now, bleeding all over and had a limping leg too.

"Haruto! There you are!" Xinthia exclaimed. "Oh my, who did this to you?"

"…." haruto almost coughed out blood in anger. "Never mind that. Get that catgirl behind you!" Haruto said. All things aside, he knew that Xinthia was on his side. Now that he was all battered, he needed to rely on this milf mother of his.

Xinthia turned to look at Kyra who narrowed her eyes at her.

"A cat girl?" Xinthia bent her neck curiously.

"It is her. The fallen deity we've been searching for." Mike spoke and took a step ahead. "Lady, we are the fallen deities- Omoikane and Xinthia. It is nice to meet you. We've come seeking a conversation with you."

Swoosh. Kyra leapt speedily, arriving in front of Mike.

"Get lost!" She snarled before kicking him several feet away.

"Mike!" Xinthia exclaimed before taking a fighting stance.

"System, activate abilities Karate and that bulletproof...-" Xinthia had just spoken in her mind when a fist enlarged in her vision.

Bam! She was punched hard on the face; then came a punch on her gut and a kick to her ribs, sending her flying.

"I don't have time for small fries. I'll take down your boss first." Kyra muttered before lunging towards Haruto.

"Lightning!" Haruto attacked.

Kroom! Kroom! Crackle! Lightning flashed everywhere again. Kyra dodged all of them and reached her target soon.

Bam! A punch landed on Haruto's side, breaking multiple ribs of his and sent him flying. He collided against a wall with a loud thud and slumped down, unmoving.

Kyra had won.

"Heh, king of deities; my ass." Kyra snickered and turned back to glance at Xinthia and Mike. Mike seemed to be in great pain while Xinthia was scowling. She had donned on her bulletproof leotard body suit and her combat abilities were also active.

"I might as well get rid of the minions." Kyra muttered and leapt at Xinthia.

"Wait! We don't want to fight you!" Xinthia still tried to reason. She and Mike had come here seeking allegiance with this goddess unknown to them. But this goddess seemed to have a screw loose.

Swoosh! Kyra appeared in front of Xinthia.

"Too fast!" Xinthia thought before she was sent flying.

Bam! Bam! She broke through a wall and fell inside the derelict building. She was uninjured as her bodysuit could take even the force of bullets. Xinthia quickly returned with chi gauntlets on her hands and attacked Kyra.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Her punches missed.

Bam! A kick on her gut threw her away and the moment she landed, Kyra was already upon her and had unleashed a barrage of powerful punches.

Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Loud sounds kept echoing in the area. It was a one-sided beating.

[Alert! Body suit maximum force endurance reached.] Milf System notified Xinthia.

Bam! Bam! [Limit reached. Fatal injuries warning.]

Bam! Crack! Sound of a bone cracking occurred as Kyra's punch landed on Xinthia's chest, breaking her collarbone.

"Gyahh!!" Xinthia screamed in pain.

Bam! Crack! Bam! Kyra showed no signs of stopping. She was crazy overall but when fighting, her craziness knew no bound. She was unable to tell friends from foe or perhaps she did not care who perished under her merciless fists.

Swoosh! Mike arrived from the side. Kyra noticed from the corner of her eyes. Her punch slipped past Xinthia's face as she spun on her heel. Her punch now came at Mike from his back.

However; Mike ducked and thus dodged, moved swiftly to the left and landed a quick punch on Kyra's ribs.

Bam! Kyra's eyes widened in pain but she endured it and retaliated with a left punch. Mike parried it on his forearm, letting it graze by his shoulder and then extended his arm, punching Kyra on her left eye.



"My guess was correct. You may have superhuman strength and speed but not so much endurance or self-healing abilities." Mike uttered.

"You rascal!" Kyra snarled and attacked him furiously. She was fast and strong. A single punch of hers could kill Mike, now that she wasn't holding back.

But- she missed each and every time!

"This…how can this be? Are you a wargod as well?" Kyra asked in surprise while continuing her attacks. Only a wargod could so easily dodge another wargod's attacks. This comes from experience and possessing similar levels of speed.]

Apparently, Kyra had not listened to a word when Mike and Xinthia had introduced themselves. Mike no longer bothered to answer her and only focused on fighting.

Bam! Bam! Swoosh! Bam! Thwok! For a whole minute, the two of them fought with everything they had. Kyra did not manage to land a single hit as Mike evaded all of them, while all of his puny attacks landed on Kyra. Even though his strength was similar to that of an average human adult, it was just enough to make Kyra cry as her body was that of a teenage girl.

Bam! Bam! Thwok! Kyra was finally beaten down and she curled up on the ground, barely holding back her wails.

"Huff-huff…" Mike panted before stumbling away and sitting next to Xinthia, tending to her badly injured body. Kyra meanwhile had slipped into unconsciousness. This battle between the fallen gods which was so charismatic and magical at its climax, had ended so lamely.

Mike flipped out his mobile and called in an ambulance.



Several hours later, Kyra woke up in a hospital room. She wasn't badly injured but since she was unconscious and hospitals were money grubbing dens of scoundrels, they were very happy to admit her and charge a hefty bill. Mike simply hacked Haruto's mobile and accessed his bank account, paying all the bills. Mike was a wisdom god after all and Haruto was the rising criminal prodigy with no less than a million bucks in his bank account.

Kyra found Mike sitting on a chair, typing speedily on a laptop; newly ordered from Haruto's money.

"Who the fuck are you? Why did you bring me here?" Kyra snarled unhappily. Mike spared her a glance before returning to his work.

"Oye! I'm talking to you!" Kyra shouted. "Never mind that; how did you defeat me? I'm supposed to be the fastest and strongest in this mortal realm."

"…Yes, but not the toughest or the smartest." Mike spoke. "Honestly, I hate fighting. We could all be sipping tea and talking peacefully but you just had to boast your strength, hmph. Now stay quiet and wait for the others to wake up. Lest you want me to beat you again."

"Hoh…you have some guts, puny mortal." Kyra snarled.

Mike slapped the laptop close and glared at Kyra. He was considering throwing the laptop at her face. Kyra too was ready to fight and jumped up before intense pain erupted throughout her body.

"Ughh…! Ahh!" She could not help but groan and scream. Mike snorted and leaned back in his chair.

"You won't be able to use your superhuman speed and strength without rupturing your muscles or blood veins. I've injured your specific muscles groups that one needs to fight." Mike said.

"…." Kyra finally shut up and only glared at him. Sensing her finally passive demeanor, Mike decided to answer her questions.

"I'm Omoikane; a wisdom god. My ability allows me to see through everything in a certain range." Mike spoke. "I was able to see your smallest movements and deduced your moves before you made them. So even though you were faster than me, I envisioned multiple moves ahead and reacted in advance, successfully dodging your attacks when they finally came. Although I lacked in strength but it was just enough to injure a teenager's body."

"…How did you know that I lack defensive abilities?" Kyra asked.

"I didn't. It was a gamble." Mike answered.

"What if my defense was strong? Then you'd have died at my hands. Why take such a gamble? You hate fighting, don't you?" Kyra asked curiously.

"You harmed my friend. I had to protect her. Even if at the cost of my life." Mike replied while gazing at Xinthia.

"…." Kyra fell silent for a bit. "Hmph, you're not half bad." She complimented. Mike didn't respond.

After a while Xinthia and Haruto woke up as well. Both of them had suffered internal and external injuries and had their ribs broken. They'd be unable to move around for a while. Ironically neither of them had healing abilities.

"Ugh, what the fuck happened…did we get that catgirl?" Haruto asked while looking around and found Kyra staring back at him from the other bed.

"!! Agh!" Haruto groaned as he almost jumped.

"Calm down, Haruto. I'm calling for a truce here. None of you are in the condition to fight." Mike spoke.

"…Who the fuck are you?" Haruto asked.

"Omoikane." Mike replied.

"…Fucking geezer, you're still alive? & you're banging this milf slut Xinthia?" Haruto asked.

"Hey, I'm not deaf." Xinthia snarled. Haruto scoffed.

There was an awkward silence in the room for a few moments.

"Sigh, apparently neither of you- Haruto and Kyra, have the intention or the personality of make friends or allies to work together for mutual benefits." Mike spoke.

"Don't judge me, you faggot." Haruto snarled. Mike maintained his calm.

"Kidnapping, rape, attempted murder, pornography, violence, ruining lives of the mortals around you…you are the worst scum I've ever seen." Mike said to Haruto. "Of all the fallen gods here, you're the only truly fallen one, Indra."

"…" Haruto glared at Mike.

"Now shut up for a while and listen to me; all of you." Mike spoke.

"I propose an alliance of us fallen gods. We can work together, help each other in the quests, find other fallen gods and make them members of our alliance and then together we can speedily ascend to the heavens. Because while you're all wasting time here in causing problems for the mortals and fighting each other; angels are reigning over the heavens and God Almighty has not been heard from since long ago. I believe something very sinister is going on there & we're the only ones who can make things right. Plus, I bet you all want revenge on those backstabbing angels." Mike said.

There was a lingering silence in the room.

"I agree." Xinthia spoke. She was obviously already into the plan.

"Hmph, I don't need you folks' help to ascend. I can do it on my own." Kyra said.

"Same for me. I was actually very close to the ascension but I met this whore Kyra and had to expend most of my accumulations to trade for lightning ability." Haruto snarled.

"Your mother is a whore!" Kyra snapped.

"Yes, she is." Haruto snickered and glanced at Xinthia.

"Yes I am." Xinthia muttered.

Kyra rose her eyebrows.

"Anyway…" Mike jumped in. "Haruto, you've lost to Kyra. You will lose again. She will come for your life and only I can defeat her."

"You? Pfft!" Haruto almost laughed. He had not seen Mike's fight with Kyra.

"He defeated me." Kyra spoke, stunning Haruto. "And yes, I want you dead, motherfucker."

"Suck my dick, bitch." Haruto spat.

"Kyra… Haruto…" Mike rubbed his forehead. He felt as if he was really talking to problematic teenagers instead of immortal gods.

"There are only 7 of us in this mortal realm as far as I know." Mike continued. Even after we ascend as Gods, we might still be only 7. And how many angels are we up against? Tens of thousands at least. Please…think about it."

Saying so, Mike got up and left after nodding to Xinthia. There was now an awkward silence in the room as Xinthia, Kyra and Haruto peeked at each other often times. Inwardly they already knew that Mike was right. Whatever they may have become and whatever conflicts may be between them, they had to band together.

Srrr… A window pane was opened by Kyra and she climbed up on it.

"Where are you going?" Xinthia asked.

"I'm going to hunt." Kyra answered. "And staying around you weaklings makes me sick."


Kroom!! Boom! There occurred a small explosion at the window, destroying it along with part of the wall as Haruto tried to shove a lightning bolt up in Kyra's ass. But Kyra had left at lightning speed already.

Haruto was so upset that he wanted to beat someone to pulp or r@pe a few women but his injuries were too severe to move around casually. He chose to snap and shout instead, to vent at everyone who appeared in front of him.

Eventually he was moved away to a different room and so was Xinthia. These two needed at least a week to recover just enough to move around better. This was enough time for them to ponder Mike's offer and to reorganize their thoughts.

Xinthia was already in favor of the alliance but she was feeling threatened inside. In the recent combats she was defeated and had to rely on Mike. Kyra was too powerful. Haruto had regained his signature ability. And Xinthia was still the same. She had not made any progress. Despite having so many abilities, she could not match other fallen gods. This filled her with grimace but also spurred her on. She decided that she'd scrutinize her Milf System and try to find ways of gaining more power.


The day turned to night. A schoolgirl crawled out of an abandoned building and coughed out blood. She was Kyra. Behind her there was a trail of blood. She was injured in her recent fight where she massacred another gang that used to traffic drugs around the city.

But Kyra now realized that sheer grit and willpower can't do shit if your body is not feeling right. She had gotten some serious pinpointed injuries from her fight with Mike. This made it impossible for her to utilize her superhuman strength and speed.

Kyra had already waltzed into the middle of the gangsters when she realized this point. From then on it was all up to her combat experience. She fought as an ordinary mortal for the first time. She squeezed out every ounce of human strength possible. Her weapons- merely a short sword & a knife against firearms.

She won.

"Ugh…" Kyra groaned as she leaned against a wall, panting and frowning. Her wounds were not that deep. They'd scab soon but she was just too exhausted and in much pain. She feared she'd doze off if she closes her eyes.

Suddenly a large shadow fell upon her. Kyra's eyes widened as she looked up at this towering person who had arrived stealthily.

"Well-well…what do we have here." Gurzil smiled wicked as he stared down at Kyra with bloodlust and perversion.



Author's ramble:

Sorry for delay. This time I merely got distracted in work. There was so much of it. This freelance is juicing me like a full-time job. I've missed writing, sigh.

This story just took an unplanned turn btw. Idk what's going to happen next now.

I was supposed to say a bunch of other things too but I've forgotten already. I'm so sleepy atm.


Message for robi445_dorunga:

"Yes, lol Xinthia will whore around until the very end! But this tale won't be only about that tho."

Message for daoistbbjz9A:

"You requested a bonus chapter about plant king x alexia from NTR Prince. You're prolly the 3rd person to make that request this year. But sorry, it's already been so long. I'm so done with that book. Plus those two characters were hardly ever together."

//But if anybody here wishes to write a fanfic about those two characters, please go ahead and let me know too when you publish it on webnovel. I'd love to read it. But not write it lol.

\\see you folks in the next chapter. Hope you liked the action.