

It all started with a simple message on the smartphone. ⚠️ There's a milf in your area. ⚠️ With some doubt Steve looks at the screen trying to make a little memory to know when I download this application. Seconds later, a new message arrived on the Smartphone. It was the image of the Milf along with the rewards. The second message was worse than the first, because Steve knows the woman in the image perfectly. this seemed more like a scam than a Quest. with a bright smile Steve was ready to delete the pair of messages along with the app. only before, a knock on the bedroom wall, scares Steve and presses. [ OK ] by mistake. But Steve's troubles had just started. ....

SHAMEFUL · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
37 Chs

thinking logically

⭐please, Take your time to read. ⭐

being late for school was inevitable. It's past 8:30am and as I approached the entrance I had no credible excuse in my defense.

The teacher was still in the middle of the door with a half dozen detained students, they were the boys who, like me, had also arrived late.

At the moment of entering the school I say good morning, without receiving an answer from the teacher and the boys gave me a mocking smile,

The teacher Naomy points to me ⁓ "you on the other side." ⁓ I sit silently and move away from the group, the teacher handed out licenses to those who arrived 3-10min. afternoon.

reports to those who arrived 20 to 30 min late and cleaning jobs to others.

The cleaning of the common area must be done at the end of the classes.

At the end of the students' assignments, the teacher Naomy approaches me and comments in a mocking tone. ⁓ "You won the lottery." ⁓ Her expression was one of glee.

The teacher hands me a carefully wrapped piece of paper, at the top of the paper there was a drawing of a heart crossed with an arrow.

just by looking at the paper you would think that the teacher is showing you her feelings. But nothing further from reality.

I sighed, before unfolding the paper.

As I open it, the teacher can't take it anymore with her laughter and when she looks at my expression of disgust when reading the paper, she bursts out laughing.

"Bathroom cleaning"

As its name indicates, it was to clean the bathrooms as a punishment, but I remind you that this school is public and the bathrooms are worse than those used in concerts.

I had no other way than my resignation.

When receiving the punishment task, the teacher Noemy gave me the go-ahead to go to the classes, I turn around and see that Robert's mother is approaching. The lady came from the administrative buildings a little sad.

it was not a problem to know the reason why Mrs. Carmen had come to school. Without saying goodbye to the teacher, I approached Mrs. Carme. I opened the backpack and took out the banknotes belt and handed them over. before greeting.

The lady was left with her mouth open when she received the money. I don't stop and continue on my way until I hear her scream. ⁓ "Ste....Ste....Steve"⁓ I looked back, closed one eye and I replied ⁓ "I'll be late, we'll talk later, Mrs. Carmen." ⁓

The lady reacts and wants to stop me, but I walk faster and start running like crazy to avoid the lady reaching me.

I know it will sound stupid, but that lady had two jobs and she literally breaks her back working. Call it altruism, but that money with just a Handjob could make it back.

Before I get lost among the buildings. Professor Naomy approached Mrs. Carmen and he held her in his arms, patted her several times on the back.

I wait for the foreign language teacher to finish his class to enter the room.

Walking into the room class. I felt good about myself. he had done the right thing. until stupid Robert yells at me. ⁓"stallion"⁓ followed by Karely who taunts. ⁓"what a crap you got yourself into by being late"⁓

this pair of chumps instantly took me off my cloud.

At our breakfast break Robert found it impossible to share either of his two burgers. so it was Karely who ended up buying my breakfast.

In the following classes the boys had to share their notes and books with me to avoid interrupting the math and science classes.

At the end of the classes my torment began and while most of the students retire to their homes.

I vomit at the bathroom door.

The man who is in charge of cleaning is called Agustín and he gave me a pair of boots, cleaning gloves and a pipe opener.

before entering the bathroom, he gave me the best of his blessings and tells me. ⁓ "This is nothing, wait until you look at the men's room." ⁓ I knew he was totally screwed.

When I entered the bathroom, I understood why school workers resign every three months. the toilet bowls looked like volcanoes, not to mention the endless amount of graffiti and scratches on walls and mirror.

For the first time I was afraid that some shi * would jump on my clothes, although it took us a while to uncover the toilets, we managed to finish the job on time.

On my way out I found the teacher who only greets me from a distance before heading to the parking lot. (damn bitc* i'll take revenge for this) I say in my mind.

Not having money I started to walk back home, this somehow helped me because my clothes were impregnated with a smell of Shi*.

walking under the sun, smelling of Shi* and hungry, that helped me a lot to think better for the next time and not give all my pocket money.

It took me two hours to walk back home and I went straight to the bathroom to take a good shower, my aunt Matilde was nowhere to be found.

In the afternoon, for lunch, prepare our house specialty. "instant soup" I wasn't very hungry. When I was getting ready to eat, my aunt Matilde came screaming from outside the house. ⁓ "Steve, Steve, help me Steve." ⁓ I stood up and looked out the kitchen window.

my aunt drops bag after bag out of the taxi ⁓"Wow"⁓ I say as I walk out the door.

⁓ "You fool, don't waste time, the taximeter is still working." ⁓ While scolding me, my aunt points out the rate.

First we took the bags out of the trunk and from the front seats, strangely the taxi driver wanted to help, but my aunt refused and quickly ended all her flirting and hopes.

my aunt asked him for the rate, the guy wanted to ask my aunt for her name and number, her excuse for future trips.

my aunt only pays the fee and walks away without speaking again with the taxi driver.

my aunt, I carry two bags of clothes in his hands and orders me.. ⁓ "Steve puts everything in the house "⁓

I do 5 or 6 laps in total passing the shopping bags, from the street to the entrance and finally to the kitchen. meanwhile my aunt was resting on the sofa, drinking some water.

minutes later.

while I arranged the pantry in the cabinets, my aunt was comfortably reclining on the sofa and with a big smile on her lips, she begins to take out dresses, shorts, blouses and skirts of different colors.

All the clothes my aunt bought were still second-hand and her excitement was so great that she immediately went to try on some clothes.

she started with dresses that are mostly short, fitted or sundresses. short skirts and fitted skirts followed.

Last but not least, the short shorts that showed thick white legs.

Among her clothes, there was a blue lycra suit. those suits that are used in Roman wrestling competitions, when taking it out of the bag my aunt tells me. ⁓ "you will use this suit to exercise at home, after you get used to the exercises, you will buy sportswear to run, remember these clothes will have to be second-hand, to continue misleading your father."⁓

I honestly did not want to try it on, god You know who put it on. but I could not refuse my aunt's insistence.

I wrinkled my face as I took it out of the bag, my aunt just rolled her eyes and ordered me. ⁓ "Go change so you can start warming up." ⁓ II looked at the suit, checking it closely.

⁓ "Jeez Steve, it's just a suit," ⁓ my aunt tells me, to reassure me, bebefore pulling out a light pink suit.

each one went to his own bedroom to put on the suit.

15 minutes later.


Due to the lack of muscles, Steve's suit has some shortcomings.

Matilde's suit seemed smaller than normal. More than half of her breasts were totally exposed and the cave was marked in the crotch part of her.

the legendary. [ camel toe ]

⁓"stop looking at me and start the training"⁓ orders Matilde.

Thanks to Steve's indiscreet and leering look at Matilde, she had to return to the bedroom and wear underwear under her suit. but the damage to Steve was already done.

Matilde gave Steve a big erection under her suit as a gift.

Steve followed his aunt's instructions and sat down in the middle of the room to stretch. Upon Matilde's return, the suit made her look as if she had a second skin and thanks to the underwear she prevented him from getting into her private parts.

Matilde wore a sports bra on top to contain her breasts. to prevent them from coming out when walking or running.

The 32-year-old lady continued to look very hot, causing Steve's prying eyes on her body, making her erection grow a little more when she smelled her aunt's smell.

She is annoyed by Steve's cheeky look. Matilde narrows her eyes as she approaches where Steve is sitting and without warning hits the idiot behind the head.


⁓ "Auntie why are you hitting the back of my neck. "⁓ Steve complains. Matilde points to Steve's crotch and with a forced smile crosses her arms waiting for the answer.

Steve was about to reply but he swallowed his words and looks down, seconds later the erection gets bigger.


⁓ "aunty stop hitting me" ⁓ Steve protests.

⁓ "She stops looking at me as if you were going to eat me" ⁓ Matilde responds now she had her hands on her waist as if she was daring this fool to look at her again.

At first Steve averted his gaze, but seconds later he returned to leering at his aunt's body imagining a happy life between her tits. returning to receive a blow to the head that instantly erased the smile on his lips.

At the end of the warm-ups Steve started with an exercise for the legs, followed by the abdomen and finished with exercises for the chest, in that part Steve received more blows than normal.

they took a 20-min break before continuing with arm exercises and finished with back exercises.

when they finally finished Steve dropped to the ground and lay motionless for a long period of time and heaved a sigh before closing his eyes and falling asleep completely.

To prevent Steve from accumulating points, Matilde called a food delivery service and let Steve rest until the food arrived. While Matilde lets her body cool down a bit, before taking a bath.


⁓ "Steve the food is already served "⁓

My aunt's voice woke me up, before opening her eyes I raised an arm as a sign that she had woken up. I continue to lie down for 3 to 5 min. before getting up and going to wash my hands and face.

The meal consisted of a couple of tomato-based meatballs and for dessert a strawberry-flavored protein shake. After eating I'm going to do my school homework and to end the afternoon I continued with a good relaxing bath.

When I left the bedroom with the towel in hand, my aunt was waiting for me in the corridor and without looking at my face she asked me. ⁓"you prepare dinner first or you will use your points "⁓

So far I had 4 points, I was missing a point to receive a blowjob, with a nervous voice I tell him. ⁓"I want to make dinner"⁓

with a mocking smile on her lips, my aunt, she answers me. ⁓ "Okay but I'm not going to have dinner" ⁓ I didn't expect that and to finish she reminds me. ⁓"You need to do another round of exercises and don't forget to drink your protein shakes before bed."⁓ I blew out another sigh before nodding and heading to the kitchen.

To my bad luck, my aunt took advantage of that time to bathe and change.

When I go back to doing the routine, my aunt yells at me from the door of her bedroom. ⁓ "see you tomorrow" ⁓ my face was pure frustration, because there were 30min left to finish the day and I was missing half of the exercises.

The best option I had at the moment was to leave the exercises and go with my aunt. After thinking a bit, I decide it's better to finish and take a good bath to rest.

I'll have a better chance tomorrow.

the exercise routine, dinner and bath, made me sleep like a baby just by touching the bed.



Matilde waited an hour after Steve finished bathing to enter her bedroom, she didn't want the brat to start asking for a blowjob and she had no excuses to refuse.

With slow steps Matilde reached the bed and pushed Steve's body so that he was face up, calmly lowering his pajamas to his knees along with his underwear.

Matilde's smile spread on her lips after seeing Steve's dragon. The withered appearance of him made him look very small and wrinkled like a raisin. With two fingers Matilde began to stimulate, a couple of seconds later Matilde needed to use three fingers, minutes later she changed again, this time with four fingers and at the end she used her entire hand to hold the semi-awake dragon.

Having a better grip on Matilde made it easier to stimulate the dragon faster, there are still 3 handjob left after this and as time goes by, Matilde's hand gets tired, having to change hands to continue her work until The first explosion arrived with an abundant seed staining the dress that Matilde was wearing.

After the accident, Matilde let Steve's dragon rest for about 5 minutes before starting the same procedure again.




the knocking and shouting of my aunt at the door made me wake up.

Just by opening my eyes a little, I realize that something had happened last night while I was sleeping, because the residue of my seed was very abundant between my legs.

While I make some crazy theories about what had happened, when I get up I immediately take off my dirty clothes and wrap a towel around my waist and run out of the bedroom in the direction of the bathroom.

When I left the bedroom, my aunt was waiting for me in the corridor with a smile on her lips and before saying good morning, she tells me. ⁓ "Go wash up, don't go take a shower, it's time for routine." ⁓ I kept thinking when I looked at her eyes, I felt something different about my aunt. instinctively I nod a couple of times and wait for my aunt to turn around. to look again at that pair of buttocks tremble under her pajamas until she gets lost down the hall.

then I return to the bedroom and grab my Smartphone. the screen flashes with a couple of ads.


Capture Process: [ 2 ]

Mathilde Walton: [ 27%]

Dayanna Stuart: [curiosity]


☎ missed call from Dayanna.


I was surprised at the time my mother made the call, but what caught my attention was that my aunt's percentage had gone up +15%, which meant that my aunt ended up giving me 5 handjobs.

What happens if I feed him my seed. ? The percentage will increase in the same way. What happens, with other people maybe I will have the same results and I would finally start my hunt.

now I needed to find a container for my seed and feed it between meals to my aunt.

⭐remember to add to the library with that I know that you like the story and I will give it more priority.⭐