

It all started with a simple message on the smartphone. ⚠️ There's a milf in your area. ⚠️ With some doubt Steve looks at the screen trying to make a little memory to know when I download this application. Seconds later, a new message arrived on the Smartphone. It was the image of the Milf along with the rewards. The second message was worse than the first, because Steve knows the woman in the image perfectly. this seemed more like a scam than a Quest. with a bright smile Steve was ready to delete the pair of messages along with the app. only before, a knock on the bedroom wall, scares Steve and presses. [ OK ] by mistake. But Steve's troubles had just started. ....

SHAMEFUL · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
37 Chs

the plans have begun.

⭐please, Take your time to read. ⭐

I use the money destined for school to go to the bank,

when getting on public transport, I sat in the first seats.

I won't deny that I was nervous, if this is a scam, I'm sure I'll be very angry, but I try to control my emotions without having high expectations.

When I get off the bus I go directly to the bank branch and before lining up at the windows, I ask one of the executives, those who process insurance. ⁓"Sorry "⁓

the subject looks me over from head to toe, sweeps his gaze, and scrunches up his face. the look on his face was like he was smelling shit.

he looks at me for two seconds and comments. ⁓ "I'm busy, find someone else" ⁓ pointing to another desk and the executive continues with his paperwork.

even though the guy was rude i was in no position to complain and just go to the next desk.

the next one was a young lady who was putting on makeup, the face of that young lady reminded me of the thick layer of advertising on the poles.

that layer that forms when they put ads on top of ads.

the girl gave me a few nods, pointing to the next desk, the girl was pretty and I just smile before continuing on my way.

Before continuing in my search for unoccupied people, one of the windows was left free. As I approach the window, the lady cashier tells me.. ⁓ "Thank you, but not today. My daughter will bring me food. " ⁓ Before answering, she looked at my clothes and yes. if he looked like a newly hired food repeater.

I sigh and answer. ⁓"Oh that's a pity. "⁓

The lady smiles at me sympathetically and comments. ⁓"don't worry maybe tomorrow...."⁓ I nod a couple of times and turn around, walk two steps and stop.

I take out my smartphone and look at the lady, just by looking at my device the lady's face changed little by little until she was left with her mouth open.

I approach the window again and ask timidly. ⁓ "Could you check my bank account please" ⁓ the lady just lowered her gaze to the keyboard and she says to me stuttering. ⁓ "what is your.....name sir...what is your name sir." ⁓

⁓"Steve....Steve Walton"⁓ I comment.

After typing my name into the computer, the lady's body trembles and her head travels from the screen to my face a couple of times.

The lady tells me with concern ⁓ "I'm sorry Mr. Walton, but his account has been blocked for cash withdrawal." ⁓ I confirm a couple of times and show my Smartphone ⁓ "I'm here to withdraw these" ⁓ I point to the screen. [ Total 15 DC ]

first the lady frowns before asking me for the phone, after looking at the screen, she raises her hand and immediately the person in charge of the checkout area approaches.

The lady hands her the device and the manager looks at it, she looks back at me and whispers something to the cashier.

the lady cashier nods and tells me. ⁓ "You can wait a moment, the staff will take you to a private room. "⁓

I nod a few times and hold out my hand. ⁓ "my smartphone please" ⁓ the lady cashier realized the mistake and asked the manager for the phone, who had already turned around.

The manager returned the devices. without looking at my face and said repeatedly. ⁓ "I'm sorry sir.....I'm really sorry." ⁓ To avoid making a drama I just smiled.

By orders from the bank, the same cashier madam was in charge of taking me to a room and serving me.

Now the roles have been reversed. I was the nervous one. We entered a small beige room with two individual leather armchairs with a small table that divides them, sandwiches, a TV screen, and air conditioning.

After sitting down, the cashier lady introduces herself. ⁓"Nice to meet you Mr. Walton my name is Stefany I'll be in charge of all your Digital Coin withdrawals unless you want someone else to handle it."⁓ I just shook my head in response.

you imagine that this is a scam, thanks to my luck. Mrs. Stefany asks me as she sits in front ⁓ "what kind of transaction do you want" ⁓

⁓"I want to make a real money withdrawal. "⁓ I comment.

the smile on Stefany's lips betrays her and she nods ⁓ "Okay how many Digital Coin do you want to change to Real money." ⁓

I loose a sigh and I am as sincere as possible. ⁓"Mrs. Stefany first I want to know if the money exists."⁓

⁓ "Mr. Walton, of course exists and it is one of the safest and most profitable currencies up to now. "⁓ answers Mrs. Stefany.

she immediately crosses her legs and supports her back on the sofa and she continues to tell me. ⁓"The advantages of having, buying, selling or using Digital Coin are varied. For example, there is no payment of taxes, the accounts are private, absolute anonymity and the best of all, when you make a withdrawal of $10,000 USD or more, the bank You must report your withdrawal to the authorities. When using DC this never happens. Simply put, Mr. Walton can walk out with 10 million from the bank and only you and I will know."⁓

I'm excited to hear that, half of all my problems were solved.

A couple of knocks were heard on the door. ⁓"Go ahead."⁓ Mrs. Stefany yells immediately two employees enter the room in their hands they bring a device that they leave on the table, in front of us.

Mrs. Stefany waits until the employees leave the room and points to the device. ⁓ "This is the digital account reader, with this device, our bank will have a record of your account in real time. With this you can withdraw real money at any of our branches. "⁓

after her words my emotion had reached the clouds for the first time I would experience financial freedom, maybe you don't understand the magnitude of this.

The simple fact of not being conditioned to decide whether to buy food or books for this weekend fills me with illusion.

Just because your father is mad at you for his mistakes.

Mrs. Stefany gave me a smile and cme omments. ⁓"Now all you have to do is scan the QR code and type in the amount of DC you need to convert to real money. "⁓

I nodded a few times and grabbed my phone. I look for the QR of the account and I put it in front of the reader seconds later a green laser scans the screen of the smartphone.

a couple of seconds later the laser turns off and the scanner screen turns green, followed by a notification sound.

After the notification, Mrs. Stefany's smile was more natural and brighter when he tells me. ⁓ "Now you just have to put the number of DC that you want to convert to real money. "⁓

After all this registration process, all my doubts about whether this was real or a lie were completely dispelled.

so I ask ⁓ "how much is the exchange rate. DC to USD "⁓

Mrs. Stefany answers me with a complicated smile. ⁓ "$4400 USD.each one" ⁓ I nods at her response and punches in the number 5.

Mrs. Stefany gets up from the chair, grabs the scanner and apologizes. ⁓ "Wait a moment please" ⁓ she turned around and left the room.

at that time my thoughts were buying food, clothes, some books and paying some bills.

15 minutes later, Mrs. Stefany returned with two packages with blue ribbons that have $10,000 and another two that have green ribbons with $1000.

she put them on the table. ⁓ "Mr. Walton your transaction is ready, please count the cash." ⁓

I leaned down enough to grab and open one of the $10,000 packages and began counting bill by bill, while Mrs. Stefany stood to the side waiting. of the table.

I open the package and put the bills 10 by 10 checking each one of the bills that were not false and after counting the first the second package followed.

When I finish counting the two packages, I get up, distribute them among the pockets of my jeans, nod a couple of times and tell Mrs. Stefany, pointing to the table. ⁓ "I invite you the food." ⁓ the lady's face was shocked and she put her hands to her face.

To avoid extra commitment from Mrs. Stefany I turn and walk towards the door. before opening I stop, go back to see the lady and tell her. ⁓"See you tomorrow"⁓ Mrs. Stefany was still in shock as she looked at the two $1000 packages on the table.

without waiting for an answer I open the door and leave the bank.

I go straight to a fast food store, buy a couple of hamburgers, then to a pizzeria and finally to a bakery and immediately take a taxi home.

When the taxi parked in front of the house, I come out with the bags of food and a smile on my face. my aunt left the house angry and with her arms crossed over her chest. she asks me ⁓ "where did you go and who did you steal those bags from." ⁓

I stop before I get home and answer indignantly ⁓ "Auntie, that's what you think of me. "⁓

⁓ "What else will I think, huh. If yesterday... you didn't even have money for a soup and right now you show up with several bags of food, if that's not something suspicious, then tell me where you got money. "⁓

⁓ "aunt first let's go eat" ⁓ I answer and hand her the bag with the cupcakes.

my aunt looks at them and is silent, she pouts a few times and smells the bag. She then looks at me and says ⁓ "okay you win, damn brat, let's go eat but I want the whole truth" ⁓ I nodded a couple of times.

While I devour the hamburgers, my aunt made herself a coffee, grabbed the bag of cupcakes and began to eat them one by one without exception. her eyes sparkled and her cheeks flushed with a squeak or two as she finished one of the muffins before taking a sip of coffee.

when the cupcakes were finished my aunt came back to reality and with a sweeter voice she asks me. ⁓ "Honey where did you get the money from." ⁓ Before answering she had planned to lie about the money, but in the long run lies are harmful.

⁓ "Yesterday I found an app that gives me money for doing certain actions." ⁓ I answer as I open the box with the pizza.

My aunt's face blushes when she smells the pizza and she gets up from the table to get a couple of plates. ⁓ "Just don't start spending money like crazy or your parents will find out and start doing their research." ⁓ Remembering that detail, he hit me on the forehead.

When came back my aunt gave me a smile, she sighed, put a plate in front of me and sat down again, she grabs the biggest piece of pizza she puts it on the plate and comments to me. ⁓ "You must be careful or your father will try to take every last extra cent you have in your pockets." ⁓ Saying this, my aunt's smile grows bigger as she grabs the next piece of pizza and puts it on top of the other.

she then takes another additional piece but she puts that one in her mouth.

my aunt closes her eyes when she hears the crunch of the bread she bites. her making several moans as she begins to chew and after swallowing her mouthful she makes a sigh. ⁓ "God, I needed it already." ⁓ She promptly took another bite of the slice of pizza and chewed slower.

when finishing her first piece of pizza she takes a breath and tells me. ⁓ "You should always use cash, no electronic or alternate accounts, if your money is from the bank always ask for small bills $10, $20 or $50 when you have $1000 or $2000 give them to me I will use some tricks.

so they don't realize they are new bills .because if your father has suspicions, he will send someone to investigate "⁓

I knew that my aunt is right so I nodded, to confirm her indications and she then tells me. ⁓ "okay, change and now go to school we will continue having the same life for a while in what I think how to get you out of this place" ⁓ I finish eating and I'm going to change to go to school.

Seeing that Steve does what Matilde orders, she had a smile on her face and says in her mind. (My ticket out of this dump has arrived.)

Upon entering the bedroom, Steve takes out all the money in his pocket and puts it under the mattress. he needs to accumulate more money to be able to buy a fake identity. and be able to move more easily.

Steve went to the closet and took out his uniform to change and as he does so he says in his mind (I'll lighten up little by little and when it's time I'll hit dad where it hurts the most.) During all this time Steve had realized the plan he has his father. limiting his spending .

In the following days Steve continued connecting at midnight, he jerked off three times in a row, for the next day he went to school, when he left school he went to the bank and bought fast food.

over the days Steve began to gain weight. From 45 kilos he passed 50 kilos, he continued up to 55 kilos but when he reached 60 kilos his aunt made the first change.

⁓ "From today you will start eating healthy, you need more energy" ⁓ Matilde comments before stretching out her hand asking for money. Steve was not amused by that ⁓ "we can hire someone to cook. "⁓

Matilde shakes her head and adds ⁓"we can't"⁓

resigned to his fate Steve nods ⁓ "okay, I'll go get the money "⁓ upon winning the argument Matilde smiles and runs to change.

This is her first step in her plans.

in his room, Steve lifts the mattress and takes out $1,000 in $20 bills. While was counting the bills. her aunt Matilde entered the bathroom, turned on the light and took out the moisturizing cream.


The room was dark and the light in the crack in the wall was more noticeable. That made me somewhat curious and I went to look to find out what it was. I got a big surprise.

Seconds later my aunt knocks on the bedroom door and tells me. ⁓ "Steve, don't wait for me, I'm going to take a bath, leave the money on the table before you go to school. "⁓

I swallowed saliva and answered ⁓ "yes aunt "⁓ I took off my shoes and went to the wall to look. Inside the bathroom, it didn't take long for my aunt to come into view.

my aunt Matilde only had a towel wrapped around her body. Her soft white skin shines in the bathroom light, she unhurriedly took off her towel.

That made me swallow a little saliva, my aunt just dropped the towel revealing her body and with slow steps she approached the shower.

in these weeks my aunt also gained some weight and it was noticeable in her chest.

I swallowed a little more saliva when looking at her breasts, mainly her nipples that were beginning to show signs of age by being a little darker.

My eyes go down her abdomen, then her navel and finally her monsoon totally covered in hair, wide hips and thick thighs.

Due to how close her body was to the crack, I could only see a patch of skin as he opened the shower and drenched her body.

That didn't last long, because she walked away humming a contri song of the moment, while putting some shampoo on her hair.

Before continuing, my aunt slowly walked away in the direction of the door and with each of her steps I could see how her rear trembles from her and then she bends down to pick up the towel,

she fails on her first and second attempts to lift the towel and she makes it through to her third attempt, exposing at first glance, a large butt with wide hips.

Before going back to the shower my aunt hung the towel behind the door and without realizing it I put my hand on my pants grabbing my hard dragon. releasing several sighs in the process.

was when my aunt asks out loud. ⁓ "Steve, you're still in the house" ⁓ without answering she moved me away from the wall and I went to the door and I answer.. ⁓"Yes aunt "⁓

⁓ "Steve will be late for class" ⁓

⁓ "I'm coming out" ⁓ I answered and ran to the closet to grab the backpack. Not before taking a look or two more in the crack in the wall.

⭐remember to add to the library with that I know that you like the story and I will give it more priority.⭐