

It all started with a simple message on the smartphone. ⚠️ There's a milf in your area. ⚠️ With some doubt Steve looks at the screen trying to make a little memory to know when I download this application. Seconds later, a new message arrived on the Smartphone. It was the image of the Milf along with the rewards. The second message was worse than the first, because Steve knows the woman in the image perfectly. this seemed more like a scam than a Quest. with a bright smile Steve was ready to delete the pair of messages along with the app. only before, a knock on the bedroom wall, scares Steve and presses. [ OK ] by mistake. But Steve's troubles had just started. ....

SHAMEFUL · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
37 Chs

the crazy boy

✨ please, Take your time to read. ✨

after several recommendations of what you need to do for your entry into the world of magic. Steve bought each of the books on the shelves corresponding to their elements...

books that the wealthiest family on earth could not afford, due to various restrictions such as price, usefulness and above all, each book is written with a special ink that reacts to mana of different Levels for Acolytes or Ranks of Magic Hunters..

this ensures that the Magic Hunter or Wizard can open the spell book according to their Level or Rank:

in a nutshell Steve could buy the books he wanted from old Mephisto, but whether they were useful or good for something is a very different matter..

⁓ "Boy, the Mephisto bookstore thanks you for your purchase." ⁓ He comments with a smile on his lips, while he counted the 30 vials with mana in his hands. After putting the vials away, Mephisto takes out and hands over a golden card along with a four-leaf clover pin...

⁓ "This will avoid taking the tedious entrance exam to Tartaros and it's a free pass to any magic school." go and if you have a farm remember to send some vegetables"⁓ and with two pats on the back, send Steve out of the bookstore...

as the door bell rings, Mephisto remembers and screams. ⁓ "Some of the guys outside, can they take you to the Dwarf's shop."⁓ Steve nods and leaves the bookstore...

the 15 to 20 youngsters sitting outside the shop kept writing, the young man at the front of the row greets Steve with a smile. after he bought most of the books written by the young even though they are of no use to a Magic Hunter..

It is updated information on the main Kingdoms, Dungeons, Schools, Flora and Fauna in Tartaros....

When the young man's eyes focused on the pin on his chest, the boy had an admiring look in his eyes and respectfully asked. ⁓ "Sir, how can we help you." ⁓

Steve didn't know the name of the Dwarf's shop so he said: ⁓ "I want to buy a storage ring with Mephisto's friend" ⁓ pointing to the old man inside the bookstore who was laughing alone, seeing the vials with manna in his hands...

The young man nods and indicates the way to go and while they walk through the streets, shops and stores of different styles, the young man makes some suggestions of different stores where he can buy basic necessities, clothes, potions or equipment...

Just by entering the Articles area, countless stores of different races welcomed him to enter and buy, but the young man did not stop until he reached a small brown store that at first glance seemed simple in name. "the Mallet"...

the young man stopped and comments. ⁓ "To enter, you must push the door inward with all your strength or by circulating your Mana, if you don't, this door will not be able to open. "⁓ Saying this, the young man bowed and turned around, ready to leave. Steve took advantage of this moment to take out several bags with 30 sweets each and called the young man. ⁓"wait"⁓ the young man stops and turning around Steve hands a clear plastic bag with the candy inside into the young man's hand...

the young man frowned at first, looking at the bag and Steve adds ⁓ "take these to the others and I hope sometime we meet again in Tartaros."⁓ Saying this, Steve doesn't expect the young man's thanks and walks to the door of shop. ...

He grabs the handle and circulates his Mana, then pushes open easily and rings the arrival bell. ⁓"Welcome!"⁓ a Dwarf shouts from the other side of the sideboard.

The store was not very big, it had six shelves with different types of swords, mostly broad-bladed swords, type: medieval. On the walls are armors of different colors and sizes.

The sideboard was a showcase where different types of daggers and arrows were exhibited, and behind the young man were the bows and shields.

Steve looked around for a moment and approached the counter suddenly the dwarf who attends asks with a smile. ⁓ "You need young...." ⁓ His words stop at the sight of Steve's chest...

Steve follows the gaze and smiles saying, ⁓ "I need the best storage ring you have for sale." ⁓ Finishing his words, a door in the right corner of the shop is flung open and a Dwarf with scarlet hair in a blacksmith outfit he motions for Steve to come over...

Steve was sure that when he entered and looked at the store, on that corner, there was no door and for that reason he refused to walk towards the Dwarf at first. ⁓ "Come on, boy, I know Mephisto sent you to this store." ⁓ The Dwarf comments, pointing to his chest...

Steve relaxes a bit and walks towards the Dwarf who invites him to enter the back of the shop, where the forge area is, a room made of dark stone that covers the floor and half of the wall. The room has a furnace along with several forging tools, but what caught Steve's attention was a group of three people playing cards, another one was sleeping on an old sofa, in the corner of the room...

it was a wooden table for four people, but one is missing. Steve looks at them briefly and the Dwarf snorts saying: ⁓"ignore those bums, let's do business better. "⁓ Saying this, the Dwarf from the sideboard enters with a leather briefcase and when opened it shows two groups of 20 rings of different styles. The Dwarf Blacksmith immediately adds ⁓ "the set on the right is for warriors, the set on the left is for wizards" ⁓ Steve nods and looks at the price note: 100 low-quality mana crystals each.

Steve had crystals formed at the foot of the monolith, but he didn't want to take them out in the middle of so many people. The Herero Dwarf had a feeling as he saw the doubt on Steve's face. ⁓ "Boy, I promise that no one in this store will steal a single crystal from you, don't be afraid of those bums." ⁓ The Dwarf comments, hitting his chest...

Steve nods and immediately pulls out a 10cm tall by 3cm wide navy blue crystal. ⁓ "I only have these types of crystals work " ⁓ everyone present gaped and nodded at the same time. Steve starts pulling out several of those crystals and the Blacksmith Dwarf yells at him in fright. ⁓"stop, stop, just one is enough for you to take the whole briefcase." ⁓

⁓"Oh,"⁓ Steve comments. suddenly the Dwarf Blacksmith completely changes his attitude and comments with a big smile. ⁓ "but if you need more rings or a special Weapon you can tell me with confidence. "⁓

Steve frowns, before speaking, "I'd like to bring some bracelets and necklaces from storage. I was wondering if I could make a couple of magic-based pistols." Steve flips his hand over and pulls out a pair of Desert Eagles. ⁓"something like this"⁓

The Blacksmith thought for several minutes until he asks ⁓ "can you open them to see how they work?" ⁓ Steve pulls out a couple of blueprints and different pieces.

Just by looking at the material, the Blacksmith shakes his head and comments ⁓ "the metal alloy is fragile, I'll have to replace each piece, what type of projectile does it use."⁓ Steve takes out several bullets, casings and gunpowder, the Dwarf Blacksmith checks them and He even triggers the gun a couple of times, scaring Steve.

one bullet hit the orc and the other was caught by the elf like flies.

the Dwarf plays with his beard a couple of times ignoring the Orc's face who asks with his eyes for compensation from the millionaire boy and without promising anything he turned around towards the oven, the Dwarf remembers something and looks back at Steve: ⁓"give me a couple of hours boy, you can wait here or you can come back later and I will give you an answer, whether or not I can make this Weapon.- "⁓

the three guys come back to see Steve. with a bright smile they invite him to come over to play at the table. the guys had several objects and mana crystals, but Steve didn't feel comfortable, because there were clearly three people but he felt four looks...

Steve looked back at the corner of the table and squinted for several seconds trying to see something, but he found nothing...

After thanking her for the invitation, he withdrew several meters away.

in the forge room. several Dwarfs entered and began to discuss the parts of the pistol in a strange language...

Not understanding what these Dwarf Blacksmiths were discussing, Steve moved away from the oven as far as he could, sits on the floor and tries to meditate...

Closing his eyes and taking a couple of breaths, Steve scrunches up his face in pain as if his skin is being carved with sandpaper. but the pain instead of diminishing as Mephisto had told him, it only increased...


the group that was playing at the table, instead of being offended by Steve's rejection had different smiles on their faces...

The only annoying one in the group was the dark elf who had bet that the brat wouldn't even notice her and after letting out several snorts she began to pay the debt...

when they saw Steve walk away to sit and meditate in the forge room, they all started laughing because the dark stone can cleanse impurities only a madman would meditate on these dark stones...

in a low voice the Orc began the bet. ⁓ "I bet 10 low-quality crystals that this snot can only last 5 minutes meditating. "⁓ Immediately the others also made their bets, leaving the Dark Elf as the last to bet, betting that Steve would be meditating for more than 30 minutes...

the skin of his arms and face began to turn red, but Steve did not open his eyes, he just wrinkled his face...

With the passage of time, Steve's face began to relax, the pores of his skin began to open and clean. leaving a silky and soft skin that improves the circulation of the manna.

one hour later.

Steve's skin was still red and sometimes steamy as sweat evaporated along with impurities...

but the silence and stillness of the place was interrupted...


the forge door is flung open and a small black ape runs in, making a racket. because he was chased by another group of apes and even though he tried to wake up the woman who was sleeping on the sofa...

the woman didn't wake up...

causing the ape to go to Steve and begin to move his body until he interrupted his meditation...

Just by opening eyes Steve. the little ape began to complain about his companions and narrates with great signs, shouts and movements, the injustice that was happening ...

Steve was amazed to see the little ape narrate his story of how he is bullied as if he were a 12 year old boy..

After telling the story of him, the little ape wanted Steve to go out and fight the other apes. Steve shook his head a couple of times. ⁓ "How about I give you a stick to hit them," ⁓ Steve takes out a baseball bat, after hearing and seeing the bat, the ape refused and argues that their fights should be fist fights without any kind of weapon. ..

both the ape and Steve thought for several minutes, suddenly Steve thought of teaching the ape to fight but the ape refused again...

in the end Steve takes out the sweets and after a brief explanation the ape accepts them with pleasure, but instead of eating them he ran out of the forge room. Steve sat down again but the ape returned now accompanied by 5 apes behind and presented them to Steve...

At the end of the presentation, the six apes stared at Steve with dreamy eyes... After several sighs, Steve gave each ape a bag with thirty sweets. After receiving the sweets, the six apes ran away.

five minutes later

Those six apes returned each with a group of five apes and when they left they all carried their little bag of sweets...

five minutes later the first ape returned, followed by a snake minutes later it brought a bear cub and the bear brought a tiger cub...

the guys at the table stopped playing and were gaping at the parade of animals coming and going until the Orc asked doubtfully. ⁓ "you have more sweets" ⁓ but the others at the table also look at him expectantly for the answer, including the woman who was asleep on the sofa minutes before...

⁓"Sure,"⁓ Steve replies. taking out several bags for the three of them at the table and the woman on the sofa.. the Orc smiles ruefully, coughs a few times, and clears his throat. ⁓"I'm talking about trade, trade with our races."⁓ Steve nods...

The White Elf clears her throat and comments: ⁓ "What my companion means is that you will need millions of bags of sweets, that implies that some of your own race hate you and if word gets out about who you are, your clan or your family will be in danger..."⁓

⁓ "That's easy to solve, when you're in the lobby," ⁓ comments Steve. The others nod, knowing the answer: the black market.

suddenly the ape returned with a fruit in his hand and showed it to Steve, instead of taking the fruit he asked the price of it in the market. ⁓ "each fruit will cost you 1000 DC" ⁓ The White Elf comments. Steve exchanges it for 1 bag with 30 sweets...

this exchange left everyone speechless. Steve takes advantage and adds.. ⁓ "This will be my base price and it will never change, what your leaders do after this is none of my business." ⁓ They all nod and start saying goodbye immediately after this.

For everyone present this made a lot of sense since in the "Lobby" fights are prohibited and fouls have different punishments even the strongest people can die in this place...

the little ape ran out of the shop, as did the Orc, the beast woman and one of the Blacksmith's helpers...

⁓"Don't you think you're too naive to trust other races,"⁓ asks a voice in the corner of the room. Seconds later, a Dark Elf appears in leather armor.

Steve shrugged his shoulders and replied: ⁓ "it's necessary to do it or someone else will try to do it and get the most out of it..."⁓ the two who were sitting at the table nod to the answer...

The little ape returned to the forge room accompanied by several old men in white ceremonial robes with scarlet embroidery on the sleeves and chest. causing the two sitting at the table to stand up and respectfully greet their own elders just as Dark Elf Archer bowed respectfully….

the only distracted was Steve who was trying to meditate again, one of the old men clears his throat and takes out a fruit. not knowing its value Steve asks. ⁓ "what price does it have? "⁓ the other people wanted to strangle Steve until one answers ⁓ "its value is incalculable "⁓

Steve shows the fruit resembling a purple peach. ⁓ "I prefer to know its value." ⁓ the elders nod and start taking out various fruits with different prices...

They told him each price and he exchanged them for bags with 30 sweets, Steve did not ask what the fruits were for, only the price. he was exchanging until he passed the last old man...

before leaving they all nodded respectfully and Steve nodded in the same way. The first elder comes forward and says: ⁓ "From now on this agreement will be respected and this fruit is our gift to your commitment. "⁓

Those who were sitting at the table wanted to snatch the fruit from the fool who kept it without asking what it is for...

When the elders left, it didn't take long for the Blacksmith's Assistant to arrive followed by his elders. following the same procedure and treatment. Without raising or lowering his price, Steve turns to look at the remaining three at the table and asks ⁓"they won't tell their elders."⁓

the White Elf answers. ⁓"why? my race doesn't require it."⁓

⁓ "Just because you don't want it doesn't mean that no one else does..." Steve replies making the three of them look at each other before leaving to look for their own elders...

Steve closed his eyes again to start meditating as soon as he had entered the space when he received an alert from the system that said:


[ Some fruits are compatible with storage space: you want to seed these fruits: YES / NO ]


Before answering, Steve looked at the land in the storage space, all the restrictions had been lifted, but everything is a mess. most of the landscape is destroyed, before the whole landscape was perfectly flat full of trees and green grass. now it was destroyed, there are ravines, cracks, caves, hills and mountains...

most of the land, green grass and forests are burned, rivers, streams or small streams run in various parts and in others it is totally flooded, there are lakes, lagoons and swamps...

the sky before white is now dark blue, in the distance there are several white clouds and in other areas it is still raining...

but the whole area was completely silent. before pressing the button. [ YES ] Steve felt a couple of bites on his arms that made him frown not because of the pain, but because of three little animals that bit him and entered the space. the three of them immediately started running everywhere leaving Steve in shock...

the three of them were just puppies and every time Steve called them, they would run to hide, creating a cycle where there was no end until Steve opened his eyes again in the forge room.

after reviewing the three bites on the arms, they were erased leaving a line of marked teeth of the little ape, the fangs of the snake and another pair of fangs of a bear.

Steve had to wait in silence in the forge unable to meditate for fear that more animals would bite him for being distracted. When the Dwarf Blacksmith returned he brought good news and bad news.

The good news is that if he can make the weapons with other types of components and the magic symbols will be written by the Elves.

The bad news: is that each pistol will cost a fortune = 100 medium quality crystals each. not including projectiles and each projectile will cost one drop of mana...

The Dwarf almost cried when he saw Steve take out his crystals again having to stop him to tell him ⁓ "with the previous crystal it is more than enough, my question is how many projectiles and what elements will you add to each one." ⁓

⁓"Oh, give me everything you've got."⁓ Steve comments pulling out three more crystals.


After getting a delivery date, when leaving the Dwarf's store, a group of Gorillas the size of three-story buildingsof different shades mostly golden. were waiting for Steve outside the store, the Gorillas were looking for the little ape...

✨ Remember to add to the library with that I know that you like the story and I will give it more priority.✨