

It all started with a simple message on the smartphone. ⚠️ There's a milf in your area. ⚠️ With some doubt Steve looks at the screen trying to make a little memory to know when I download this application. Seconds later, a new message arrived on the Smartphone. It was the image of the Milf along with the rewards. The second message was worse than the first, because Steve knows the woman in the image perfectly. this seemed more like a scam than a Quest. with a bright smile Steve was ready to delete the pair of messages along with the app. only before, a knock on the bedroom wall, scares Steve and presses. [ OK ] by mistake. But Steve's troubles had just started. ....

SHAMEFUL · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
37 Chs

the change has begun.

⭐please, Take your time to read. ⭐

This is Steve's first time peeping at a completely nude woman's body and his excitement was palpable, the prominent boner on his legs showing it.

Steve put the backpack in front to partially cover the erection and accommodates her dragon so that it does not bother him when walking down the street or people on public transport will notice the bulge.

Walking through the streets of the city, Steve did not miss the opportunity to make comparisons with the bodies of the women he finds in his path. putting the body of his aunt as a base.

the excitement of the exercise, making Steve look directly at the breasts, abdomens, thighs, waists, hips, and buttocks of different women.

This peculiar exercise was done all the way, until he reached the entrance of the school.

where Steve was received by the teacher in charge of checking the students.

Mrs. Naomy Sullivan.

The teacher has a well-defined, athletic body with a flat abdomen, slim waist, thick legs and firm butt, aided by hours and hours in the gym.

The teacher is in charge of sports and she wears gray leggings with a white short-sleeved shirt with the school crest on the left chest.

"Kraft Institute"

It's a government school, it's the cheapest Steve could get because the tuition is also on him,

Steve gawks at the teacher's body. Mrs. Sullivan glanced sideways and gave a brief smile, before turning around to continue checking on the students arriving at the institute. while Steve delights in looking at his firm ass.

a strange hand touches Steve's left shoulder and says. ⁓ "You can move, you're messing up my video." ⁓ Steve looked back at the owner of the voice and got a big surprise.

he was a senior named Riko who is nicknamed "merchant" he is famous for trading illegal products in school, the most interesting thing is that he has a high quality Smartphone in his hands, with the camera turned on and pointing towards the teacher .

Steve took several steps to the side and turns to continue on his way. This guy has a bad reputation and he honestly doesn't want to be associated with the shady and dishonest things that Riko does to get money.

most of the students live near the area and do not show much interest in studies.

The reasons may vary in each of the students, but they all have a problem that they must solve and they are always more aware of the next party or the next concert in the city than studying for the next exam.

On the other hand, the teachers are the same or even worse than the students, always looking for an excuse to avoid covering class hours with pretexts that border on the ridiculous.

Upon entering the classroom there are around 32 students divided into 7 to 9 groups of different sizes. the boys and girls have their own meetings and exchange comments on different topics. "games, movies, social networks, sports or the latest news at school."


my arrival in the classroom, it is as if you put a drop of oil in a bucket with water, I always stand out. not for being popular or being the most handsome in the classroom. It is thanks to my nickname and rumors that are true, but I will never accept that they are true.

Everyone inside the classroom remains silent, some girls look at me, others wrinkle their faces, and the rest, mostly men, didn't care about my presence.

These are the classic people that if lightning strikes you right now they won't care.

Among the students there is one who raises his hand and greets me from a distance, it is my friend Robert. a nice young man with white skin and dark hair, he is a boy who always has a smile on his face, a lover of fast food, especially hamburgers and a fan of video games.

Robert can talk 40 hours straight about video games and he dreams of having a PC to play and be a professional.

the silence of the classroom is broken by Robert and his classic daily shout. ⁓ "Stallion" ⁓ Robert yells at me from his seat, which makes me snort in disgust and I answer. as I get closer. ⁓"shut up fool, don't call me like that "⁓.

⁓ "Right Robert stop yelling like that." ⁓ The girl next to him tells him and then adds. ⁓"Better say Pimp. It's less offensive. "⁓

I hit my forehead, hearing the meaningless comments of these two and I just ignore them, the girl's name is Karely and she interferes in any conversation, she's like an entertainment reporter but without a salary. Karely likes acting and entertainment journalism, because of this she has many acquaintances at school, but few friends in fact there are only two of us.

something Karely excels at.

she is the only girl in the whole school who wears the uniform according to the regulations. It's not for nothing that her parents are conservative.

Her uniform is black shoes, white anklets, no makeup, dark blue 1/4-length skirt below the knee, white shirt with a green jacket and tie.

Karely's dream is to be a Streamer and not just any Streamer wants to be the most popular and have a blog dedicated to investigative journalism.

After sitting between the two of us with Robert on the left and Karely on the right, I am distracted by the whole class trying to compare how many women are in front of me with my aunt's body, while Robert tells me about a new game or the new graphics card on sale.

In our rest period we eat a couple of hamburgers and I tell them about my aunt's plans with food, the most horrified is Robert who agrees to buy the hamburgers for lunch, although I am 100% sure that he will end up eating them , while Karely mocks my fate.

for the next few hours I keep getting distracted having flashes of my aunt's trembling butt. These pictures just give me constant boners.

When I go back home, I did the same comparison exercise all the way, but this time I didn't waste so much time looking at the chest or butt.

When I opened the door of the house this time I did not announce my arrival, I did it in silence. I take off my shoes at the entrance and walk barefoot, looking from one side to the other, I wanted to get to my bedroom and see if my aunt is using the bathroom.

As I took several steps forward. I found my aunt sleeping in her dressing gown with her legs spread comfortably on the sofa. I stayed for several minutes admiring her skin up close. Unfortunately for me, she had panties and a lace bra under her nightgown.

I realize that the underwear my aunt wears is worn out from so much washing.

after several minutes looking closely at her measures, my pass abundant saliva and a permanent erection. the alarm on her Smartphone began to ring and my aunt moved from the sofa with signs of waking up. I immediately turn around, walk back to the door, and leave the house.

I wait outside for a moment, while I put my shoes back on and make noise as I open the house. To my surprise, my aunt was still lying on the sofa, but she was awake and her robe was covered, showing a large part of her thighs and, as if that were not enough, she also showed a little cleavage.

Seeing me enter the house, my aunt greets me. ⁓ "Hello honey, I'll be up in a moment.." ⁓ she tells me, yawning before rubbing her eyes with her forearm.

I was a little nervous and without looking at her face I answer. ⁓ "Hello Aunt, I'm back" ⁓

⁓ "That's good honey," ⁓ she answers, then my aunt scrunches up her face with a yawn and continues to tell me. ⁓ "This morning you received a package, I left it on the bed, I'll stay on the sofa for a while before preparing food. "⁓

I just looked sideways and muttered out loud without looking back at her. ⁓"Ajam."⁓ following my path.

my aunt leans back and turns her body to one side looking at the back of the sofa.

her movement was so sloppy that she ended up exposing her entire butt adorned by black panties in (V) seconds later she moves her hand back to scratch her buttock and then pulls on her robe, to cover her ass.

I stared at the entire process before hearing a deep sigh. I had to go to my Room, when I couldn't take the pain of the erection in my pants anymore.

The first thing I did when I entered the bedroom was to take off all my clothes and throw them where dirty clothes are put, I immediately open the package and take out the identity card along with a chip for the Smartphone.

I change the tracking chip and configure the phone with the same number, to avoid any suspicion, in this way I will continue to have calls, but without registering my location when I have internet.

The next thing was to activate the internet package that came with the card, a service without limit of use. this updates several applications including "MILF HUNTER" I put the smartphone aside, while the update is finished.

I lay on my back in the middle of the bed and hold my shaft tightly, immediately I begin to stimulate it furiously, the veins in my dragon began to stand out.

I was just beginning to enjoy the stimulation in my dragon. When my phone rings with the call bell repeatedly.

I grabbed it and looked at the screen thinking that the updates had finished, but the screen was marking an incoming call.

I snorted in annoyance just by looking at the number on the screen, it was my father, I let the smartphone keep ringing, I didn't want to answer the call.


Matilde stayed still with her eyes closed pretending to sleep until she heard the door close in Steve's bedroom and she turned around to sit on the sofa with a bright smile. She stretched out her arms and her back lazily, before getting up.

With bare feet and without losing her smile, Matilde walked through the middle of the house and soon passed Steve's bedroom door in complete silence, but she didn't stop.

She continued walking and when she arrived in front of the bathroom, Matilde turned and opened the doorknob.

she walks in and closes the bathroom door in absolute silence.

It didn't take long for Matilde to arrive in front of the crack in the wall and look at what Steve was doing with her shaft and just look for a couple of seconds. Matilde realized that the beginning of her plan had been successful.

On the other side of the wall, Steve was vigorously stimulating her shaft, which made Matilde swallow a couple of mouthfuls of saliva and say in her mind. (God look at that rod)

Matilde doesn't miss any detail of Steve's masterful handjob on her dragon and she just waits patiently for the moment of the explosion.

Before that moment arrived, Steve's Smartphone began to ring insistently, as he picked up the phone to see who was calling. the screen partially lights up Steve's dragon.

(My God, look at those veins) Matilde thinks, letting out a couple of muffled moans.

The phone rings a few more times and then goes silent, but Steve never stopped stimulating his shaft hard.

Before the moment of the explosion arrived, now the Smartphone in his pocket begins to ring. scaring Matilde and screams ⁓ "KYAA" ⁓ she quickly puts her hands to her mouth, to cover the noise.

⁓ "Aunt are you alright" ⁓ asks Steve a little agitated on the other side of the wall.

Matilde removes her hands and responds. ⁓ "I'm fine, it's just a cockroach." ⁓ Before answering the call, Matilde puts the shampoo bottle in front of the crack and turns on the bathroom light.

Matilde looks at the screen and twists her mouth in annoyance, letting out a snort. before leaving the bathroom without answering the call.

Brother is calling.


Steve jumped out of bed to try to look at his aunt's body through the crack, but this time he had no luck, he couldn't see anything, just a white background with the bathroom light on .

Steve let out a sigh of disappointment and lay back on the bed again, to continue with the manual work, it was obvious that his father would mark my aunt. by not communicating with Steve.

minutes later

the Smartphone started ringing again, he snorted again and without looking at the phone. Steve just pressed the screen a couple of times until the call was connected.

video call turns on

Steve asks annoyed. ⁓ "What do you want dad. "⁓

⁓ "That's the same thing asked you what's going on." ⁓ says a female voice.

Just hearing Steve's voice left his mouth open and I responded immediately. ⁓"Mom why are you calling me, I thought it was dad. "⁓

⁓ "Your father is crazy, he called me saying that you were in trouble." ⁓ His mother answers.

trying to grab the phone Steve presses the screen switching the front video camera to the rear video camera.

Dayanne had the Smartphone's video camera blocked. Because she was scantily clad.

Steve grabbed and picked up the phone to watch and answer the call from his mother.

Steve accidentally pushed the call on mute and didn't realize what his mom was looking at. it was not his face.

Steve calls a few times but no one answers. Dayanne had been shocked when she watched the screen of how Steve stimulated her shaft, while she screamed her name several times,

before Steve ends the call.


I call my mother a couple of times, but she doesn't answer me and without stopping stimulating my shaft, I end the call and throw the Smartphone aside.

I feel how my axis begins to swell and his veins are marked, I raise my hips and arch my back, releasing several forceful snorts.

everything was ready.

I close my eyes and immediately let out a long moan.

I released my first explosion with force and by the time I released the second and third I began to lower my hip. the notification sound comes to my Smartphone.

without letting go of my axis to avoid a disaster with my seed in the sheets. I leaned to the side to grab the phone and read on the screen.

[ MILF HUNTER ] was updated.


Upon returning to her place, Steve froze, not knowing what to do or say at that moment. because just 2 meters from his bed, her aunt Matilde was standing with her arms crossed over her chest.

before Steve utters a word. Matilde tells him... ⁓ "we need to talk "⁓ without waiting for an answer, Matilde approaches Steve and takes him by the hand.

⭐remember to add to the library with that I know that you like the story and I will give it more priority.⭐