

It all started with a simple message on the smartphone. ⚠️ There's a milf in your area. ⚠️ With some doubt Steve looks at the screen trying to make a little memory to know when I download this application. Seconds later, a new message arrived on the Smartphone. It was the image of the Milf along with the rewards. The second message was worse than the first, because Steve knows the woman in the image perfectly. this seemed more like a scam than a Quest. with a bright smile Steve was ready to delete the pair of messages along with the app. only before, a knock on the bedroom wall, scares Steve and presses. [ OK ] by mistake. But Steve's troubles had just started. ....

SHAMEFUL · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
37 Chs


✨ please, Take your time to read. ✨

I texted Daphne ["what time are you leaving?"] I waited for a moment, watching Grandma's head move quickly sucking on my dragon.

my grandmother was so pleased that it was impossible for me not to grab her head and push it on my dragon, while I unload all my seed point blank.

my grandmother swallows it all in one mouthful and looks at me with her red, teary eyes, her mouth open bragging about what she did.

Seconds later my Smartphone vibrates with the reply message [ 3:00pm ] Daphne answers. looking at the message she smiled. my grandmother notices the gesture and comments annoyed. ⁓"who's the bitch? "⁓

(perhaps my grandmother was calling her granddaughter a bitch) after thinking that, she left me open-mouthed without knowing what to say.

my grandmother not satisfied with her comment, she tells me. ⁓"you're texting with a bitch. while I try hard sucking your...."⁓ before my grandmother continued speaking, I showed the Smartphone screen. her cheeks flush red and she changes the subject. ⁓ "but your clothes are horrible and when are you going to see them on public transport. for God's sake Steve is a Walton and the Waltons don't travel in...." ⁓ I crossed my arms and commented. ⁓ "but when I was traveling in public transportation the Waltons said nothing. "⁓

my grandmother clears her throat and comments to me. ⁓ "You misunderstood me honey, I'm just asking if you have a car or do you want me to ask you for one." ⁓

I grabbed her cheek and pinched her ⁓ "Ah, ah" ⁓

I pinch her cheeks a little more and comment. ⁓ "I have a couple of nice cars but they have a problem." ⁓ I move a bit away to a wide, clear spot, pull a C8 Corvette out of the storage space.

⁓"Jesus Christ"⁓ Fatima yells in the distance and knocks over the drinks. but my grandmother continues with her mouth open. Fatima's scream made Roxanne run outside and look at the car, letting out a louder scream, although Carmen was slow to get out of it looked at the car as well.

After reacting, my grandmother gave the servants a withering look and made some signs for them to go inside Penthouse. after the maids got in my grandmother approaches and stammers ⁓ "what....other....things....do you have? "⁓ before making any move, the team leader outside the elevator speaks to us from the distance. ⁓ "Mrs. Alexandra, is everything alright?"⁓ Both my grandmother and I went back to see and before commenting on anything else, my grandmother snorted.

⁓ "excuse me" ⁓ says the team leader and turned around before walking away, my grandmother called out to her looking towards the door where the remaining people were peeking through the door. ⁓ "We'll talk later" ⁓ Saying this, everyone disappeared.

Seconds later, I approach my grandmother, I hug her and comment. ⁓ "Grandma, don't be mean, they're just trying to do her job." ⁓ My grandmother tries to pout a little but I hold her body in my arms and say. ⁓"Hey"⁓

⁓ "Hey, hey" ⁓ I slide my hands in and massage her behind.

⁓ "Hey grandma" ⁓ I approach her neck and kiss it, I breathe hard and sniff near her cheeks. Grandma's breathing quickens and she puts her hands on my chest. ⁓ "fine, well you win.. what else do you have." ⁓ asks my grandmother, like a child in a toy store.

as my first official magic entertainment act. I pulled out a diamond necklace, apparently my grandmother understood the gesture because her smile was very bright. this was so as not to take another car on the terrace, since it is very likely that all this will collapse. She also brought out a pair of earrings along with an ivory hair clip for her.

suddenly my grandmother's smile fades and is replaced by a frown and she snatches her hair clip from me and asks very seriously. ⁓ "Steve, where did you get this from? "⁓ I was shocked....

without letting me breathe my grandmother asks me again. ⁓ "Answers Steve. "⁓ Without understanding anything, I tell my grandmother what happened to me 5 days ago from the time my mom arrived at school until I left the warehouse outside the pier.

My grandmother went to look for Roxanne, minutes later the grandmother returns with her phone in her hand and her call made her say out loud. ⁓ "Ester how are you... are you at home "⁓

the voice on the other end is heard somewhat cheerful. ⁓ "Alexa, it's you...I'm fine thanks....yes...if I'm home, what's wrong? "⁓ Grandma starts to ask her. ⁓"Do you remember the brooch your mother gave you on your birthday. "⁓

Ester's voice becomes sad and she answers. ⁓"yes, friend...I lost it last year. "⁓

⁓ "No.... no.... I have it in my hand and if you want it come in a moment I'll send you the address and bring Gabriela I think I also have her necklace." ⁓ Grandma answers.

⁓ "What,,,, what are you saying. You're talking about her diamond necklace.... no... I don't believe you, she told me that it was stolen from her house, that's impossible." ⁓ Ester responds, she amazed.

Grandma let her breathe and tells her. ⁓ "My stupid grandson found them." ⁓ The woman didn't let my grandmother finish speaking and began to question her my grandmother's patience ran out immediately and she controlled her. ⁓"For God's sake Esther, don't get upset, we need to think about this with a cool head, now you remember that announcement from the auction house, canceling this week's auction. "⁓ my grandmother asks and the woman soon responds saying ⁓" the Litius House....no, that's an antique house and it belongs to the McCoy Family."⁓ the grandmother moves away a bit and talks with the lady explaining the situation.

When the grandmother returns to where she was, she had a big smile on her lips and immediately she began to make various plans. ⁓ "Get out everything you can get your hands on with this we'll get some favors from the most important families in the city. "⁓ When my grandmother breathes, I seize the moment. ⁓ "Grandma, I'm going to give you the things you ask for. But I won't give you the cars or the yachts and you exclude me from your plans, I'm not interested in being famous and I don't want you to involve my people in this either. "⁓ Having said this, I begin I take out the jewelry, paintings and sculptures along with the furniture, forming a couple of little mountains of things and I leave them on the terrace. I see Carmen and tell her. ⁓ "Come on, I'll take you home." ⁓ Carmen nods and went to get her things.

As I put on my clothes and wait for Carmen to come out of the house, I tell Grandma. ⁓ "You clean up your mess before you go." ⁓ I approach the car and it disappears as if by magic, I turn around and walk towards the elevator.

I hear a few screams from my grandmother behind me, but I don't stop my steps. Carmen took a while to come out. the team leader stands in my way...we both face each other just a couple of meters away.....with a movement of his right hand, the team leader tries to grab my left forearm.....as in slow motion.....I lean my body back, causing him to move forward and kick his knee hard, causing the boss to fall to his knees to the side.

before he gets up, I take advantage of the moment and put my left hand on his shoulder and press him preventing him from getting up....the team leader threatens to take out a metal cane....I turn my right hand and a 45 squad pistol appears and I put the barrel under his ear ..... I prepare the firing pin and ask. ⁓ "Do you want to continue" ⁓ the boss shakes his head...⁓ "I thought so" ⁓ I answer, I look at Carmen who was standing several meters away and I make several signs for us to leave, when walking, I put the gun away and take out my cap and glasses. Before going to the hall, I went back to look where a person from the team was hiding and closed the door with a smile.

Carmen opened the elevator. while with a smile on her lips she looked straight at the three people from the team that were missing on the terrace.

inside the elevator Carmen was nervous, so she whispered to him. ⁓ "Tomorrow I'm going to your house, it's up to you that Robert spends his time playing all day." ⁓ Carmen looks at me again and presses her lips together, but she nods silently ..

When I go out to the parking lot I walk a couple of steps and I take out the Corvette C8 again and I tell him. ⁓ "Get in" ⁓ this time Carmen acted calmer, she nods and opens the passenger door, I approach the gas tank and as if my fingers were a hose, I put a little fuel on it.

just getting into the car Carmen seems to have woken up and begins to question me, I start the car and tell her. ⁓ "Alexandra is always like that, trying to make a profit out of everything. -" ⁓ I back up a bit and as I leave the parking lot I accelerate a bit, making Carmen cling to the seat and scream. ⁓"KYAA"⁓

Upon entering the streets, Carmen's face looked somewhat funny, her body was rigid as a board, her eyes wide open and when I approached a car, she immediately closed her eyes tightly and looked to her side, her fingers they clung to the seat as if their live depended on it.

Carmen was scared that at any moment I was going to crash into another car, I had to slow down several blocks later.

Carmen let out a big sigh as she entered the street where her house is. Before parking the car, Carmen opened the door and got out of the car, running to her house.

as if she remembered something, Carmen stops. she looks back at the car and yells at me. ⁓ "See ya" ⁓ I answer her goodbye. Carmen keeps walking and a girl in the next house waves at her from the fence.

Without stopping, Carmen raises her hand, greets the girl and continues on her way until she enters her house.

I started the car and felt a look, a hot look. It was easy for me to know who was looking at me, Carmen's neighbor girl kept looking at the car and trying to see who was driving it, craning her neck.

I fixed my glasses and cap in the rearview mirror before accelerating making the engine roar to shoot off at high speed.


Carmen entered her house closing the wooden door at the entrance, followed her path, threw her handbag on the sofa and went straight to the kitchen, she needed a good drink of cold water.

Upon entering the kitchen, Carmen heard the noise of the car and instinctively she ran to the nearest window and felt her heart race like the car's engine, because she managed to see the taillights of the Corvette C8 letting out a sigh.

Remembering her neighbor, Carmen looked towards the fence, finding one of her neighbor's daughters with her eyes fixed on the street, the girl's eyes shine with wonder and on her face she had a smile dangerous.

for the first time Carmen's instinct as a woman felt threatened, that they were going to rob her right under her nose. Carmen finishes her glass of water, letting out a breath of satisfaction and immediately goes upstairs. Carmen walks without pausing in the hall mirror as she always did, she walks past the bathroom door and arrives at the door of Robert's bedroom. *tock-tock*

Carmen knocks twice and receiving no answer, she throws open the door, finding Robert concentrating on playing. Carmen stared at the screen for a few seconds before sighing at not understanding the game and she asks. ⁓"Robert, Robert. You know Ana's daughter."⁓

Robert heard the door open, but the game asked him to be more attentive and out of the corner of his eye he saw his mother enter, Robert's back began to sweat cold, his mother was already home and he had not done his homework.

At the moment he was expecting screams and scolding, he hears his mother's question..

Being a smart guy, Robert let his partner who accompanies him in the game die and focuses all his attention on his mother and comment. ⁓ "what Ana? mom "⁓

Carmen gets a little nervous and looks at the gray PC screen, releasing her question. ⁓"Ana the neighbor. "⁓

With a bit of memory Robert remembers ⁓ "Ana has two daughters, which of the two are you referring to, mom, this Yuliana is the youngest and Tamara is the oldest "⁓

Carmen sees that the PC screen lights up again and points to it, Robert looks at the screen for a few seconds and as surprising as it may seem. Robert looks his mother's eyes.

Without taking her eyes off the game, Carmen asks doubtfully. ⁓ "I think she's the oldest" ⁓ Robert begins to do a bit of memory and comments ⁓ "that... her name is Tamara, a girl looking for fortunes and she is light helmets." ⁓ Carmen is surprised by the comment, but adds . ⁓ "Oh that's good to know, you should let Steve know I think that boy has a big family behind him." ⁓

Robert frowns at the comment, before asking his mother straightens her back, crosses her arms and continues saying. ⁓ "He's coming to eat tomorrow and I don't want his family to say that we're getting him some dead flies." ⁓

Robert smiles, he took the time to adjust his chair and responds. ⁓ "Calm down mom. Steve isn't that kind of person, but it's good that you tell me right now I'll send a message to warn him." ⁓ upon hearing Robert's response. Carmen smiles, nods and turns around, walks towards the door, opens it and before leaving she comments. ⁓"Don't come down to eat late, please."⁓

Robert nods and answers. ⁓ "Sure mom, I'll send the message to Steve, I'll turn off the PC and go down to eat.." ⁓ Carmen watches Robert take out the smartphone and with a smile she leaves the bedroom saying. ⁓ "I'm going to take a shower before preparing food, you can finish your game."⁓ then Carmen closes the door.

Robert waited a moment and until he hears the door close in the hall. he runs to the door to peek out that his mother wasn't near the hall. not finding his mother Robert lets out a big sigh and looks at her sweaty hands. he runs to the smartphone and sends a message. ["thanks Bro...I followed your advice"]


Steve looked at the message and smiled before replying ["Ok"]

[ "See you tomorrow afternoon, I'm excited I'll have my first online tournament" ] Robert comments.

That startled Steve and he responds. ["Rest mate*]

Being in the central part of the city, Steve thought of giving his sister a surprise and he immediately drives to the girls' institute. being somewhat late he sends a message. [ "are you at home ? *]

["I'm not about to drop out of music course, why? ¨] Daphne answers

["I'm hungry, do you want to go eat? It's on me.."] Steve tells him.

] "Okay, I'm bringing a couple of friends, they want to meet you and go shopping at the department store *] Daphne answers.

["OK. I'll see you outside "] Steve comments and puts the smartphone away, looks at the street and heads towards the high school for girls.. he parks near the high school on a side street where the car was less visible and walks a couple of streets to arrive in front of the institute..

the front gate was open. but Steve decides to wait near a park, because at the entrance booth was a 2.10 m tall woman in a security uniform and her arm muscles were noticeable from a distance.

Steve didn't want to attract attention, he waited for Daphne sitting between the sandbox and the slide since the swings were very small and he could break them.

half an hour later.

the last groups of girls leave the institute, the uniform is a dark blue schoolgirl skirt with a white short-sleeved sailor-style shirt and jacket or sweater with blue calf-length stockings and dark low-heeled shoes.

some girls cross the street, look at Steve and start muttering about the suspicious guy with glasses and cap.

Steve pays no attention to them. in the second group of girls, three young women cross the street, two girls with straight dark hair and the other with curly blonde hair.

she is Daphne and looking at Steve's appearance she hesitates a bit to approach, Steve stands up and says hello. The three girls were left with their mouths open because from a distance Steve didn't look bad, it was his clothes that made him look very suspicious..

Daphne whispers something to her friends, the pair nod and stand at a distance. as Daphne approaches, her mouth and her eyes widen until she listens. ⁓"Hello Dep, how are you? "⁓

By not putting more, Daphne reacts.. ⁓ "Wow what a change" ⁓ was the first thing she says before walking over and starting to touch Steve's arms.

Steve rolls his eyes and lets his sister check, seconds later Daphne pulls out $20 and comments under her breath. ⁓ "take it to buy us the instant soups but I assure you those girls won't complain about the food.."⁓ Steve's eyes fill with tears when he remembers those old days where his sisters gave him their money secretly from their father, that way Steve survived the first month ..

on impulse Steve hugs Daphne to her chest and says through tears. ⁓ "Thank you, thank you Dep" ⁓ Daphne's cheeks and neck turn red as she touches the abdominal muscles and she raises her hands to Steve's chest.

Daphne gets nervous and changes the subject, without moving away from Steve's hug, she turns to see her friends and comments. ⁓" Girls, what do you think if we stay in the park. "⁓ The two girls at first do not understand the reason for the question and they signal to Daphne with their eyes and some gestures...

Steve notices the gestures between the girls and grabs his sister's hand and tells them. ⁓ "come on girls let's go eat" ⁓ Daphne's friends were a bit confused at first. but after hearing Daphne's whispers as she was being dragged away by Steve.

the girls started telling Steve. ⁓ "no, no, we're full, we just ate in the cafeteria." ⁓ Steve doesn't respond and continues dragging Daphne with her friends behind her.

Daphne begins to ask her friends for help, this time by being more attentive, one of the friends catches the quick message and comments. ⁓ "The department store is on the other street." ⁓ Suddenly the other friend looks ahead and looks at the car, it was when a dreamy and illogical idea crossed her mind ( what if.....handsome boy + luxury car) the simple idea makes the girl stop walking.

Seeing that the friend stops, the other follows her gaze and also looks at the car. This girl was more gesticulating and put her hands to her mouth, adding a gasp, but her eyes delinquent her and make Daphne pay more attention and look forward.

Daphne stops her steps and screams. ⁓"No"⁓ Steve lets go of Daphne's hand and the girl runs to check the car. Steve walks slower letting his sister check the car.

Daphne's friends make a ruckus that gets the attention of several girls and they look intently at the group.

Upon reaching the car Steve opens the passenger door and when her sister was about to get in he stops her and points to her friends saying. ⁓ "Let the girls go in the back" ⁓ pointing to his two friends who immediately run to the car and climb into the back seats.

When the pair of girls get settled, Steve invites Daphne to get in the passenger seat, after Daphne enters and settles Steve closes the door, turned the car around and he gets in to drive.

before starting the car Steve questions the girls. ⁓ "Where do you want to go to eat" ⁓ the girls were still a little excited and began to say names of restaurants.

when the group matches the name of the restaurant, Steve roars the engine and the car shoots down the street at top speed.

the screams of the girls do not wait and after several indications the group arrives at the first Italian restaurant called "Giorgio and his friends" but due to the clothes that Steve is wearing, they are not allowed to enter the restaurant. without so much drama Steve starts the car and goes to the second option.

It was a German restaurant where the group is rejected in the same way, this time the boys are more aware of their appearance and as in the other restaurant, Daphne and her friends post the rejection on their social networks.

in the third restaurant they went to a fast food restaurant, upon entering the restaurant Steve comments aloud. ⁓"Eat to your heart's content, I'll pay for everything."⁓ The three girls run to the first free table and rain food orders down on the waiter.

When Daphne looks at the pair of her friends ordering and ordering food, she asks them annoyed. ⁓ "What are you doing?"⁓ one of the girls comments ⁓ "what else friend, we took advantage of your boyfriend's kindness. "⁓

Daphne snorts and says ⁓ "how many times do I have to say that Steve isn't my boyfriend, he's my brother." ⁓ One of the girls smiles and comments quietly. ⁓"can I flirt with him"⁓

Daphne comments angrily ⁓ "no, you can't flirt with my brother." ⁓ the girls look at each other and comment ⁓ "fine" ⁓ leaving Daphne to chat with Steve, while the two girls order their food.

the two girls can't believe that the beefy-looking Steve right before their eyes is the same scrawny guy Daphne talks about so much.

the pair of girls spent most of the time eating, while the two brothers chat and catch up on their business and the girls also ordered food to take home.

Seeing that it was a little late, the girls finished their meal and Steve offered to take them home or to a place near where they live.

for much of the meal and part of the drive, the pair of girls flirt not-so-subtly with Steve causing Daphne to huff and puff.

As they got out of the car, both girls kissed Steve goodbye on the cheek. drawing the ire of Daphne, who with her arms crossed and pouting, passed like this for much of the way home...

When they get close to the house where her mother and her sisters live, Steve asks her. ⁓ "what do you plan to do this weekend" ⁓

Daphne still annoyed by her friends, replies. ⁓"Why? You want to ask the girls out again."⁓ Steve smiles and answers. ⁓"I want to invite you to my new house."⁓

⁓ "so I can take the girls. ? "⁓ answers Daphne..

⁓"so you can swim in the pool we'll have breakfast, lunch and dinner together. You can also invite mom and Scarleth"⁓ answers Steve.

⁓"I don't have a bathing suit."⁓ Daphne replies sheepishly.

⁓ "It's no problem, give me your account number" ⁓ Steve tells him, taking his smartphone out of his pocket. Daphne gave her the account number, she got out of the car, she said goodbye to Steve and turned around without looking back, still upset.

After leaving her sister Steve, he did not want to return to the penthouse and decided to go to the house that he had with her aunt. in one of the alleys near the house, Steve put inside the Corvette C8 in the storage space..

Before getting home, Steve looked at two young people talking and as he passed by the young people, Steve noticed that on their forearms they had a couple of skull tattoos..

✨ Remember to add to the library with that I know that you like the story and I will give it more priority.✨