

It all started with a simple message on the smartphone. ⚠️ There's a milf in your area. ⚠️ With some doubt Steve looks at the screen trying to make a little memory to know when I download this application. Seconds later, a new message arrived on the Smartphone. It was the image of the Milf along with the rewards. The second message was worse than the first, because Steve knows the woman in the image perfectly. this seemed more like a scam than a Quest. with a bright smile Steve was ready to delete the pair of messages along with the app. only before, a knock on the bedroom wall, scares Steve and presses. [ OK ] by mistake. But Steve's troubles had just started. ....

SHAMEFUL · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
37 Chs


✨ please, Take your time to read. ✨

At first sight there is a friendly and cordial atmosphere among the students. All buildings are in good condition (offices, hallways, and classrooms.)

Different groups of young people exchange ideas, some commenting or simply enjoying a break at the end of their classes.

On the way to the library, a group of girls run out of the first building and find themselves facing Erick and Steve, this causes a small accident between the two groups and one of the girls throws the books she is holding onto the ground.

Steve immediately helps the girl and this girl thanks a few times before running in a hurry almost escaping the place.

Erick stayed away from the mishap and gave Steve enough time to rest, suggesting they go to the cafeteria.

Erick showed the cafeteria facilities, the menu and some of the furniture before looking for a good place to eat. ► "you can ask for whatever you like" ◄ says Erick pointing to the menu..

Steve appreciated the gesture and minutes later a beautiful lady dressed as a waitress takes note of her orders and minutes later she brings the ordered food...

Seeing the beast meat on the table, Erick seizes the moment and comments. ►"there are several ways to pay for goods or services within the Academy"◄ points to the meat on the plates and continues saying. ►"the most used by people within the academy are the "drops of mana."◄

► "How is that? "◄ asks Steve curious about the payment system..

► "Basically you pay for the food in advance, if you want the service, every month you have to pay mana drops, for a food pack. It's like a paid subscription for the food you want to consume, there are three types of packs (basic, medium and elite. ) the quality of the food changes with each package, the higher the cost of the package you will have a better quality food. "◄

Erick points to the students in the distance and adds. ► "by academy rules for all students, teachers and instructors, any item such as: beast meat, fruit or food with magical properties, have healing or mana regenerating properties, must be paid with mana drops. without exceptions...."◄ While listening to Erick's recommendations, Steve slices the steak, puts a vegetable garnish on its side, and a barbecue sauce on the meat...

► "It is not allowed to use DC coins inside the Academy, you will be fined if someone catches you and when you need or require some type of specific service, you can use the notice board, it is located in front of the main building.. "◄ Steve nods a few times before popping the next piece of meat into his mouth...

Before finishing the meal, Erick explained several things regarding the rules and how the hierarchy works within the academy, the magic towers, the clans, sects or family houses and ended with the classification tables...

Regarding the issue of combat, you can challenge any student on the leaderboard as long as both are of the same Rank or your opponent has a higher Rank than yours, but it is forbidden to challenge a Rank lower than yours...

Betting on bouts is allowed and bets must be made clear and must be settled prior to bouts

To avoid cheating. Every fight must have at least one judge who is highly trained and authorized by the Academy and this judge must ensure that all the rules of the fight are respected.

If you lose three matches you will be banned from the leaderboard for the next three months. and the suspension time starts from the last fight.

Erick took a short break to let Steve finish eating before talking about his next topic...

The beautiful waitress approaches with a smile on her face, when she notices that the pair of boys had finished her food, Steve looks at the girl waitress and asks... ► "how much is it for the food." ◄

With a smile on her face the girl immediately responds. ► "It's a small courtesy, in the future we hope to do great business with you." ◄ Steve was speechless, while Erick shows his big smile and shrugs.. ► "It is what it is" ◄

Leaving the cafeteria, Steve doubtfully asks Erick that he is still smiling. ► "Did you know about this" ◄ Erick smiles and nods several times...

► "The cafeteria is famous for getting special dishes out of the service packages to its best customers.. "◄ comments Erick.

Before reaching the library, the two young men stopped in front of the main square, called the Plaza de los Elementos. It is a circular square with a gray marble floor...

In the middle is an altar and in the middle of the altar is a transparent sphere the size of a basketball, around the altar there are 5 columns corresponding to each of the primary elements, followed by a larger circle of 12 columns...

In honor of the greatest magicians graduated from the academy.....

Erick points to the sphere and comments. ► "This, is an Affinity Gem and as his name says, this gem determines the elemental affinity in your body.." ◄ Steve nods, walks several steps forward and asks. ►"how is it activated? "◄

Erick immediately stops Steve and says. ► "Wait, wait, we are in a public square and this is very harmful in the future, because if you do it, all the people in the surroundings will find out about your elemental affinity and sell this information before your fights.. "◄ This takes by surprise Steve, but he didn't stop and stretched out his hand until he touched the sphere.

His curiosity to know what kind of affinity his body has was stronger than reason..

After being touched the sphere, it suddenly begins to shine with great intensity illuminating the entire square, some students had to cover their eyes due to the glow of the sphere.

The intensity of the Light displayed by the sphere begins to draw the attention of several students beyond the square and they immediately run to see who was the person who activated the sphere.

When the lighting goes down, nine colors divide the sphere, all equally, seeing the different colors inside the sphere, everyone present lets out a gasp that can be heard around the square...

When the colors fade, the show in the square is just beginning...

► "what's up with those colors" ◄ asks Steve..

Young Erick's face turned pale and you can see how his chest rises and falls rapidly. Although he hears the question he doesn't answer it by himself he swallows a mouthful of saliva and tries to calm down, but his hands as well as his face are pale and sweaty.

Erick looks for a place to sit, but stops when he notices how the surrounding students are increasing and his whispers begin to grow and grow...

Erick must make a quick decision, he looks at Steve and comments between stutters. ► "Let's go to the library" ◄ Without waiting for an answer, Erick walks as fast as he can, literally escaping from the square and from the students who arrive...

Erick's speed increases when he hears the arrival of the famous disciplinary committee...

Steve doesn't understand anything about what is happening and Erick immediately explains when he notices the doubt on Steve's face. ► "each color represents an element, and it is considered that the person is apt to use magic when only one color appears inside the sphere..

He is considered as a talented person when two colors appear..

When three colors appear they are called gifted and genius, when four or more colors appear.."◄

Steve frowned puzzled.. ►"because we're running, what's the problem. "◄

Without stopping running Erick responds. ► "your problem, none..." ◄ he turns back to looks back and adds. ►"The problem is mine, if for some strange reason you don't get to enroll and be part of the academy, not only the people in the academy would hate me, but also my family and everyone in this Kingdom will hate me.. "◄

► "If it has such harsh consequences, why didn't you warn me." ◄ asks curious Steve..

► "It never crossed my mind that you were one of those freaks from ancient legends "◄ answers Erick, still scared, looking back...

► "How do we solve this" ◄ asks curious Steve..

Before answering, Erick looks ahead and noticing the library building, he tells Steve. ► "Let's go into the library, it's a safe place." ◄ When he finished his words, he looked back again..

In the distance you can see several groups of students dressed in robes of different colors...

After running for several meters, arriving near the doors of the building, two guards dressed in golden armor appear in front of Steve and in attack position, both guards shout in unison... ►"identify yourself."◄

Erick immediately flashes his ID and comments out loud. ► "we're on a visit." ◄ both guards look at Erick's ID, relax his posture and nod, without saying a word the guards return to their position next to the entrance...

Erick points to the doors of the building and comments. ► "The library is the building with the highest surveillance within the academy and the entrance is reserved only for magicians and for any type of visitor can only access accompanied."◄

At the front door Erick scans his ID. and the doors open automatically as in supermarkets. Inside the building, visitors are shown a large space with several armchairs on the sides, wooden floors and a hall in the middle of the space.

A beautiful lady with glasses, red hair, blue eyes, a tight Victorian dress and a pair of huge tits was reading in the hall.

Without approaching the counter several meters away. Erick points and comments between whispers. ► "The main rule in this place is: never bother the lady, if it is not necessary or you will suffer the consequences and believe me you will never want to find out." ◄ Having said this Steve quickly nods..

Having said the main topic, Erick begins to explain the rental or sale system that the library has for any of the magic books.

► "In the library anyone can exchange "drops of mana" to buy a magic book.

For the rental, there are several requirements, such as: there is no limit to the number of books, but the rental period is one month, regardless of the number of books rented, you cannot lend the book, and the book must never leave the academy."◄

Erick points to the different floors or levels within the library and says. ► "Each floor within the building, represents a Rank, everyone starts as an Academic Student,. By learning and understanding a single Magic Spell, you are already considered. An Acolyte Rank: Ⅰ. "◄

Erick's explanation about magic is interrupted by a series of noises in the doors behind him, this makes both young men look again and notice several people entering the building...

The people in front wear robes of the same color as Erick, but those people were followed by another large number of people dressed in school uniforms and jackets of different colors [black, white, red, blue, green, yellow, orange and purple] but not the only ones, because behind them there are still more people with different traditional costumes and even several knights with gold, red and black plate armor.

The crowd reached more than 30 or 40 people.

Before the people approached, the lady in the hall looked up, sneered, and she looked at his book again

This simple gesture of 2 to 3 seconds and although the gesture had nothing of importance, but this was enough for the crowd of people to become completely silent...

Erick grabbed Steve's arm and leaned close to Steve's ear saying as low as he could. ► "those people want to recruit you, but it's time to go or this can get out of hand" ◄ pointing to the Lady at the counter..

Steve nods, and as if they were synchronized, both young men try to walk in silence, getting as far away from the group of people at the entrance as possible...

Noticing that it was impossible to leave without passing close to the group, the two young people decide to go to the armchairs...

► "It's only a matter of time, before the manager lady ends up kicking them out." ◄ Erick comments between whispers, minutes later, one by one they began to leave the library... Before the lady gave them the order to leave...

After a couple of minutes in the hall, the two young men met again.

►"How do I enroll in the Academy."◄ asks Steve. taking Erick by surprise, but the young Erick is not carried away by emotion and comments in whispers. ► "Are you sure? "◄ Steve confirms with his head and before he answers Erick comments... ► "We are not the only Magic Academy in this Kingdom, not to mention the other great Academies of the neighboring Kingdoms. "◄

With a smile on his face, Steve shook his head several times, the silent response made Erick almost yell with emotion, only when he remembered the place where he was, he remained silent, closed his eyes and commented...

►"All you need to do is tell the lady at the counter that you want to enroll in the Academy, just wait, until I get to the library doors, this way you save yourself a lot of trouble in the future."◄ that said Erick walks towards the exit door, suddenly remembers something, stops and asks.. ► "by the way friend what's your name" ◄

► "Steve" ◄ he answers with a smile.

Erick nods and says goodbye saying. ► "It was nice to meet you Steve, we'll see each other when time permits." ◄ after his words Erick resumes his way towards the library exit. Erick's hands were still sweating from nerves, today he was lucky to dodge a large magic cannonball..

Upon reaching the door Erick stops and before opening the door. Steve begins to walk towards the counter...Erick sighed and pushed the door to leave...

Outside the library, the place was full of people and when watching Erick leave the library, the people around him totally ignored his presence and continued to wait patiently for the next young man to come out....


Upon reaching the counter I clear my throat, this causes the lady to stop reading and look up and ask me with a voice without desire, unpleasant and bored of my presence... ►"tell me? "◄

the lady asks me twisting his lip and making a gesture with his hands to I go away..

►"I would like to enroll in the Academy."◄ I answer with a smile...

The lady's face is somewhat complicated and she begins to look for my companion, but the young man has already left the building. This did not please the lady at all and she narrowed her gaze...

►"Wait a moment"◄ the lady tells me and she starts looking through the documents under the counter and when she finds them she puts the documents on the counter saying... ►"fill out these two forms. "◄ the lady with the minimum of interest, puts a pen on the papers...

I go to fill out the pair of documents with my personal data and when I don't understand the question on the form I ask the lady...

The craziest thing was at the end of the form where I must put my signature in blood, when I asked I received a direct response from the lady. ►"it is what it is."◄

I had to bite my thumb and scribble my initials, after putting my signature on the document, both papers shine and the lady tells me... ►"congratulations, you are a new student at the Magic Academy. now go to the main building to pay your enter and receive your uniform."◄ Without saying anything else, the lady lowers her gaze and returns to her reading...

yes, that was all...

Putting his cold attitude out of my mind, I turn and walk out of the library.

As I set foot outside the building, the crowd of people surrounding the entrance stared at me for several seconds before scrunching up their faces and turning around to immediately walk out of the place without saying anything, leaving me completely alone..

No questions or explanations they just left me alone..

It didn't take me long to find the main building...

I walk into the building and everything was perfectly marked, this saves me a good deal of time and questions. A couple of minutes later I come to a big banner that says . "new entry"

The lady who attends the counter is the opposite of the lady in the library and she gave me a smile before saying. ► "100 mana drops for new students. if you want lodging and food, the amount is 500 mana drops. "◄

►"I'll be renting a villa. "◄ I say in response to the lady..

The smile on the lady's face brightened and she hands me a sheet that lists the main features and services inside and outside the villa... From the size of the facilities to the hiring of security elements...

To avoid future headaches (I'm talking about my security) I immediately rule out the security of the Academy. I prefer cleaning, maintenance and food services...

The lady across the counter suddenly comments to me. ► "We have highly trained staff in domestic tasks. (It is the most elegant way of telling you that you can hire servants. ) They can help with the administration in your villa... "◄

Honestly, the proposal sounded tempting to me, but I remembered the basic problem of loyalty and immediately wrinkled my face...

The lady gave me a brief smile and commented. ►"all the staff have unwavering loyalty based on a previously agreed contract... "◄ obviously I did not understand anything the girl said and after a brief explanation I raised my hand saying... ►"show me the best you have. "◄ The girl was already prepared and without hesitation she took out a catalog...

I got into a big conflict...

I do not want to elect more people again, at this moment I have more than 50 people behind me and increasing their number is not a good option. Frankly it would end up full of women and fucking all day. I need to focus my mind 100% on magic.

With this in mind.

Without hesitation I push the catalog back to the lady, raise my hand and say ►"give me the best one you have. "◄. The lady hesitated for a moment and noticing the complication on her face, I added ► "I don't care about the price, but the person must do her job well." ◄

After hearing my words, the lady nodded a couple of times, sure she understood, and ran away from the counter.

Minutes later the young lady is accompanied by another person, specifically a lady in a long black dress, maid style. long gray hair, white complexion and an incredible figure.

The lady points to the woman and begins to comment on her credentials and her life path, I listened to the first two to three sentences and then I got lost among so many words...

✨ Remember to add to the library with that I know that you like the story and I will give it more priority.✨

By the way guys, I'm updating every 10,000 views, that means there will be a new chapter tomorrow night or the day after for you to check out.

see you soon....