

It all started with a simple message on the smartphone. ⚠️ There's a milf in your area. ⚠️ With some doubt Steve looks at the screen trying to make a little memory to know when I download this application. Seconds later, a new message arrived on the Smartphone. It was the image of the Milf along with the rewards. The second message was worse than the first, because Steve knows the woman in the image perfectly. this seemed more like a scam than a Quest. with a bright smile Steve was ready to delete the pair of messages along with the app. only before, a knock on the bedroom wall, scares Steve and presses. [ OK ] by mistake. But Steve's troubles had just started. ....

SHAMEFUL · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
37 Chs

Nobody knows, who works for...

⭐please, Take your time to read. ⭐

Upon returning to the classroom, not only did Karely eat this type of sweet, she shared it with two of her friends, they are people with whom I have barely crossed a couple of sentences in these three months.

To my bad luck, these three girls surround the place where I was sitting and ask me if I had more sweets.

It got to the point where the three girls were demanding more sweets from me, creating a ruckus in the middle of the class.

when the girls realized their mistake, it was too late.

The four of us were expelled from the class by Professor Hector and sent us to the office of the classroom tutor.

the art and painting teacher named Augusto

At this point my head ached from listening to professor Augusto's sermon after sermon. added to the screeching voice of my companions who blamed each other, I felt my ears bleeding from so much screaming and as if this were not enough, I was about to receive a punishment without having anything to do with it.

Well, I was a bit to blame since the sweets are mine, but the scandalous ones are the girls and when Professor Augusto was deciding between leaving us a 100-page paper on Roman artists or writing an essay on the history of contemporary art .

our salvation knocked on the office door.


⁓ "go ahead "⁓ shouted Professor Augusto.

The door opens, letting in a cool breeze, that smell that clothes with fabric softener have. at that moment the four of us turned to look, putting on our best smiles looking for help.

Professor Naomy's face peeks out from the side of the door and with a smile on her lips she greets Professor Augusto on the other side of the desk. ⁓"how's Agus"⁓

Professor Augusto lowered his head a little to look at his colleague, he sighed. and answer. ⁓"Fine, you can take them, but you'll owe me one. "⁓

then Professor Augusto looks at us and shakes his head, adding ⁓"it will be 4, four weeks. "⁓

⁓"come on friend, don't be overreacting"⁓ Professor Naomy complains.

but Professor Augusto remained firm. ⁓"take it or leave "⁓

⁓ "done, but you're in charge of warning, don't get me into your problems." ⁓ answers Professor Naomy without much desire to continue negotiating.

Professor Augusto smiles and takes the smartphone out of him, before dialing the number he looks at the four of us with a quick sweep of his gaze and makes us some signs with his head and hands. ⁓ "Go, go" ⁓ for us to get out of his office.

The four of us went out into the hallway and Professor Naomy escorted us to her office.

Behind us, Professor Augusto talks to his wife. ⁓ "Yes honey, it's done, Naomy will advise you for four weeks." ⁓ That comment made me turn to see Professor Naomy.

the woman just shrugged saying. ⁓ "Business is business." ⁓ Out of the corner of my eye I notice the laughter of Karely and her couple of friends.

that made me understand the whole situation and question Karely out loud. ⁓"you sold me "⁓

All Karely did was look down, but her friends started laughing and Professor Naomy told me.⁓"Don't be so dramatic, like you're selling your soul to me, it's just a win-win business. "⁓

The comment made me think a little further. after several minutes we reached the hallway of the lockers.

this makes me frown.

We stop in front of my locker and Professor Naomy points at him. ⁓"open it "⁓

I didn't understand what the point was, but I follow the order and open the locker.

the shelf was empty and full of dust, in fact i never use it, it is well known that everyone can open the locker without any effort, that's why no one uses them at school.

Professor Naomy nods seeing everything empty and adds. ⁓ "Okay, to my office." ⁓ On the way she tells me that this is to make sure she didn't have other things hidden inside the school.

I honestly did not understand anything that was happening.

until you reach Professor Naomy's office

When she opened the door, the teacher let the four of us in and she pointed to the sofa in front of the desk for me to sit down, it was my second time in this type of place.

noting that the teachers' offices are not so different in size, what changes are the furniture, the type of lighting, the color of the walls or the position of the windows.

Before sitting in her leather chair, Professor Naomy goes to the closet on her right side and takes out the 5 bags with candies and chocolates.

she puts 3 bags on the desk and the three girls behind me go forward to each grab a bag, while teacher Naomy keeps two bags and tells the girls. ⁓ "Tell Hector that they already received his punishment." ⁓

Héctor is the language teacher, he is the one who expelled us from the class. the three girls nod and two walk out of the office into the hallway. Before leaving the office, Karely looks at me for several seconds and smiles at me.

Karely went to the door and closes it on the way out.

Professor Naomy sighs and tells me. ⁓ "You have two hours free" ⁓ Saying this, the teacher walks towards the door clicking her heels and with the bags of sweets in her hand.

I was shocked, what a shitty school, students and teachers are a bunch of scammers. But what bothers me the most was the stupid smile on Professor Naomy's face.

that smile of triumph and of. (Everything is under my control.)

I lean against the couch to watch her exit and my eyes by themselves drop to her behind.

before the teacher Naomy leaves the office, I asks. ⁓"which I'm supposed to do for two hours. "⁓

Professor Naomy looked at me like she was an idiot and snorted in disgust, crinkling her mouth and pointing at the 40' screen in front of a three-seater sofa. ⁓ "Watch TV, sleep, read or give yourself a handjob. I don't care" ⁓ Shrugging at the end of her words. Professor Naomy kept walking for a couple more steps.

suddenly the teacher stops and her eyes open like headlights, she looks at the bag of sweets, then she looks back at me remembering something. she opens one of the bags and tastes one of the candies, seconds later she spits it out and opens another, then another and opens the other bag doing the exact same thing.

I can see how her face gradually distorted from astonishment to disgust, then she turned to terror and finally to disgust.

For a moment, I thought Professor Naomy would start screaming like a chicken, but Professor Naomy controlled herself.

although her face turned red as did her eyes. but she endured it, she was able to perfectly control her emotions.

Professor Naomy went back to the cabinet, opened it, took out the vials, looked at them for several seconds without saying a word. she put them on her desk.

seconds later.

Professor Noemy resumed her walk towards the door and before leaving she threw the two bags of sweets into the trash can.

she opened the door and before leaving she tells me visibly upset. ⁓ "I'll be back in two hours." ⁓ The poor door was slammed with extreme violence.

I sincerely wanted to laugh out loud, but I held it back, because my grandfather told me: "never kick the fallen or they will take revenge." With that in mind, I got up and grabbed the jars from the desk, moved to the largest sofa and turned on the TV looking for some visual stimulation.

It took me more time to put the drops in each of the candies, than to cum a couple of times inside the vials.

before the end of the two hours I leave 5 candies prepared with the special sauce on the desk and the rest I hide in my pockets along with the vials.

I keep the rest of the candies and empty vials on display in case the teacher wanted to confiscate them again.

When the teacher Noemy returned, she just opened the door and told me. ⁓"out"⁓ I was still upset, I just nodded and left the office as fast as I could.

As I passed by her, I realized that the teacher was looking at her desk. When I went out into the hallway, I only managed to take a couple of steps before hearing the voice of Professor Naomy tell me. ⁓"We'll talk later "⁓

I don't stop and just answer ⁓ "sure" ⁓ as she walked even faster.

Upon my return to the classroom, the entire class was drenched in sweat and the two girls along with Karely were lying in the back gasping for breath.

I sat quietly and heard some comments from my classmates saying that teacher Naomy was crazy because she made them suffer with exercises.

the following hours, apart from some complaints from the students, classes went by faster than normal.

Karely and the couple of her friends glared at me and snort from time to time behind my back.

the school bell rang several times announcing, the end of the school day I am the only one who got up without complaining about his seat and also the first to leave the classroom.

At the school entrance, Professor Noemy was accompanied by Professor Augusto chatting casually.

When the teacher Noemy looks at me, interrupts her talk and tells me. ⁓ "bring me 10 sweets for tomorrow, I'll pay you at a good price." ⁓ I just nodded so as not to waste too much time, continuing on my way.

When I went out into the street, I could see Valery's car waiting for me a little further on from the entrance,

When I stood next to the car, I noticed that several boxes were stacked in the back.

this was kind of weird.

When I got in and sat in the passenger seat, I got the scare of my life when I heard Stefany's voice behind me ⁓ "hello sir "⁓

⁓ "Jesus Christ, woman what the fuck are you doing hiding, you want to give me a cardiac arrest" ⁓ Steve tells her with wide eyes. making both Valery and Stefany smile a little.

When she finishes laughing Stefany apologizes and Valery starts driving and asks me. ⁓"Where are we going"⁓ I kept thinking for a bit and pointed to the boxes ⁓"What is it? "⁓

⁓"Sweets and chocolates"⁓ answers Valery with a smile and then adds ⁓"this is part of the product we will sell"⁓

Steve, he got a little lost thinking, so he asks again ⁓ "you, what?" ⁓

⁓ "We just bought all the shares of that company, now we are the new owners of a candy factory." ⁓ Without losing his smile, Valery also points to Stefany.

Steve was speechless. This was taken advantage of by Valery and he tells how his idea was born ⁓ "this morning we tried some sweets that he asked us to send by mail, we thought they were delicious, so we bought a couple of bags but they tasted totally different."

Steve with no chance of escape just admits guilt ⁓"true"⁓

Upon hearing that Steve had modified the flavor of the sweets, the laughter on Valery's lips became even brighter as he said ⁓ "we will use his recipe to modify the flavor of the sweets, launching a new product on the market." ⁓

(Shit I'm screwed) Steve thinks and fearfully asks ⁓ "how many bags of sweets and chocolates does each of the boxes contain" ⁓ pointing to the 5 boxes on the back next to Stefany.

⁓"100 bags with 100 candies or chocolates. "⁓ answers Valery.

Stefany immediately begins to describe his future plans. ⁓ "we will register the new brand, improve the packaging and design of the products, as well as the recipe, creating a product from scratch for sale. "⁓

As he listened to Stefany, Steve's mouth opened more and more, to the point that it was impossible for him to concentrate on the conversation.

Steve thought it would be his future. maybe he would spend the rest of his life locked up doing handjob after handjob to provide his secret sauce.

Valery comment when he noticed the panic on Steve's face. ⁓"We're going to artificially create the flavor so as not to compromise the secret recipe and that's what we'll use as the presentation brand for our product."⁓ Hearing those words was like a ray of hope for Steve letting out a big sigh..

When the car stopped at the traffic light, Steve took the opportunity to take out the prepared sweets and gave them to the two women in equal parts. ⁓ "do the studies in different laboratories to equalize the taste artificially" ⁓ the two women agreed.

Steve opens the car door and says goodbye. ⁓"see you tomorrow"⁓ the two women nodded a couple more times and raised their hand in farewell.

The streets of the city were a bit empty due to the heat of the afternoon, Steve did not find it very difficult to reach the walkway where Robert's house is.

Coincidentally the poor boy was glued to one of the second floor windows, facing the street and noticing Steve's arrival he began to scream wildly. ⁓ "Steve, Steve "⁓ as if Steve was going to lose himself walking the remaining meters.

in response Steve raised his arm in greeting and asked him to come down to open the door, Robert just scrunched up his face before shaking his head sadly adding "I'm grounded I can't leave until next year" Robert's words provoked Steve let out a laugh before ringing the doorbell a couple of times.

minutes later the voice of a lady on the other side of the door asks a little annoyed ⁓ "who is it? "⁓

Steve clears his throat and replies ⁓ "I'm Steve, Mrs. Carmen" ⁓

Mrs. Carmen's tone of voice changed completely in a couple of seconds. ⁓ "Oh Steve I'll open you right away." ⁓ Mrs. Carmen smoothes her clothes a couple of times before opening the wooden gate showing her best smile and adds ⁓ "welcome, boy, come in, come in, you're at home ." ⁓

before responding Steve's arm is taken by the lady and escorts him into the house, Mrs. Carmen looks back at one of the windows and tells Robert. ⁓ " goes downstairs and closes the door." ⁓ The startled Robert nods and quickly turns around.

At the moment of entering the house, he heard Robert running down the stairs and was about to trip because of his hurry.

Mrs. Carmen took Steve to one of the sofas and told him with a smile ⁓ "sit down boy, in a moment Robert will serve you a glass of water, or would you like a soda." ⁓ again without Steve responding, Mrs. Carmen he orders Robert with a couple of shouts to bring water for the guest.

For the next few minutes, poor Robert was literally treated like an errand boy by his mother who didn't have the slightest consideration for him in front of Steve.

At the end of the welcome talk, Mrs. Carmen gets up and invites Steve to the dining room, he was about to refuse but the pleading face on Robert's face made him accept..

⁓ "let me prepare the dishes in the dining room in a moment I'll call you to eat" ⁓ says the lady before going to the kitchen.

Robert motioned for Steve to wait for his mother to go into the kitchen and he took advantage of that moment to begin his plea. ⁓ "Steve, my friend, please help me, my mother took away my PC and all the video game consoles." ⁓ before answering, Steve asks for more details.

Robert began to tell Steve in detail, how his mother had unleashed all her fury and that he didn't break the PC because it was a gift and because of this, Robert was 100% sure that the only person who could help him was his friend.

Before answering, Mrs. Carmen called them to eat.

The smell of the dishes served on the table, as well as being varied, was surprising and when she noticed Steve's face, Mrs. Carmen lost no opportunity to describe each of the dishes on the table.

The food was so delicious that Steve completely forgot about his friend Robert who was still standing on the side of the dining room watching him devour every single dish on the table.

To Robert's good luck, his father arrived halfway through the meal.

Upon entering the dining room he was surprised by the different fragrances and how ostentatious the dining room looked shouted with joy. ⁓ "Oh honey, this time you showed off with this tomato pork." ⁓ But before he got closer to the table, Robert's father was stopped by Mrs. Carmen and says coldly. ⁓ "Sorry darling this meal is for our special guest." ⁓ Making Steve look up at him for the first time.

causing Robert to laugh as he looked at part of the face smeared with barbecue sauce.

Steve wipes his face with the back of his hand and comments ⁓ "I'd like everyone to join me for lunch please." ⁓ Seconds after his words, the first one to run into the dining room to sit down was Robert. he grabbed a bun and dipped it into the mashed potatoes and with his other hand he grabbed several pieces of breaded chicken.

Robert's father was calmer as he grabbed pork ribs and began to bite them, and sat down at the table. On the other hand, Mrs. Carmen grabbed several dishes and served them her specialty, a soup with lamb medallions and vegetables.

Robert didn't miss the opportunity to pass several pieces of chicken to Steve amd he says. ⁓ "This is my favorite food try it I know you like it. "⁓

Robert's father shakes his head and comments with his mouth full ⁓ "you're a bad brat "⁓ pushing a plate with several pieces of barbecue pork with mash and its respective garnish. ⁓"This is real food, try it boy. "⁓

Mrs. Carmen got up from the table and went to bring another plate with fried lamb meat and put it in front of Steve ⁓ "This meat is my specialty try it a little. "⁓ Steve brought the fork closer to the plate and grabbed a piece of meat , to take it to the mouth. ⁓ "God," ⁓ Steve says aloud, amazed as he feels the meat melt inside his mouth.

Steve had to defend the plate of food from the looks of desire from both of father and of son and no matter how much they begged Steve never gave in to share even the smallest piece of meat.

provoking a face of pride on the face of Mrs. Carmen.

At the end of the meal, Robert's father took Steve into the living room and thanked him a couple of times for lending them that money. since his salary as an inventory manager could not cover his expenses.

since the company in which he works is about to go bankrupt due to its low sales and they froze their salaries, sending them home without pay...

While the two were talking, Mrs. Carmen entered with her phone in her hand, saying. ⁓"Honey, I'll leave you with our guest, I just got called for a job interview. "⁓

The man got up from the sofa and answered. ⁓ "I'll take you, I need to go to the store to find out if they have any news. "⁓ the two went back to see Robert

Robert noticed Steve's intentions to leave but he goes ahead and says "let's go upstairs, I need you to pass me the pending school work."

after saying goodbye and thanks for the meal Steve was led upstairs by Robert. who had received permission from his mother to show and install the PC gamer.

Steve listened to Robert's comments, while he installed the PC and his jaw dropped as he watched how this scoundrel began to play without paying more attention than the screen in front of his nose...

⭐remember to add to the library with that I know that you like the story and I will give it more priority.⭐

✨__happy new year guys I hope to upload one tomorrow, but no promises.__✨🎁

__happy new year guys I hope to upload one tomorrow, but no promises.__

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