

It all started with a simple message on the smartphone. ⚠️ There's a milf in your area. ⚠️ With some doubt Steve looks at the screen trying to make a little memory to know when I download this application. Seconds later, a new message arrived on the Smartphone. It was the image of the Milf along with the rewards. The second message was worse than the first, because Steve knows the woman in the image perfectly. this seemed more like a scam than a Quest. with a bright smile Steve was ready to delete the pair of messages along with the app. only before, a knock on the bedroom wall, scares Steve and presses. [ OK ] by mistake. But Steve's troubles had just started. ....

SHAMEFUL · perkotaan
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37 Chs

My first spell

✨ please, Take your time to read. ✨

With a big smile on her face, the lady blonde in charge put both hands on the Woman shoulders saying. ►"she is Mercedes"◄ the young lady pushes the lady's shoulders and immediately the lady leans over saying. ►"nice to meet you"◄

At the end of the presentation I reflexively stretched out my hand to greet, but I am ignored by both women, realizing my mistake I quickly rectify and greet in the same way...

► "Okay, I'll take you to a private room, to fine-tune some details." ◄ the young lady tells me and without waiting for an answer she goes into one of the corridors behind the counter..

The lady was nervous moving her hands constantly and looking everywhere, for my part I decide to read the specifications of the villa..

Minutes later the lady appears and tells us. ► "Please follow me, the room is ready" ◄ We both nodded and I walk towards the young lady, I take the lead and Mrs. Mercedes follows me closely..

We enter a windowless room with several armchairs and some tables, the lady points to the armchairs and comments. ►"please, sir, sit down"◄I enter the room and go to one of the sofas and before sitting down, the lady comments to us again. ►"Wait a moment I'll bring your contracts. "◄

Mrs. Mercedes remained standing next to the armchairs and became more nervous, when they were alone again she let out several sighs, she cleared her throat to attract attention and told me. ► "sir I have a request" ◄ before making any judgment towards her strange behavior, I stay silent and look directly at the lady..

Mrs. Mercedes lifted her chest and stretched her back, she put both hands behind her back at the height of her hips and told me. ► "Sir, it is said that there is a miraculous medicine that increases concentration naturally, I am aware that each pill is worth a fortune, but if the Lord gets some of those pills for me, I swear, for the most sacred thing that I have, that I will always work tirelessly until I pay my debt."◄

I was in shock.

My eyes widened like two lightbulbs and I covered my mouth with my hand to hide my astonishment.

The lady, seeing my reaction and silence, became more nervous.

Mercedes begins to babble an infinity of words trying to justify her request...

For my part, she analyzed the pros and cons of her request. Come on, it doesn't cost me anything to give you the so-called miracle pills, because I don't have one or two pills, I have billions of pills in my possession and hundreds of thousands are manufactured every day. but that doesn't mean I'm going to go around proclaiming its existence. Unless you want to die...

I close my eyes and keep thinking.

Before giving an answer to Mercedes, I ask the lady. ►"Mercedes can you tell me more about those pills.. "◄

the lady immediately begins to tell me everything she knows about the miracle pill that increases concentration by 1% and is considered the most miraculous pill ever, this is due to because there are no side effects. but its cost is astronomical for the common person, because a single pill costs between 100 and 200 "drops of mana" and the price triples on the black market...

Before Mrs. Mercedes finished her story, the young lady returned to the room, entered bringing in her hands several sheets with images of the available villas. ► "take sir "◄ the lady tells me ..

►"Steve, Steve Walton"◄ I answer and hold out my hand to receive the sheets, so the lady smiles at me warmly and comments. ►"My name is Victoria, Victoria Douglas but can you call me "Vicky" "◄ I nodded in response and passed all the sheets received to Mercedes..

When handing over the sheets I comment to Mercedes- ► "choose the best of the villas" ◄ it's not a test or verification of her abilities, I just don't want to get involved in meaningless things..

Mercedes nods and before reviewing the sheets she asks me. ► "sir, what is our budget." ◄ upon hearing her question I check one of my pants pockets taking out a storage ring. ► "Here" ◄ I say to Mercedes handing the storage ring into the palm of her hand and add. ► "You must make sure you have as decent a villa as possible." ◄ Having said this, I get up from the chair and head to the exit of the room. ► "Mercedes will take care of the paperwork" ◄ I tell Miss Vicky.

I stop before leaving the room and ask Vicky... ►"who sells me the magic books"◄

Miss Vicky was distracted looking at the kind of ring on Mercedes' hand and as if she woke up from some bad thought, she smiled at me and commented taking a more flirtatious attitude. . ► "At the end of the corridor is the counter for the sale of articles, if you wish you can go in person or you can also go to the library to rent books."◄

Both are good options.

Between stutters, Mrs. Mercedes tells me. ►"my, sir let me go and order the items you want.. "◄

Mercedes approaches and was about to walk towards the exit of the room..

Vicky stops Mrs. Mercedes by holding her arm and shaking her head and adding. ► "I'm sorry Mercedes, due to Academy policies, only Students or workers can make this type of request.. "◄

Vicky immediately comes forward and before leaving the room again she tells us. ►"I'll be back in a moment. "◄

You can see the sadness on Mercedes' face several meters away.

I take advantage of the moment and order Mercedes. ►"Accompany Miss Vicky to help her."◄ Mercedes nods silently and walks behind Vicky..

The expression on Mrs. Mercedes's face changes completely and she immediately reaches for Vicky.

Both women left the room, five minutes later Mercedes rushed back to ask what my elemental affinity was, moments later she comes back now she asks me if I wanted defense or attack magic...

Mercedes went around several times until she brought the first magic book, an attack spell called. [ fire ball ] which had a cost of 1000 "drops of mana"

My hands tremble with emotion when holding the blessed magic book..

The book looks like a brochure and has a rough-looking brown beast skin cover, scratchy to the touch, thin and small.

Like those popular children's stories.

(This book was a scam.) This was my first thought when looking at it in Mercedes' hands, what happened right after holding the book between my fingers, left me speechless. Just by putting both hands on the book, I immediately get an alert inside my head..

[ Wants to learn "Fire ball" ] Yes. / No.

A stupidest smile appeared on my face, but I immediately tried to calm down and put the magic book on the nearest table and took a deep breath to calm my emotion...

I was seconds away from accepting the request.

► "Mr. Steve, something is wrong with the book." ◄ Vicky asks me a bit worried..

I needed to wipe the stupid smile off my face, I sigh and shake my head a few times. I let out another sigh and close my eyes, I take several breaths, to avoid screaming.

This was very necessary or people will think I'm crazy..

Minutes later, when I was calmer, I asked. ► "They have more magic books in stock. "◄

Vicky looks at the book and then answers. ►"We have more magic books, but they are the new edition of this year."◄ Vicky points to the small magic book and continues saying. ►"These books are brought from the dungeon hunters, but this year those bastards doubled the price, so the Academy had to replace the most requested books."◄

Vicky immediately makes several mental calculations and adds ► "we will have in stock about 6 to 7 magic books brought from the dungeons and the rest are new edition books."◄

I make a complicated face like I'm constipated, to simulate a conflict in my mind, and look at Mercedes. ►"come with Vicky please to help with the magic books"◄

I turn to Vicky and comment ►"Okay, you can bring all the new edition books you have and don't forget the dungeon books."◄ Vicky makes a happy face, but then she changes thinking about something and asks me .. ►"Are you sure, there are more than 30 books. "◄

►"No problem, She help you."◄ I answer and point to Mercedes.

Both women left the room again and in total they took two more turns to finish bringing the magic books. which I put in the ring without giving them a second look, leaving only a book of the new edition to read..

The new edition books are like a normal book, but its cover is made of beast skin in a brown color and nothing happens when you touch the book.

These books have an extensive explanation on how you must concentrate, convert and manage mana to obtain specific results, as you make a ball of fire.

Most of the book talks about technical terms and sporadic results in an effectiveness of 10%

That means that if you try to perform 10 fireball spells, only one spell is effective and your percentage will increase with practice and use of this spell.

This brings me to the next problem. "drops of mana"

With each drop of mana you can perform 10 spells.

For this reason the talent of magicians is very important, that's why they only accept people with regular talent into the Academy.

As a small reminder, they are the pills (sweets) that increase people's concentration and the increase is for a day of meditation... Not per month.

That means that an average person who shape 100 drops of mana per month.

Has an average of 3 drops of mana per day and if he eats a single pill the concentration increases by 1%. (sweet) now generates 4 mana drops per day.

This will increase by 20 drops of mana, per month generating on average. 120 drops of mana.

The people who will obtain the most profits with the increase in concentration will be the people with lousy talent or bad talent. because they will generate twice as much mana with each pill that this person consumes..

With this in mind I finished putting the books inside the storage ring and began to feign exhaustion. ► "Mercedes can you take care of everything please" ◄ I order to Mercedes..

The lady nods, she raises her chest as a sign of confidence and before she leaves the room I remind her. ► "Mercedes, don't forget the transportation and the necessary staff to help you in the villa.. "◄ The lady nods again before giving me a bow and leaving with Vicky to find everything I need..

My anxiety skyrockets with each passing minute and I subconsciously touch the ring on my hand.


After several hours of waiting, Mrs. Mercedes approaches the chair where Steve was sitting with his eyes closed. ►"my lord the staff, carriage, supplies and property are ready. "◄

Steve opens his eyes and nods before getting up and looking out of the room, where six people are lined up, before Steve asks, Mercedes comments ►"they are the people who will work in the villa, if something bothers you please say so to make the changes right now."◄ Steve's gaze swept over the six people lined up in the hallway.

Among the six people there is only a man between 36 and 40 years old, Steve points to the man and Mercedes quickly comments. ► "John is the carriage driver, he comes from a respected family dedicated to this trade." ◄

Steve nods and then points to a 30- to 35-year-old woman, tanned skin and a figure-hugging brown dress. Mercedes clears her throat and comments. ►"Romina is an excellent cook and an impeccable reputation. "◄

The remaining four women had a high resemblance to Mercedes, it is obvious that they are related. but Steve only narrowed his eyes for a moment as he looked at the four women and then he turns to Mercedes. ► "Okay," ◄ Mercedes looks down from her in embarrassment and comments under her breath. ►"we will never disappoint the trust of the lord. "◄

Steve is silent for a couple of seconds and then comments ►"you'll be in charge of the contracts"◄

Mercedes' eyes widen in surprise .►"but my lord"◄

►"They will be your responsibility"◄ says Steve before leaving the room..

As they went out into the hallway, the six people were amazed by the direction their lives would take.

Before activating the service contracts, Mercedes asked the last question, to ensure that everyone agreed and the person who did not agree had the right to leave.

None of the people in the corridor moved from the place and Mercedes activated the contracts in her name ..

► "it's time to go" ◄Steve tells Mercedes, the woman nods and signals the employees to exit the building...

On their way out Steve walked up to Vicky who was waiting for them at the counter.

As Steve approached, he extended his hand in a farewell gesture, Vicky reflexively shook Steve's hand and he held it for a couple of seconds. without taking her eyes off Vicky. Steve smiles and then walks away.

Steve turned around and covers Vicky. The lady seizes the moment and with a quick movement she saves what Steve left in her hand..

They left the building straight to the stables where an elegant white carriage was waiting for them. John went ahead and climbed up to take the reins of the horses.

Mercedes hands John a map with some directions.

Steve for his part was the first to get into the carriage, suddenly the women stop outside the carriage next to Mercedes.

Steve looked at the women outside and leaned out the window ► "what are they doing.? "◄ asks Steve looking at Mercedes.

Before the woman responds, Steve orders ► "get in" ◄ a bit disconcerted, the five women together with Mercedes get into the carriage.

Inside the carriage there were 2 armchairs for 5 people, both armchairs are covered in beast skin and in the middle a multipurpose table that could be converted into another armchair or bench to put your feet up.

The carriage was drawn by a set of six good-sized and very healthy white horses.

Mercedes rang a small bell on the side of the window and called out ► "go "◄ seconds later the carriage begins its advance along the road between the Academy buildings..

► "sir, in 15 minutes we will arrive at our destination" ◄ Mercedes commits to which Steve closes his eyes again. the women in front pushed each other into the seat.

They are all silent. For his part Steve became more nervous, he already wanted to learn the new magic of the book.

The carriage enters a plot of 1000 square meters in the middle of the plot is the villa..A two-story building with its own stable and pond, next to the villa a couple of rooms for workers with all services...

The carriage stopped in front of the entrance of the building, the six women getting out. Mercedes stands by the door. ►"sir allow us to fix your bedroom before entering the villa."◄

Steve nods, but doesn't stay inside the carriage, he gets out and walks towards the pond where there is a table and a couple of chairs.

Steve looks to the sides and notices that John is still on top of the carriage ► "John tell the cook to go to the market and buy everything she needs for dinner." ◄ The driver immediately gets out of the carriage and runs to the building to look for to the cook woman...

Moments later they both leave the villa and board the carriage to then go out to buy the necessary groceries for dinner.

Steve checks the terrain again and when he sees that he is completely alone, he takes out the first magic book, just by having it in his hands, the alert inside his head jumps again..

[He wants to learn "Fire ball"] Yes. / No.

Reflexively, Steve looks to the sides again, carefully checking the entire terrain, after making sure there are no prying eyes.

Steve accepts the request.

Seconds later the book begins to have a golden glow that gradually increased until it illuminated the entire cover of the book and then turned into gray ashes that float with the wind and spread on the ground.

At the end of this magical event it was as if the book had never existed.


When the ash finished spreading with the wind, information began to circulate through my mind and incredible as it may sound or seem, I perfectly understood all the information...

They are a set of technicalities that I never heard or knew throughout my short life and yet in a snap I can handle without any problem..

I just put my hand horizontally at chest height with the palm facing up. Naturally, this energy called mana began to accumulate in my hand, forming a sphere on my palm.

Although he couldn't see this energy, he could feel it..

Something inside my head clearly told me the energy that was in the palm of my hand and even my brain gave me an approximate size..

Similar to a ping pong ball.

After forming this invisible sphere, the layer covering the sphere began to burn for no reason from the bottom up... the cover turned into fire

But if this is something impossible, the craziest thing is that the fire that surrounds the sphere did not do me any kind of damage, heat or create any threat...

The fireball on my palm began to grow little by little and from being like a ping-pong ball it got bigger until it reached a tennis ball..

I lifted my palm up vertically, my fingers open and pushed my hand to the front this causes the fireball (tennis ball sized) to shoot forward..

A part of me is scared, but the other part is excited, seeing the projectile travel and it doesn't take long for it to reach the pond where it hits and sinks at least 15 inches before disappearing completely..

The next fireball didn't take long to be thrown into the pond...

We agree that two fireballs would not be enough, I start to shoot and shoot fireballs towards the pond at a considerable rate..

why or for what ?

I don't have the slightest clue to give any compelling reason, I just throw and throw fireballs over the pond over and over again..

Discovering several interesting things, about the "fireball" spell, ( size, weight and volume. ) the speed of the casting, ( time it takes to cast a spell and the time it takes to cast the same spell again. ) speed of travel of the spell, the trajectory of the spell, and the impact of the spell.

A curious fact is that the spell increases by 100% when you chant his name out loud.

But there are also downsides like looking like a complete jerk when you sing repeatedly. "ball of fire"

As I chanted the "fireball" spell, it increased the size of the fireball, without realizing it when it generated fireballs the size of a basketball... it sounds illogical but my emotion was greater than my right at this point...

This was generated after I added a "drop of mana" to each spell in my palm..

When I was ready to throw fireballs the size of basketballs again, a loud noise made me lose my concentration.


The noise made me stop to look at what had happened a couple of meters away, I find Mercedes with her mouth open, watching how I do my spells, the lady didn't realize that her cup fell from her hands...

I just stopped supplying mana and that was enough to stop the spell in its entirety seconds later the "fireball" kept getting smaller and smaller...

When the fireball disappears from the palm of my hand..

Mercedes woke up from her astonishment..

It doesn't take long for the woman to realize what happened and she tries to apologize, as she picks up the broken pieces of china from the floor.

I don't want to make the moment more difficult, I just let the woman pick up the pieces and walk away, when the woman left the place I keep practicing the fireballs...but this time without exceeding.

✨ Remember to add to the library with that I know that you like the story and I will give it more priority.✨

By the way guys, I'm updating every 10,000 views, that means there will be a new chapter tomorrow night or the day after for you to check out.

see you soon....