

It all started with a simple message on the smartphone. ⚠️ There's a milf in your area. ⚠️ With some doubt Steve looks at the screen trying to make a little memory to know when I download this application. Seconds later, a new message arrived on the Smartphone. It was the image of the Milf along with the rewards. The second message was worse than the first, because Steve knows the woman in the image perfectly. this seemed more like a scam than a Quest. with a bright smile Steve was ready to delete the pair of messages along with the app. only before, a knock on the bedroom wall, scares Steve and presses. [ OK ] by mistake. But Steve's troubles had just started. ....

SHAMEFUL · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
37 Chs


✨ please, Take your time to read. ✨

the sound of the smartphone was so constant causing Steve to suspend his meditation, the sound of the calls kept ringing in his head constantly and listening to the annoying melody before opening his eyes...

the screen on the device was glowing and kept ringing constantly, Steve gave an annoyed snort, before grabbing and looking at the screen.

His eyes widen in astonishment, not from looking at the ridiculous number of text messages or the huge amount of missed calls, his eyes were glued to the upper side of the screen. ⁓"Shit 2:00pm"⁓ Steve yells and immediately gets up off the ground to look for clothes to go out...

He takes his shirt and pants out of the closet and throws them on the bed, grabs his phone, takes a deep breath and makes the call. after three rings his sister still didn't answer, the five rings Steve cut the call and redialed while he runs to the shower...

Repeated the same calling pattern six times before showering as fast as he could and returning to the bedroom to change, still wet. and he kept trying before entering the tunnel.

the phone stopped receiving a signal all the way through the tunnel until it came out on the other side in the vacant lot...

When going out into the street, Steve looked away from the screen, stopped calling and concentrated on looking at the street. the whole street was a mess. Scratched walls, broken windows and doors, even burnt-out police cars...

Steve decided to send a short audio to his sister. ⁓ "I'll be here in 10 min." ⁓ Then he put the video camera on and started filming the whole mess...

the gang vandalism extended up to ten streets ahead and five streets behind where his house was with an infinity of barricades made with tires, rubble or sandbags and some were destroyed, with heavy vehicles...

As if this were not enough, various sounds of gunshots could be heard in the distance. it was impossible for a simple fight between gangs to go so far with consequences as serious as armed confrontations where there would inevitably be deaths...

It didn't take me long to find out what was happening in the city just by typing it on the Web. results and alerts flooded the screen...

They called it: "Conflict Zone" "Ground Zero" "Danger Zone"

The conflict zone, as they called it on social networks, is a circle with a total of thirty streets that are being evacuated by the police and it all started with a couple of videos that went viral on social networks...

People questioned their authority and tThe police hey wanted to show off by broadcasting the submission of the gangs live.

In short, their prank went terribly wrong and the gang members took advantage of it...

After filming everything I could, I headed towards the exit of the police cordon, some large metal plates 4 meters high, six meters wide and 2.5 inches thick set in a diagonal line with steel tubes as supports...

the plates were joined to form a fence that runs through the entire conflict zone, I raised my hands as I approached and the policemen questioned me as they searched me... ⁓"name and age"⁓ the policeman yells...

not finding anything, only the clothes he was wearing. They take me to an office where I had to locate my house by the name of the streets and the detectives had to find it on a map, following my directions...

It was easy to find my house because his photographs of the streets were recent. but to make sure they called my mother to come pick me up and when the girls came for me, the detectives released me...

My mother was silent when she left the police station and surprisingly enough my two sisters were waiting in her car...

The car is a black four-door Jetta model from 93rd, which by the way is invaluable to my mother, as it is the first car bought with her own effort..

this car is literally our big brother...

Before getting in the car I stopped for a moment to enjoy the view, it was so strange to see, I haven't met my family for years...

until Daphne's angry voice wakes me up saying. ⁓ "What are you waiting for" ⁓ mom comes over to my side, pats my shoulder a couple of times and with a smile on her face tells me. ⁓"let's go"⁓ I made some jokes before getting in the car, because my older sister was driving...

Mom got in the car and sat in the passenger seat, for my part I go in the back seats and before sitting down Daphne asks me: ⁓ "what happened to your eyes" ⁓ Scarleth looked at me carefully through the rearview mirror waiting to hear the answer...

the only one who smiled was mom and adds. ⁓"girls I already told you."⁓ but both sisters look carefully at Steve...

until Steve confesses the truth Scarleth started the vehicle, went straight down a couple of streets and entered the first covered parking lot to park... without warning the three women immediately got out and while Scarleth stretched her body, my mother orders me saying. .⁓ "you come down too "⁓

Daphne was the most impatient and she starts to tell me. ⁓ "I want a sports one." ⁓ Mom immediately refused and continues to say. ⁓ "A more comfortable one" ⁓ Scarleth for her part just looked at me.

I felt her hot gaze on my body, which makes my dragon harden and it is marked on my pants and upon noticing the bulge, Scarleth's cheeks blush and she looks away from my.but she kept looking at me out of the corner of her eye and her look is less intense..

before asking mom she approaches the car and tells me. ⁓ "Honey can you put it away please" ⁓ at first she didn't understand the reason, but I followed her order and just by touching the car it disappears...

Mom got a little nostalgic and several tears ran down her cheeks, this made my sisters run to hug her and seconds later I also joined...

our family hug was brief, but emotional. then Daphne tells me. ⁓ "Take out a car where the four of us can enter, make it comfortable and luxurious. "⁓ I nodded and walked to a clearer place. Pulling out a silver Rolls Royce Phantom.

Scarleth's mouth drops open and Daphne nods several times as if she's giving her thumbs up, the only one who isn't impressed is mom who calls me proud. ⁓"Give me a year and I'll have one personalized in black."⁓ Before I get in the car, I lean over to Mom and whisper. ⁓ "Lucky stealing cars." ⁓ I watch as her mouth drops open and her questions get stuck in the giantess as she sees the girls..

before leaving the parking lot mom asked me scared. ⁓ "how many have you been" ⁓ we go out into the street and I ask Scarleth to wait 5 minutes...

Returning to the car, she answered mom. ⁓"4536 and counting." ⁓Mum's eyes widen in astonishment and Daphne asks what we're talking about, but Mum refuses to answer and Scarleth questions me. ⁓"where we go"⁓. I give him the address and we set off...

our trip covered a large part of the city and the faces of my sisters or my mother looked happy and proud that the people around us were amazed and even envied the car...

I stayed silent watching her reactions and her actions. but in my case I don't have that kind of feelings, maybe space is changing my way of thinking or maybe every time I'm meditating a part of those kinds of feelings is lost...

It will be because I am different from the normal hunters that these types of changes are:.

⁓ "We're here" ⁓ Daphne yells and my mom smiles, Scarleth takes the keys and passes it to me, I take the key and hand it to mom. Mom's face was confused and before she asks me questions, I get out of the car.

Dafne starts checking the parking lot and kicks a couple of wine barrels, points to them and asks ⁓ "what are they for? "⁓ I approach the barrels and start to disappear one by one like soap bubbles.

⁓ "It's wine" ⁓ I answer while I'm removing them, the only one who gets scared every time a barrel disappears is mom who runs to my side and asks in a low voice. ⁓"how big is your space ?"⁓

⁓"very big"⁓ I reply and continue walking across the parking lot. When I'm done, I go back to the elevator and do the scan...

the doors open and the girls rush in before closing, after a couple of seconds we appear in the hall and the girls look everywhere as they go down, I have to point to the door to PH2...

⁓"what's there ?'"⁓ asks Daphne curiously pointing to the other door of PH1..

⁓ "another door" ⁓ I answer, making the other girls laugh and Daphne snorts annoyed...

When we got out of the elevator we didn't enchant anyone, but when we crossed the door, all the people were on the terrace...


The main leaders of the Walton family are on the terrace of the penthouse, approximately 15 to 20 people, including my grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, and as the icing on the cake, my father...

servants and security not included...

The person in front was my aunt Matilde next to her my grandparents and uncles...

When they look at our arrival they have big smiles on their faces, which contrasts with my father's face...

The first one that spoke was my father letting out a cry and pointing at me. ⁓"why didn't you tell us that you have a company that is billing millions" ⁓ a small smile appeared on my face, my father, realizing it, immediately became enraged and called my grandfather. ⁓"he's making fun of us."⁓ before start your TV drama. I stop them and tell them the truth. ⁓ "I don't know what you're talking about. "⁓

my grandfather looks to the right side of him, towards one of the butlers and he shakes his head. my grandfather sighs and comments. ⁓ "Okay, it's not yours, but what about the items" ⁓ I shrugged. ⁓ "You must ask that person." ⁓ Pointing at Grandma...

everyone returns to see the grandmother and instead of asking about things, they were silent. my father begins to throw a tantrum and in his anger he runs towards my mother, but it is enough to hit his support foot (tripping) that makes him fall face down in front ..

I point to the front door and tell the three women ⁓ "go" ⁓ without question the three women walked to the penthouse....

I hear some snorts from Daphne, but she does as I order, my father turns his head towards the servants and shouts furiously.⁓ "what are you waiting for"⁓ only one of those servants comes forward wanting to fight...

For my part, I just crossed my arms with a mocking smile on my lips and shook my head a couple of times...

Before the servant went any further, he was stopped by my grandfather who just raised his arm and told me. ⁓ "Steve we are a family we must be united." ⁓ I seriously wanted to laugh at my grandfather's words, but I just raised my hand asking him to save his speech and added. ⁓ "It's your family, not mine. "⁓ That angered several of my uncles, but it's the truth and I keep saying it. ⁓"everything was taken from me six months ago and my real family is inside.. "⁓ I point to the apartment ⁓"now I ask you to leave this property. because me and my family want to have fun, have a good day. "⁓

my grandfather nods and asks. ⁓ "That means you're not a Walton anymore" ⁓ I just shrug and ask. ⁓"was I one? "⁓ my grandfather continues to nod and snorts in disgust and adds ⁓"you and your sisters will be erased from the family tree from this day"⁓ one of the servants takes note of the grandfather's words and mutters something..

my grandfather looks at me and stretches out his hand. ⁓"smartphone"⁓ I put my hand in the back pocket and pretend to take it out of the pocket. ⁓"let me message my friends and I'll deliver it. "⁓ he sent the videos and was just about to delete the app when my dad reaches over and snatches the smartphone and throws it to the ground with enough force that the screen explodes.. .

my father lunges at me, wanting to grab my shirt.....with a circular motion out of my forearm. ell body of my father is displaced to one side. When I took his hands from me and with the palm of my hand I hit forwards... the blow hits his shoulder and I push hard... my father's body falls several meters ahead of face...

my uncles and cousins step forward and instead of scaring me, I get excited and start to stretch my arms. ⁓ "This will be fun" ⁓ I say and clench my hands into fists...

⁓ "Stop "⁓ my grandfather yells and adds. ⁓ "We're leaving" ⁓ most of the Waltons did not agree with the decision but what can I tell you about the Walton family, It does not stand out for its democracy...

Before leaving, one of my cousins grabbed the smartphone and threw it into the pool. I took a good look at who that bastard was and I'll make sure he suffers...

after dropping the smartphone in the pool, a buzzing started in my head that surrounded my brain like a mosquito, but I had to wait for all these people to come out of the penthouse...

When the last one came out, I ran and threw myself into the pool and immediately the device disappeared just by touching it, as well as every fragment lying on the terrace...

I knew that the device had no repair but just by putting the smartphone inside the storage space the buzzing stopped and with removing some remains, the buzzing returned...

I won't deny that I was afraid of losing what I achieved, which wasn't much, but I enjoyed it while I had it. I can't deny that...

The next thing I do is go to a more secluded place on the terrace and start meditating...

Upon entering the storage space I gather all the fragments of the smartphone, dry them and carefully store them in a small wooden box and to avoid humidity I leave a couple of desk lamps on with dim light...

when I prepare a suitable place, a small crystal pedestal begins to rise near the drops Mana and it grew and grew until it became a sapphire blue crystal monolith...

The most interesting thing is that right in the middle of the monolith, a box 10cm high by 20cm wide and 40cm deep opens, I realize the measurements, because I had to put my forearm in and leave all the remains of the device inside. ..

How did you know what to do?

wait, there is nothing more than a simple leak in the storage space and suddenly the mana begins to solidify and becomes a monolith of more than 6 meters high...Ohhh

When the monolith was finished being built, several veins of crystals began to protrude until they surrounded the monolith. seconds later an ad that resonates inside my head starts playing


[ 5 seconds for system synchronization with storage space ]


After the announcement, the seconds advanced and every time a second passed, the message was repeated immediately.

a happiness began to grow in my heart because it was obvious that this was not over and when the timer reached zero, the storage space began to glow and I am immediately kicked out...

When I open my eyes, the first thing I do is try to access the space but I am rejected with an ad that says:


[ 0.001%]

Note: wait until you have 30%


but it begins to make a kind of list of all the products that I have in the storage with an additional message that says:


[ creation of ecosystems paused until 50% or more in sync ]

note: include the materials of the ecosystems you want to create or unlock the different types of ecosystems...

↻ ....Updating.


Steve sat in the same spot without moving for the next 2 hours and forty minutes. in this time he had only managed to synchronize 0.01% he tried to do some basic math, but he had no idea of the result...

in the distance Daphne watches Steve carefully meditate at this time she had noticed that every time she looked directly at Steve something between her legs would peek out and when she stopped looking at him that thing she would hide again minutes later ...

Behind her Scarleth approaches and asks ⁓ "how is the brother." ⁓

⁓"Very healthy."⁓ Daphne replies and backs away from the window. and she approaches the bed to sit down, Scarleth looks at Steve and noticing something peeking between her legs, Scarleth's cheeks redden and she turned around..

⁓"Do you think Daddy would give up"⁓ Daphne asks.

Scarleth shakes her head a few times and adds. ⁓ "I don't believe and will try to ruin Steve at any cost in this or the other world... "⁓

Daphne snorts a few times in disgust. ⁓"all for a fantasy crystal. "⁓

⁓"Fantasy or not, it was a gift from the Clan and Daddy wants it back."⁓ Scarleth replies and begins to remove her clothes.

Daphne sighs and tries to make a little memory and asks. ⁓"heart of what?"⁓ Scarleth rolls her eyes and answers. ⁓"heart of Dug..."⁓

the door opens and her mother interrupts them. ⁓ "Girls Steve I'm done meditating if you want to get in the pool you can now" ⁓ the girls see her mother's swimsuit and complain..

Steve listens to his family's talks and goes to the kitchen where Carmen is preparing food, Steve clears his throat to get attention and delivers a test gem...

Carmen receives the gem and runs to use it in the staff room, Fatima looks at Steve for a couple of seconds and then looks towards the staff room...

⁓ "Go, go" ⁓ Steve says and watches Fatima run in a hurry, when She opens the bedroom door he can see Carmen's back and at the moment Carmen begins to take off her dress, the door closes.. .

⁓"why are you smiling" ⁓ Dayanne questions. Turning around and looking at his mother's bathing suit, Steve's jaw dropped...

When he notices her reaction, Dayanne models the two-piece swimsuit, but before continuing with the jokes, she hears the voice of her daughters and runs to the exit. For his part, Steve went to sit on the sofa and tries to hide it a bit...

The two girls chat happily and see Steve sitting quietly in the living room, they come over to show off their swimsuits and tease Steve a bit. but the three of them are surprised by Carmen who runs out of the guest bedroom with a gem proof in your hand...

Carmen: 🟠 Perception: 80% concentration..

the gem is 80% on top and was perception. what astonishes everyone is that Carmen was completely naked and realizing this, the poor woman runs back making her buttocks jump...

causing the laughter of all, but where the hostile sparks flew, it was before the meal with the arrival of the assistants and to the surprise of all the two girls also used the test gems...

Stefany 🔵 Intelligence: 80% concentration.

Valery. 🟡 Agility: 80% concentration.

After several operations, it was Stefany who was able to find the percentage for synchronization taking a day, equal to 1% as a reference. that meant that it must take 100 days to get 100% synchronization and in about 30 days I would use the space again...

At that moment Fatima ran into the living room and told us: ⁓ "Mrs. Alejandra is back and wants to talk to you."⁓ I heard my sister Daphne's grumpy snort as she nodded and ordered: ⁓ "Fatima tell her to come up. "⁓ Not only the grandmother had gone up to the apartment, but also my aunt Matilde, my aunt Cristal and finally the housekeeper. having to go out to the terrace because the living room is very small...

Everyone noticed the grandmother's change when she put on a white dress that highlights her figure and contrasts with her dark underwear and not only the grandmother used this tactic, my aunts also wore tight or short clothes.


after hitting my head, Daphne tells me annoyed. ⁓ "pay attention, don't fall for those tricks" ⁓ with a smile on her lips, my grandmother crosses her arms in front and puts them under her chest and raises her bust, my aunt Cristal and Matilde cross their legs and between their legs a colored triangle is observed...

Daphne was desperate to see her fool of a brother being tricked and calls for backup.. ⁓"who knows how to negotiate"⁓ Valery and Stefany raise their hands..

Daphne pushes Steve out of her chair. ⁓"take off, the women are going to negotiate. "⁓


✨ Remember to add to the library with that I know that you like the story and I will give it more priority.✨