

It all started with a simple message on the smartphone. ⚠️ There's a milf in your area. ⚠️ With some doubt Steve looks at the screen trying to make a little memory to know when I download this application. Seconds later, a new message arrived on the Smartphone. It was the image of the Milf along with the rewards. The second message was worse than the first, because Steve knows the woman in the image perfectly. this seemed more like a scam than a Quest. with a bright smile Steve was ready to delete the pair of messages along with the app. only before, a knock on the bedroom wall, scares Steve and presses. [ OK ] by mistake. But Steve's troubles had just started. ....

SHAMEFUL · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
37 Chs

Arrival at the Academy of Magic.

✨ please, Take your time to read. ✨

Steve watched the little ape climb onto the carriage roof and order the four mighty Golden Gorillas to take up their positions at the carriage's side..

The little ape was the classic cranky commander, yelling orders at him at all times. after laughing a little Steve diverted his gaze towards the road where a large rabbit crossed from side to side ..

Steve's eyes widen in astonishment at the size of the rabbit, in his own words it was a dog dressed as a rabbit, seconds later a group of four hunters cross the road trying to catch up with the rabbit...

The four hunters are dressed in tanned leather armor, a couple of those hunters have a short sword in their hand, another hunter carries a pair of daggers and the last one tries to take aim with a bow.

Among that small group of hunters, is the boy who came with Steve to the square. Meters later the archer hits one of several arrows on the rabbit's back and one of the hunters reaches the wounded rabbit and strikes his sword hard on the rabbit's head, unleashing a terrified shriek.

The animal fell after the second blow, the blows on the rabbit created a wound and with a smile on his face, the young hunter put his hand inside the animal's body and began to rummage it excitedly.

After several seconds of rummaging around, the hunter's face changes to utter euphoria and he pulls his hand out of the limp body of the rabbit. A red rock the size of a marble appeared in the palm of his hand, the hunter shows the gem to his companions who let out several cries of emotion..

This ruckus from the hunters wakes up the carriage driver who says in surprise.►"Wow !!! good luck of those guys "◄

►"Do you know why? "◄ Steve asks the driver.

the driver nods and explains. ►"they just got a strength gem"◄ pointing to the rock in the young hunter's hands. ►"A force gem costs 10,000 DC coins in the current market."◄

the driver stops his chatter for a moment and sighs. ►"To go up to your next Rank you need to consume 20 of those gems and 100 gems to level up. "◄

Noticing that Steve paid attention to his comments, the driver silently nods several times and adds. ►"There are not only strength gems, there are 7 different types of gems that can help you get to the next rank."◄

Steve did some math and says. ►"That means I only have to have enough coins to rank up or level up."◄ Steve's comment made the driver in front of the carriage burst out laughing..

The moment the driver calms down, he shakes his head and continues saying. ►"Although this is easy to do and buy the gems, it is not recommended, because the gems don't just give you strength, dexterity, or intelligence.

By searching, finding and acquiring each of these gems, you gain experience in many ways, because not only your strength increases, but also your combat experience, terrain experience, beast type experience and other things.

When you buy all your gems, you lose all these learning opportunities and end up like those noble youths who die for no reason on the battlefield, because there are not only beasts in this world, always keep that in mind.. "◄

Steve nods silently several times.

The driver smiles and says. ►"Even if it takes you a long time, you must act with patience, your ascent is slow, but constant and above all, don't look if your neighbor's plate is full or empty, if you can help...

Help, .. if you want of course and if you don't, nothing happens. But don't be surprised that nobody wants to help you, when you have a problem..."◄

At the end of his words, the driver of the carriage hits the rein and the horses move forward. for some strange reason the little ape is sitting quietly listening to the driver of the carriage just like Steve...

As they leave the village behind the carriage, another group of hunters excitedly heads into the forest...

At the edge of the forest, that group of hunters found a beast and immediately the group began to fight against this beast. an animal the size of an adult dog, reddish fur with black stripes and a white fringe or tuft on its head....

The strategy of the group of hunters is simple, two people attack head-on with their swords, while another attacks from a distance and the last one watches the surroundings for possible ambushes...

It didn't take long for the carriage to outrun this group of hunters, but several meters ahead another group was fighting another beast and then another group and another...

This is repeated for a couple of kilometers along the way, finding a group of hunters that stands out from the rest, due to the size of the group and the beast they face.

The beast they fight is some kind of rabbit, taken from some science experiment gone wrong. because of the great size of the beast..

The animal is eight to ten times the size of an adult rabbit, were it not for its long ears, padded fur, tail, and feet. Anyone with the naked eye would think this beast is a sheep or an albino kangaroo.

I was surprised by the fierceness of the attacks by both sides.

since the rabbit at no time wanted to escape from the group of hunters. The coachman hit the reins a couple of times accelerating the trot of the horses..

The sound of the shouts of various groups of hunters grew fainter as the carriage moved forward,

A couple of seconds later, the carriage completely moved away from the fight between beasts and that group of hunters...

This is how we started our journey.

The Forest grew denser as the carriage kept moving forward...

I manage to see several shadows that are hidden among the trees on the banks of the road. some of those shadows are from beasts and others belonged to hunters, but they don't dare to make their attack...

The Golden Gorillas were aware of their presence and with a heavy snort they controlled the entire situation.

Most of the road is in excellent condition and the movement of the carriage is hardly felt. To pass the time, I took out some books and began to read.

Minutes later the carriage slows down, the little ape enters the carriage and begins to say with gestures what he has seen. Seconds later the carriage driver yells at me. ► "Sir further down the road, there is a group of hunters. "◄

►"Okay, don't stop."◄ I answer and try to continue with my reading..

►"Sir, the hunters ask me to stop."◄ the scared driver tells me..

I peeked through the small window to see the problem..

They are two teams of hunters in the middle of the road..

The first group is 6 to 8 hunters who are closely watching the second group. a smaller team of 3 men, dressed in clothes from the last century, but very elegant and ostentatious...

The 3 boys surround a young lady, the girl wears elegant Victorian-style clothes. a long, pompous purple dress..

The dress covers the young lady's ankles and she needs to hold the sides of her dress to avoid soiling or stepping on the fabric..

As the carriage approaches the group of hunters, I immediately notice the bright smiles on the faces of those three boys towards the young lady...

A series of possible events began to run through my head and in my little experience, that group of young people is a huge red flag.

Whether it's the boys or the girl, this kind of thing always ends badly...

►"Keep driving "◄ I tell the driver, before sticking my head In, drawing the curtain and closing the window..

The driver hits the reins hard and the trot of the horses increases, the Golden Gorillas follow the carriage closely, the hunters looking closely at these beasts quickly move away from the road. Even the youngsters themselves try to hide in the undergrowth along the road.

No one from the group of hunters dared to protest or want to stop the carriage, the golden Gorillas are the main reason.

Our trip to the city lasted two and a half hours.

Most of the time it was quiet and I take advantage of this time to read some essential things about the place I arrived at...

On the road, apart from that group of young hunters, we also meet other teams of different sizes and they just move away from the road without any problem.

When the city wall appeared, the driver yelled at me a couple of times for him to show me..

I peeked out the nearest window and when he stuck his head out, the image of the imposing wall left me open-mouthed..

The great wall is made of beige rocks with a minimum height of 50 meters. there are several people upstairs.

On the driver's recommendation I had to remove the four Golden Gorillas or the city guard would give an attack alert which would result in a lot of trouble.

the wall and the land are divided by a moat several meters wide and to reach the entrance we had to cross a bridge...

At the Entrance Gate, we were greeted by a squad of knights clad in silver plate armor, after showing the letter and paying a fee of 100 DC coins we entered Indra City without any problem.

The carriage advanced hundreds of meters until it reached some stables, in this place our journey ended.

I sincerely thank the driver and pay the 200 DC coins for the trip, plus an additional 500 coins...

I look around and start to walk following the main road to the center of the city.

My clothes have remained the same since I entered this Kingdom, this causes the people who call themselves guides to give me a brief look before continuing on their way in search of people who could pay for their services.

Following the signs on the streets, I gradually enter the wide main avenues of the city.

On the edge of the streets a number of shops with different types of items, mostly equipment for warriors or hunters. When I find a store that sells city maps, I go in and buy a couple of these...

The man at the store counter told me about the type of transport used within the city called "rickshaws" they are small carts pulled by one person, like the ones used in Shanghai...

The boy who touched me charged me 50 coins and showed me the most important areas of the city such as squares, parks, chambers of commerce, as well as the most important combat schools.

I was left with my mouth open when passing by the hunters' association, it happened again with the mansion of the lord of the city and with the imposing castle in the distance, property of the King.

When the boy entered the grounds of the wizard academy, I was somewhat distracted looking at the map in my hands, until the young man told me. ► "I'm here sir "◄ that catches my attention and I look up...

If the previous places were great, the magic academy was out of this world.

At the entrance, there are two golden gates of twenty feet or more, each gate with the most impressive details that I have ever seen...

On each gate the emblem of the magic academy, within the right emblem, a magician invoking a ball of fire, on the left side a witch invoking lightning, at both ends of the gate a wall twelve meters high, on the edge of the wall on the right, a line of people waiting their turn, that line of people goes as far as I can see...

All those people waiting for their chance to get in. Upon reaching the gates, people are greeted one by one by a man sitting behind a desk dressed in a purple tunic...

The poor guy and his car literally ran away, after receiving the coins from my...

I walked the rest of the way, as fast as I could and before reaching the gates of the academy I am stopped by two gentlemen dressed in black tunics. ( like the ones used in Skyrim. )

One of the gentlemen points to the line of people next to the wall and says. ► "you must line up" ◄ while the other gentleman next to him nods silently..

►"Sure"◄ I reply, before walking to the end of the line.

I know that I had Mephisto's letter in my hands and this letter gave me a certain status to enter the Academy. But something inside my mind told me to refrain from doing such a foolish thing, unless I wanted to have everyone around me circling like flies to shit...

With this in mind, I advanced a couple of meters, when one of the gentlemen behind me asked. ►"Anything you have to say? "◄ I turned to see the man for a moment, before shaking my head a couple of times and continuing on my way...

It was easy to find the last seat in line, the hard part was getting to it. It's like being at the opening of a rock concert.

They even smell like those people..

I am not the last in line, because more boys and girls lined up behind me and each one of these young people waits their turn patiently and from time to time, a boy or girl would arrive, attracting attention.

As a concert star...

Some of these guys enter without problems, unleashing the astonishment of the people lined up, others are returned without excuse or pretext and the rest have to line up to wait their turn.

Also, from time to time, a prospective young man or lady, sets off the alarms, calling the attention of those gentlemen in dark robes. while I patiently wait my turn I am listening to some comments around me...

One of the boys tells his partner excitedly. ► "I collect a drop of Mana a month." ◄ The boy next to him smiles arrogantly and raises his hand showing four fingers and adds. ►"four drops"◄

The boy ahead of this pair of young people, he comments aloud. ► "eight drops of mana" ◄ another boy raises his voice and shouts ► "ten drops a month" ◄

Suddenly, young men and women begin to shout the number of drops of mana collected per month, as a result of meditation, and I can understand the importance of generating more than one drop of mana every certain time...

►"It can be said that the generation of mana is your first obstacle that you must overcome on your own. This is known as talent."◄ a boy says to me from behind me.

He then hands me a booklet and adds ► "The more mana drops you generate, the higher your talent is." ◄

When reading the brochure he brings the following information..

[ Terrible Talent ] generates a single drop of mana per month.

[ Bad Talent ] generates one to ten mana drops per month.

[ Regular Talent ] generates ten to one hundred drops of mana per month.

[ Good Talent ] generates 100 to 1000 mana drops per month.

[ Very Good Talent ] generates 1000 to 10,000 mana drops per month.

[Excellent Talent] generates more than 10,000 drops per month..

Steve looked at the brochure and after reading the information, he wrinkled his face in pain, as if this were not enough from a distance, the two gentlemen in dark robes receive a young man as if he were the god of the academy.

Listening to some comments that young man had a "good talent" and is treated like a celebrity..

With this idea in mind Steve asks himself the most basic question, what would happen if they knew the monsoon that unleashed on my mind, every time I meditate...

The guy behind gave Steve a couple of pats on the back saying.. ► "Not all of us were born to be geniuses in this world, cheer up, you shouldn't be sad" ◄ In response Steve smiles awkwardly, the boy looks at Steve from head to toe and sighs sadly, after seeing the type of outfit Steve wears...

The Young Man begins to rummage through the pockets of his jacket and takes out a vial with a drop of Mana. ►"here"◄ says the boy, handing the vial to Steve...

By the time Steve receives the container, two girls come up and one of the girls comments. ► "Billy Mr. Miller will receive us in his office." ◄ the boy nods ..

The second girl looks at Steve and comments. ►"There's only room for one."◄ Looking at Steve the first girl adds. ►"sorry kid, nothing personal. "◄

The boy named Billy nods again and leaves the line, the two girls give Steve the last look and the three boys walk away towards one of the gentlemen in dark robes.

The selection process for new magic students was too slow, added to the fact that several people joined the queue clandestinely...

After several hours of waiting and before dark it was finally Steve's turn to go do his test...

The person in charge looked at Steve from head to toe, then pointed to the jewel of test in the middle of the desk and said. ► "Let's know your talent, you just have to touch the gem." ◄ Steve remembered Grandma's words, quickly took the letter out of her pocket and handed it to the manager..

With some doubt in his eyes, the person in charge received the letter and after reading the first lines. the man in charge of the test, low the letter and with an incredulous look on his face, looked again at Steve carefully...

► "Do you have the brooch? "◄ asks the manager..

Steve nods and shows the brooch delivered by Mephisto, the manager stutters a few sentences, then clears his throat and rings a small bell.

Seconds later a person dressed in a gray robe appears, greets the manager with a small bow and asks. ►"say delegate"◄ the delegate points to Steve and says. ►"Erik show him the whole academy."◄

The young man nods and motions for Steve to follow him, as the two start walking, the manager calls out. ► "I sincerely hope that the Lord considers staying in our academy .." ◄ Steve just smiled and nodded in response, because he had no idea what the manager meant ..

But the young Erik next to him was the complete opposite and immediately made several deductions. The young couple had advanced several meters, when they found themselves face to face with a crowd of people near the entrance...

All these people are lined up in a row.

It is a total of ten people all dressed in dark robes and showing their best smiles, among those people are the two gentlemen who stopped Steve hours before and trying to show their best smiles...

Another person in that line was the one who helped the boy named Billy to enter the academy earlier.

This type of attitude from the instructors made the moment very uncomfortable in view of the two young people...

To make some sense of the situation Erik, the boy who accompanies Steve comments. ► "All of them are instructors and you can consult their teachings whenever you need, but remember that any consultation generates fees."◄ Having said this, the young couple greets all the instructors and they move towards the first building of the academy.

Before Erick begins with his explanation, a group of young people dressed in gray robes approached where Steve was and contrary to any expectation, the group of young people smiled and greeted Erik from a distance, before continuing on their way..

Although this type of action was outside the usual dealings of the students, Erick at first did not take it into account and continued with his journey...

Meters later another group reappears and greets Erick cordially again, so the groups of students kept appearing suddenly...

It wasn't until Steve, full of interruptions to the journey, comments... ► "yes, you're popular"◄ when watching the fifth group of young people walk away after greeting Erick,...

Young Erick shakes his head several times, scrunches up his face, and answers. ►"it's not me they're looking for"◄ watches the youngsters walk away and then turns his gaze to Steve before pointing at him. ►"it's for you."◄

While both young people advance through the Academy, not only the first-year students appear spontaneously, but also instructors, teachers, delegates, managers, inspectors, even the cooks and the people who are in charge of cleaning and security in the academy.

This made the visit to the academy facilities somewhat slow and when they reached the private villas, Erick comments ► "this is the best place in the entire academy to stay, but its cost is astronomical if not ridiculous... "◄

►"what is your cost? "◄ asks Steve curiously.

►"1000 drops of mana per month, in its most basic service and about 10,000 drops in the VIP service. But there are rumors that there is a secret service and very few can afford it."◄ Erick comments trying to create an atmosphere of mystery. and adds. ►"I feel that they are just hoaxes from the academy, so that the students pay for something that does not exist."◄

Steve looks at the villas for several seconds and then follows Erick to visit one of the most important facilities in a magic academy.



✨ Remember to add to the library with that I know that you like the story and I will give it more priority.✨