

It all started with a simple message on the smartphone. ⚠️ There's a milf in your area. ⚠️ With some doubt Steve looks at the screen trying to make a little memory to know when I download this application. Seconds later, a new message arrived on the Smartphone. It was the image of the Milf along with the rewards. The second message was worse than the first, because Steve knows the woman in the image perfectly. this seemed more like a scam than a Quest. with a bright smile Steve was ready to delete the pair of messages along with the app. only before, a knock on the bedroom wall, scares Steve and presses. [ OK ] by mistake. But Steve's troubles had just started. ....

SHAMEFUL · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
37 Chs

1st capture of pokeMilf

✨__happy new year guys, please, Take your time to read. ⭐

watch Roberth play on PC just last the first 30 min. before I get completely bored and decide to leave without saying anything, even though I spoke to Roberth a couple of times, he kept ignoring my presence. (I hope he concentrates on his studies as well as on the screen.) I think before opening the bedroom door.

On the way back home I received several messages and just looking at the screen for a few seconds made me roll my eyes, since both Stefany and Valery's percentage shot from 5% to 30% at this rate they will reach 50 % at the end of the day.

Because of this, I think about my long-term plans, because if I looked at it from a realistic perspective, my life was figured out for the next 5 years. the only thing was to have a low profile.

as long as I continued with the perfect formula, to create enough money, supported my assistants in the company and that it expand little by little.

without my father or the family sticking their noses in.

The only thing I need is to have enough time for everything to develop, just thinking about the face my father will make when he receives my revenge, a big smile spread on my face.

🔔 *ding-ding*

After hearing a different sound, I immediately check my Smartphone, it's a message from Stefany.

she says. "Mr. Steve, I have three candidates for the job as a cook, I am sending you a photo along with their references. All three are excellent." I open the attached document and the first person is a lady named Lucrecia with several cooking degrees in schools private.

the second was a lady named Bianca, a prestigious chef who has participated in cooking tournaments and finally. I was surprised to see Mrs. Carmen on the list with very poor references since her work in the kitchen is inherited from her granmom. her being the least qualified according to her reference compared to the other two women.

my decision was made in seconds, choosing Mrs. Carmen over the others, with barely a glance at her references. When answering the message to Stefany, he specified thah give him a good salary with a contract of absolute silence.

Solved this problem, I put my phone away and wait for transportation at the bus stop, to go back home.

10 minutes. later.

The bus arrived and I approached, ready to get on the bus, but the same guy from the morning was driving and decided to pass me by. To avoid any suspicion from the driver, I enter the first nearest establishment until the bus moves forward.

due to my lack of cash, he could not buy anything from the store, with this I realized my lack of bills at hand and after asking for some indications with the clerk behind the store window. I find a closest bank branch just two streets ahead.

The bank branch was in an accessible place on the edge of the street and the young man who attends me at the window behaved strangely. offering me some plans and facilities to get a mortgage or a loan to have my own home. Obviously I refuse and I have to do it a couple of times until the young man stopped insisting on comfortable payments.

The young man took me to the private room with one of the available executives.

minutes later.

I only took out 1.DC = $4400 USD, leaving 15 DC in my account, which caused the executive to change his attitude with some measures as if he were looking at a juicy piece of meat, causing him to start salivating...

I had to refuse again to put all my money in an account with bank interest regardless of the fact that the executive offers me 5% annual interest.

The executive did not like my answer and he was giving me a bad face for the rest of the time until leaving the bank.

with the money in my pocket, I board a taxi to return home. I do not pay much attention to this type of attitude and I justify the actions of the pair of employees to obtain easy money due to the commission they earn.

Getting out of the cab I paid $30 USD and waited a moment for the cab to leave before heading home.

It's not paranoia, it's for my safety.

When I entered the house, my aunt was sitting on the sofa, which was somewhat strange to me, because my aunt was ready to go out to a party.

my eyes delight in the half-cup neckline of the short dress, I trace the outline of her figure and my eyes focus on her crossed legs covered in black silk tights, on her feet high-heeled slippers. that match her red dress. on her cheeks a little makeup, which gave her a fresh and youthful air. Her hair perfectly styled with a ponytail at the end. the effort of the stylist is noticeable because none of her hair stands out..

the different faces that Steve was making when observing Matilde's appearance take him from astonishment to desire in several seconds. provoking a satisfied smile on Matilde's face. Wthat woman is not happy to feel flattered by her beauty.

⁓ "You're beautiful"⁓ Steve comments aloud, getting Matilde's attention, who smiles shyly and nods in appreciation.

⁓ "Where are you going to take me to eat?" Matilde asks, leaving Steve speechless who now had a big problem. because he couldn't go to a recognized restaurant without his family and especially his father finding out.

without thinking for long Steve immediately answers him. ⁓ "Okay, let's go to the Walton Restaurant club." ⁓ The answer, although simple, had a lot of meaning.

upon hearing the proposal, unconsciously the smile on Matilde's face became brighter and she nodded a couple of times and no matter how much she wanted to hide her joy, her face betrayed her.

After calming down her emotion, Matilde tells her stuttering. ⁓ "Go... to... change in bed.... you'll find your clothes." ⁓ This surprised Steve and he couldn't help but ask him. ⁓"you expected this answer. "⁓

⁓ "My expectations weren't that high and honestly I was also surprised by your proposal." ⁓ Matilde responds being as sincere as possible and adds seconds later. ⁓"if you want to change the restaurant I'll be fine with that"⁓

⁓ "No," ⁓ Steve replies before walking to his bedroom, remembering something he stops and looks at his aunt who gets up from the couch. ⁓ "What happened to your hand." ⁓ Pointing to her handbag that covers it.

Matilde shows her her left hand and jokingly says. ⁓ "It's for lack of a ring" ⁓ putting her fingers in front.

Steve rolls his eyes.

Matilde smiles and changes her handbag, to later do the same movement, now with her other hand. showing her bandaged knuckles with small blood stains and she comment. ⁓ "In the morning I met an idiot and I had to smash his face in." ⁓ Matilde looks at her hand and remembering the incident she smiles and adds. ⁓ "The damned one has a head as hard as a rock, so I had to help him a bit. you know, Loosening a couple of his teeth. " ⁓ At the end of her words, Matilde begins to laugh out loud, and she walks towards her bedroom.

Steve sighed before resuming his steps to the bedroom, shaking his head several times, his aunt had no salvation..

while Steve bathes and changes clothes. Without giving many explanations, I send a message with the address and precise indications, so that Valery would bring one of the cars in front of the door of the house.

The smile on Steve's face appeared suddenly as he remembered that just a couple of hours ago he made plans for the next 5 years. but at this time he will go to eat with his aunt in the family restaurant.

minutes later.

🔊 Beep-Beep

Upon hearing the car horn, both Steve and Matilde left their respective rooms. ⁓ "Who is it?"⁓ Matilde asks, looking at Steve who just shrugs without answering the question.

Matilde's curiosity gets the better of her and she runs to look at one of the kitchen windows, causing Steve to peek at her aunt's trembling butt as she runs to the window.

⁓ "I don't see anyone, but the car is nice" ⁓ Matilde comments, but Steve's suspicious silence makes her look back.

discovering Steve in zombie mode, biting his bottom lip and following the look in her eyes Matilde didn't need to be a thermonuclear scientist to figure out what this scoundrel was looking at.

Out of all expectations, Matilde uses the sink to lean her body forward sticking her hip out to give this scoundrel a better view, to the point where her dress slides up to reveal the chubby buttocks.

After several minutes of showing her bottom, Matilde gets up from the sink and comments, shaking her hands. ⁓ "I don't see anyone" ⁓ for his part Steve wakes up and comments. ⁓ "Are you sure, you can stare longer ?" ⁓ as Steve tries to hide his boner, sticking his hands in his pockets.

leaving the house Steve stays behind to lock the door.

Matilda's face turns red as she awaits Steve's arrival.

this simple gesture shows Steve's true intentions, which did not go unnoticed by the lady.

After several steps from Steve, he stopped at Matilde's side and lifted her elbow.. When looking at this gesture, Matilde lets out a snort feigning annoyance, but her cheeks and part of her neck turn even redder as she approaches and grabs the hug.

This did not come to Steve for free. Matilde takes advantage of this moment to pinch Steve's arm, while a flurry of questions was released. completely overwhelming a clueless Steve who is concentrating on the softness of her breasts pressing against his arm.

Steve's babbling was double his footsteps.

upon reaching the car and opening the passenger door. Matilde carefully observes the empty car. After a quick inspection, Matilde narrows her eyes and returns to see Steve with her threatening look.

Steve tries to smile awkwardly.

Upon entering the car, Matilde sits down, puffing, and begins to look everywhere for clues, but the car was completely clean. Finding no proof, the woman frowns and tells him. ⁓ "What are you waiting for? It's time to go." ⁓ Steve was still at the side of the car, without closing the door.

Steve's smile grew awkward. after the comment.

Matilde rushes him. ⁓"go Go "⁓

Out of options Steve is forced to mutter ⁓"I can't"⁓

⁓ "You can't what? "⁓ answers Matilde even more annoyed.

⁓"driving"⁓ Steve replies ruefully.

⁓ "with that you would have started" ⁓ Matilde comments before getting out of the car and surrounding it, while she continues muttering an infinity of things under her breath.

On the way to the restaurant, Matilde's temper softened when she felt Steve's eyes glued to her legs, every time the woman lifts her foot to speed up she makes her dress run through showing part of the tasty lunch.

a succulent and chubby cameltoe.

Upon entering the restaurant, it was impossible for the people or workers not to recognize the couple, when their faces are in the pictures on the walls of the establishment.

the hostess together with the captain of waiters were left with their mouths open, when they received the request to get a free table, they forgot to welcome.

Being part of the Walton Family, the couple was taken to the prestigious table, receiving the best service at no cost according to family rules.

the food was very simple not to call it symbolic, the only one who ate was Matilde. as Steve was still fully booked.

the Caesar-style vegetable salad was accompanied by a bottle of Walton 3rd generation reserve red wine.

Steve raises his glass in full view of everyone and says. ⁓"for better days. "⁓ carrying out the initial toast under the expectant gaze of workers and diners who did not lose detail.

the woman's face was completely red matching her dress, but she also raises the glass and clinks the glasses. Matilde answers the toast in a low voice, almost a whisper. ⁓ "And endless nights of passion."⁓ After the first toast, two more followed, finishing the bottle.

Upon noticing the empty bottle, one of the three waiters in charge of the service came up to ask if he needed the next bottle.

the one who answered was Matilde with a resounding ⁓"No"⁓ she understood the Walton family tradition and added. ⁓"time to go"⁓ to which Steve just nodded a couple of times and asks for the check. surprising Matilde and the waiters. who did not know how to react for several seconds. until the captain of waiters raises his voice and answers. ⁓"in a moment please sir"⁓.

Just for the bottle it was $16,000USD +$500USD for the salad, without much drama Steve took out his Smartphone and deposited $5DC and had the luxury of adding ⁓"the rest is a tip for the guys"⁓ pointing to the waiters.

The waiter nodded confirming the instructions and before the waiter leaves, Matilde's voice breaks the silence with an unexpected question. ⁓ "You're a hunter" ⁓ pointing to the mode of payment, leaving Steve speechless at not knowing what he means.

Realizing the mistake, Matilde raises her hand preventing Steve from talking about it and says. ⁓ "Come on it's time to go" ⁓ as she gets up and takes her bag.

The couple left the restaurant under the gaze and comments of several people, including the workers, who wasted no time and began making several calls.

When Steve and Matilde got into the car, they took out their phones almost at the same time and immediately put external calls and messages out of service to avoid inconvenience.

⁓ "It's strange that no one called us, while we were inside eating." ⁓ Steve comments with a frown.

⁓ "That's normal" ⁓ Matilde answers a little nervously, she starts the car and drives through the parking lot towards the exit.

Before she reaches the street, she asks Steve. ⁓ "I want to go to a more private and quiet place, do you know any?" ⁓ Steve's excitement shines in her eyes and she answers quickly. ⁓"done "⁓ completely forgetting the last theme of the restaurant.

After several precise indications they arrived at the building.

Matilde frowns as she reads the sign. "Macarra" she turns back to see Steve's stupid smile who immediately tells her to enter the parking lot.

When parking the car, Steve was the first to get off and led the way to the private elevator, while Matilde followed Steve, looking at the place and giving some comments on security and lighting.

Steve opened the elevator doors and entered, waiting for Matilde to enter.

Matilde checks the ceiling and the corners of the elevator before asking. ⁓"has surveillance "⁓

⁓ "None," ⁓ Steve replies, as he watches the elevator doors close.

hearing the doors slam shut.

Steve looks at Matilde and Matilde looks back at him for several seconds, as if she had a magnet in her body. Matilde throws herself on Steve without warning and begins a wild round of kissing that lasts for several seconds until the elevator opens again causing the couple to suddenly let go, returning to their respective distances.

Oddly enough, neither of them commented on it.

the elevator doors are open for several seconds causing the two to look at each other with fire in their eyes, while the elevator doors begin to close.

When the doors closed, the blow was taken as the beginning of the next exchange of kisses, even more intense than the first ones, causing several clashes between teeth that provoke Matilde's laughter, which she does not miss the opportunity to comment on. ⁓"Calm down tiger, slow down. "⁓

Her comment made their next round of kisses slower. Steve took his time to enjoy the exchange of saliva.

⁓ "Yeah baby" ⁓ Matilde moans, and by parting her lips she doesn't miss the opportunity to make her lips thunder with Steve's in a sensual way.

to enjoy the kisses of he. *MMMich* *MMMich*

⁓ "Now, kiss my neck tiger and go up to my ear." ⁓ Matilde comments guiding Steve that without wasting time, she follows the instructions to the letter. Matilde's body trembles with satisfaction as she feels the kisses Steve go over her skin along with some touches tongue.

Matilde raises her head and moves it back, giving Steve more comfort and space to continue kissing, up to her ear and then down her neck, causing Matilde to hold on to Steve's shoulders to avoid falling.

Steve leans Matilde's body against the wall of the elevator to have her hands free and immediately his hands go from Matilde's waist to hip, while Steve's lips are about to sink together with his face between the breasts of the woman who I started panting...

Upon feeling the kisses, Matilde with great effort holds Steve's hands on both sides and lifts her chest. this causes Steve's face to sag a bit more, lowering the neckline of his dress.

Steve takes advantage of the situation and begins to kiss the soft white skin above his breasts, working his way down little by little.

filling 1/4 of both breasts with a thin layer of saliva that shines in the light of the elevator.

Sensing the danger, Matilde wants to stop her advances before Steve reaches her nipples. but she can't let go of Steve's hands. that cling to his hips or end up lifting his dress ..

Matilde is forced to lower her hands, to prevent her dress from going up and she lets go of one of her hands, pressing the button to open the elevator door as a last resort...

this causes Steve to stop and separate the body from she.

⁓"God"⁓ comments Matilde. as she fixes her cleavage and lowers her dress, letting out several menacing snorts.

Steve lets out several smiles as an apology, causing Matilde to laugh and she shakes her head a couple of times and adds. ⁓ "Maybe you thought about fucking me inside the elevator" ⁓ Steve's silence answers the question.

Matilde forced Steve to keep the elevator doors open while she finished fixing his dress.

When they get out of the elevator, the two walk arm in arm as if nothing had happened seconds before... exchanging some comments about who owns this place, how many people live, who is inside at the moment and how long they can be here.

each of the questions was answered by a smiling Steve who opened each of the doors until he entered the penthouse.

Closing the front door Matilde wasted no more time and grabbed Steve's hand.

Steve was guiding Matilde until he reached the closest room, leaving the tour of the penthouse for later.

Upon entering the bedroom, Matilde moves forward a little, facing the bed with her back to Steve, who stops, but before closing the door. Matilde grabs the bottom of his dress and begins to lift it little by little.

Steve leaves the door to one side, to focus all of his attention on the spectacle in front of his eyes, as he begins to remove his suit and throw it on the floor, following Matilde's example.

Steve took off his shoes with his feet and throws them without looking into a corner, then he continues with the belt and drops his pants to the floor. the buttons of the shirt flew in various parts when he pulls hard and finally makes a ball along with the underwear as fast as he could.

at the moment when Matilde takes her hand to her back to remove the clasp from her bra. Steve takes advantage of this moment to get closer and sticks his body to Matilde's.

he makes Matilde's body tremble a little as he feels the furious dragon hit her behind, and then slide between her legs.

Steve helps remove the clasp and drops the bra on the floor.

Matilda slowly turned around and facing Steve, her gaze lowered for a moment and she swallowed a little of saliva, as she looked at the beast that greeted her.

this causes Matilde to tell him in a low voice. ⁓"let's go easy. "⁓.

Steve interrupts his words by throwing himself over Matilde's body beginning a round of intense kisses, while her hands run over and rub her back.

Matilde hugs Steve's neck and kisses back, until she is out of breath, causing her to raise her head to take several breaths in search of air and closes her eyes when she feels how Steve begins to kiss her neck.

Steve goes down every inch of skin with his kisses and this time there is nothing and no one to stop him, until he reaches the elevation of the breasts.

Steve turns his face away from breasts, to take a couple of seconds admiring Matilde's breasts more closely and pounces on the left nipple to suck several times, before releasing it and moving on to the other nipple. repeating the same actions, while he holds her breasts in her hands, plunging her fingers into the soft skin that he presses a couple of times.

Matilde's body trembles like a leaf in the wind, while she is carried little by little towards the bed. Steve lays Matilde's body down on the bed and leans her body forward to hold her panties on either side of her hips.

Matilde lifts her legs and Steve pulls her panties off, then throws them back without seeing where they fall. like a bullfighter entering the ring with his hat.

Matilde opens her legs in welcome, as she looks Steve into her eyes and licks her lips before giving him any indication. Steve slowly approaches grabbing the dragon and guides it into the cave, on the folds of the entrance.

Matilde wets her lips again and her breathing begins to accelerate as she feels how the dragon slowly slips into her cave. causing Matilde to support her weight on her elbows to her sides, to lift her body. she closes her eyes and throws her head behind her with a groan of satisfaction, as she tries to hold on to the sheet with your fingers.

Steve stops the dragon's advance, just as Matilde stops the wails.

Steve does his hip back and before pulling the dragon completely out of the cave. he forcefully pushes it forward. in a rocking motion.

this causes Matilde's body to tremble and open her eyes wide, while she complains about the savagery when fucking .. ⁓ "slowly" ⁓

Steve turns a deaf ear to all of the following complaints and throws his hips back again, repeating the same formula.

Steve's hip movements increased over time, until his skin collided, generating a *plap* sound alternated with various moans from Matilde. ⁓ "God * clap * god * clap * wait, wait, * clap * oh my god." ⁓ She making various hand gestures for Steve to stop.

Seeing that there was no response, Matilde puts her forearm over her face to cover her eyes and try to resist Steve's intense thrusts on her cave. like there was no tomorrow.

Matilde arches her back and lets out a cry announcing the first bullfight of the afternoon. filling the dragon with abundant nectar that facilitates its sliding. this accelerates Steve's thrusts causing Matilda to open her mouth and roll her eyes at the intensity.

This causes Steve's excitement to reach the clouds and he moves his hips more violently. at the same time he holds Matilde's hands by her sides. while he continues hammering her. until his dragon explodes with abundant seed inside Matilde's cave.

Steve lets out a howl of satisfaction as he cums.

in the corner of the room the Smartphone screen lights up announcing various messages including his first ability along with a new Quest. Steve heard the messages ring due to the silence as he finished cumming.

He looked at Matilde that she was still having her last spasms and her eyes were totally blank from cumming for the 2nd time and Steve decides to separate her bodies.

bringing out her dragon bathed in nectar leaving Matilde to rest.

I look back at the Smartphone. When reviewing the content of the messages they looked like science fiction, perhaps the App wanted to tease with his gift for finishing the tutorial. (What shi* is the manna for) thinks Steve.

⁓ "Wow $50 DCfor each cumms." ⁓ He comments when reading the next message. which makes him look back at Matilde, while licking her lips.

it was time to collect the rent.

Steve approaches with his dragon ready for action. tossed the smartphone over the clothes and the screen displayed the latest Status message:


Name: Steve Walton.

Range: ???

Specialty. [ MILF HUNTER ]

Status: [ Active ]

Source: [ Mana ] "New"

Strength: [ + 11 ]

Luck: [ + 9.6 ]

Skill [ 0 ]

Passive Skill: [ Active ] ( Capture Essence )

Current MILFs: = [ 1/10 ]

( Aunt ) Matilde Walton: [ 81%] strength +1 ( blowjob or sex)

Remarks: He needs to level up his hunter to have a higher Milf ability.



Capture Process: [ 10 ]

(Grandma) Alexandra Spencer: [30%]

(Aunt) Cristal Walton: [ 30% ]

(Aunt) Rebeca Walton: [ 30% ]

(Aunt) Felicia Lennox: [ 30% ]

(Sister) Scarleth Walton: [30%]

(Assistant) Valery Harrison: [30%]

(Assistant) Stefany Edwards: [30%]

(Mother) Dayanna Stuart: [ 10% ]

( Teacher ) Naomy Sullivan [ 10% ]

(student) Karely Davison [2%] "New"



⭐remember to add to the library with that I know that you like the story and I will give it more priority.⭐